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00:35 My message title today is Grow Much Fruit.
00:40 Scriptures.
00:42 Let's go to Matthew chapter 7.
00:43 Stay standing.
00:45 Stay standing only if you're 65 and above.
00:47 Matthew 7, 16.
00:53 "You shall know them by their fruits."
00:57 By their fruits.
01:01 "Do men gather grapes or thorns or figs or thistles,
01:04 even so every good tree brings forth good fruit,
01:10 but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit.
01:14 A good tree cannot--
01:18 a good tree cannot--
01:21 a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit,
01:26 neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good tree.
01:29 Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit
01:33 is cut down and cast into the fire.
01:36 Wherefore, by their fruits you shall know them."
01:41 John 15, verse 8.
01:47 John 15, verse number 8.
01:51 "Wherein is my father--
01:58 herein is my father glorified that you bear much fruit."
02:05 That you bear much fruit.
02:09 "So shall you be my disciples.
02:12 You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained
02:15 you that you should go and bring forth fruit
02:20 and that your fruit should remain."
02:25 I pray that you will bring forth much fruit,
02:28 but I pray that your fruit remains.
02:31 "That whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name,
02:34 he will give it to you."
02:35 Father, add a blessing to this word.
02:37 In Jesus' name, amen.
02:39 Turn to neighbor and say, it's hot.
02:42 Amen.
02:44 May we be seated?
02:44 The last time I preached here, I think,
02:54 was the revival services.
02:56 I didn't preach in August.
02:57 And so Houston actually is hotter
03:10 than what it is in our area right now.
03:13 And I was running just about every day
03:16 in the afternoon in the heat.
03:19 I loved every bit of it.
03:21 And so for me, even like now, last night, for example,
03:26 so hot, I have to keep myself wrapped up under a duvet.
03:32 So Pastor Tichy will always have a man that's
03:34 cooked well and well done.
03:35 OK, there are different types of fruit.
03:41 And they come in various categories.
03:47 And so the categories of fruit from plants,
03:51 God has made everything that is created to produce.
03:54 Even a stone, as dead as it may seem,
03:58 a stone has the ability and the capacity
04:01 in the hands of a mason or a builder
04:04 to be used and to be multiplied.
04:07 And so everything that God has created
04:10 has within it the ability to grow and multiply.
04:14 And so plant reproductive mechanisms,
04:18 you'll see in Genesis 1, verse 11, grass, herb, fruit, trees,
04:23 trees that produce fruit not good for human consumption,
04:25 trees whose fruit is to produce shade, et cetera.
04:31 And of course, there are plants and forests in the oceans.
04:35 In terms of forests, it's like gazillions of life forms there.
04:41 And so it's just a pity that the jacaranda fruit is not edible.
04:46 Can you imagine if the jacaranda fruit was edible?
04:48 That would be my favorite fruit.
04:49 Everything that God has created is designed to produce fruit,
04:58 categories of fruit from living organisms.
05:01 And so the Bible mentions these in Genesis chapter number 1.
05:05 He talks about great whales, fish, reptiles,
05:10 microscopic beings, every living creature that moves,
05:14 was commanded to bring forth abundantly.
05:19 God made the beast of the field and every animal
05:25 in its category.
05:27 And they were commanded to be fruitful and to multiply.
05:32 Everything that creeps on the earth after his kind, birds,
05:35 insects, rats, mites, snakes.
05:37 I'm not sure what God's idea was about snakes.
05:41 I'm really not sure.
05:44 It's one of those things that's quite a mystery.
05:47 And they should have been in the category of the dinosaurs
05:52 to have been made extinct.
05:56 I don't get the whole idea about snakes.
05:58 I guess the mongoose wouldn't survive, really.
06:00 Slide number 6, categories of fruit from human activity.
06:09 The work of your hands.
06:13 He said your hands will be fruitful.
06:16 The fruit of your body.
06:17 The fruit of your work.
06:22 The fruit of your lips.
06:28 The fruit of your thoughts.
