A Mother's Grief: Angus Cloud's Mom Describes Finding Her Son After Fatal Drug Overdose

  • last year
According to the Alameda County Coroner's report, Angus Cloud had succumbed to acute intoxication resulting from a combination of drugs.


00:00 In a devastating turn of events, Lisa Cloud, the mother of Angus Cloud, has bravely shared
00:06 the heartbreaking moment she discovered her 25-year-old son dead from an accidental drug
00:12 overdose.
00:13 The incident occurred in the morning of July 31 at Angus' home in Auckland, California,
00:19 where Lisa found him slumped over his desk in his bedroom.
00:25 Speaking to news outlet, Lisa recounted the horrifying discovery.
00:31 "At first she believed her son had simply fallen asleep, but the grim reality soon set
00:37 in.
00:38 I was screaming for my neighbor because I didn't want to leave him and call 911, and
00:44 I just kept at it until they took him away," she said tearfully.
00:48 "I miss him so much.
00:50 He was the love of my life."
00:53 According to the Alameda County Coroner's report, Angus Cloud had succumbed to acute
00:59 intoxication caused by a combination of drugs, reported by a leading magazine.
01:04 Tragically, Angus had been grappling with severe suicidal thoughts following the recent
01:09 passing of his father, Connor Hickey, just two months prior.
01:14 The loss of his father had left him shattered, and this pain weighed heavily on him, a source
01:19 close to Angus revealed.
01:22 In a poignant Facebook post, Lisa had previously shared Angus' last moments, shedding light
01:28 on his intentions and the bond they shared.
01:31 His last day was a joyful one.
01:33 He was reorganizing his room and placing items around the house with the intent to stay a
01:39 while in the home he loved.
01:41 He spoke of his intent to help provide for his sisters at college and also help his mom
01:47 emotionally and financially.
01:49 He did not intend to end his life.
01:51 "When we hugged goodnight, we said how much we love each other, and he said he would see
01:56 me in the morning.
01:57 I don't know if or what he may have put in his body after that.
02:02 I only know that he put his head on the desk where he was working on art projects, fell
02:08 asleep and didn't wake up."
02:09 -Lisa
02:10 "I love you."
02:11 -Angus
02:13 [music]
