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00:00 [Music]
00:19 Good evening, Udah Covenant Church and all of our viewers around the world.
00:24 Thank you for joining us for our midweek Bible study.
00:28 We're dealing with Kingdom Leadership and today's lesson is going to be titled
00:35 "Dealing with Demons."
00:40 Our scriptures are going to be from Matthew chapter number 12 and verse number 22.
00:52 "Then they brought him one that was possessed with the devil, blind and dumb,
01:00 and he healed him insomuch that the blind and the dumb both spoke and saw."
01:07 So if you look at the order of this verse, the man was blind and dumb.
01:15 Blind first and dumb.
01:18 But look at the way Jesus heals him.
01:21 He heals him so where the blind see and then the dumb speak.
01:29 So he reverses the order in the condition.
01:32 He's dumb first and blind second.
01:35 But the healing comes where his eyes are opened and then he speaks.
01:39 It's very dangerous for you to speak if your eyes are not opened.
01:44 It's very dangerous to speak if you don't see a thing.
01:48 And so the people then, the Pharisees heard it and they said,
01:53 "This fellow cast out devils but by the prince of devils Beelzebub."
02:00 And Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them,
02:03 "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation,
02:08 and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.
02:12 And if Satan cast out Satan, he's divided against himself,
02:16 how then shall his kingdom stand?
02:18 But if I, by Beelzebub, cast out devils,
02:25 by whom do your children cast them out?
02:27 They will be your judges.
02:29 But if I cast out these devils by the Spirit of God,
02:33 then the kingdom of God is come unto you.
02:38 Or else how can you enter into a strong man's house and spoil his house
02:41 except you first bind the strong man and then spoil his house?"
02:45 And so what Jesus is dealing with here is several levels in that verse.
02:51 Several levels.
02:53 And so the first level here is Jesus is reversing the curse
02:58 that came onto mankind with Adam and Eve.
03:02 And so the devil said to Adam and Eve,
03:05 to Eve in chapter number 3 of Genesis,
03:10 the serpent said to her, you know, "If you eat of this fruit,
03:15 you shall be as God."
03:17 And the truth of the matter is that they were already as God
03:21 because they were built and made in God's image.
03:24 And so what the devil did was then he spoke to her
03:28 and then opened her eyes.
03:31 He spoke to her and then opened her eyes.
03:34 And so generally, if a person speaks with their eyes closed,
03:39 they're going to have a problem.
03:41 It is better for you to have your eyes open first
03:45 before you speak in an opinion.
03:47 For example, a professor that is teaching medicine or law,
03:53 the professor has seen it and has been through it.
03:59 Has probably been through court cases, studied many cases,
04:04 has volumes of cases and reference points,
04:08 and it would be ludicrous for a first-year law student
04:12 to speak and challenge a professor
04:15 if they haven't won a case.
04:18 They may have read up on cases,
04:20 but if they've never been to court and won an actual case,
04:23 they should not speak before they see.
04:26 So you see first and then you speak.
04:29 And so when Jesus cast out this devil,
04:32 he was very categoric in that I have seen this before.
04:39 That's why I can speak.
04:40 And then he says, "Every house,
04:44 every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation.
04:48 And every city house divided against itself cannot stand.
04:53 And if Satan, cast out Satan, he's divided against himself,
04:57 how then shall his kingdom stand?"
05:00 So Jesus is acknowledging and stating that Satan has a kingdom
05:05 and that his kingdom is standing in place.
05:09 And if you look at various places
05:12 in where you have the devil or Lucifer appearing,
05:16 you will find, for example, a unity in their group.
05:21 They don't break ranks.
05:23 They stay in rank.
05:25 And so you'll see this in Daniel, chapter number 10,
05:29 Daniel had fasted and prayed, and the angel came through and said,
05:32 "God heard your prayer on the first day."
05:35 He said, "But the prince of Persia,
05:39 which is a demonic prince,
05:41 was hindering us to bring your answer."
05:44 He said, "But now that your answer has come,"
05:46 this is the 21st day, "now that your answer has come,
05:49 a greater prince is coming."
05:51 And he called him the Prince of Grisha.
05:54 And so you see how they stand together.