06:31 The fruit of your actions.
06:34 The fruit of your giving and contributions.
06:39 The fruit of your investments.
06:40 And you can add a list there as well.
06:43 Let's start with the work of your hands.
06:49 Proverbs chapter number 12 and verse 14.
06:53 "A person shall be satisfied with good
07:02 by the fruit of his mouth.
07:05 And the recompense of a man's hands shall be rendered to him."
07:11 So you will be rewarded, the work of your hands,
07:16 and by the things you say.
07:20 Pastor Chichi was saying while we
07:23 were on the trip concerning a certain person who wasn't well.
07:27 And that the family members around that person,
07:31 instead of them speaking life and encouraging life,
07:36 they were saying, oh, any day now, get ready any day now.
07:41 And Chichi said, they're probably
07:43 going to outlive all of you.
07:45 Because she has a world to live and is speaking life.
07:52 And you guys are speaking death.
07:54 And you have relegated your world
07:57 to live into another category at all.
08:01 And so a man, a person, a woman, will
08:05 be satisfied with the good fruit of his mouth.
08:09 And so you have to train your mouth,
08:12 train your mouth to speak.
08:15 I was-- Sunday night, we preached for Dr. Bill Winston.
08:22 And so as we got back to the hotel,
08:26 we're staying downtown Chicago at a hotel
08:28 called the Peninsula, absolutely lavish.
08:32 And so when we came into the reception up to the sixth
08:35 floor, Cindy Flowers was there.
08:38 She is Bishop Marvin Winans, PA, executive assistant.
08:43 And she goes, oh, I'm so happy to see you guys.
08:46 And she said, I'm sorry.
08:47 She said, I came here especially to hear you speak.
08:50 And she said, I was hoping I'd see you.
08:53 And then she mentioned that Bebe Winans was there.
08:57 She was looking after Bebe.
08:59 And so anyway, we waited in the foyer.
09:04 And Bebe came.
09:04 We talked for a while.
09:05 It was so good to see them.
09:07 We hadn't seen them in a while.
09:09 And we then had-- the next morning,
09:12 we had breakfast together.
09:13 And the teacher was asking, how is mom?
09:16 And so I was Mom Winans.
09:18 And basically, the long life that they've been given
09:25 is based on the kinds of music that they've
09:28 been singing for decades.
09:31 And there's people that he now manages in another world who
09:36 are so crazy and meticulous about things they do
09:42 and how they live.
09:44 They literally speak themselves to death.
09:47 You have to learn how to discipline your mouth.
09:52 Speak properly.
09:55 People that are naturally pessimistic,
09:58 it's tough for you.
10:01 Speak life.
10:02 Train your mouth.
10:05 Now, there are some things that we can hope for.
10:11 But that doesn't mean we don't speak positive.
10:15 It's not likely that Nottingham Forest
10:18 will win the premiership.
10:21 But if you're a Nottingham Forest supporter,
10:24 speak life that you are not relegated.
10:28 Sorry, Tammy, your team.
10:33 So the Bible says that God will bless the fruit of your body.
10:43 The fruit of your body.
10:46 And so the fruit of your ground, the fruit of your cattle,
10:51 the increase of your cattle, the increase of your sheep.
10:56 And the Lord will make you plenteous in all things.
11:01 Plenteous in all things.
11:03 As you've heard me say over and over and over again,
11:07 if you believe that God is going to make you
11:10 plenteous in all things, your responsibility
11:14 and your job right now-- you've heard me say this 1,000 times.
11:18 This is 1,001 times, Lorraine.
11:21 Create space.
11:22 Because when you start getting a lot of stuff
11:29 and you don't have space, it becomes a real challenge.
11:32 Create space.
11:38 If you are married, planning on getting married,
11:41 and usually the woman says, after this one child, never,
11:47 not again.
11:49 Just give her a few months.
11:53 Give her maybe a year.
11:55 And then one of her friends has a baby.
11:57 Then she gets that look on her face.
11:59 I want another baby.
