Rehnuma e Alam - Rabi ul Awwal 2023 - 22 September 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Rehnuma e Alam - Rabi ul Awwal 2023

Speaker: Dr. Saeed Ahmed Saeedi

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00:00 [Arabic]
00:14 [Silence]
00:30 [Arabic]
00:44 In today's session, we will try to understand the blessed quality of the Prophet (PBUH) as a messenger of peace and security.
01:00 If we look at it from this perspective, there is a holy hadith in Al-Mujimul Ausadh-e Tabarani, where the Prophet (PBUH) said
01:12 "Al Mominu Ya'lafu Wa Yulaf" that the feelings of love in the heart of a believer are strong and for him the feelings of love in the hearts of others are strong.
01:24 "Wa La Khaira Fee Mal La Ya'lafu Wa La Yulaf" and there is no goodness in a person who does not have feelings of love, nor do people have feelings of love for him.
01:38 "Wa Khairun Naas Anfa'um Lin Naas" said that the best of humans is the one who is most beneficial to humans.
01:50 This is only possible when there is peace, security, mutual respect, tolerance, and tolerance.
02:00 And it is obvious that a lot of steps have to be taken for this.
02:05 What better example of a messenger of peace and security than the Prophet (PBUH)
02:13 who says that he has declared him a Muslim. "Man Salimal Muslimuna Min Lisanihi Wa Yadihi"
02:20 that the brother who is with him, who is blessed with faith, should be protected by his tongue and hand.
02:32 And he praised the believer that the believer is the one who has people in his presence,
02:42 that is, the status of a believer is greater than that of a Muslim, that people, humans have come,
02:49 that he should consider himself safe in his presence, in terms of his blood, that is, in terms of life and in terms of his wealth.
02:59 And the Prophet's saying "Khairun Naas Anfa'um Lin Naas" is a more clear proof.
03:07 If we look at the blessed qualities of the Prophet (PBUH)
03:12 the Prophet of peace and security, tolerance and tolerance,
03:18 we find that he was always in need of peace and well-being.
03:23 For a soldier and for the rule of the nation, it is important to know this and it is important to know the purpose of war and when and in what circumstances it will be done.
03:34 That is, it is important to keep this difference that the war is not due to war craze and personal interest,
03:41 but there should be a high purpose for it.
03:45 We learn from the blessed character of the Prophet (PBUH) that if the war is inevitable in view of the circumstances,
03:53 then there will be no room for a less courageous demonstration.
03:57 At that time, the Qur'an has also condemned cowardice or escape,
04:03 and the Prophet (PBUH) also clarified this in his beautiful way.
04:09 "Do not desire the enemy and ask Allah for protection."
04:19 "When you meet the enemy, be patient and know that Paradise is under the shadow of swords."
04:37 So, seeking peace and security is the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)
04:43 and to avoid war to the extent possible is also one of his blessed teachings.
04:49 But the purpose of war should be to give the word of Allah.
04:53 A person told us in the court of the Prophet (PBUH)
04:57 "What is the fight in the cause of Allah, then indeed, one of us fights in anger and fights in pride."
05:03 The Prophet (PBUH) raised his head and said,
05:07 "Whoever fights in the cause of Allah, then he is in the cause of Allah."
05:13 "Whoever fights in the cause of Allah, then he is in the cause of Allah."
05:19 "Whoever fights in the cause of Allah, then he is in the cause of Allah."
05:25 "Whoever fights in the cause of Allah, then he is in the cause of Allah."
05:37 But if a person who does not have this purpose,
05:42 but for some other purpose, he enters the battlefield of fighting,
05:48 for example, for fame, for wealth, for fame,
05:54 then such a person will be deprived of any reward.
05:58 That person found this strange because he was a warrior,
06:02 and the war was in his lap,
06:05 getting entangled in the conversation and then taking out the sword from the sword.
06:10 He asked the question once, the Prophet (PBUH) gave the same answer,
06:15 then asked the question again, the Prophet (PBUH) gave the same answer again,
06:19 until the person asked the same question four times,
06:22 and the Prophet (PBUH) said,
06:23 "Allah does not accept any action unless it is done for His sake."
06:27 "And now his face is covered with it."
06:30 Allah does not accept any action until it is done for the sake of Allah.
06:37 And the action that does not only require His consent,
06:41 but such an action does not get the honor of Allah.
06:45 And the Prophet (PBUH) even said,
06:50 "Whoever goes to war in the way of Allah,
06:57 and he also intends to tie a rope to a camel,
07:01 he will get what he intends."
07:04 And when it became clear that the war will be fought as the last situation,
07:10 when there is no other option left,
07:12 the Prophet (PBUH) even in such a situation,
07:16 that when the war is inevitable,
07:18 set some etiquettes and conditions,
07:21 which the oppressors did not like.
07:24 The Prophet (PBUH) forbade the killing of such people,
07:28 who do not fight in the face of the truth.
07:31 It is stated,
07:32 "Do not kill a weak person,
07:38 nor a small child,
07:42 nor a woman."
07:46 The woman is the one who is not involved in the battlefield.
07:50 But look at the perfection of the Prophet's (PBUH) training.
