Why Comedian Jim Gaffigan Is Jealous Of Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Whom He Calls His Doppleganger

  • last year
00:00 But on a personal level, yeah, there is part of me that--
00:04 I mean, I've always loved acting.
00:06 But I remember-- and Phil Hoffman,
00:14 he was kind of like my doppelganger,
00:16 who was this huge Academy Award-winning actor, where
00:20 people were like, are you related to him?
00:22 And I'm like, no, I'm not.
00:23 I just look like him.
00:24 So but again, it's perspective, which is among the many
00:31 questions that this movie asks, is like,
00:36 do you have a positive perspective
00:38 on your idea of success?
00:43 You know what I mean?
00:44 And there's moments when I feel like I'm filled with gratitude.
00:48 And there's moments when I feel like,
00:50 how come I can't get more opportunities?
