• 2 years ago
It's important to be prepared for anything when traveling, and that includes flying. In this video, we'll discuss some important things to know before traveling, including the importance of getting vaccinated and what to do if there's a crash on your flight. Stay safe and be prepared for anything when traveling!

Read the safety card and listen to the pre-flight safety speech.
Yes, you may have heard it all before, and you’ll hopefully never need it, but if you keep your headphones on during the pre-flight instructions or ignore the safety card, you’ll be missing out on information that could be vital in the event of a crash.
• Don’t assume you know it all already, either. Every type of airplane has different safety instructions.
If you're sitting in an exit row, study the door and make sure you know how to open it if you need to. In normal circumstances the flight attendant will open the door, but if they are dead or injured, you'll need to do it.