Shannon Sharpe wonders if NFL should ban Jalen Hurts & Eagles -tush push- - Nightcap w_ Unc & Ocho
00:00 over the Bucks.
00:01 >> Listen, it was hard for me to watch the game in its totality to be able to really
00:08 give an assessment, a fair assessment on how the game went.
00:11 But I was hoping, I was hoping, I'm just gonna be honest, I was hoping that Baker could pull
00:15 a game like this off.
00:17 Because I haven't heard the praise for Baker for what he's been able to do with the Bucks
00:21 in his start.
00:22 >> What have you done?
00:23 >> What was their record, Shannon?
00:26 What were the Bucks record?
00:28 >> When, last year?
00:30 With Tom Brady when they made the playoff, they won the division?
00:32 >> No, I'm talking about- >> They were 2-0.
00:34 >> Okay, they was 2-0.
00:36 That's a good start.
00:37 You know why?
00:38 Because that was because of Baker Mayfield and what he's been doing offensively as a
00:40 quarterback.
00:41 I'm just telling you.
00:42 But again, the Eagles came away with this game.
00:45 It was a good game, but I just think the Bucks were outmatched offensively.
00:49 They were outmatched defensively.
00:51 And obviously, Eagles are polished.
00:53 They're very polished.
00:54 They're a playoff team.
00:55 They are a contender this year.
00:57 And they did exactly what they needed to do to come out and win a game against a team
01:01 that they should beat.
01:02 >> Yeah, I thought the Eagles, I mean, when you look at it, they did win by two scores.
01:06 They won by 14.
01:08 But I still think the Eagles got another gear that they can play with.
01:12 Even though they won by 14, if you watch this game, Hurts had some costly turnovers that
01:18 really hurt his team.
01:20 And I mean, he was trying to get the ball to AJ, and AJ had a good game, dropped the
01:26 touchdown.
01:27 He probably wish he had back.
01:29 But I'm still not, I know Jalen Hurts has another level, because I saw it last year,
01:36 that he can get to that he's not quite there yet.
01:40 >> He's not quite there yet, but this is what I love about the beginning of the season.
01:44 You gotta get the rust out.
01:46 You gotta get the cobwebs out.
01:47 The fact that players don't play in the preseason, and I think this is a testament to how important
01:52 the preseason is to get your chemistry down, to get your timing down.
01:56 To get that timing down, especially the refs.
01:59 I think people, the casual, I don't wanna be rude, the casual fan that watches the game,
02:07 what you see on Sundays is very much different than what we do in practice.
02:11 You can run and practice 365 days a year.
02:14 When you get into that game, nothing is the same.
02:17 It's completely different.
02:18 It's a completely different feeling.
02:19 And I don't even know how to explain it, it's just completely different, which is why I
02:23 think preseason is so important.
02:26 But he's gonna get there.
02:27 The more games they play, Hurts is gonna get into that rhythm and that magic you talk about
02:32 that he showed last year.
02:34 >> There's something that happens in a game that doesn't happen in practice, it's called
02:38 adrenaline.
02:39 It's called that fight or flight, that fear of failure.
02:44 In the game and you don't know these guys and it's like, but I've always felt that
02:49 practice for me was harder than the game.
02:51 Because I'm going up against a guy that I've been going up against in practice for three,
02:55 four years.
02:56 He know all my moves.
02:57 He know the release.
02:58 He knows, okay, Sharp, I see you at the top of the numbers.
03:01 I already know what you're about to do.
03:02 Okay, you better open that split up.
03:03 I know you're about to run this bang on me.
03:06 So when I get to the game, yeah, he's watching tape, but he doesn't know the nuances of a
03:13 guy that sees me every day in practice.
03:15 So I really felt that if I could beat the guys in practice that I had gone up against
03:19 every day, two, three, four years, the game was gonna be relatively easy for me.
03:24 But like we talked about earlier in a couple of episodes, Ocho, preseason was so important
03:31 for me to get my breathing down, to get my timing down, get my rhythm down.
03:36 I needed to get my spidey sense and tingling.
03:39 >> Right, right, right.
03:42 Yeah, yeah, I needed that.
03:44 And I told you before, obviously, I pissed Marvin off a few times, having to call timeouts
03:50 to get me out of the preseason game before I hurt myself.