05:58 They work together.
06:00 I remember a number of years ago
06:03 when I was the pastor at number 258, Samora Michelle.
06:08 We had an outbreak of serious deliverance.
06:13 This was in 1990, 1991.
06:15 There was so much deliverance taking place.
06:17 And I remember in one particular service,
06:20 there was a lady we suspected
06:25 was a carrier of witchcraft and so on.
06:30 She had a child who used to beat himself,
06:34 I mean, used to fist himself every day.
06:36 You could see it was absolutely demonic.
06:39 And one day this lady,
06:42 in the middle of a total move of God,
06:44 started manifesting a devil.
06:47 And so as this devil was manifesting,
06:50 there was a lady that started screaming,
06:53 "Hold on, hold on,
06:56 because this service is going to finish at 11 o'clock.
06:59 And if you just hold on until 11,
07:03 we'll still have a place to stay."
07:05 And I remember that so clearly,
07:07 because that lady that spoke was speaking in a tongue,
07:11 but I heard the tongue,
07:13 that it was a demon encouraging demons.
07:17 And as the Lord opened my eyes,
07:19 and I began to see,
07:20 I saw those demonic spirits cluster
07:23 at the church as two main doors.
07:26 And the left-hand side of the door from the pulpit,
07:28 I saw those clustered there.
07:30 And as that lady left the church,
07:33 as she walked out of the church,
07:34 all those spirits went back into her,
07:36 and she almost lost her mind.
07:39 And so she wanted an explanation from me
07:42 as to what actually happened
07:43 and invited Cheech and I to her house.
07:45 So when we went to the house,
07:47 we got a strict, strict instruction from the Lord.
07:50 "Whatever you do,
07:52 do not eat any food that she presents."
07:55 So we got there.
07:56 Trina was a little baby.
07:57 We got to the house,
07:58 and she prepared food,
08:00 and she dished up food,
08:01 and she stood over us and said, "Eat."
08:03 She said, "Eat."
08:04 So we said, "No, we want to pray."
08:07 And so she said,
08:08 "I'm not going to leave you until you eat."
08:10 And so I said, "Lord, please help us."
08:14 And that moment the phone rang.
08:17 And so she ran to go and answer the phone,
08:19 and on the other side of the phone,
08:22 whoever that was,
08:23 was citing some sort of a problem,
08:25 and she was trying to resolve this problem.
08:27 So what we did was we ran outside,
08:29 just ran outside,
08:30 and threw the food out,
08:32 just out there.
08:33 And after about 15 minutes,
08:34 she came back and said,
08:35 "Oh, you enjoyed the food.
08:36 Do you want some more?"
08:37 So we said, "No, no, no, no, no, no.
08:38 We're fine, we're fine."
08:40 And then we discovered
08:41 that this lady was a high-ranking witch
08:44 that was assigned to New Life Covenant Church,
08:47 at least to New Life Temple,
08:49 and to destroy our life and our ministry.
08:52 And so when you're dealing with demons,
08:55 they work together.
08:57 They understand each other.
08:59 They encourage each other.
09:01 And it's very difficult to move a demon
09:03 or a spiritual, evil spiritual force
09:07 if you don't bind the strong man first.
09:11 You have to bind the strong man first.
09:14 And so the strong man,
09:16 the strong man,
09:18 basically functions in a way
09:20 that's quite interesting.
09:22 I want you to go with me
09:23 to Matthew chapter number 10.
09:27 And I want you to read with me
09:31 from verse number 5.
09:33 Jesus names the apostles,
09:35 and he sent them forth in verse 5,
09:37 and commanded them, saying,
09:39 "Don't go by the way of the Gentiles
09:41 into the way of the city of the Samaritans.
09:42 Don't you enter in there.
09:44 But go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
09:47 And as you go, preach, saying,
09:49 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'"
09:53 "The kingdom of heaven is at hand."
09:56 Number one, "Heal the sick,
09:58 cleanse the lepers,
10:00 raise the dead,
10:01 cast out devils.
10:03 Freely you have received,
10:05 freely give."
10:07 So one of the mandates
10:08 that was given to the apostles
10:09 was to cast out devils,
10:11 deal with the strong man,
10:14 cast them out, remove them.
