"Bajwa Sahab ne khud kaha ke Chairman PTI ko...," Shahid Khaqan Abbasi made big revelation

  • last year
"Bajwa Sahab ne khud kaha ke Chairman PTI ko...," Shahid Khaqan Abbasi made big revelation
00:00 to the people of India. This is the yellow shirt that he is wearing. Sir, can there be
00:07 a fight with the establishment? What do you think? Because you saw the time when Parvez
00:12 Musharraf was being held accountable. Just to understand, that even then, Musharraf
00:17 knew that there was a court, the airport was being shut down, he went to the hospital.
00:22 He said that our man will not be held accountable. Do you think that will happen in this country?
00:27 Will it be possible or not? The thing is that there has been a mistake or a failure. Now
00:32 if it is not allowed to mention it, then how will it happen? I am in favour of this.
00:37 I am just saying that it should be done further. That is why I always say that we should make
00:42 a truth commission. We should not do it to anyone's liking. You also say that it will
00:47 not be done. I have also not made it. Maybe it will not be done in 76 years. Those things
00:52 are in their place. But you can learn a lesson. Let's be honest. You can learn a lesson.
00:57 I am saying it. You also said it. It is a good thing that you are talking about politics.
01:02 You can learn a lesson. You and I can learn a lesson that there was a failure. Now it
01:07 should not be done. When you repeat a failure, the problems will not be solved. But tell
01:12 me, under which law will the trials be conducted? There is no law. I am saying that there is
01:17 no such law. Who will complain? Nawaz Sharif sir, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif sir will
01:22 complain. No, no. When you complain, you have to put evidence that this incident happened.
01:27 Then the next question will be that why did you not complain after so long? I do not know.
01:32 There are also statute of limitations in everything. Then which forum will be trialled? These things
01:37 are new. Think that Mian sir is going to file a case. It is uncharted territory. No, it is
01:42 a new area. He is going to file an FIR. Which case will he file? He is going to file a case
01:47 on the judges. There are three judges. See, there have been violations. A former Prime
01:52 Minister has highlighted them. He is the senior politician of that country. Now he has become
01:57 a part of the public debate. So, he has talked about them. His purpose has been fulfilled.
02:02 What he wanted was that this matter should come to the public that we have to remove these
02:07 violations. We have to remove these violations. We have to remove these violations. We have
02:12 to remove these violations. The matter has come to the public. It has become a part of
02:17 the public debate. But the thing is that is this the biggest problem of the country? Is
02:22 the voter, the common man on the road, thinking that he has to do this. He is thinking that
02:27 he should give me a solution. My country is in trouble. I have to solve this problem.
02:32 I have to solve this problem. I have to solve this problem. This is the biggest problem
02:37 of the country. He is thinking that he has to do this. He is thinking that he should give
02:42 me a solution. What is the solution to my problems? And the solution is to sit together and
02:47 do it. I will come to this by sitting together. Why didn't you do anything in the 16-month
02:52 government? You can ask this question. Do you want to answer it? Yes. You can ask this
02:57 question to Mr. Shabaz that you were there. If this is what your party is saying, then
03:02 you should definitely take action on it. If Mr. Bajwa and Mr. Fayyad have removed him,
03:07 why did you give him the extension vote? These things will come. I am asking that a period
03:12 of 5-6 years has passed. In fact, 8-10 years have passed. So, Mr. Mian, he went to meet
03:17 him. See how much you want to go back. I said publicly and it has happened with me. The
03:22 president of this country told me to give me the resignation letter. Give me the resignation
03:27 letter from the assembly. The president of this country, 30 years ago, 32 years ago, no
03:34 30 years, in 1993, the president of this country told me to sign this paper and give me the
03:40 resignation letter. You are saying that we have not improved yet. What? We will not improve.
03:44 I have not improved in 30 years. Sir, but the problem is that how is Mr. Mian out of the
03:49 country? The real question, see I am absolutely right that all these things should be done.
03:54 Enough of the games played in this country. But the problem is that these games are also
03:59 against us and we say that this game is in our favour and this game is against us. Mr.
04:04 Mian, you have gone out of Pakistan after dealing with these games. See, we have gone out of
04:09 Pakistan, there was a debate till the Cabinet. See, you put the facts in front. What is Mr.
