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Newspaper headlines review and other matters arising in Ghana.


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00:00 Well thank you for staying with us. We're going to make the most of the next 30
00:04 minutes right here as we cut into the newspapers and bring you the latest from
00:12 that world. Let me just let you know Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic serving you
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01:23 Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic, the end to chronic disease. But just the start of
01:28 the news review and I have a special guest this morning. He is convener for
01:32 Arise Ghana. You know his name. Well when you see the berry I wouldn't need to say
01:38 anything. Beradwona, good morning. It's a morning as to the goodness of it.
01:43 So it's not a good morning? Not at all. Particularly after yesterday's
01:50 unlawful arrests. We'll get there. That's the very first thing I want to talk to
01:56 you about. But what's it with you and the berry? Today I see three stars. Any
02:01 significance? Do you know what the person you remind me of this morning? No. Yes. He
02:07 he was not Cuban but he was adopted by the Che Guevara. Yes. You know I spent time in
02:14 Cuba. All right. I didn't know. I was a scholarship. I spent a year there. He was such a
02:19 fantastic internationalist who took humanity to a different level. He fought
02:26 for the freedoms of people irrespective of where they were. Right. He simply
02:31 upheld injustice perpetrated against any group of people. And you will notice that
02:37 in the struggle of Che Guevara not only was he in Cuba, he went to Bolivia. Yeah.
02:43 He came to the Congo and. In fact I think it's in Bolivia that he lost his life.
02:48 He was butchered. Actually when he was going to be killed he noticed the person
02:53 who was coming to do it and quickly said can I give you a note and sent a note to
02:58 his wife and said you can go ahead because you have been assigned to kill
03:01 me. And that several years after you have killed me I will resurrect in many forms.
03:09 There will be many Che Guevaras across the world and I'm sure that your
03:13 excitement this morning tells me that you are an avid believer of Che Guevara.
03:18 Hamid. I am for peace and peaceful measures no matter what. I believe in
03:25 his ideals. Have you been to the office of the boss of the
03:32 National Petroleum Authority? Dr. Mustafa Hamid. Yes as soon as you get there you
03:37 see Che Guevara. Oh I see. Oh yes because people who are right-minded must believe
03:43 in the cause of freedoms irrespective of whose. And we need young people
03:50 like that who have that vigor, that enthusiasm for country which Nkrumah
03:56 had. You know. We celebrated him only yesterday and I was I was surprised that
04:00 let's get to the other bit because yesterday we're celebrating in Nkrumah
04:05 Memorial Day. What some of us and I I will continue saying it is Founders Day.
04:09 Founder with an apostrophe S. Guess what my light went off yesterday. I mean on a
04:15 day when you're celebrating with the Osagefu they take my light. I felt and
04:18 then we also saw what happened with the demonstrators Democracy Have and I felt
04:23 ashamed and I posted about it. On a day we celebrate the Osagefu this is what
04:27 is happening in Ghana. Well if you have a president who can go and recognize
04:33 Gandhi as the founder of the Indian nation and decide that he will not
04:38 recognize Nkrumah as the founder of the Ghanaian nation then there is a
04:43 challenge. So the spirit of Nkrumah will not allow peace to prevail until you put
04:50 Nkrumah in his rightful perspective. And you see several years after Nkrumah's
04:55 overthrow and his death in 1972 you remember that Nkrumah's books were
05:01 burnt even at the University of Ghana by Professor Finn who led the charge.