10:17 There are so many people
10:19 that have so many challenges,
10:21 and many of these challenges
10:22 are around a demonic influence.
10:27 And yes, we know that Jesus died,
10:30 he conquered principalities and powers,
10:33 but there's still a demonic influence
10:35 where spirits influence our lives
10:38 and direct our lives.
10:40 And you have to constantly be there
10:42 binding the strong man.
10:44 The Bible says,
10:46 "Whatever you loose on earth
10:48 is loosed in heaven.
10:50 Whatever you bind on earth
10:51 is bound in heaven."
10:53 And so it is important
10:54 that we deal with the demonic prince,
10:58 and we deal with demonic forces.
11:01 So let's go through a list
11:03 of what we will face
11:04 in our Christian walk.
11:06 Number one,
11:07 we will be dealing with demons.
11:09 What is a demon?
11:12 It is commonly believed
11:14 that a demon and a fallen angel
11:16 are two separate things.
11:18 And so when you read
11:19 Genesis chapter number one,
11:20 verse one,
11:21 "In the beginning,
11:22 God created the heaven and the earth."
11:24 Verse two,
11:25 "And the earth was without form
11:27 and void,
11:28 and darkness was upon
11:29 the face of the deep."
11:31 And so between Genesis one,
11:33 and verse one,
11:35 and Genesis one, verse three,
11:37 "And God said,
11:38 'Let there be light in that space.'"
11:40 It is believed
11:42 that when Lucifer was cast out of heaven,
11:44 Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28,
11:47 when he was cast out of heaven,
11:48 he came to the earth,
11:50 because there was only one planet
11:52 that was the earth.
11:53 There was heaven,
11:54 and there was earth.
11:56 All the other planets
11:58 only came into being
12:00 on the fourth day of creation.
12:02 So when Satan was cast out of heaven,
12:04 there was only one place he could come,
12:06 and that was to the earth.
12:08 And it is believed
12:09 that there was a pre-Adamic race
12:13 on the earth.
12:14 Whatever life form that was,
12:16 that these angels
12:18 had some sort of relationship
12:20 with this pre-Adamic race
12:22 or life form,
12:25 and out of those,
12:27 they were a pure race,
12:29 out of those that were contaminated
12:31 by demonic rebellion,
12:33 witchcraft, sin,
12:35 that a demon was formed.
12:39 A demon is not an angel, fallen.
12:42 A demon is an evil being,
12:44 spiritual being,
12:46 that can possess people.
12:48 It's not likely that a person
12:50 can be possessed by a fallen angel,
12:54 but it is all probable
12:56 that a person can be possessed
12:58 by a demon.
12:59 And so when we deal
13:01 with spiritual warfare
13:02 in our next series,
13:04 we'll go a little deeper into
13:06 how to fight and battle demons.
13:08 And so in dealing with demons,
13:11 they are governed and directed
13:14 by a fallen angel.
13:17 And so there are fallen angels
13:19 that we'll use Harari as a context,
13:23 there are fallen angels
13:25 that have been given dominion
13:27 over certain sections of the city,
13:29 and they direct their cause
13:32 from that area,
13:33 and influence people
13:35 that have been demonized.
13:37 And so the way they work
13:39 is they work through
13:40 generational challenges,
13:41 they work through
13:42 spiritual DNA challenges
13:44 to bring people down.
13:46 And so a human being generally
13:48 is not always constant,
13:51 because you are human,
13:53 you get tired, you get hungry,
13:55 you get thirsty,
13:56 we are driven by so many things
13:58 that constitute being a human being,
14:01 and all these things have to do
14:02 is to wait for you
14:03 to have a moment of weakness,
14:04 a moment of challenge,
14:06 when they will attack.
14:07 When you are most weak,
14:09 that's when they come
14:10 and try to break you down
14:12 and hurt you.
14:13 And so demons are then governed
14:16 and directed by fallen angels.
14:19 Fallen angels have a strong man,
14:22 one that's calling the shots,
14:24 that's directing them
14:26 to do their duties.
14:28 And the strong man generally
14:30 works with a cluster
14:32 of principalities and powers.
