• 2 years ago
The Home Secretary said during a speech in the US that millions of asylum seekers were being incentivised to ‘try their luck’.


00:00 Seeking asylum and seeking better economic prospects are not the same thing.
00:06 Seeking refuge in the first safe country you reach or shopping around for your
00:11 preferred destination are not the same thing.
00:15 Being trafficked, i.e. transported against your will, perhaps to be sold into sex slavery,
00:21 and being smuggled, i.e. asking someone to sneak you into a country, are not the same thing.
00:29 The extent to which the global asylum framework enables the obscuring of these
00:35 categories creates huge incentives for illegal migration.
00:41 This legal framework is rooted in the 1951 UN Refugee Convention.
00:46 It was created to help resettle people fleeing persecution following the horrors of World War II
00:53 and the Holocaust and was, initially at least, centered around Europe.
00:58 It was an incredible achievement of its age.
01:02 But more than 70 years on, we now live in a completely different time.
01:08 Jet travel has transformed the cost and comparative ease of moving around the world.
01:15 The internet has made people acutely aware of how different life is
01:20 and how much higher wages are in other parts of the world.
01:24 Smartphones enable smugglers to facilitate operations with great ease and smooth communication
01:30 between those who have undertaken a journey and others who might like to.
01:35 When the Refugee Convention was signed, it conferred protection on some 2 million people in Europe.
01:43 According to analysis by Nick Timothy and Carl Williams for the Centre for Policy Studies,
01:48 it now confers the notional right to move to another country upon at least 780 million people.
01:56 It is therefore incumbent upon politicians and thought leaders to ask whether the Refugee Convention
02:03 and the way it has come to be interpreted through our courts is fit for our modern age or in need of reform.