12:04 And so it is important to have space.
12:08 So Bernard Arthur Bismarck and Sharifa Leher
12:14 got married on the 5th of May.
12:17 They first born, Tudor John Petit Bismarck, 1957.
12:23 Bernie Bernardine, 1958.
12:27 Donovan, 1959.
12:30 Clyde, 1960.
12:32 Lola, 1961.
12:35 Marion, 1963.
12:39 And then they discovered the wonderful, wonderful appliance
12:42 called television.
12:58 God said he would bless the fruit of your body.
13:03 And the fact that you can have many children,
13:07 we would advise that you get some counseling so
13:11 that you can have-- your children
13:14 can have quality of life.
13:15 I was at a conference many years ago.
13:17 And there was a man and a woman.
13:21 Literally, I kid you not, they didn't
13:23 believe in contraception.
13:25 They had 16 children.
13:29 And she was expecting a 17th.
13:31 And so you know I'm going to say something.
13:38 I said to them, there's an Italian doctor in Harare.
13:43 He's Italian.
13:44 He goes by the name of Danso.
13:46 He would love to talk to you.
13:51 Because what happens is that the man is busy doing
13:57 what he's doing.
13:58 And the woman has to do everything-- the changing,
14:02 the cooking, the preparing.
14:06 I mean, how do you nurse four children-- four, three, two,
14:15 one-- how?
14:19 Which way?
14:20 [LAUGHTER]
14:22 How many bottles?
14:24 How many diapers?
14:26 And so even though God is going to bless
14:28 the fruit of your body, I would prefer
14:31 to put this in the category that your children will always
14:35 be above, will always be in front, will never have lack.
14:40 They'll be in the best schools.
14:43 They may not be the fastest runners,
14:44 but they'll be able to.
14:47 They might not be in a sports category,
14:50 but they'll be very academic and gifted.
14:53 So when he says, I'll bless the fruit of your body,
14:56 it's not having 10 children.
14:57 My grandmother, my mother's mother, had 13 children.
15:02 13, somebody.
15:03 13.
15:04 13.
15:05 So God will bless the fruit of your body.
15:09 He'll bless the fruit of your hands.
15:12 He will make you plenteous in goods.
15:14 Deuteronomy chapter number 28, verse 4.
15:18 "Blessed shall be the fruit of your body
15:20 and the fruit of your ground."
15:22 Slide number 10.
15:24 So God blessed Noah.
15:26 Genesis 1, 9, verse 1.
15:33 "And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them,
15:36 be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth."
15:41 And in verse 7, he said, "And you, be you fruitful
15:46 and multiply and bring forth abundantly in the earth
15:50 and multiply therein."
15:54 And so fruitfulness is a command.
15:58 God has commanded you to be fruitful in everything you do.
16:03 Shout, I am fruitful.
16:05 In everything I do, I am fruitful.
16:10 Abraham, Genesis 17, verse 5.
16:15 "Neither shall your name be any more called Abraham,
16:22 but your name shall be called Abraham.
16:24 For a father of nations I have made you.
16:29 And I will make you exceeding fruitful.
16:33 And I will make nations of you and kings shall come out of you."
16:38 So preaching for Bishop Smith last week Sunday,
16:43 we actually had gone for Brian Cole's wedding.
16:48 And Mary Cole has been to Zimbabwe.
16:49 So after the service, there were a number of people that--
16:53 a few people were lining up for prayers.
16:56 And about three couples had come because they could not
17:00 have children.
17:01 And two couples had come because we were there
17:04 last year in October.
17:06 Two of them are expecting because last year in October
17:10 when we were there, they asked for prayer.
17:12 And so I said to them, when it comes to having babies,
17:17 of course you have to be married for this.
17:19 If you can't have a child, children, I'm your man.
17:28 I have a gift to pray for people, for women,
17:31 that can't have children.
17:33 And in that, I also have a gift for twins.
17:38 I do.
17:39 And so if you can't have children,
17:41 you have to be married for this.