14:35 These principalities and powers,
14:37 a principality is a piece
14:40 of real estate or land
14:42 or a suburb,
14:45 whatever the case might be,
14:46 where there is a demonic principality
14:48 that governs the traffic
14:50 in and out of that place.
14:53 Around 1994,
14:57 we had Pastor Kaseke,
15:00 who was out of the Karoi area,
15:04 and he had started
15:05 a number of churches,
15:07 and this is before we met
15:09 the Kasese family.
15:10 So Pastor Kaseke came to see me,
15:13 and I remember I started
15:14 my prayers, I was praying,
15:16 this was like in the foot field
15:17 praying long hours every day.
15:20 And he came to see me and said,
15:23 "I was in Karoi over the weekend."
15:26 He said, "I was asleep in the night
15:32 and I was awakened."
15:33 And he said, "I saw a spirit
15:36 come from Marare,
15:39 and asked if there's anything
15:42 that you have on Tudor Bismarck."
15:45 Because we had planned to do
15:47 several services in the Karoi area.
15:50 And so he said, "This angel,
15:52 this demonic spirit,
15:54 said to this thing from Marare,
15:56 'No, we don't have anything
15:57 on Tudor Bismarck.'
15:58 He said, 'Scratch,
15:59 we need to find something,
16:00 we need to find something
16:01 so we can attack him.'"
16:03 And so he left.
16:05 And I thought, "That's interesting,
16:06 I'm not even sure I really believe that."
16:08 And then about two hours later,
16:11 I'd gone to take Chi-Chi for lunch,
16:13 when I came back from lunch,
16:14 Pastor Godwin of One Way Ministries was there.
16:18 And we used to have all of these
16:21 theological debates and arguments and so on.
16:23 And I said to him, "Look,
16:24 today is not a day,
16:25 I don't want to argue about baptism
16:26 and all of that."
16:27 He said, "No, no, no."
16:28 He said, "I'm here because,"
16:30 he said, "When I was praying for you this morning,
16:32 the Lord showed me that
16:34 there is an assignment against your life,
16:37 that there are demonic spirits
16:39 that are looking for fault on your life,
16:41 so that they can hurt you
16:43 and cheat you and destroy you."
16:44 He said, "I've come here,
16:45 I'll never forget that day."
16:46 He had a huge cane in his hand,
16:48 he was wearing khaki rig,
16:50 and he said, "I've come to pray with you, my brother,
16:52 I've come to pray for you.
16:53 I'm your older brother,
16:55 but I've come to pray with you."
16:57 And we prayed that prayer.
16:59 And the strong man was revealed.
17:02 So the next week, when we went to Karoi,
17:05 we had a three-day,
17:07 it was like a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday meeting there.
17:11 And on the Thursday night,
17:13 there was an outbreak of miracles
17:17 and a revival broke out.
17:19 But what was so shocking
17:21 was that there was smoke coming out of the ground.
17:24 And the Lord was saying that
17:26 the spirits are leaving,
17:27 the land is being cleansed.
17:29 And so the strong man
17:32 is controlled by a fallen angel.
17:35 And the strong man
17:37 controls principalities and powers,
17:40 and they deal with territorial spirits.
17:43 So when Jesus was casting out a spirit
17:46 from a man that was called Legion,
17:49 the spirit said to him,
17:51 Jesus said, "What's your name?"
17:52 He said, "My name is Legion, for we are many."
17:54 And then they said,
17:55 "Do not cast us out of our territory."
17:58 Do not cast us out of our territory
18:00 because that was the territory
18:02 in which they were ruling and governing.
18:04 Territorial spirits are empowered by demonic orators.
18:08 They are empowered by demonic orators.
18:12 And so there's a lot of bloodshed in the world.
18:17 Watching the news yesterday,
18:19 there was horrendous killings in Chicago.
18:23 There seems to be a blood orator there
18:25 that's being fed.
18:26 And I'm tracking some of the story
18:28 because I'll be in Chicago soon.
18:30 And I'm tracking the stories
18:31 as to why in this region
18:34 there's so much violence.
18:36 And why in a region not far from that,
18:37 there's not that much violence.
18:39 It's territorial spirits
18:41 that are being empowered by demonic orators.
