00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:32 - Go with me for as much strength as I have
00:36 to Ephesians chapter one.
00:38 How many have been listening to the Bible class?
00:44 Who gets the Bible class?
00:46 Okay.
00:47 In Ephesians chapter one,
00:51 and I may jump to chapter three also,
00:55 but I've been dealing with the prayers of Paul.
01:02 And I thought it was essential for church growth,
01:06 for Christian growth,
01:07 to begin to understand what to pray for.
01:13 Because oftentimes we only pray for material things.
01:20 We only pray for our family members.
01:24 And it is interesting that the writer Paul
01:31 emphasizes prayer in relationship to spiritual growth.
01:36 I think it's important to understand
01:42 that it's almost insulting at times
01:47 to act as if God does not provide for his children.
01:52 I'm looking here at parents and people
01:58 who take their children serious.
02:02 And people who have lived in homes
02:04 where you as a child was the most important creature
02:09 in the house.
02:14 I was reading somewhere years ago
02:16 where a car rolled over on a child
02:19 and the mother found some superhuman strength
02:23 and literally pick the car up off her child.
02:29 The significance of that statement
02:31 is that there is such a bonding
02:34 between normal parenting and children.
02:39 And I emphasize normal
02:40 because so much abnormality is happening today.
02:46 Indeed, in fact, the Bible said that we would be a-storgy
02:51 and a-storgy is without affection.
02:55 And so many people have family,
02:58 but they have no affection.
03:02 So consequently, I have to say normal
03:05 because so much is abnormal that we take for normal
03:11 because we've been enduring it for so long.
03:16 But the significant thing is that any individual
03:19 who is in love with their children
03:23 and it should be a very natural offshoot,
03:25 make sure that they're provided for.
03:29 So now let me take this to another level.
03:31 How much more God?
03:34 And here's how he responds to us
03:37 and when we pray and insult him,
03:41 he says, "I have knowledge.
03:43 "I know what you have need of before you ask."
03:48 And I was thinking this morning as I'm meditating on this
03:53 that God has to be very busy
03:55 because if he's taking care of all of us
03:59 and he's seen to everybody's need,
04:02 then he is working double time, triple time,
04:05 part time, all the time.
04:08 And we ought to praise him for that every day.
04:11 Amen.
04:12 So to be caught up in prayer
04:17 and prayer is only asking him for things
04:22 is literally an insult
04:24 because what he's saying is Solomon in all of his glory
04:29 was not arrayed as one of the lilies of the field
04:32 who comes up today and is gone tomorrow.
04:35 And then he throws in this how much more
04:38 and the how much more cannot be comprehended
04:42 by human intellect
04:44 because the how much more God,
04:48 you cannot rationalize the how much more.
04:53 You don't have enough brain power.
04:55 I don't have enough brain power
04:56 to figure out the how much more God
05:00 because if God is gonna give his only begotten son,
05:03 and then he says, man, I'm having a good time with this.
05:07 He says, and with him also give you all things,
05:12 freely give you.
05:15 What he's saying is if God will put his own son
05:19 on the cross to save you,
05:23 he'll give you a car.
05:26 Amen.
05:30 He'll give you a house
05:32 if he will put his son on the cross
05:35 in order to redeem you and I who were lost.
05:40 Then why am I sitting here begging him
05:43 for something he already knows I have need of
05:47 before I even ask him?
05:49 I think we gotta shift our prayers
05:52 from things to self power
05:56 through the spirit of God
05:59 and watch how God supplies everything else.
06:03 He says, seek ye first
06:05 the kingdom of God and his righteousness
06:10 and says all these things will be added unto you.
06:14 Then he turned around, Jesus said,
06:16 labor not for the meat that perisheth.
06:20 And because of this now I understand Paul's prayers.
06:23 We're gonna touch a couple of them real quick.
06:26 Notice now he says in verse 15 of chapter one of Ephesians,
06:31 wherefore I also after I heard of your faith
06:34 in the Lord Jesus and love unto all the saints,
06:36 cease not to give thanks for you
06:39 and I will be making mention of you in my prayers.
06:42 And here's what he's gonna pray.
06:44 He's praying that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
06:48 the father of glory may give unto you
06:51 the spirit of wisdom and revelation
06:56 in the knowledge of him.