03:55 And I told Marv, I say, Marv, you understand how important this is for me to get my timing
03:59 down, to get that rhythm and chemistry with Carson.
04:03 And he wasn't going for it, but I really needed it.
04:06 I still think to this day, Marvin Lewis didn't understand the importance and how much preseason
04:11 meant to me.
04:12 A lot of players, the veterans didn't wanna do it.
04:14 They didn't wanna do it.
04:15 They felt they didn't need it.
04:16 >> I needed it.
04:17 I needed it.
04:18 >> Yeah, I am gonna need it.
04:19 >> Because for me, it was all about breathing.
04:21 It's all about steps.
04:22 It's about finding your way, like, in, dip.
04:25 Am I gonna rip?
04:26 How am I gonna get high?
04:28 Just working on little small stuff.
04:30 Jalen Hurts has now rushed for 29, has 29 career touchdowns, passing Cam Newton for
04:35 the most rushed TDs by a quarterback in his first 50 career games.
04:41 What have you seen from Jalen Hurts?
04:42 Cuz the guy that came in mainly, and we understood and we respected his legs, but although he
04:48 is still a tremendous runner, he's become a very, very good thrower of the football.
04:53 >> You know what?
04:54 That makes it very difficult for defensive coordinators, because what you gonna do with
04:59 him?
05:00 You can spy him.
05:01 Cuz if you put a spy on him, you know what that means?
05:03 That means somebody else is gonna be open.
05:04 >> Yeah, that means somebody else got one-on-one coverage.
05:06 >> Somebody else got one-on-one coverage.
05:08 And the fact that he has the weaponry he has at his disposal, they're gonna always be a
05:15 mismatch.
05:16 So you have to pick your poison defensively.
05:18 You wanna spy him, or you just wanna drop everybody back, and he can beat you with his
05:24 legs.
05:25 >> Right.
05:26 >> It's on you.
05:27 So pick your poison.
05:28 You wanna die fast, or you wanna die slow?
05:29 >> [LAUGH] >> Either way, you're gonna die.
05:32 >> [LAUGH] You know what I like most about Jalen Hurts?
05:35 What it just goes to show you, that no matter where you start at, if you work at something,
05:42 you can get incrementally better.
05:44 Because if you look at the maturation that Jalen Hurts has gone through from the time
05:48 that he got in, you can see he's a much better thrower of the football.
05:53 So that's when I say when guys talk about, you watch a guy and you're like, man, he hadn't
05:57 gotten any better since his rookie year, from his second year to his third year.
06:00 As a matter of fact, that tells me, now there's a difference between habit and hard work.
06:06 Cuz a lot of times people think because they do something over and over, they're working
06:09 hard.
06:10 That's habit.
06:11 >> Right.
06:12 >> Jalen Hurts has worked hard, and he's made himself a very good thrower of the football.
06:16 I'm not saying he's ever gonna be Aaron Rodgers, but he's a better thrower of the football.
06:20 He's a more dangerous quarterback, a more complete quarterback than what he was when
06:24 he entered the league.
06:25 >> I have a question, and the fact that you said that.
06:27 I think all quarterbacks work hard.
06:30 I think all quarterbacks work hard, because in order to get to this level, and in order
06:34 to reach the pinnacle of success, and being one of the one percenters in the world to
06:39 make it to the NFL and play a particular position, we are the commander and the leader of a team,
06:44 you have to work hard at it.
06:46 But I think what Jalen has is, he has a great supporting cast at his disposal.
06:54 And in fact, he is great himself and working to be great.
06:58 So it's magnified that much more better on the work that he's put in.
07:02 I think for other quarterbacks, where they fail at is, they put in the work, and they
07:07 doing everything they can to be better, but they don't have the tools around them to allow
07:12 that work present itself when the lights are on, if that makes sense.
07:18 >> Let me ask you a question.
07:19 >> Yes, sir.
07:20 >> If I gave you a 200-piece toolbox.
07:23 >> Yes, sir.
07:24 >> And say fix that car, what you gonna do?
07:27 >> A 200-piece toolbox?
07:28 >> 200-piece toolbox, and say fix this car, what you gonna do?
07:33 >> I'm gonna fix it.
07:35 >> Sometimes you just don't know what the hell you're doing.
07:37 It doesn't matter the tools that you're working with, don't you?