17:43 I reiterate.
17:45 We will pray for you.
17:47 And you're going to get twins.
17:51 And if you are so excited about twins,
17:56 please talk to Dream and Tari after the service.
17:59 And they'll encourage you why not to.
18:02 [LAUGHTER]
18:07 And so I will make you exceeding fruitful.
18:11 And so this Bali, at 100 years old, has a son.
18:15 Calls him Isaac.
18:18 He's 117.
18:19 He takes a three-day journey to sacrifice his son,
18:22 walks up a mountain, and then takes a ram out of the thorns,
18:28 lifts that ram, and sacrifices that ram.
18:32 And then Sarah went to be with the Lord.
18:36 And when Abraham was 147 years old,
18:41 he married Keturah at 147 and had six children with Keturah.
18:48 He was eating a lot of onions and a lot of garlic.
18:55 Say, I am exceeding fruitful.
18:57 I am exceeding fruitful.
18:59 You guys are slow.
18:59 You're really slow.
19:01 Isaac.
19:03 And he removed from thence and dug another well.
19:06 And nobody strove with him there.
19:08 He named the place Rehoboth and said,
19:10 for now the Lord has made room for us.
19:13 We shall be fruitful in this land.
19:17 The Bible says of Isaac in that same chapter
19:19 that the Philistines envied him, one man.
19:23 A whole nation envied him because he was fruitful.
19:27 That is your story.
19:29 You will be so fruitful that in your neighborhood,
19:33 you will be envied.
19:35 You know, on election day, I vote in Rua,
19:40 because that's where I'm registered.
19:42 And so I went to the polling station and so on.
19:45 So I had to pass by the house to fetch one of our workers
19:49 so we could go together.
19:51 And so there was a lady there.
19:53 And she said to me, ah, Mr. Bishop, Pastor B,
19:57 whatever, whatever, says we are missing you.
20:00 Where are you?
20:01 I said, no, we have moved to another place of town.
20:04 She said, ah, the reason we are missing you,
20:06 nobody's fixing the roads.
20:07 Please come back and fix our roads.
20:09 You are fruitful.
20:13 You will fix people's roads.
20:16 You are fruitful.
20:17 You will not fall into a puddle, because you will fix it.
20:23 That's what a soft amen.
20:24 [LAUGHTER]
20:26 Soft amen.
20:31 Jacob was fruitful.
20:32 Genesis 28, verse 3.
20:34 The Almighty God bless you and make you fruitful
20:38 and multiply you that you might be a multitude in people.
20:41 This is Isaac praying for Jacob.
20:45 The previous chapter, Jacob had taken the blessing
20:48 that Isaac was praying that he thought was Esau.
20:53 And so he received that blessing,
20:56 not knowing, realizing that his father didn't know it wasn't
21:01 Esau.
21:03 So the next day, when Esau discovered
21:06 that the blessing was already gone,
21:08 he threatened to kill Jacob.
21:11 So the next day, Jacob goes before his father,
21:14 because the mom said, you need to leave.
21:16 Now he knows.
21:19 Isaac knows that this is Jacob.
21:22 And so he says, God bless you, make you fruitful,
21:25 multiply you, and give you the blessing of Abraham
21:29 to you and your seed.
21:31 And then years later, when he comes out
21:34 of working for Laban in Genesis 35, verse 11,
21:37 God said to Jacob, I am God Almighty.
21:39 Be fruitful and multiply.
21:41 A nation and a company of nations shall be of you,
21:44 and kings shall come out of your loins.
21:47 The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac to you,
21:49 I'm giving you that land and your seed.
21:51 God's about to give somebody some land.
21:55 And on that land, on that land, it's
21:58 going to be filled with good things.
22:01 That's a good place to say, I receive.
22:04 Shout three times, I receive.
22:09 So last week, from three different people
22:14 who don't know each other at all, to my knowledge,
22:17 was sending me townhouse available.
22:22 I said to each of them, I'm not interested.