04:14 Khair saying? Four different medical boards were formed. Both the governments were of
04:19 the same opinion. But the debate was in the Cabinet that whether we should give permission
04:24 or not. So, that was a humanitarian issue. Mr. Khair, I have also talked to you on TV.
04:29 Mr. Khair has also talked to me. He said that the establishment had sent him out. What?
04:33 The establishment had sent him out. See, he said that the Twitter account had gone silent.
04:36 In what context did he say that? I don't know. He said in the same context in which the
04:40 Twitter account went silent. In whose context? The game of politics was stopped. Mrs.
04:44 Mian went to London. See, I said that we keep looking for conspiracy in everything. Mr.
04:49 Mian had a medical issue. He has gone out. The treatment is still going on. If he comes
04:55 back on 21st, he will leave the treatment. Okay. I hope he gets better when he comes
05:04 here. He should get treatment in Pakistan as well. But the deal was made. Because Mr.
05:09 Rana said that we got Mr. Imran Khan out through this deal which was made with Mr. Bajwa.
05:14 Mr. Zubair also said that the deal was made because of Najib Uddin. So, they make deals
05:20 and then they do this as well. I don't know about any deal. I will talk about that.
05:24 You will tell us about that. Whatever has happened, the people have done it themselves.
05:28 Mr. Bajwa said that he gave Imran Khan the vote of trust. Sir, why did you leave the
05:34 WhatsApp group during the extension? Which WhatsApp group? PMI. See, that is our
05:40 disagreement. There is nothing like that. You called Mr. Mian and asked him what he
05:44 did. See, that is our own issue. There is nothing like that. It is not an external
05:49 issue. There is opposition inside. There is disagreement. It keeps going on. But the
05:54 reality which is in front of the people, which has been acknowledged, is that Mr. Bajwa
05:58 said that he gave Imran Khan the vote of trust. That means, even that day, Imran Khan
06:04 was not the Prime Minister of this country. And now your own people are saying that yes,
06:07 Mr. Bajwa helped us in getting Imran Khan out. What help? Tell us. Then tell the people
06:13 in detail. Whoever is talking, I don't have any details. I will tell you. I was not
06:19 in favour of this, but my community has decided. It has happened. Now, whoever is
06:24 talking, call him and ask him. Tell us the details. Sir, listen, he is telling the details
06:29 also. Listen to what Mr. Rana is saying. This is the head of that yellow shirt that
06:34 he is wearing. Mr. Rana is my brother. Don't put the head of the yellow shirt. You
06:41 listen to this whole thing ten times. You have ten different... Mr. Rana is a very
06:47 cautious man. He talks very accurately. Listen to the whole thing again. You see new
06:53 meaning. I said, General, you said on extension, sometimes decisions are part of the strategy
06:59 according to the requirements of that time. This decision that we made... Now you keep
07:04 interpreting this, sir. What do you mean by interpreting? You are saying it straight.
07:08 He will not be able to interpret it. Sir, let's go. Again, Mr. Shabas Shiv went. You were
07:17 surprised that he came back on Monday and left again on Wednesday. What happened suddenly?
07:23 No, I didn't know that he had gone. I was not here. I found out after two or three days.
07:29 Yes, I was surprised that he had come. See, it is his will. He is a free man. He can come
07:34 and go. It is his will. Do you think there is any reaction or reduction that we should
07:38 explain? What is he doing? Where are the statements? I am sorry, speculation should not
07:42 be made. Something must have happened. Something extraordinary must have happened because of
07:49 which he went back the next day. Something extraordinary must have happened. Mr. Shabas
07:53 will answer that if I do it, there will be speculation. Let's do speculation. No, I don't
07:58 read in speculation. What to do, sir? All day long, there is speculation in Pakistan.
08:04 You should not be in the program. I have just put an example of your father in front of
08:08 you. I have put an example of his character. Then you went to Rai. I was very young when
08:12 he died. I was four or five years old. I knew that I could not say yes. I have seen him.
08:17 He was my grandfather's friend. That is why I am talking to you. And believe me, even
08:21 today, his death is a disgrace. Even today, people call him the standard of politics.
08:25 That is very kind of you.
