Guardiola reluctant to play academy side against Newcastle despite injury list (Full presser part two)

  • last year
Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola reluctant to play academy side against Newcastle in the Carabao Cup third round despite a growing injury list
00:00 With this competition itself, in the latter stages, two-legged semi-final, you won it
00:07 so many times, but does it take a lot out of the squad and does that impact on the Champions
00:16 League and other competitions?
00:22 What I said, this competition in this first round, second round, is perfect when you have
00:27 a squad ready that's perfect. Perfect. Because if you players don't play, you can't win.
00:33 But in the situation you have, you have to approach differently and prioritise other
00:41 things. What we want to try to do is perform bad, or perform not how we are in terms of
00:47 the principles and who we are as a team. Like it happened last season against Southampton,
00:51 the worst game I played being manager for Man City, by far. I didn't recognise anything
01:00 about that. You can lose, of course you can lose. Full credit to Southampton in that game,
01:05 but you have to be a minimum. And this is only I want in my team every single game and
01:09 every single competition. And tomorrow is going to happen, I'm pretty sure of that.
01:13 But Kyle Walker is exhausted. He's played with us, played 90 minutes and 90 minutes
01:21 and now lately he's played up and down, up and down. It's like a full-back, you know?
01:26 Before it was a full-back, more control in the middle. So the energy, he's spent a lot
01:31 of energy, so he has to rest. Otherwise he will be out for a week. We don't want that.
01:40 Can I ask about this competition? How important is it for you to win? You've got the three
01:46 competitions, to win the EFL Cup and maybe the FIFA one as well, to hold all of them
01:54 at the same time. Is that important to you?
01:57 This competition?
01:58 If you won this one and the FIFA, then you had all five.
02:01 No, I don't think of FIFA. I think tomorrow, how the game, how to try to do it. Now I'm
02:05 thinking to win the Carabao Cup. When I arrived in the previous season, oh, we are wearing
02:08 qualifiers. If we win, we are one step away from going to Wembley again. After that, OK,
02:15 the guys see the final close and after they do everything. But now, it's not the case.
02:20 But now it's not the last season. So we just play a game, do well, it will be good for
02:26 the players who didn't play much minutes and the rest, try to handle the minutes, to arrive
02:30 well. Because after, we cannot come back by plane because of a problem for the planes.
02:38 We don't have planes to travel back, so we have to take a bus. It's two, three hours
02:42 later. We arrive here so, so late. And the day after, Thursday arrives and Friday we
02:52 have to travel to Wolves. And that's why you have to think about it in that time. And after
02:58 we go to Germany to play in the Champions League. It's a really, really important game
03:05 for us because we know what it means to be able to qualify for the next stage. And this
03:12 you have to do.
03:13 Is that normal that you have to travel back?
03:18 I don't know what happened. The team manager told me that it happened in the previous one,
03:24 I think. We could not go to London, I think, against... I have a bad memory, sorry guys.
03:31 But we cannot come back by plane. It's not a problem, we take the bus. But we arrive
03:36 much, much later than we expect. And it worries me.
03:41 With Calvin, how much do you get him to talk to Rodri or study Rodri's game in terms of
03:48 playing that role in your team?
03:50 He has to see Calvin Phillips. But of course being outside, sitting and seeing the players
03:55 and what we are looking for in the training session, in the meetings, and seeing that
03:58 helps a lot. But every player has his own specific... We bring Calvin here for his quality.
04:06 There are no twins in football. Every player has his own personality and quality.
04:12 Marcelo Bielsa's style of football is quite different to everyone else's. Does it take
04:17 a while to get out of that?
04:21 I think Marcelo gave Calvin the best of Calvin in his career. I would love to have done with
04:27 Calvin what Marcelo has done to him. But it's what it is. We have a specific way to play,
04:34 sometimes we struggle with a few things. The game in the previous one was perfect. It's
04:40 the biggest quality. But he's open-minded, always wants to learn, always wants to help.
04:45 This is what I want to try to do.
04:47 Pep, even though you've won this competition four times, a few years ago I think you said
04:53 that your view would be to eliminate this competition to ease the burden on players
04:59 and fix the congestion. Do you still feel that way?
05:03 No.
05:04 Do you still feel that that should happen?
05:06 No, I have no respect for the Carabao Cup. There are a lot of games, it's a different
05:11 situation. How many years have we played the Carabao Cup before it was League One? Or was
05:17 it a previous name of the competition? Since the first century? How many? All the time.