07:39 >> Right.
07:40 >> At some point in time, you will have to come to that conclusion.
07:42 I know you keep saying give all this and all that.
07:45 Hey, Jameis Winston had those same tools that Tom Brady had that he took to the Super Bowl
07:52 after they missed the playoffs and Jameis threw 32 touchdowns.
07:56 >> I mean 32 interceptions, excuse me.
07:59 >> Okay, that was- >> 33 touchdowns, 30 interceptions.
08:03 >> 33?
08:04 >> 33 touchdowns, 30 interceptions.
08:05 >> Right, right, right.
08:07 You right, you right, you right.
08:11 But I don't like the comparison because we talk about the greatest quarterback of all
08:15 time and Jameis Winston is a good quarterback.
08:20 >> Yes, but I'm saying, but you've seen situations where guys come in and for whatever reason,
08:26 guys will rally around, guys will play, will make plays.
08:31 >> Certain individuals.
08:32 >> They're like, why you didn't make that play for him?
08:35 >> Right, right, right.
08:36 >> Some things you just can't offer an explanation for.
08:39 >> Right, I think individuals, I think the difference in quarterbacks to me, it's up
08:47 here, it's up here.
08:50 Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Patrick Mahomes, their ability to process.
08:53 Not only do they believe they have the skill set, they have the arm strength, but here,
08:59 they're beating everybody up here.
09:00 They know what you're doing before you even do it.
09:02 >> Yes, yes.
09:03 >> They know what you're doing, they're seeing it before it even happens.
09:06 And the game to them is so slow.
09:09 >> Yes.
09:10 >> And you know exactly what I'm talking about.
09:11 When you was in the zone, whatever year it may be, when you're hitting your stride, the
09:16 game is moving so slow.
09:18 Yes, in slow motion, that's when you know you're locked in.
09:22 And it's something, man, listen, Shannon, when you own, you know the year you had when
09:29 you was owned.
09:30 >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, you wouldn't even think for me.
09:33 >> And everything is going in slow motion, and you're seeing it before it even happened.
09:38 And I think that's what Peyton Manning had, Tom Brady had, and they had it consistently
09:42 year in and year out.
09:43 >> Yeah, you know what, but when we talk about these upper tier, upper level quarterbacks,
09:49 we talking about the 0-0, 15-0s, 0.1.
09:53 >> Right, right, right.
09:56 >> Only a handful have ever reached that level.
09:58 >> Right.
09:59 >> It takes a special type of lady to be in their lives.
10:02 Because when you hear, you've heard a lot of people say it's lonely at the top.
10:05 >> Well, you're on the backseat, baby.
10:06 >> It's lonely to be the wife of a top tier quarterback.
10:10 >> Yeah, yeah.
10:11 >> Because it's almost like you're the mother and the father.
10:14 >> The father, yeah.
10:15 >> And you're doing so much because you're living for the other person.
10:19 Because you take the kids, you're showing the kids the practice and the recitals.
10:25 And he's asking, okay, we got levels here.
10:29 What's very, very, very, very important that I can't miss?
10:34 Very, very important.
10:35 And what's okay, I miss that, it's all good.
10:38 So let me know so I can put this in my schedule.
10:42 Because not only are they watching two, three hours of film at work, they go home and they're
10:50 going over and over.
10:51 And these guys keep notebooks of every defensive coordinator that they face.
10:57 So if he ever becomes a head coach, or if he goes somewhere else, they've got a book
11:01 on him.
11:02 >> Yeah, they know what's coming.
11:03 And you know the funny thing about it?
11:05 It don't change.
11:06 >> No.
11:07 >> Much don't change.
11:08 Whenever someone formula is, that formula goes with them and it travels wherever they
11:13 go.
11:14 So it doesn't change.
11:15 >> Yeah, if you play Rick Ryan, you're gonna get pressure.
11:17 If you play Rick Ryan, you're gonna get pressure.
11:19 Because he's gonna chip off his old, he's like his dad.
11:23 But they coming.
11:24 >> Yeah, every time.
11:28 >> You know what?
11:29 There's a lot being made.
11:30 Jalen Hurst scored his 10th rush touchdown on the push sneak over the last two seasons.
11:37 So it's like that rugby scrum.
11:40 What are your thoughts on that?
11:42 Should they outlaw it?
