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La décision de la France de rappeler ses troupes du Niger, saluée par la militante panafricaniste Nathalie Yamb, marque un tournant dans les relations franco-africaines. Après des négociations tendues et un bras de fer avec les nouvelles autorités nigériennes, le retrait des 1500 soldats français intervient dans un contexte de crise politique suite au coup d'État de juillet dernier. Nathalie Yamb considère cette décision comme une capitulation d'Emmanuel Macron face à la volonté du peuple nigérien. Elle exprime sa satisfaction en déclarant que cela représente une victoire contre le "cancer français" qui entrave le développement de l'Afrique. Cependant, il est important de souligner que ce retrait ne signifie pas la fin de la coopération entre les deux pays, et la question de la sécurité dans la région reste une préoccupation majeure.
Le retrait des troupes françaises du Niger marque un changement significatif dans les relations franco-africaines, mettant en évidence les aspirations des peuples africains à une plus grande autonomie. Cela reflète également une remise en question de l'influence persistante de l'ancienne puissance coloniale sur les affaires internes des anciennes colonies. Le départ des soldats français soulève des questions sur l'avenir de la sécurité dans la région du Sahel et sur la capacité des autorités nigériennes à combler le vide laissé par ce retrait. Malgré cette décision, la coopération diplomatique et économique entre la France et le Niger se poursuivra, mais l'impact à long terme de cette décision sur les relations franco-africaines reste à déterminer.
#FranceNiger #RetraitTroupesFrançaises #CrisePolitique #CoupDétat #NathalieYamb #CoopérationFrancoAfricaine #Sahel #Indépendance #CancerFrançais #StabilitéRégionale #frt
' .
'é. éç é.


00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Ebene Media TV and also share the video.
00:13 Do not forget to like and leave your point of view in comment.
00:16 Nathalie Yann, well-known Pan-African activist, expressed her satisfaction following the announcement
00:22 of Emmanuel Macron regarding the withdrawal of French troops from Niger.
00:25 This decision follows long negotiations and a arm-wrestling between France and the new
00:30 Nigerian authorities, in a context marked by the political crisis caused by the coup
00:34 d'état of July 26 last year.
00:36 France, engaged in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel, had deployed 1,500 soldiers
00:42 in Niger to counter the armed groups that threaten the stability of the region.
00:46 However, this foreign military presence has not been unanimous and has aroused tensions
00:51 within the Nigerian population.
00:53 The new authorities, from the National Council for the Salvation of the People (CNSP), expressed
01:00 their desire to review the terms of military cooperation with France.
01:03 It is in this context that Nathalie Yann, a fervent defender of Pan-Africanism, saluted
01:09 France's decision to recall its ambassador to Niamey and withdraw its troops from the
01:13 country.
01:14 She sees in this decision a victory for the Nigerian people and for the newly established
01:18 authorities.
01:19 She says with conviction that the French president has capitulated in the face of the will of
01:23 the people and the authorities of Nigeria.
01:25 For her, this is a new step in the fight against what she calls "French cancer"
01:30 that hinders the progress and emancipation of Africans.
01:34 Nathalie Yann expresses her satisfaction in these terms, "Once again, we have managed
01:38 to tear the metastases of this French cancer.
01:41 We have managed to push back a system that prevents the development of Africa and the
01:45 realization of the potential of these peoples.
01:47 Thank you and congratulations to all those who have worked for this victory. "
01:52 This decision to withdraw the French troops from Nigeria highlights the complex relations
01:57 between France and its former colonies in Africa.
01:59 Since independence, African countries have often suffered from a persistent influence
02:04 of the former colonial power on their internal affairs, including in the military field.
02:08 The withdrawal of the French troops from Nigeria could therefore be interpreted as a sign
02:13 of change and a desire to break with this past.
02:15 However, it should be noted that this decision does not mean the end of cooperation between
02:21 France and Nigeria.
02:22 The two countries will continue to maintain diplomatic and economic relations, and the
02:28 issue of security in the Sahel region remains a major concern.
02:32 Do not forget to subscribe and especially to click on the notification bell.
02:36 Like the video if you haven't already.
02:39 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
02:41 (air whooshing)