07:00 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened
07:05 that ye may know what is the hope of his calling,
07:09 what the riches of the glory of his inheritance
07:12 in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness
07:17 of his power to us would who believe
07:19 according to the working of his mighty power,
07:22 which he wrought in Christ when he raised him
07:25 from the dead and set him at his own right hand
07:28 in heavenly places far above all principality
07:31 and power and might and dominion
07:34 and every name that is named, not only in this world,
07:38 but in that which is to come
07:41 and hath put all things under his feet,
07:45 gave him to be head over all things to the church,
07:48 which is his body, the fullness of him
07:50 that filleth all in all.
07:53 Look at your neighbor and say,
07:54 put the devil under your feet.
07:56 Now, the prayer here is for the enlightenment
08:07 of our understanding.
08:09 And if I don't hoop today,
08:12 you know, I,
08:14 (humming)
08:17 you know, I was teaching a class the other day
08:21 in Canada Preachers and I said that
08:23 in what's happening particularly in Canada
08:27 is it's multiracial and multiethnic.
08:30 And so oftentimes,
08:36 I was in Japan some years ago
08:37 and somebody in Japan said,
08:40 the African American preacher sings his sermon.
08:44 I am walking across the stage to the piano.
08:55 That's what I'm doing.
08:57 I'm gonna walk across the stage and touch the piano.
09:00 (humming)
09:03 ♪ Oh Lord ♪
09:06 ♪ I feel ♪
09:08 ♪ Like walking across the stage ♪
09:14 ♪ I'm gonna walk across the stage ♪
09:17 ♪ Touch your neighbor ♪
09:19 ♪ Say neighbor ♪
09:23 ♪ Walking across the stage ♪
09:26 Now, all I said was,
09:31 but you push me to have to sweat
09:33 and scream and shake the mic
09:36 and wonder I'm gonna hit my teeth.
09:38 Many great voices are not heard
09:42 because they don't have a style.
09:44 Many great voices have been left aside
09:49 because they didn't practice
09:53 how to emotionally move a crowd.
09:56 But the bottom line is the more mature person
10:00 is not really concerned about who said it,
10:03 the more mature person isn't really concerned
10:05 about how it is said.
10:07 The more mature person is only concerned
10:10 about what is said.
10:12 Amen.
10:14 And I hope,
10:15 I hope we have a group of people in this church
10:18 who can receive it any way it's delivered.
10:22 He is praying for something
10:26 that I think is significant to all of us.
10:29 And that is that the Lord operates from spirit to spirit.
10:34 This is why when Adam sinned,
10:38 he was disconnected from God
10:40 because he said,
10:42 "In the day that thou eatest, thou shalt surely die."
10:47 It was not what he ate.
10:50 It was the fact that he did eat
10:53 in contradistinction to what he was commanded.
10:59 In other words, it was the disobedience
11:03 that now is regarded as rebellion
11:07 that caused the spirit of God and his spirit
11:12 to sever relationship.
11:15 Now, once there is a severing of relationship
11:18 on the spirit side,
11:21 then immediately he has died.
11:25 He didn't die physically.
11:27 He lived to be 900, I believe, and 30 years old,
11:31 but he died that moment spiritually
11:35 because now there is no connection to God.
11:39 It is true then that when you receive the Holy Spirit,
11:44 that now you have been revitalized or rejuvenated
11:49 because the Holy Spirit now goes and enters
11:53 into your spirit.
11:55 And then through your spirit,
11:58 he talks to your mind.
12:00 I should go over that again
12:03 'cause this is very critical.
12:05 It's a substratum of everything
12:07 that he's praying for right here.
12:10 He is saying and he's showing us
12:13 that there has to be a spiritual contact with God
12:18 because your relationship with God is not intellectual.
12:22 Your relationship with God is not material.
12:26 You cannot judge what you have
12:30 as an indication of how close you are to God.
12:34 There are many people who have way, way, way, way, way
12:39 richer than we are who don't even believe in God.
12:44 So you cannot judge your relationship with God
12:48 by what you wear, by what you drive or where you live.
12:53 Jesus himself said, he said, "The foxes have holes,
12:58 "the birds of the air have nests,
13:01 "but the Son of Man hath nowhere to lay his head."
13:05 Now, if you have nowhere to lay your head, you homeless.
13:08 But the homeless Jesus walked on water.
13:13 The homeless Jesus fed 5,000, fed 4,000.