05:06 An academic institution I keep insisting that the University of Ghana owes the
05:11 world an apology for destroying material whether good or bad it is our duty to
05:17 read and decipher what is inside those books. I feel that is one of the most
05:21 dangerous most backward things we've ever done because you can do anything to
05:27 a population you can but if you take away their knowledge their source of
05:31 existence. Let us get to know what was there. You killed them. You decided to burn
05:35 books written by somebody original thoughts simply because you hated the
05:43 man the books have been reprinted in many folds. And you can't believe that
05:48 academics. Yes. Like Nkruzia. They supervised and they actually prescribed the
05:55 usage of anything Nkrumah. If you had a photograph of Nkrumah you were seen as a
06:01 criminal and you would be prosecuted. Today Nkrumah has blossomed. Nkrumah
06:09 never dies. He never will die. Like Che Guevara. He will never die. And so
06:13 yesterday remember one of the things Kwame Nkrumah did at our independence he
06:19 noticed that we needed electricity first and foremost to do any other thing that
06:23 we wanted. The industries that he was trying to put across or he put across. So
06:28 he went in search of electricity. Both hydro, nuclear, thermal, whatever form that
06:37 Nkrumah could gather electricity. That's why we have atomic. You understand. So Nkrumah
06:41 put up the Akosumbo hydro dam. At the time he was putting it the likes of
06:46 Nkrumah were saying that the population of Ghana was too small and that five point
06:50 something million. Yeah and that we needed just 50 megawatts to be able to
06:55 supply electricity. So why don't we go and buy a generator. Kwame Nkrumah was
06:59 building a 600 megawatts Akosumbo dam. He could foresee that population growth
07:05 not only in terms of human beings but in terms of industry, in terms of the
07:09 manufacturing sector, in terms of education. Everything was going to grow.
07:12 This is a man who taught more than 200 years. Some people say he he was too
07:18 visionary. He saw too far, too many decades ahead of him. That's why people
07:22 didn't like him and that tends to be true. Even today when some people who are
07:26 very futuristic in their thinking, society you know goes against the grain.
07:30 I see Nkrumah as a prophet. Nkrumah is a political prophet of Africa.
07:36 Without any example for him to learn from, he set his own example.
07:44 That example is unequal. That is how come that the BBC when they put up a
07:49 poll, don't forget that they don't like Kwame Nkrumah, they put up a poll.
07:53 Mandela was alive. Then Nkrumah beat Mandela to it. Did they ask Mandela,
07:58 how do you feel that a dead man beat you? Then he and his response was simple.
08:04 Did you ask me who I voted for? Interesting. Recently, just a few days ago,
08:10 was it yesterday, we had this talk on the Osagafo and the Madiba, two
08:16 luminaries of our time. But let's quickly, in about one minute, because
08:21 I'm sure we'll have more time to get into it. The police prevented the
08:26 demonstration yesterday of democracy. It appears nowadays anything you say
08:30 they'll say go to the Black Star Square or the Independence Square. I don't know
08:33 what is there. But people, ordinary Ghanaians, provision, fundamental right
08:40 guaranteed by the 1992 Constitution of Ghana, so that you and I can determine we
08:47 want to demonstrate peacefully. They said no. And the people said the mere fact, and
08:53 this is something that, first of all, the police does not grant permission for
08:58 demonstrations. You only let them know that this is my intention so that for
09:03 peace to prevail, so that maybe you don't go blocking certain routes. They give you
09:07 an escort. And also so they can protect not just other people, but you as well, in
09:13 case other people decide to attack you. They do not grant permission. And the mere
09:18 fact that you put in an application for an injunction does not mean people are,
09:24 so to speak, injuncted from carrying out such an activity. In fact, we see that
09:28 with the EC now, right? Yeah. It was said on them, but until there is a conclusion
09:33 in the court process, they have gone ahead. Including the contact application. Yes. So how
09:39 different is that from these people? What are your quick thoughts? Well, yesterday
09:43 was, as you said, a very sad day. Remembering Kwame Nkrumah and all the
09:48 achievements he has done, and I keep insisting that those of you who are into
09:53 the media should meet the likes of Dr. Don Arthur, who is the architect of the
09:58 Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park. Don Arthur? Formerly of the GBC? Well, Dr. Don Arthur's son
10:06 was Eric Don Arthur of TV3. Okay. But Don Arthur was a PNDC secretary for
10:12 Works and Housing. He became PNDC. Oh, you're referring to, right. Yeah. So Dr. Don Arthur
10:17 is the architect of the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park. And if you see, you see the
10:23 mausoleum, the tomb, just where the tomb is. If you look at it critically, you see
10:29 that it's actually a tree that has been truncated in the trunk. Wow. Yeah, it's a
10:35 tree. And he told me, and I'm sure that when you go you get a better picture,
10:39 that Kwame Nkrumah was a tree for Africa. Developing branches and to bear fruits.
