Klimademonstranten müssen für Polizeieinsatz nicht zahlen

  • last year
Immer wieder blockieren Klimaaktivisten die Strassen.


00:00 Climate activists are blocking the roads again and again.
00:04 The police demanded a fee for their removal.
00:08 But there is no legal basis for this.
00:12 The Berlin police of climate demonstrators, who have stuck to the road during blockades,
00:18 do not demand any more fees for their removal.
00:22 The Berlin Administrative Court decided this in a hasty procedure, as a spokesman told us.
00:29 In this specific case, it was a climate activist who had stuck to a road crossing in June 2022
00:36 and was removed from the police.
00:40 The authorities later demanded 241 euros for this.
00:45 According to the court, there is no legal basis for this, ac. vg. 1L363-23.
00:53 The police now had to repay the already paid fee to the climate demonstrator,
00:58 explained the court.
01:00 However, it remains to be seen whether the decision will be legal.
01:05 A complaint against the decision is possible at the Berlin-Brandenburg High Court.
01:11 Until the beginning of September, according to the Senate Administration,
01:16 the Berlin police had sent almost 1,300 fees to climate activists, each worth 241 euros.