13:18 The homeless Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead.
13:23 I mean, I would mind being homeless
13:27 if I could do some of that.
13:28 The relationship with God is not material.
13:34 It is not intellectual.
13:37 It doesn't matter how smart you are.
13:40 That does not give you access to God.
13:45 I have a very good example,
13:47 which I think I've told you before.
13:50 There were two boys separated from each other
13:53 in separate wombs.
13:56 They were separated actually by two thin layers
13:58 of cutaneous tissue.
14:01 When the mothers came together,
14:03 one boy who was in Mary's womb, Jesus,
14:09 and the other boy who was in Elizabeth's womb, John,
14:15 and they were separated, as I said,
14:16 by two layers of cutaneous tissue,
14:20 and that's just simply skin.
14:21 Now, Jesus was not reading the Jerusalem Tribune
14:28 in his mother's womb, or else he wouldn't be human.
14:33 He is unconscious in his mother's womb.
14:38 There is no Aristotelian deduction going on
14:42 in his mother's womb.
14:43 There is no rational, intellectual process.
14:48 He was unconscious in his mother's womb,
14:53 and John was unconscious in his mother's womb.
14:58 When the two mothers got close together,
15:04 the Bible says that the child John left
15:09 in his mother's womb and received the Holy Spirit
15:13 unconscious without saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
15:18 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
15:20 You got it, come on, come on, bring it up, bring it up.
15:23 He was unconscious and received the Holy Spirit
15:27 in his mother's womb.
15:28 In his mother's womb, in an unconscious state,
15:31 he had a revelation of who Jesus is
15:36 while he was unconscious.
15:39 Years later, the conscious John sends word to Jesus
15:48 and asks, "Are you the one, or should we look for?"
15:56 The unconscious John knew who Jesus is,
16:04 and the conscious John is having trouble
16:09 trying to figure him out.
16:11 I said, I'll go over that again.
16:16 The intellectual John is struggling with who Jesus is
16:23 while the unconscious John had a revelation.
16:32 Never let your mind talk you out of your revelation.
16:37 Don't sit around and try to rationalize your revelation.
16:44 When God opens your eyes to something, receive it.
16:48 Don't try to rationalize it.
16:50 Don't try to intellectualize it.
16:52 Don't try to philosophize it.
16:55 Just receive what God has given you.
16:58 You see, God moves around intellect
17:02 to the point where he says, "A fool will not err."
17:08 Some of us are too smart to serve God.
17:17 Too smart to do the right thing.
17:21 And then sometimes we try to rationalize
17:26 because we feel like we can rationally help God
17:30 to bring something to pass.
17:32 Now we're caught with Abraham and Sarah and Hagar.
17:37 We're gonna rationalize, we're gonna help God.
17:42 When God has given you a revelatory experience,
17:45 that I'm gonna make you the father of many nations
17:48 and things are getting from difficulty to impossibility,
17:51 well, the only other thing is a miracle.
17:54 And that's how God moves.
17:56 He moves after you have tried to rationalize
17:58 and tried to wheel and deal.
18:01 That's why you don't have to conspire your way.
18:03 You don't have to steal your way.
18:05 You don't have to connive your way.
18:08 You don't have to outsmart your way.
18:10 If God has something for you, it's for you.
18:15 It's custom fit, custom made, custom timed,
18:19 and nobody else can get what God has for you.
18:23 You don't have to protect it.
18:25 You don't have to cry over it.
18:27 You don't have to fight over it.
18:28 All you gotta do is believe what God said,
18:32 follow the process, and he will bring it to pass.
18:36 Amen, and you won't get any glory out of it.
18:40 He's gonna get all the glory.
18:43 The prayer then is for what has been deposited
18:48 in your spirit to come to the cognizance of your mind.
18:53 Because if it's in your spirit,
18:58 you can have something in your spirit
19:00 that you have not yet understood.
19:05 I pray now that the eyes of your understanding
19:11 be enlightened because it's gotta be transferred
19:16 from your spirit to your mind.
19:23 Now, I think I better go a little bit deeper
19:26 on the other side.
19:27 What happens is your mind is a battleground.
19:32 And one of the problems with America,
19:39 or with the world, because I was told
19:41 that 80% of people in America, I think it was 80 or 89,
19:47 I don't wanna go to 89,
19:52 but over 80% of Americans have mental issues.