10:45 Fruits that will lead to continental currency, fruit that will lead to African
10:50 resources handed for Africans, fruits that will lead to a continental central
10:54 bank. And that the CIA, which local collaborator, decided to chop the tree on
10:59 the top. So you see the roots are there. Extended. And then the tree is cut on the top.
11:05 When he finished his conversation, I said, fortunately there is science, so we can
11:09 graft the tree to bear the fruits that it was intended to bear. So certainly, if
11:14 you go and look at it and you read what it was going to do for Africa, Kwame
11:19 Nkrumah was going to do for Africa, he was chopped on the top. Then you will
11:23 understand that anytime we remember Kwame Nkrumah, and I do this as an annual
11:27 ritual, making libation at the tomb of Kwame Nkrumah every 21st September. So
11:32 just yesterday again, I was reminded that the tree had been truncated. How do we
11:37 graft it in order that it can bear the fruit that it was desired? Then yesterday,
11:42 just before yesterday, President Takufa Ado was at the UN. And if I will quote
11:47 just a section of his speech. I found that so interesting. Then he said that
11:52 the world is no more a happy place today. Yet Ghana is not a happy place. You will
11:58 not reference that Ghana is not a happy place. As you were speaking, police were
12:03 brutalizing innocent citizens whose only crime is to protest against the mad
12:10 administration that is taking place in your country. Right? President Takufa
12:14 Ado never tweeted about the sordid occurrence in Ghana. Meanwhile, when it
12:20 happened somewhere in the United States of America, police versus George Floyd,
12:24 you remember what he did? In the wee hours of the night, he got up to tweet.
12:29 Things that are happening back home, you decided to gloss over it and you are
12:33 there talking about the world is not a happy place today. Ghana is not a happy
12:38 place, Mr. President, if you want to get to know. Then yesterday, the democracy
12:42 happened. In fact, I passed there earlier. Right. And I saw that the police had
12:47 started to mass up. So I rolled down my glass to say, you people told us that you
12:51 were not, you had gone to court. And so you yourself should not come here. The
12:56 people have a right to defy a court or not. But once they chose that they are
13:00 going to go on, the next thing for the police to do is to go back to the court
13:04 and seek a contempt. Not so, you don't come and apply brute force. You apply
13:10 brute force. The Electoral Commission that has been cited for contempt because
13:14 they violated an injunction application, the police is around the registration
13:19 centers and you are protecting them. And yet citizens cannot be guided to just go
13:24 and do their peaceful demonstrations. Fortunately, yesterday in the evening, the
13:29 Inspector General of Police placed a call to me and said, Bernard, we know one of
13:35 your... The IGP called. The IGP did call and I want to commend him. He called and said,
13:40 I have instructed that every person that was arrested should be released. No one.
13:46 And so I took off to go to the railway police station where the back of
13:53 Omawo was the only person that was put in that cell in that list.
13:57 Other were distributed. If you go to Choko, you had three people. Ministry's
14:01 police station, we had eight people. Dansuman, you have five people. So just
14:05 quickly, at the end of yesterday, everyone had... Everybody was released.
14:09 Including Oliver Barker. So I see the newspapers reporting 49. There were 56
14:14 people. I signed for every one of them. Basically you stood... Yes. When I got
14:20 there, they were looking for 10 sureties for each of them. Then IGP said, release
14:24 all of them. And so I had to stand in and I went to the regional crimes office.
