Tabagismo, Gigliuto (Istituto Piepoli): "Fumatori tabacco riscaldato chiedono più informazioni"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “I fumatori di tabacco riscaldato chiedono più informazioni su queste tecnologie”

Lo dice Livio Gigliuto, presidente Esecutivo dell’Istituto Piepoli in occasione della presentazione della ricerca - venerdì 22 settembre a Roma - “Le abitudini e le opinioni dei consumatori adulti di prodotti a tabacco riscaldato” realizzata dall’Istituto Piepoli in collaborazione con l’Associazione dei consumatori Adiconsum e con il contributo di Philip Morris Italia.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 We interviewed a representative of those Italians who use
00:08 heated tobacco products and therefore no longer smoke traditional products.
00:12 What emerged? First of all, the benefits they told us they had obtained.
00:17 These are benefits, especially of a personal type.
00:20 In the meantime, they told us in some way to feel better, to have some less annoyance,
00:24 but also of a relational type, that is, in relations with other people.
00:29 These benefits are so important that we asked them,
00:32 "Would you ever go back to a traditional tobacco product, cigarettes, the others we know well?"
00:37 Two-thirds of the interviewees said no, of course I would never do it.
00:42 But there is another issue that emerged as very important, and it is the issue of information.
00:47 Many of these consumers told us, "We need more information,
00:52 we need research to go ahead to highlight those differences
00:56 that exist between the two categories of products,
00:59 and if these are confirmed, of course, to give distinction in the management
01:03 and regulation of the two categories of products.
01:06 More attention, if possible, more study, more research on these products,
01:12 the differences between these products and traditional products,
01:16 and at that point, obviously, the State must intervene,
01:19 and that's what those who use these types of products tell us,
01:23 to try to push people to give up traditional smoking,
01:27 if it is possible, of course, to stop,
01:29 if not, to use these products, if it is proven that these products are less harmful.