19:57 So that would include the psychiatrist too.
20:10 People are crazy.
20:22 (audience shouting)
20:25 The problem that excerbates the mental issues
20:34 is based upon what we think about.
20:42 I did a message last week, what are you thinking?
20:50 What you think about.
20:51 And madness is associated with the flesh,
20:59 not with the spirit.
21:05 Because if you are regulated by the law of the spirit
21:12 and you walk within the parameters
21:18 of the principles of the spirit,
21:20 it leads to life and peace.
21:25 See, the reason we're cracking up
21:29 is because we have no peace.
21:33 The reason we are cracking up
21:36 is because most of us live in turmoil.
21:38 Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
21:43 Much of your relationships go like,
21:47 you got me going through changes.
21:49 Because flesh can't satisfy the mind.
22:01 Solomon says everything that I've encountered,
22:08 and he did a whole lot,
22:10 is vexation of spirit.
22:16 (audience shouting)
22:19 Because the flesh, oh yeah,
22:24 the flesh is always hungry.
22:30 And when the mind is connected to the flesh,
22:37 it can never be satisfied
22:40 because the flesh is always vacillating.
22:46 Going through vicissitudinous changes,
22:49 seeking what it can't acquire,
22:52 seeking what does not satisfy.
22:56 So the mind then is never in a place of peace
23:02 because to be carnally minded is death.
23:06 Oh, let me work with this a little bit.
23:11 I'm gonna be like Bishop, I'm gonna talk to this side.
23:15 What happens is when God breathed into man
23:19 the breath of life, he created us out of
23:23 the earth that he created.
23:26 So he made us out of what he created.
23:30 Now if he made us out of what he created,
23:34 that means that what he created had a starting date.
23:37 If it has a starting date, then it can have an ending date.
23:44 So when he created man out of the dust of the ground,
23:47 he created man out of what he created
23:50 and he made him a panoply of flesh.
23:53 Then God did something miraculous
23:56 in that is he breathed into man a part of himself.
24:01 Now that part of himself is eternal.
24:05 It has no beginning, no ending
24:09 and man became a living soul.
24:14 Now the word from the Hebrew is napash,
24:17 who he became a living soul, mind,
24:21 appetite, person, creature, same word.
24:26 Now notice what's going on here.
24:29 If man becomes a living soul,
24:35 a living appetite, a living person, a living creature,
24:42 he is now caught between what is not created
24:47 and what is created.
24:53 Because part of you is connected to the dust.
25:00 To dust thou shalt return.
25:03 And if the mind, which is the center of who you are,
25:11 if the mind is connected to what's going back to dust,
25:16 then that mind is going to die.
25:18 And that death of the mind is separation from God.
25:25 I wonder if you're still with me.
25:31 Adam was separated from God, but he was still alive.
25:35 Separated from God, but was still conscious.
25:38 Separated from God, but he still had his appetency.
25:42 Still had his drives and could never be satisfied.
25:45 I told you last week about ET.
25:51 ET go home, ET go home, ET go home, ET go home.
25:58 Do you know that you're sitting here and your soul,
26:02 your mind is panting after God?
26:07 You want God.
26:09 Once he awakens you with the power of the Holy Spirit,
26:13 you want him, you seek him daily.
26:16 You wake up in the morning and you have him on your mind.
26:19 You roll out of the bed and the first thing you do
26:21 is talk to God.
26:23 You want to talk to him during the day.
26:24 Talk to him when the crisis arise,
26:27 but talk to him when things are pleasant.
26:29 You want to talk to him when your family's good.
26:32 You want to give him praise.
26:34 And then you want to talk to him when they're bad
26:36 so he can help to change them.
26:38 You want to talk to him when you're sitting around the table
26:41 with a whole lot to eat.
26:43 And you want to talk to him
26:44 when you ain't got nothing to eat.
26:46 Because when your soul awakens through the power
26:50 and the energy of the Holy Ghost, it reaches for God.
26:54 Then you get sick of yourself.
27:04 When you blunder through the flesh
27:08 and the Spirit of God then brings conviction
27:12 and nobody can convict like the Holy Ghost.
27:16 You can say what you want,
27:19 you try and insult me and make me feel bad,
27:22 but your external insult does not internalize
27:27 to the point where I will change.
27:29 Amen.
27:34 You can't insult that well.