22:25 And so the third time when I said, I'm not interested,
22:28 the Lord said to me, how can you say you're not interested?
22:32 How can you say you're not interested?
22:35 I'm sending these opportunities to you,
22:37 and you keep on saying you're not interested.
22:39 Instead of saying you're not interested,
22:42 ask me to empower you.
22:45 That changed my whole outlook.
22:48 So this morning, when I got another from another,
22:51 I said, Lord, please empower me.
22:54 Please empower me.
22:56 I don't have to live in all of them.
22:57 When I preached in Durban for a certain gentleman,
23:06 he told me he's got a massive house in London.
23:08 He's got a house in Dubai.
23:09 He's got a house in Singapore.
23:11 His house in Durban is twice the size of this building.
23:16 And either you can say, be envious,
23:19 or you can say, please impart that anointing on my life.
23:23 And that's generally the way I look at it.
23:26 I need that anointing.
23:29 I need that blessing.
23:31 Even if you are a single person, even though you are a widow,
23:36 you might be a widower.
23:38 You might be a Dr. Joe.
23:39 You need that blessing.
23:42 If I were a rich man--
23:48 And then he says, I'll build a house with stairs.
23:51 I don't even know where the stairs are going.
23:52 Shall I receive?
23:59 Let's go to chapter number 28 and verse 4.
24:01 The Lord's blessing.
24:03 "Blessed shall be the fruit of your body,
24:05 the fruit of your ground, the fruit of your cattle
24:07 you increase.
24:08 The Lord make you plenteous in goods and the fruit of your
24:10 wads."
24:10 Repetition, repetition.
24:11 Let's go to slide number 16.
24:13 Slide number 16.
24:15 Joshua.
24:17 The Bible says in Joshua 5, verse 12,
24:20 "The day they came into the land of promise,
24:24 that day the manna ceased.
24:27 And that day they began to eat the corn of the land.
24:31 And the children of Israel did not eat manna anymore.
24:35 They were partakers of the fruit of the land of Canaan."
24:39 So here's my take on this.
24:41 You have been a dependent for 40 years.
24:45 For 40 years, every day, you were getting bread.
24:48 Is that a hypertension thing?
24:51 Bread.
24:51 It is.
24:52 Lord, you see.
24:55 You said, give us this day our daily bread.
24:59 Please talk to Dr. Joe about our bread.
25:02 Give us this day our daily fish.
25:04 So for 40 years, every single day, God was giving you.
25:20 But in those 40 years, the land you were headed to,
25:25 there are people that you have not employed,
25:28 people that you are not paying, Jonathan,
25:31 that are planting trees.
25:33 And they are cultivating lands, not knowing
25:37 that they are doing it for you.
25:40 And so God is about to move so many people in this room
25:44 from dependency to where there's going
25:47 to be abundance and overflow.
25:50 I am so serious about this.
25:53 To abundance and overflow.
25:56 I can't believe that a person mustn't eat sadza bigger
26:00 than your fist.
26:02 That's why you look the way you look.
26:03 Don't eat sadza the size of your head.
26:10 I can understand that.
26:13 I'm like, really?
26:14 The size of your fist?
26:16 That's crazy.
26:17 [LAUGHTER]
26:21 That's messed up.
26:23 Let's go to slide number 17.
26:26 Psalm 1, verse 3.
26:29 "You shall be like a tree.
26:33 You shall be like a tree, planted
26:36 by the rivers of water that brings forth
26:38 his fruit in his season.
26:40 Your leaves shall not wither, and whatsoever you do
26:43 will prosper."
26:44 Whatever you do, whatever you do is going to prosper.
26:50 Call your name, say, Tudor, whatever you do
26:52 is going to prosper.
26:55 Say it another two times.
26:57 Tudor, whatever you do is going to prosper.
27:01 Tudor, whatever you do is going to prosper.
27:04 Amen.
27:05 Amen.
27:06 Psalm 92 and verse 13.
27:12 "Those that be planted in the house of the Lord
27:17 shall flourish in the courts of God."