18:45 And so when you look at things like
18:48 thousands of babies being aborted,
18:51 all of those kinds of things
18:54 are fueling demonic orators.
18:57 And a demonic orator is empowered
19:00 by ancient covenants.
19:05 So we start from the bottom.
19:07 Okay?
19:08 Ancient covenants empower demonic orators.
19:12 Demonic orators empower territorial spirits.
19:17 Territorial spirits empower principalities and powers.
19:22 Principalities and powers empower the strong man.
19:27 The strong man is led by fallen angels.
19:32 And so fallen angels are then given a directive
19:37 by Lucifer and his own triune set up.
19:44 And so for us now,
19:47 we have to deal with the ancient covenants,
19:50 whatever they were.
19:53 My dad, when he was a little boy,
19:58 was taken to a yunger.
20:01 My grandfather was from Malawi.
20:04 And so there were members of the Bismarck family,
20:08 Bismarck Petit family,
20:10 that were dying unnaturally.
20:14 And so it was then revealed
20:18 through some means of spiritual engagement
20:22 that there was some sort of an altar
20:25 that was raised in Malawi.
20:29 And there was a life given to empower that altar.
20:33 And so I remember I must have been about
20:36 11 or 12 years old
20:38 when we came from the boarding school I was at in Bakwe.
20:42 And when we got to the house one evening,
20:45 my dad had brought in a yunger into the house.
20:48 And we got cuts.
20:52 He then used like a horse's tail,
20:54 had some sort of a fluid
20:57 that he dipped his horse's tail in,
20:59 hit us and sprinkled us with that stuff.
21:02 And then we had to eat some things.
21:05 And it was very discomforting.
21:08 I'm not even sure my siblings,
21:10 who were very young, understood that.
21:13 But as the years rolled by,
21:16 and we began to understand deliverance ministry,
21:19 the Lord showed me,
21:21 while I was in London in 1990,
21:23 I met a Nigerian brother there,
21:26 a pastor Ayo.
21:28 And he introduced me into deliverance ministry.
21:32 And some of the knowledge he shared with me
21:35 brought me to this ancient covenant
21:37 that was made 1917.
21:42 1917.
21:44 And how it continued.
21:46 My dad lost his mom when he was 3 years old.
21:50 She died in 1935.
21:53 And there were other abnormal deaths in the family.
21:56 All of those attributed to an ancient covenant
21:59 that was made,
22:01 that empowered a demonic altar,
22:03 that allowed territorial spirits to have free reign in our lives.
22:06 Sisters and brothers,
22:08 when we're dealing with Kingdom Leadership Year,
22:10 it is important for us to understand
22:12 that we have to bind the strong man first.
22:15 We have to be kingdom leaders.
22:17 We have to...
22:19 And the way we empower ourselves
22:21 is we have to preach the Kingdom of God.
22:24 Look at Matthew chapter number 10 again with me.
22:28 He says,
22:30 "As you go,
22:32 preach the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
22:36 So the message is the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
22:39 You've got to preach the Kingdom.
22:41 Preach the Kingdom.
22:42 Demonic spirits can't handle the power of the Kingdom.
22:45 They can't.
22:46 And so, when Pontius Pilate asked Jesus,
22:49 "Are you a king?"
22:51 He said, "You sayeth it."
22:53 And Jesus then said,
22:55 "If my kingdom is of this world,
22:57 I would have my soldiers come and fight for me."
23:00 And so the Kingdom of God is a kingdom that is above
23:04 the Kingdom of Satan.
23:05 And so Jesus said,
23:06 "If you say I'm casting out devils by the prince of devils,
23:09 then the Kingdom of Satan will be disorganized,
23:13 but they are together.
23:15 They work together.
23:16 They collaborate together.
23:17 But the Kingdom of God is a higher kingdom.
23:20 So how do you bring the Kingdom of God into your life?
23:22 You have to preach it.
23:24 You have to preach it.
23:25 You preach it to yourself.
23:27 You preach it to your family.
23:28 We preach it to those around us.
23:31 We are kingdom people pursuing a kingdom agenda.
23:35 And so, let me lead you in some prayers.