27:36 And I know some of us can curse like it's poetry.
27:41 Amen, have you gotten over it yet?
27:50 Don't show no hands now.
27:54 Some of you thought you were delivered, huh?
28:04 With all of your poetic expression,
28:07 you can't change the person beside you
28:12 from being who they are.
28:14 But when the Holy Ghost convicts,
28:16 and when the Holy Ghost brings you to your knees,
28:22 you don't have to ask somebody to,
28:24 you need to ask for forgiveness, you need to straighten out.
28:28 When the Holy Ghost convicts,
28:30 somebody will come to you out of an internal move
28:34 of the Spirit of God.
28:36 Because when God connects to the mind,
28:39 he begins to straighten out all of the madness.
28:42 And here's what Paul says.
28:44 Paul says he guards the mind.
28:47 He marches around the mind to keep the enemy
28:50 from infiltrating your mind.
28:52 He guards your mind so that you're in perfect peace.
28:56 And he says, all you gotta do is stay your mind on me
29:00 and I'll keep you in perfect peace.
29:02 Can't no devil make you crazy when you're close to God.
29:07 People who are close to God ain't crazy.
29:12 He guards your mind.
29:23 Can't penetrate.
29:30 Man, you done put your business out there on social media.
29:33 Now you're losing your mind when people respond.
29:36 The mind that is spiritual
29:52 needs no affirmation from fleshly creatures.
29:59 The mind that is spiritual
30:01 receives affirmation from God.
30:04 And when God says it's okay,
30:10 when God says you are all right,
30:13 when God says I'm working on you right now,
30:17 don't look at your past,
30:18 leaving the things which are behind.
30:20 I'm taking you forward to the things
30:23 that I have planned for you.
30:24 Why?
30:25 That's the hope of his calling.
30:28 So I wanna pray now
30:33 that what he has placed in your spirit quietly,
30:36 for the spirit make it intercession
30:40 with groanings that cannot be uttered.
30:43 That's not a (growling)
30:47 You hear people praying (growling)
30:50 They praying about themselves then.
30:53 They praying about themselves then.
30:55 When they praying for me,
30:58 Oh, keep the pastor, keep him holy,
31:02 keep him from the other woman,
31:04 keep him Lord, keep the pastor,
31:07 don't let him steal anything.
31:09 Don't let him be a thief,
31:10 helping to pay his income tax,
31:12 keep him Jesus.
31:14 Then all of a sudden they go to (growling)
31:17 When they praying for you, they praying loud.
31:22 But when they praying for their lying lips,
31:24 it's (growling)
31:27 Lord, keep me from lying.
31:28 Keep my temper down.
31:32 With groanings that cannot be uttered is like this.
31:38 A groaning that cannot be uttered is no sound at all.
31:46 Which means the spirit is operating within your spirit.
31:51 And you're not even conscious
31:53 of what the spirit is doing in your spirit.
31:57 Because the spirit is living your next week right now.
32:02 And the spirit is moving in you quietly right now
32:07 about something you're going to have to deal with next week.
32:12 God is not gonna wait till next week
32:16 to give you the power to get over it,
32:19 because he knows it's coming.
32:21 He's already living what you gotta go through next week.
32:26 So he fortify,
32:29 he fortifies you before it happens,
32:34 so that when it happens, you're already prepared.
32:38 I don't know, I wanna talk to somebody here
32:43 who walks with God.
32:44 Have you ever been going home,
32:47 and on the way home, the spirit of God entered in the car,
32:51 just like God took the car over.
32:54 You had to pull over on the side of the road,
32:57 and you're spoken other tongues for a few minutes.
32:59 Then you got back in the car,
33:01 and when you got home, it was a mess.
33:04 God prepared you before you got there,
33:08 so that when you got there, you were already under control.
33:12 The spirit was already moving,
33:14 the anointing was already all over you,
33:17 so that when you walked in the house,
33:19 you didn't walk in the flesh,
33:21 you came in spirit.
33:22 Ready?
33:24 I don't know what you gotta face,
33:33 but God's got it under control right now.
33:37 (bells ringing)
33:40 Somebody oughta give him five seconds of praise.
33:48 (congregation cheering)
33:51 I'm praying.
34:05 (bells ringing)
34:08 I gotta open your eyes.
34:11 Gotta bring it to your mind.
34:15 What God is doing.
