California ranchers battle tech execs' plan for new city

  • last year
Solano County's vast plains are dotted with cows and slowly turning wind turbines, but underneath this visible calm local residents are facing a battle to keep their land. About five years ago, a shadowy Silicon Valley group began buying parcels of land for the "California Forever" project, a futuristic tech city. So far, the company behind this, Flannery Associates, say they've acquired more than 50,000 acres. "It just breaks my heart" says Cassandra, a ranch owner in Solano, "it's going to ruin all of our country."
00:10 We just found out a couple of weeks ago now that a group of investors out of
00:28 the Silicon Valley want to build a big city outside of Fairfield,
00:33 actually next to it, our base.
00:36 And so that concerned us, taking away farmland means less food for
00:42 people here and around the world.
00:45 You only have so much and once it's gone, it's gone.
01:00 >> This is my baby.
01:04 I call her my mama cow, my mama cow too.
01:08 [LAUGH] They're my easy keepers.
01:16 They have called me several times to buy my property.
01:19 I've gotten to the point where I tell them no, I'm not interested.
01:23 And now it's at the point of when they do call and they say who they are.
01:27 I basically just hang up.
01:29 I don't even associate with them.
01:31 This proposed city situation, it just breaks my heart
01:36 because it's gonna ruin all of our country, all of our rural area.
01:42 >> So Flannery has purchased all four sides of our property.
01:46 So behind us, in front of us, we are surrounded by Flannery.
01:51 So we are a one acre parcel in the middle of thousands of Flannery acres.
