Is it True that God Allowed Us To Feel Hate?

  • last year
No, God never taught us to feel hate nor allow us to feel hate. If ever there's a feeling of hatred in your heart, so that's human well and it's not God's well. The feeling What God wanted from us is to learn the other way around and that is “Love” and “Not Hate" as the way human being felt. It's not easy to Love as God's wanted us to do. Man's formula of love is very “Shallow” and God made ways for us to learn more deeper by giving us lessons everyday. God taught us to learn hand in hand just like little children in nursery schools. Don't feel hatred. Follow God's well everyday and later you'll learn the topics that God wanted for us to learn and we will be rewarded by the efforts of learning. To learn to Love as what God wanted us to do is exciting and challenging as long as you follow the protocol that God's offered to us from the very beginning even before this world was not yet created and that was “Love your neighbors as the way you love yourself” or just like as “Don't do unto others the things you don't want to do unto you".
Even before the humanity has been created. Sharing and practicing of Love was already instilled in the creation of everything. God is Love. Hate is an antonym of Love and hate is inspired by satan while Love is a treasure being shared to us by God.