27:22 If you are planted in the house of the Lord,
27:27 your courts shall flourish.
27:31 They shall still bring forth fruit in their old age.
27:37 If you're 65 years and over, shock, that's my scripture.
27:43 Shock, that's my scripture.
27:47 Who's 65 and older there?
27:48 Ah, you have a hard life.
28:02 If you are 65 years and over, shock, this is my scripture.
28:07 Amen, it's my scripture.
28:11 "You shall bring forth fruit in your old age,
28:14 and they shall be fat and flourishing."
28:19 Woo, that's my scripture.
28:20 They shall be fat and flourishing.
28:23 Proverbs chapter 27 and verse 18.
28:28 "Whosoever keeps the fig tree shall eat the fruit of it,
28:35 and he that waits on his master shall be honored."
28:39 So keep that fig tree.
28:42 Keep your business.
28:44 Keep the enterprise that you began.
28:49 Take care of it.
28:51 If you take care of what you are building now, in the future,
28:57 it will take care of you.
29:01 Don't destroy what you are building now,
29:04 because when you get to your older years,
29:07 there'll be nothing to take care of you.
29:11 A long time ago, we decided that we would never
29:14 go into an old age home.
29:17 And so we said we're going to prepare a place so
29:20 that if we become incapacitated in any way,
29:24 we'll be in our own home.
29:27 We don't want to be in an old age home.
29:30 Now, if people are there, that's another story.
29:33 But we've made up our minds that we're going to be fruitful,
29:37 and we're going to prosper.
29:40 Proverbs 18 and verse 20.
29:44 "A man's belly shall be satisfied
29:46 from the fruit of his mouth."
29:49 And so speak life.
29:51 Speak food.
29:52 Speak prosperity.
29:54 Speak increase.
29:55 "And out of the increase of your lips,
29:57 you shall be full, because death and life
30:00 are in the power of your tongue.
30:01 And they that love it shall eat the fruit of it."
30:04 Again, hone your words.
30:07 Practice speaking positive.
30:10 Practice speaking life.
30:13 Practice health by speaking health.
30:16 Is everybody with me?
30:18 Proverbs 13 and verse 2.
30:21 "A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth."
30:26 You'll eat good by the fruit of your mouth.
30:30 Turn to a neighbor and say, say nice things.
30:36 Especially when you're talking about me, say nice things.
30:40 Especially when you're talking about me, say nice things.
30:49 Say nice things.
30:52 Don't say, Tudor, you're looking good,
30:54 but where's the hair gone?
30:57 I'll tell you that good men come out on top.
31:02 Are you tracking with me here?
31:04 I promise in the words of Hezekiah Walker,
31:08 I won't harm you with words from my mouth.
31:13 You won't hear someone say, Tudor,
31:15 Chi Chi said this about you.
31:18 Because out of the fruit of my lips,
31:22 I'm speaking blessing on your life.
31:26 It is a custom of ours.
31:29 When we wake up in the morning, we start with a list
31:34 and call out names of family members.
31:39 Mom gets the lion's share of that.
31:43 We go through all our brothers, sisters, their wives
31:47 and husbands, their children and grandchildren.
31:51 We talk about and pray for all the board members, elders
31:56 in our church, friends that we have.
32:00 I pray for every member of the Council of African Apostles.
32:04 Call their wives and their children.
32:07 We just get through those names and we
32:09 discover we are almost an hour in prayer.
32:14 And so sisters and brothers, you'll
32:18 never hear foolishness out of my mouth.
32:21 Because every day from 1969, I pray for wisdom.
32:28 It's foolishness to talk bad about somebody.
32:32 If you say something stupid about someone,
32:36 you're going to reap what you sow.
32:39 It's coming back seven times worse.
32:43 If you say something nice, turn to a lady and say, be nice.
32:51 Back seven times greater, someone's going to bless you.
32:57 Yesterday in my run, I did 16 kilometers in the heat.