11:43 Should they ban it?
11:44 What's going on with you?
11:45 >> I think if they're doing something that you don't like and you can't stop it, don't
11:52 let him get down in the red zone.
11:54 Don't let him get down in the red zone.
11:55 >> Don't let him get third and fourth and short.
11:58 >> There's no way to stop it then.
11:59 Everybody else needs to take a page out their book and do the same thing.
12:03 >> Well, everybody got a quarterback that can squat 600 pounds.
12:07 >> That boy squat 600?
12:08 >> Yes.
12:09 >> Golly.
12:10 >> That's what I see.
12:11 >> That's crazy.
12:12 I can only do 750, but you know.
12:13 >> You what?
12:14 >> I didn't know he was like that.
12:15 I thought it was just me and Nick Chubb could squat like that.
12:22 But hey, that's good.
12:23 Yeah.
12:24 But listen, there's no way to stop that.
12:25 There's no way to stop that.
12:26 Because the offensive lineman, they just going low.
12:31 And there's nothing the defensive lineman can do.
12:32 >> You got somebody pushing him in the back.
12:33 >> Then you got somebody pushing you in the back.
12:36 There's no way to stop that.
12:37 Is it fair?
12:38 No, it's not.
12:39 Is there a way to stop it?
12:40 No, there isn't.
12:41 But I mean, if you make a rule change, then what's next?
12:44 >> Right.
12:45 >> You make a rule change, then what?
12:48 >> You know what?
12:49 Because they've handicapped the defense so much.
12:50 So if they take that out of the offense.
12:52 >> Exactly.
12:53 >> I mean, to make it fair, because now, incidental contact, the defenseless receiver, helmet
13:00 to helmet, you got so many rules against the defense.
13:05 I'm surprised we don't see more 50 and 60 point game score, considering how they've
13:09 taken the ability to punish the quarterback or punish the receiver out of the ballgame.
13:15 >> Listen, it's become a past happy league.
13:18 And I think they've made it like that purposely, just so there's more excitement for the fans.
13:23 >> Yeah.
13:24 >> To put up more and more points.
13:25 And that is where we're getting.
13:28 >> To an extent, because I don't think we're gonna see a 70, a 70 gamer, a 70 bomb like
13:33 we saw, between the Dolphins and the Broncos.
13:37 But again, the NFL wants high scoring game because high scoring game creates more eyes
13:43 and more attention.
13:44 >> Yes.
13:45 >> And at the end of the day, we know what the bottom line is, more money.
13:47 >> Yeah, I mean, look, all that purist, I like old school football, I like 10-7.
13:52 No, I don't.
13:53 If I go to a baseball game, which isn't often, I'm not trying to see a one nothing.
13:58 I'm not trying to see a two one ball game.
13:59 I wanna see nine eights going over the fence.
14:04 If it's a basketball, I don't wanna see like when I grew up, I mean, in the 90s, the score
14:09 was like 83-76.
14:10 Now they get 80 points at the half.
14:13 I wanna see 138 to 142.
14:15 That's what I wanna see.
14:16 >> And you say basketball, ain't nobody out there playing no defense, huh?
14:19 >> No, they ain't playing no defense.
14:20 >> They ain't playing no defense.
14:21 >> But you know, back in the day, when the Pistons, the Bad Boy Pistons, and the Miami
14:25 Heat, and the Knicks, when they were playing basketball, the scores were low.
14:31 >> Elbows.
14:32 >> Yeah.
14:33 >> You had to think twice before going through that lane for layups.
14:36 >> And I don't remember the play group fives when, who was that?
14:41 That was, who snatched Kevin McHale, snatched Kirk Ramos out there with the Lakers.
14:46 >> Kirk Ramos out there, and they started fighting.
14:49 >> Hey, nobody got tossed.
14:51 They was like, okay, hey, you shoot the two free throws and let's go again.
14:55 The Bad Boy Pistons, when they was snatching Jordan out there, they was like, they didn't
14:58 throw nobody out.
15:00 >> Yeah, yeah, time to change, time to change.
15:04 And I'm not gonna say- >> They experienced enough of this, boy,
15:06 y'all.
15:07 >> I'm not gonna say people, they haven't gotten soft.
15:08 I'm just saying, time to change so everything has evolved to where the rules had no choice
15:13 but to change with the times.
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