34:20 Now, somebody should ask the question.
34:24 If he's praying that the spirit of wisdom and revelation
34:31 be granted,
34:35 hmm, the spirit of wisdom and revelation,
34:39 somebody should ask the question,
34:40 well, what spirit is he talking about?
34:43 Because if they're human at all,
34:47 they have the human spirit,
34:48 and they're a church,
34:51 so they have the Holy Spirit.
34:54 So what spirit is he talking about?
34:58 It is a complex relationship
35:03 between the Holy Spirit and the human spirit.
35:06 Because when you're rejuvenated,
35:11 when you're born again,
35:14 you're born of the spirit.
35:17 Yes.
35:21 So now the spirit of God enters into your spirit,
35:26 and it's born again.
35:31 That that he took away from Adam,
35:33 he put now in you.
35:36 Yes.
35:41 And this now represents his body.
35:43 See, his body,
35:46 let me put it this way.
35:49 I think in science, they said that
35:51 no two things can occupy the same space.
35:53 All right?
35:56 So I just can't come and get into you,
35:58 and you get into somebody,
35:59 and get in, and get in, and all this big, one big lump.
36:02 But an omnipresent spirit
36:11 is a spirit that is everywhere.
36:15 And everywhere means in you and in me,
36:21 in you, in you, in you, in you, in you.
36:25 So the spirit then is what joins us all together
36:30 as one.
36:33 When people get married,
36:41 you know, every time I talk about people getting married,
36:47 and somebody's gonna think
36:48 I'm trying to talk to my wife now.
36:53 Y'all don't know me well enough.
36:55 I'm a rebel.
36:56 I don't need a crowd to talk to my wife.
36:58 If I got something to say, I will say it at the house.
37:02 So please don't think I'm a bad,
37:04 I'm gonna give you a good example now.
37:06 The Bible says, "And the two shall be made one."
37:11 And
37:14 oneness,
37:16 we think it's physical,
37:19 because you consummate the marriage.
37:23 You gotta consummate.
37:24 If you don't consummate,
37:25 if you don't get together in a coitus,
37:29 then
37:31 you can unknow.
37:36 If you get together in coitus, you gotta divorce.
37:42 It's a critical piece because
37:47 it is so easy
37:52 to become one physically.
37:54 I remember Paul, when he wrote to the Corinthians,
38:07 and he said to the Corinthian men,
38:10 "Be very careful about hooking up with harlots,"
38:15 because the Greeks thought that it was a service
38:19 that they needed to have rendered.
38:20 And when they got saved,
38:22 they were continuing to receive the service.
38:26 And Paul is saying now, "Aha!"
38:28 Because don't you know,
38:30 when you have a relationship with a harlot,
38:32 you become one
38:33 with her.
38:36 Understand
38:39 how easy it is
38:41 to become one physically.
38:45 Now,
38:47 you all talk about
38:49 you all talk a lot about soul.
38:52 I ain't figured it out yet, but
38:56 soul.
38:59 But the real issue here is not soul,
39:04 but spirit.
39:06 I can separate you easily physically.
39:13 I can confuse you intellectually.
39:19 But I can't mess with your spirit.
39:22 When two people are connected in spirit,
39:27 you can't break them up.
39:29 I wish you'd understand what I'm saying.
39:31 When their spirits are joined together,
39:35 you can be in Toronto,
39:38 she can be in LA,
39:40 and she can be feeling what you going through in Toronto,
39:44 pick up a phone and say,
39:46 "Hey, I'm getting a bad five.
39:47 Bad five, what's going on?"
39:49 Oh, now that's scary, isn't it?
39:53 That's scary.
39:54 For them to be 40,000 miles away looking at you.
39:58 Because you can't break spiritual connections.
40:06 This is why God,
40:08 when he fills up with the spirit
40:09 and brings us into the body of Christ,
40:11 he makes us all one.
40:13 God is so much one,
40:15 that in God there's neither male nor female, physical,
40:19 there's neither bond nor free, financial,
40:23 there's neither Jew nor Greek, racial.
40:27 Anytime you get in God,
40:29 it has nothing to do with your physicality,
40:31 it's all about your spirit.
40:33 And when your spirit joins together,
40:36 there is no devil that can separate
40:39 the spirit of God from you and me.
40:41 That's why he says,
40:42 "And who shall separate us from the love of God?"