33:05 The only thing that bothered me was
33:08 a guy came around the corner, turned his car
33:11 and stood in front of me and said,
33:13 I can't believe it's you, Bishop.
33:15 I can't believe it.
33:16 I can't believe it.
33:17 I can't believe it.
33:18 I said, you are interrupting my run.
33:20 He said, please, can you pray for me?
33:23 My brother, if you're in church, please don't do that again.
33:29 Because you are interrupting my time.
33:33 But he wanted to put a little offering in my hands.
33:37 If I run around Harare, I might be
33:40 able to raise enough money to build Kingdom Cathedral.
33:45 [CHEERING]
33:48 Shout, I am fruitful.
33:51 I said, shout, I am fruitful.
33:54 Shout, three people, I'm fruitful.
33:58 Much fruit is growing in my life.
34:02 I said, much fruit is growing in my life.
34:08 Ecclesiastes 2 and verse 4, I made me great works.
34:18 I built me houses, and I planted vineyards.
34:24 I made me gardens and orchards and planted trees in them
34:30 with all kinds of fruits.
34:32 Take a page out of Solomon and plant a tree.
34:38 In the first week of December is tree week.
34:43 Everybody in this church is going to have to plant a tree.
34:49 We are planning on planting 500 trees in Chimucopa.
34:55 I'm recommending fruit trees, not eucalyptus trees.
35:01 Turn to your neighbor and say, plant a tree.
35:04 You can't get fruit if you don't plant something.
35:09 You can't get a benefit if you don't plant something.
35:14 Ecclesiastes 2.9, so I was great and increased more than all
35:23 that were around in Jerusalem.
35:26 Your fruitfulness is making you great.
35:31 You'll be the greatest in Rua.
35:34 You'll be the greatest in St. Mary's.
35:37 Zingeza 1, 2, 3, 4, Zingeza 150,000.
35:42 The greatest in Seki.
35:44 You'll be the greatest in Chihota.
35:47 Say, I am the greatest.
35:50 Because your fruit, because your fruit will testify for you.
35:57 Your fruit will speak for you.
36:00 Your fruit will testify of your good works.
36:05 Isaiah 29.17, is it not yet a very little while,
36:12 and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field.
36:17 The fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest.
36:23 God is going to take a little Lebanon
36:26 and make it a fruitful field.
36:29 But from a fruitful field, it's going to grow into a forest.
36:34 You might have one mango tree, but out of that one mango tree
36:40 is coming all kinds of products.
36:43 Do I hear mango juice?
36:46 Do I hear chopped mangoes?
36:48 From one little thing, a forest is coming along.
36:54 God's about to make you fruitful.
36:57 Number-- slide number 23.
37:01 You shall know them by their fruits.
37:04 Shout, Lord, make my fruit good.
37:09 Shout, Lord God, make my fruit good.
37:14 Shout, Lord, make my fruit good.
37:19 Shout, I am fruitful.
37:21 Shout, I am fruitful.
37:24 Shout, I am fruitful.
37:27 Say, make my fruit good.
37:31 If you have children, start calling them by name right now.
37:36 And say after the name, you are fruitful.
37:40 Dream and Tari, you are fruitful.
37:42 Jason and Tadiwa, you are fruitful.
37:46 TJ and Lashon, you are fruitful.
37:49 And if you are my grandmother, you
37:50 would be saying 13 times, you are fruitful.
37:56 If you're sitting next to a friend, say you are fruitful.
37:59 Irene, you are fruitful.
38:02 Irene, you are fruitful.
38:04 Blessed in the city, blessed in the field, blessed coming in,
38:10 blessed going out.
38:12 Dr. Joe, God's about to bless you with a wonderful wife.
38:17 Don't get high blood pressure.
38:20 Just talk, my brother.
38:21 Amen.
38:22 I pray diaper anointing on your life.
38:25 Shout, I receive.
38:28 Shout, I receive.
38:30 Dr. Joe, you have to watch and you have to pray.
38:34 So don't just give injection.
38:37 Watch and pray.
38:40 Put your hands together for a good doctor.
