• 2 years ago
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Dans cette affaire majeure de détournement de fonds européens, les procureurs français ont recommandé de poursuivre en justice Marine Le Pen, ancienne candidate à la présidentielle, ainsi que 26 membres du Rassemblement national (RN). Les accusations portent sur une période allant de 2004 à 2016, durant laquelle des fonds destinés aux députés européens auraient été utilisés pour rémunérer des assistants travaillant en réalité pour le RN. Cette affaire implique également le co-fondateur du parti, Jean-Marie Le Pen, et pourrait avoir un impact significatif sur la politique française. En cas de condamnation, Marine Le Pen risque jusqu'à dix ans de prison et une interdiction d'exercer des fonctions publiques.
Malgré le remboursement partiel des fonds en question, l'Office européen de lutte antifraude a révélé des dettes considérables envers le Parlement européen. Marine Le Pen et le RN nient toute implication, arguant que ces accusations sont politiquement motivées. Cette affaire survient dans un contexte politique tendu en France, où Marine Le Pen a été une figure majeure lors des élections présidentielles de 2017 et 2022. Elle continue de diriger le groupe RN à l'Assemblée nationale, mais cette poursuite judiciaire pourrait remettre en question son avenir politique et celui du parti. Les mois à venir s'annoncent cruciaux pour l'issue de cette affaire et son impact sur la politique française.
#MarineLePen, #RassemblementNational, #DétournementDeFonds, #AffaireJudiciaire, #PolitiqueFrançaise, #FrontNational, #DéputésEuropéens, #JeanMarieLePen, #AssistantsParlementaires, #Condamnation, #PeineDePrison, #InterdictionDeFonctionsPubliques, #FraudeEuropéenne, #Remboursement, #Avocat, #AccusationsPolitiques, #ÉlectionsPrésidentielles, #EmmanuelMacron, #AssembléeNationale, #CarrièrePolitique.

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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Ebene Media TV and also share the video.
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00:11 French prosecutors have recommended to translate into justice the former conservative candidate
00:17 to the presidential election, Marine Le Pen, as well as 26 other members of the National
00:22 Assembly (NRA) for allegations of presumed detournment of European funds.
00:25 At the heart of this case, explosive allegations according to which the money intended to cover
00:31 the expenses of European MPs would have been used to pay assistants who, in
00:36 reality, worked for the National Assembly, formerly known as the National Front (FN)
00:41 until 2018.
00:42 A plot that would have lasted for no less than 12 years, from 2004 to 2016.
00:48 But this story is not limited to Marine Le Pen.
00:52 The party's founding member, Jean-Marie Le Pen, is also involved in this case, a
00:57 fact that does not fail to cast a shadow over the entire party.
01:00 In total, 11 European MPs, 12 parliamentary assistants and 4 other staff members
01:06 who have been brought to justice.
01:08 Suffice to say that this case hits hard, significantly affecting the French political landscape.
01:14 The possible consequences of these accusations are all but light.
01:19 In the event of a conviction, Marine Le Pen risks a sentence that could go up to 10 years
01:24 in prison, and would also be banned from exercising public functions for the same period.
01:28 A conviction which, if it were to be realized, would have profound implications for the
01:34 French political scene, and in particular for the National Assembly.
01:37 The European Office for Anti-Fraud had already thrown oil on the fire in 2016 by revealing
01:43 that Marine Le Pen owed a considerable sum of €339,000, or about $361,000.
01:50 However, his lawyer, Rodolphe Bosselieu, states that most of this sum was
01:55 repaid last July, at around €330,000.
01:59 It is important to note that this repayment does not in any way equate to explicit or implicit
02:04 recognition of the claims of the European Parliament, according to Bosselieu's statements
02:08 relayed by the AFP.
02:10 Faced with these accusations, Marine Le Pen maintains his position, denying any involvement
02:15 in reprehensible and elegant acts that these accusations are politically motivated.
02:19 The party, on the other hand, has issued a statement in which it states that the accusations
02:25 stem from a "mistaken understanding of the work of the opposition legislators and
02:28 their assistants".
02:29 A defense which, of course, will be examined in depth during this highly mediatized trial.
02:35 Before continuing, don't forget to subscribe to Ebene Media TV and follow us on the other social networks too.
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