• last year
The Family That Preys-Family Fallout Scene
00:00 (sad music)
00:02 - Hey, Tozy.
00:13 Won't be needing you guys anymore.
00:15 Ben, Chris, your last checks.
00:19 - What the hell are you talking about, man?
00:20 - What's going on?
00:21 - Leave the tools, they belong in the company.
00:22 - No, wait a minute, it's caught right here.
00:24 Does he know about this?
00:25 - He's out today.
00:26 He knows.
00:28 - Yo, man, come on, what happened?
00:30 - What did they say, why?
00:38 - No, it's probably all this talk about us
00:39 starting our own company.
00:42 Who you talk to at that party?
00:43 - I didn't talk to anybody at the party, Ben.
00:45 - You know what kind of position it puts us in?
00:48 - Ben, don't, just--
00:49 - No, no, no, no, no.
00:51 He needs to know this.
00:52 Car payment, mortgage, and no job.
00:57 I was doing fine, we were on our feet, and you...
01:00 - It's okay.
01:03 - Listen, maybe this is just a sign
01:06 that we need to go into our own business.
01:08 - And you're still talking about this.
01:10 You listen to me.
01:11 Get your head out of the clouds.
01:15 It ain't gonna happen.
01:17 This ain't no damn sign, it's over.
01:19 Man, look, I already made some moves.
01:23 - How have you made moves, man?
01:24 You ain't got no money.
01:25 - So it's either you're in or you're out.
01:28 What kind of moves you make, you ain't got no money.
01:31 - Chris, what the hell?
01:32 - Hey, baby.
01:34 Listen, let me explain, okay?
01:37 I took all the money out of the bank.
01:39 - I know that.
01:40 - I opened up a business account,
01:42 and we're gonna go into business for ourselves.
01:44 - You did what?
01:45 - Ben and I got fired today.
01:48 I just think that's a sign that we should just
01:50 go into business on our own.
01:52 - That is my money.
01:53 - Yeah, but we're in this together, though, right, babe?
01:55 - No, no, I'm in this.
01:57 You go get my money back.
01:59 - It's a little bit too late.
02:00 The majority of the deposits already went out this morning.
02:04 - You bastard.
02:06 You just take my money without asking me?
02:08 - No, baby, this is gonna work out for the best.
02:11 Trust me on that, okay?
02:13 - You know what?
02:13 I am getting so sick of you.
02:17 I am so tired of supporting this whole family by myself.
02:23 I thought a man was supposed to help a woman, hmm?
02:26 You are so weak, both of you.
02:32 - Today ain't the day and I ain't the one,
02:34 you understand me?
02:34 - All right, what you gonna do with your broke ass?
02:37 - That's your broke ass trick.
02:38 - You go to hell.
02:39 - Look, man, this is my wife you talking to.
02:41 - Don't mean nothing to her, Chris.
02:42 - What is that supposed to mean?
02:43 - Yeah, Ben, what is that supposed to mean?
02:45 - She better get, she better get her, babe.
02:47 She better go to hell.
02:48 - That's what I thought.
02:49 - Andrea, just drop it.
02:51 You stole my money.
02:53 - Baby.
02:54 - You and this loser will never be William Cartwright.
02:56 - From one.
02:57 Ain't nobody trying to be no damn William Cartwright,
02:59 you understand me?
03:00 But you can't see that 'cause you so busy
03:01 on his lap every night, right?
03:03 - Oh, come on, man.
03:05 What are you talking about?
03:06 - Chris, man, come on.
03:08 Everybody know, man.
03:08 They know, they talking about you behind your back
03:10 at the site, everybody know.
03:12 - Baby, what is he talking about?
03:14 - Come over here for a second.
03:15 I need to talk to you for a second.
03:17 What is he talking about?
03:17 - Okay, fine, fine. - You start talking
03:18 to me right now.
03:19 - All that money you stole from me
03:22 was given to me by William.
03:24 - Why would he give you so much money?
03:28 - Oh, this.
03:29 - 'Cause he's my man, Chris.
03:35 (somber music)
03:38 (woman screams)
03:44 - Wait a minute, wait a minute!
03:47 - Oh my God!
03:47 - It's not so hard like this.
03:48 - You've been making me feel like the whole time
03:50 that this is my fault, that I'm the one that's crazy.
03:54 And you've been doing this a whole while.
03:55 - You know what?
03:56 Keep that money.
03:58 There's plenty more where that came from.
04:00 In fact, you know what?
04:02 Here's some more.
04:04 You go buy yourself some boxes
04:06 and get your stuff out of my house.
04:08 - Five years we've been married
04:10 and you talk to me like that.
04:12 Now we got a son.
04:16 - What are you gonna tell him, huh?
04:18 - My son is a cartwright.
04:22 (somber music)
04:25 (somber music)
04:27 (somber music)
04:30 (somber music)
04:32 ♪♪♪♪♪