40:47 I feel like preaching now, Pat.
40:49 Who shall?
40:52 And when he said, "Who?"
40:55 Who, who, who, who, who?
40:58 Who, who, who, who, who?
41:01 His voice reverberated down into hell.
41:05 And his voice walked through the corridors of hell
41:08 and knocked on the devil's door
41:10 and said, "Who can you?"
41:13 Who, who, who, who, who?
41:16 Your mama, who?
41:18 Your daddy, who?
41:19 The devil, who?
41:20 Beelzebub, who?
41:22 The demon, who?
41:23 The deep, nobody can separate me from the love of God.
41:28 Give somebody a high five.
41:30 And say, "Neighbor, I'm hooked for life."
41:34 "I'm hooked for life."
41:38 (bells ringing)
41:41 I feel like shouting.
41:43 ♪ I feel like giving God the glory ♪
42:00 ♪ I feel like giving him the praise ♪
42:06 (audience laughing)
42:09 - Can I take a few more minutes?
42:15 I was in New York, but he's asleep.
42:24 Sleep.
42:28 I said, "You wake him up, he got to go."
42:32 He said, "We tried."
42:35 I said, "He won't wake up."
42:36 I said, "Did you shake him hard enough?"
42:39 Said, "Well, we, you know, we can't do that."
42:40 I said, "Well, he can't find me."
42:42 So I shook him till he would walk.
42:48 When he got up, he said,
42:52 "Get your recorder on your phone."
42:55 Popped the recorder on the phone.
42:57 And he had a little instrument this size, and he played.
43:03 As I'm walking him to the stage, he says,
43:05 "Play it back to me."
43:06 And I play it back to him.
43:10 And he goes on stage and does that for 10 minutes.
43:14 I said, "When did you get it?"
43:17 He said, "While I was sleeping."
43:20 The issue here is whether he's sleeping,
43:26 whether he's awake, music is in his spirit.
43:32 When something is in your...
43:34 When you have success in your spirit,
43:42 when you have victory in your spirit,
43:45 when you have joy in your spirit,
43:48 when you have power in your spirit,
43:52 when you got hospitality in your spirit,
43:56 it got to come out.
43:59 It's got to come out.
44:00 (recorder playing)
44:03 You can't hide it if it's in yours.
44:06 Pray.
44:30 Pray.
44:31 This is what prayer is about.
44:34 Because to be fortifies and places his power in your spirit
44:41 and then brings you to the enlightening,
44:46 or enlightenment, it's probably more correct,
44:49 of what's in your spirit.
44:52 The deposit has already been made.
44:59 I believe when a child is born,
45:01 everything that that child needs is right there.
45:05 In infancy, how that child is nurtured.
45:11 Because human beings are the least prepared,
45:17 intellectually, psychologically, physically,
45:23 for life than any of the other beings.
45:27 And will the beast come out of mama running from the lion?
45:29 Born one minute and here come the lion.
45:33 If you leave a child for 24, 28 hours after birth,
45:40 it's through, it's done.
45:43 Everything is there.
45:45 I believe that when you are filled with the Holy Spirit,
45:50 that everything that you will ever need
45:56 on your Christian journey is already there.
46:00 You asking him for something, that's already there.
46:06 Lord, give me some power, it's already there.
46:09 Lord, give me some joy, it's already there.
46:12 Give me victory, it's already there.
46:14 Make me powerful, it's already there.
46:17 Let the devil get off my back, tell it.
46:19 Because it's already there.
46:22 I don't have to bring you anything.
46:24 I gave you everything when I filled you with the Spirit.
46:28 How much Spirit is all of God?
46:31 Let's raise that question now.
46:37 How much of God is all of God?
46:41 Give somebody a high five.
46:46 And say, neighbor, I didn't get a piece of God.
46:50 I got all of God.
46:53 (congregation cheering)
46:56 I got all of God.
46:57 ♪ You can't make me doubt him ♪
47:05 ♪ You can't make me doubt him ♪
47:08 ♪ You can't make me doubt him in my heart ♪
47:13 ♪ You can't make me doubt him ♪
47:17 ♪ No, not about him ♪
47:21 ♪ You can't make me doubt him in my heart ♪
47:26 (upbeat music)
47:28 (upbeat music)
47:31 (upbeat music)
47:33 (upbeat music)
47:36 (upbeat music)