05:23 So we have to play it. There are a lot of games, yes, but a lot of games for many reasons.
05:30 It's not about that. I would love to finish the season and have time to refresh. This
05:36 is the only thing. I would like to see it for all the teams that play a lot of competitions.
05:40 Between seasons, more time. A little bit of break in winter time, like now we have before
05:45 we didn't have it. So that's all. The rest, always the FA Cup is important. The Carabao
05:50 Cup is important in this country. So go for it. This is where it is.
05:55 You've changed your mind over that, you don't think it should be taken out of the schedule,
05:59 the Carabao Cup?
06:01 The competition itself? It's not going to happen.
06:04 But do you think it should happen, that's what I'm saying?
06:06 No, no, no. For me it's OK.
06:10 Just on Kelvin, were you impressed in the summer that he decided that he wanted to stay
06:17 and fight for his place? Because I would think that a lot of players in that situation would
06:21 have thought 'I can't be bothered, I'm going to move and play somewhere else'.
06:25 Yeah, he decided to stay. The club spoke with him and for the fact that we have not much
06:30 minutes, they said 'no, I want to stay, we'll be farther soon, so I want to stay here'.
06:34 It's OK, it's perfect. He's a lovely person.
06:37 Does that mean a lot to you when a player shows that desire, instead of taking the easy
06:40 option and maybe moving somewhere else?
06:41 Yeah, of course. Of course. Of course.
06:48 Pep, just coming back to what Mike was saying earlier about the travel,
06:51 are you coming back straight after the game on a bus tomorrow night?
06:56 Yeah, we travel tomorrow after the game, we take a bus and come back.
06:59 Do you know what time you'll get back here?
07:01 Not early. But exactly, I didn't see the schedule, the plan.
07:07 And because of the squad, you want to rotate, is this an opportunity for some of the young
07:13 players in your squad to...
07:15 Yeah, all the players in our squad are ready, and for the second team we cannot take a few
07:26 of them because we sell a lot of them and still they are not ready to play with us.
07:32 So that's why I have to give time to them to develop, it's not just the fact of the
07:37 academy, bring him there.
07:39 Still, I spoke with the chief, I spoke with Brian, the manager, they are not prepared
07:47 right now because the academy is in generations and they need a little bit of time to grow up.
07:53 Pep, you said that Kyle can't play, you said the other day that Ruben can't play,
08:00 is that right that none of your captains will be available against Newcastle?
08:05 Not today, but I know they will come and say that they are fresh, I want to play a few
08:10 minutes, maybe they will play.
08:12 After the game I said that maybe they have to rest because it's the minutes, Roddy for
08:17 example cannot play, but just in case he was not sent off, he would have not played from
08:22 the beginning.
08:23 But we'll see, he has training this afternoon and we'll see.
08:27 If they can't play, is there a way that you choose the next captain?
08:31 I don't know, I don't know who is the next captain.
08:35 So, yeah that's true, all five are out.
08:39 Bernardo is out, Rodry, Ruben, just in case they don't play.
08:44 We'll find another one, I don't know which one, but we'll find.
08:47 I realise you have a training session this afternoon, but you've been talking about
08:56 being exhausted, how many of them would you confidently pick tomorrow and think they are
09:03 physically fine to play tomorrow?
09:06 I have to see the training.
09:08 I still have a plan a little bit the way you want to play and the players who are going
09:13 to play, but not start till 11 completely.
09:15 I want to see the team training and I will talk to them and we'll see.
09:22 Tomorrow we'll take a decision.
09:24 Tomorrow night, it's not a three, it's an eight, so we have more time to recover, so
09:28 we'll see.
09:29 Are you going to have to take risks with the fitness of some of the players?
09:34 No, I don't want to take risks.
09:36 I don't want to.
09:38 If you're not calling upon any academy players to play tomorrow, then presumably you are
09:43 going to have to take risks?
09:45 Some players are maybe tired, they have to play, definitely.
09:51 But it is what it is.
09:54 We have a lot of players for the academy and that's why they are so young, still so young
09:58 to play in Newcastle away.
10:00 Pep, what is the chance of us seeing Oscar Bob making a start tomorrow?
10:06 Yes, I have a chance.
10:07 What do you expect from a player like that?
10:10 Be himself.
10:11 We know him, it doesn't matter how he performs.
10:15 Try to be himself the best as possible.
10:17 Thank you guys.
10:19 Thank you.
10:20 (scissors snipping)
10:23 (scratching)