38:44 I said God is about to make you fruitful, Barry.
38:50 Barry, something is coming.
38:52 It's coming.
38:53 It's coming.
38:53 It's coming.
38:54 There is a promise from God.
38:57 The anointing just hit.
38:59 There is a promise from God.
39:05 I'm not a thorn.
39:07 I said I'm not a thorn.
39:09 I'm not a thistle.
39:11 I'm good for food.
39:13 I'm good for encouragement.
39:15 I'm good for blessing.
39:17 I'm not corrupt.
39:19 You won't see corruption in my life.
39:23 I'm a man and a woman of integrity.
39:26 Shout, I am fruitful.
39:27 Shout, I'm fruitful.
39:33 Shout, I'm fruitful.
39:34 My food is not corrupt.
39:37 My fruit is not evil.
39:39 My fruit is not destructive.
39:42 My fruit doesn't have thorns.
39:45 My fruit won't cause hurt.
39:48 My fruit is not withered.
39:51 My fruit is not rotten.
39:54 My fruit does not attract fruit flies.
39:57 My fruit is not cursed.
40:00 My fruit is not poisonous.
40:03 My fruit is not limited.
40:05 Father, Father, let my fruit increase.
40:13 Let my fruit increase.
40:16 But most of all, let my fruit remain.
40:21 Let my fruit remain.
40:23 Let my fruit remain.
40:26 Let my fruit remain.
40:28 I'm praying for abundant fruits, but I'm
40:31 praying your fruit remains.
40:33 Shout, my fruit is remaining.
40:37 10 years from now, your fruit will still be there.
40:41 20 years from now, your fruit will still be there.
40:46 100 years from now, your great, great, great grandchildren
40:52 will come to a certain place, and they
40:54 will say, this is where grandpa and grandma,
40:59 this is where they began.
41:01 Shout, my fruit.
41:04 Shout, my fruit is abundant.
41:10 And my fruit will remain.
41:14 My fruit is attractive, and my fruit is pleasing.
41:19 My fruit is delightful.
41:21 My fruit is desirable.
41:24 My fruit brings happiness and joy.
41:27 My fruit brings healing and health.
41:30 My fruit brings prosperity.
41:33 Clap your hands for good fruit.
41:35 Noah was fruitful.
41:41 Abraham was fruitful.
41:45 Isaac was fruitful.
41:48 Jacob and Joseph were fruitful.
41:52 Joshua and Caleb, they were fruitful men.
41:56 Hannah and Ruth and Esther were fruitful.
42:00 Samuel, David, and Solomon were very fruitful.
42:05 Elijah and Elisha were fruitful.
42:09 Daniel, Meshach, Abednego were fruitful.
42:17 Peter, James, and John were fruitful.
42:21 Paul, Barnabas, and Silas were fruitful.
42:24 Grace, Cyrus is fruitful.
42:27 Diana, the Harkess is fruitful.
42:30 Mary, Denzel is fruitful.
42:33 Jonathan, you are fruitful.
42:36 Stan, Shabuka, you are fruitful.
42:40 Gwen, you are fruitful.
42:44 Dr. V, you are fruitful.
42:47 Mark, you are fruitful.
42:50 I feel like twins are coming.
42:53 Shad, I'm fruitful.
42:56 I'm fruitful.
42:57 My fruit is abundant, and my fruit remains.
43:02 Come on, Jackie and Joe, let your fruit increase.
43:06 I said, I'm growing higher.
43:09 I'm growing higher.
43:12 No weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper.
43:18 Grow.
43:19 Grow your fruit.
43:21 Grow.
43:22 Grow your vineyard.
43:24 Grow.
43:25 Grow your family.
43:27 Give God a praise, everybody.
43:29 [APPLAUSE]
43:32 Look at your hands.
43:41 Look at your hands.
43:42 Look at your hands.
43:49 Say, my hands are fruitful.
43:52 Now, talk to me and say, hands fruitful.
44:06 (upbeat music)
44:09 you