07:54 When in the Battle of Uhud,
07:56 the Prophet (PBUH) drew his sword from the back of the enemy,
08:00 and said, "Who will pay for this?"
08:03 Then Hazrat Abu Dajana and Hazrat Zubair came forward,
08:06 and the Prophet (PBUH) gave this sword to Hazrat Abu Dajana.
08:10 Hazrat Abu Dajana is now walking with his sword in the battlefield,
08:16 and he is walking with great pride and glory.
08:19 And whoever comes in his way,
08:22 he will go to hell.
08:24 He is running after the enemy,
08:26 and Hazrat Zubair is watching this.
08:28 And he is trying to understand the wisdom,
08:32 why the Prophet (PBUH) chose Hazrat Abu Dajana.
08:37 Then a scene came,
08:39 Hazrat Zubair says,
08:41 "I saw with my own eyes,
08:43 that Hazrat Abu Dajana was far from me,
08:45 and he met a woman on the way.
08:48 She placed a sword on his head,
08:50 and after placing the sword,
08:52 he stopped,
08:54 spoke,
08:55 and after speaking,
08:56 she removed the sword and left.
08:58 The battle ended.
09:00 I asked Hazrat Abu Dajana,
09:02 "Hazrat Abu Dajana, tell me,
09:04 what was the mission,
09:06 what was the matter,
09:07 that she placed the sword on his head,
09:09 and the sword did not cut him,
09:11 and the sword was removed again."
09:13 He said,
09:14 "She was Abu Sufyan's wife, Hinda,
09:17 so I placed the sword on her head,
09:19 she was inciting people to war.
09:22 But I said this and removed the sword again.
09:25 I said, 'This is the sword of the Prophet of Allah,
09:28 and I will not kill anyone with it.'
09:30 This is the sword of the Prophet of Allah,
09:33 and I am honoured by this sword,
09:37 that if it is raised on a woman,
09:39 then it will be against her honour.
09:41 And I left it.
09:43 You can guess from this,
09:45 what is the practical wisdom of war,
09:48 and what is the message of peace and security.
09:51 And the Prophet of Allah said,
09:53 'Do not kill a woman in war.'
09:55 The companions have acted upon this,
09:57 in many difficult situations.
10:00 Similarly,
10:01 when the Prophet of Allah sent the commanders,
10:05 later the Khulafa of Rashidun,
10:07 also continued this Sunnah.
10:09 It was a regular command,
10:10 that the guides should not kill the priests sitting in the church,
10:14 because the purpose of war is only to gain the right.
10:18 So whoever does not go against this path,
10:21 the Prophet of Allah has forbidden the killing of such people.
10:25 And we also see,
10:27 that the purpose of war is not only to kill.
10:30 Look at the Battle of Badr,
10:32 when the disbelievers became prisoners,
10:36 the Prophet of Allah,
10:38 even then,
10:39 with forgiveness,
10:41 took a ransom from them.
10:43 And he said,
10:45 'Whoever knows how to read and write,
10:48 he should teach our children to read and write,
10:51 and his ransom will be forgiven.'
10:53 And the conquest of Mecca,
10:55 and the forgiveness of the common people,
10:57 SubhanAllah,
10:58 'La Tasreeba Alaikumul Yaum'
11:00 The oppressors have been in power for 21 years,
11:03 and the Prophet of Allah has full authority.
11:06 He could have been killed at the sign of the cross,
11:10 but he said,
11:11 'Today I will tell you what Yusuf said to his brothers,
11:16 'Go, you are free, and you have no punishment.'
11:20 Look at this whole situation,
11:22 'Sadiq wa Ameen' is your title,
11:24 'Allah's name is Salam',
11:26 'Jannah's name is Darus Salam',
11:28 'Muslim and Momin' I have said.
11:30 So all these things make it clear,
11:32 that Muslims should also be stricken with extremism,
11:35 extremism,
11:36 hatred and extremism,
11:39 because it is against the Sunnah and Seerah of the Prophet of Allah.
11:44 What beautiful words I am presenting to you,
11:49 and surely they will have an effect,
11:51 'Ruku, Sajde, Tashahud, Qayam Bante Gaye'
11:56 'Bas Aap Karte Gaye'
11:57 'Nizam Bante Gaye'
11:59 'Jo Log Pushtun Se Kuch Bhi Na The Sevaay Ghulam'
12:03 'Darood Parte Gaye'
12:04 'Imaam Bante Gaye'
12:06 'Yeh Mojza Mere Sheeri Sukhun Ka Hisa Hai'
12:09 'Jo Aaye Tegh Tabiyyat Niaam Bante Gaye'
12:13 'Wa Sakht Geer, Dareeda Dehen, Wa Tund Mizaaj'
12:17 'Kalaam Sunte Gaye, Khush Kalaam Bante Gaye'
12:20 'Bas Ek Naame Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam'
12:23 'Chuna Gaya'
12:24 'Wa Phir Us Ek Naam Se Sab Nek Naam Bante Gaye'
12:28 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
12:30 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
12:31 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
12:33 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
12:35 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
12:37 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
12:39 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
12:41 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
12:43 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
12:45 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
12:47 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
12:49 'Wa Ma Aalaiya Illa Lubala'