23:39 Heavenly Father,
23:40 break every ancient covenant in my life.
23:45 Destroy every ancient covenant that's been raised against my family.
23:50 Heavenly Father,
23:51 I repent for any deeds and actions
23:55 that have empowered demonic alters.
23:58 We come against demonic alters.
24:00 We say in the name of Jesus,
24:02 the blood of Jesus is efficacious.
24:05 The blood of Jesus is all-empowering.
24:07 All demonic blood alters are destroyed.
24:10 Whatever witchcraft,
24:12 whatever sacrifices are being made
24:15 to empower an enemy against me
24:18 that is exposed and broken.
24:20 I declare the Kingdom of God now real
24:22 and working in my life.
24:24 Father, destroy all demonic debts.
24:28 What a previous generation did
24:30 without my knowledge or with my knowledge,
24:32 I'm not responsible for that debt.
24:34 Destroy that debt.
24:36 Let the Kingdom of God rule and reign.
24:39 Heavenly Father,
24:41 take control of my life
24:43 as I deal with the powers of the underworld.
24:46 Take control of my anointing
24:49 as I deal with the powers of the underworld.
24:52 Father, I come against all water spirits
24:55 that are trying to destroy me
24:57 and trying to hinder my life.
24:59 I break those spirits by the power of my word
25:02 and declare that the Kingdom of God
25:04 rules now and forever.
25:07 Father, anoint me
25:09 to deal with the rulers of the darkness of this world.
25:12 That as spirits move in dark places
25:15 to hinder my life and to destroy my life,
25:18 I have the power of light.
25:20 I am the light of the world.
25:22 The light of the gospel of Christ shines in my life.
25:25 Father, whatever assassin spirit
25:27 has been released against my life
25:29 to assassinate my character,
25:31 to assassinate my family,
25:34 to assassinate my message.
25:36 I now ask you to be a shield about me
25:39 and the lifter of my soul.
25:41 Heavenly Father, deal with familiar spirits
25:44 that understand what generations have done
25:47 and break those in my life.
25:49 All spirit mediums,
25:51 all channeling spirits,
25:52 all spirits of deception,
25:54 we come against you in the name of Jesus
25:56 and declare that the Kingdom leadership
25:59 of the Lord Jesus Christ
26:01 rules and reigns in my life
26:03 far above principalities.
26:05 Far above powers.
26:07 Far above the rules of the darkness of this world.
26:11 Heavenly Father, lead me into all truth.
26:14 Destroy heresy in my life.
26:16 Bring down false religion.
26:18 Break down false doctrine.
26:20 Lead me in truth.
26:22 I now decree by the powers of heaven
26:24 the greatness of your house,
26:26 the greatness of your family,
26:29 the greatness of your business.
26:31 We declare resurrection life in your spirit,
26:34 in your life now and forever.
26:37 Let the word of God dwell in you richly in all power.
26:40 May you be empowered in every single way.
26:43 Now Lord, let the kingdom of God
26:46 fully manifest in my life.
26:48 Let it show forth powerfully in my life.
26:51 We cast out spirits by the spirit of God
26:54 and we declare our houses together.
26:57 For New Life Covenant Church,
26:59 we stand together.
27:01 We stand with the vision of the house.
27:04 We work together
27:06 because our house will not be divided against itself.
27:09 We stand together with our agenda
27:11 to build a kingdom cathedral.
27:13 We stand together as we transform people
27:16 and transform nations.
27:18 We stand together in terms of our principle,
27:21 our doctrines and teachings,
27:23 our customs and our cultures.
27:25 We stand together to raise up one name unto God
27:28 in the name of Jesus.
27:30 Father, thank you.
27:32 Thank you for giving us the words,
27:34 the anointing, the grace
27:36 to bring down the strong man
27:38 and to bring down the influences
27:40 that the strong man is using against us.
27:42 We bless your name.
27:44 We thank you for it in the name of Jesus.
27:46 Guys, thank you for being with us tonight.
27:49 It is a Bible study,
27:50 a little bit of a heavy teaching there,
27:52 but research the scriptures,
27:54 go through them as you build your life
27:56 and we'll see you next week.
27:58 God bless you.
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