देखिये अगर कोई बच्चा या इवन नौजवान भी डेंगू की चपेट में आ जाता है तो उसकी बॉडी में प्लेट्स बहुत कम हो जाते है. डॉक्टर्स भी कच्चा पपीता खाने के लिए कहते है जिससे आपके प्लेट्स काउंट सही हो जाये लेकिन सिर्फ प्लेटलेट्स बढ़ाना ही इसका एकलौता इलाज नहीं है. अगर हम डेंगू की इलाज में लापरवाही बरतते है तो patitent में मल्टी ऑर्गन फेलियर भी हो सकता है.
See, if a child or even a young person gets infected with dengue, the platelets in his body become very low. Doctors also ask you to eat raw papaya so that your platelet count becomes correct, but increasing platelets alone is not the only treatment. If we are careless in the treatment of dengue, the patient may suffer from multi-or-gan failure.
#Kidsmultior-gnfilure #dengue
See, if a child or even a young person gets infected with dengue, the platelets in his body become very low. Doctors also ask you to eat raw papaya so that your platelet count becomes correct, but increasing platelets alone is not the only treatment. If we are careless in the treatment of dengue, the patient may suffer from multi-or-gan failure.
#Kidsmultior-gnfilure #dengue