भाजपा सांसद रमेश बिधूड़़ी

  • last year
दानिश अली को सदन में आतंकवादी कहने वाले रमेश बिधूड़ी का जन्म दिल्ली में हुआ और उनके पास बीकॉम, एलएलबी की डिग्री है। बिधूड़ी ने अपने प्रोफेशन में एडवोकेट, बिजनस, फार्मर और सोशल वर्कर लिखा है। 2003 से 2014 तक रमेश विधायक रहे। फिर मोदी लहर के कारण 2014 और 2019 में लोकसभा पहुंचे।


00:00 the people of India, where 140 crore people have celebrated this, some people must have felt very sad. They must have felt very bad. Is it JNU? Is it AIIMS? Is it your airport? Is it the 660th organization? Was it made by some family? All the names have been taken from that family. This too was made by the people of India. So why are the names of those people of India not remaining?
00:28 Today, if the apple reaches Chandriya Nagar for the first time in the South, it hurts that a son of a poor man, a son of a tea seller, who was once called a traitor, a scoundrel, a dog, is now dying.
00:43 Why is Mr. Modi taking the head? Mr. Modi is not taking the head, the head is being taken by the scientists of the country.
01:03 If this head goes, the country will be destroyed. This is a terrorist. This is a terrorist.
01:15 Mr. Vidur, you understand. Please sit down. If anything wrong, you take your seat.
