The benchmark domestic indices ended Wednesday’s trading session in positive territory. The NSE Nifty 50 gained 0.26% to settle at 19,716.45, while the BSE Sensex added over 170 points to 66,118.69. The border indices settled in green, with gains led by Midcaps and Smallcaps stocks. The Bank Nifty index slipped 0.08% to 44,588.30. The other sectoral indices also settled broadly in the green. Pharma, PSU Bank and FMCG stocks led the gains among the other sectoral indices, while Financial Services stocks witnessed a fall.
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#Sensex #Nifty50 #BankNifty
Disclaimer: The views and investment tips expressed by experts on GoodReturns are their own and not those of the website or its management. GoodReturns advises users to check with certified experts before taking any investment decisions.
#Sensex #Nifty50 #BankNifty
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:05 Today we saw a volatile session in Nifty.
00:09 Nifty opened in a negative note.
00:14 After a good recovery, it closed above 50 points.
00:18 Nifty closed at 19,716.
00:22 Sensex closed at 173.66100.
00:28 Bank Nifty did not recover.
00:32 Bank Nifty closed at 44,588.
00:35 It was 33 points negative.
00:38 Banking sector did not recover much.
00:42 So, losers in banking, finance and telecom sector.
00:52 Metal, IT, cement, construction, FMCG, auto were positive.
01:00 Stock specific, L&T finance, Mindtree, Cold India, ITC, Cipla were positive.
01:14 Titan, SBI, BPCL, Bajaj Auto, SGFC were negative.
01:24 It closed at 1% down.
01:29 Nifty's momentum has reversed.
01:33 Nifty's support is at 19,580 and 19,520.
01:42 The resistance is at 19,720 and 19,780.
01:52 The support from put side is at 19,600.
02:04 The support from call side is at 19,800.
02:10 The market can be volatile.
02:15 Tomorrow is expiry date.
02:17 The volatility is high.
02:21 But, according to buying side, Power, PSU, Pharma, and FMCG can appeal for buying side.
02:30 The profit booking zone in Nifty can be created in IT, Telecom, and Auto.
02:37 [MUSIC]