14:29 After we got Barker Omawo out, I had to go and sign. And then to go and meet
14:33 Barker Omawo and co, who had gone to the Adabraka police station to ensure that
14:38 they last... Very quickly, this is not the first time that Barker Omawo has been, you
14:42 know, apprehended. How did he feel? What did he share with you? No, he was
14:47 excited and when he came out, of course, the young people came. They started
14:51 singing, "Arise Ghana, you for your country." It was, you know, and the police at the
14:55 railway station were like, "Stop the noise." We said, "This is our country. We can't
14:58 stop any noise." So we sang because we feel that we have a sacred duty to lead
15:05 this nation out of the mess we have. As we speak, aren't you aware that ministers
15:10 that are supposed to ensure that our state gets assets, they have come to
15:13 inherit assets. Today they are selling those assets to themselves. Aren't you
15:18 aware that, for instance, Lapam Royal Beach is to be sold, Bujwa Beach is to be
15:22 sold, Elmina Beach is to be sold. You want to sell assets that you came to meet.
15:29 Instead of creating more assets for the future, you are stealing from us what we
15:34 owe. What is this? Bernard, we'll have more time to elaborate on these later. Let's
15:38 get into the papers. I'll just do quickly the papers I have. A Daily Graphic, Reform
15:44 UN Security Council President Akufu-Addo says so. We're always big on the talk. I
15:50 mean, we're very big on that. Every eligible voter will be captured, EC
15:55 chair assures. Prioritize national interest, Dr. Abusakara says so. Graphic
15:59 digitalizes archives, 70 years of national records documented. Kudos to the
16:04 Daily Graphic for that. You know, I have the Jubilee book, the Daily Graphic
16:08 and all of that, many years. It's not the entirety of it, but many snapshots of
16:12 history, you know, from Nkrumah, even before Nkrumah to Nkrumah and all of
16:17 that. I think to the early 2000s. So, I mean, this will lead to the
16:24 preservation of records for academics, for researchers and for those of us who
16:30 want to make reference to other things. Unlike what we did to Nkrumah. Yeah, so I think that
16:33 it's commendable that Graphic has taken the bold initiative and want to commend
16:38 them. And this is since 1950. And again, Graphic, that's a human's job you've
16:44 done. Kudos to you. There's also on the back page, Intertech introduces chemical
16:51 free minerals testing technology. Let me quickly do the story on prioritizing the
16:56 national interest. Dr. Abusakara, I just want to get into that. As for President
17:00 Akufo-Addo and what he's been saying at the UN, we've gotten snapshots of
17:06 that this morning. I don't want to get into that. I'll get into some of that
17:10 when I share with you my blanched thoughts for today. Today, some people are
17:15 going to run away because I came with fire, a lot of fire in my belly. Now, there
17:23 is a development agronomist, a development agronomist and statesman,
17:27 Dr. Abusakara, has stressed the need for politicians to prioritize the national
17:30 interest rather than parochial interest at all levels. He said, "Meritocracy,
17:36 equity, inclusion, integrity of service and empowerment of people among others
17:42 were key ingredients the nation's forebears fought for which should be
17:45 restored and practiced in full." Quoting him, he says, "Where Ghana has reached now, we
17:51 need a political solution that allows us to reformat our program for development
17:55 so that it is consistent with the cardinal principles of nation-building,
17:58 where we will have equity, meritocracy, inclusion and all those ingredients." Do
18:04 you see that in Ghana today and how do we get there? Do you know what's
18:08 interesting? The 1992 Constitution itself says it. It points to poverty,
18:14 accountability, the very tenets we were supposed to stand for or you say those
18:18 tenets, Yarmutu? No, we have caricatured the 1992 Constitution, bastardized it and
18:24 flipped it. And so even the spirit of the Constitution has evaporated. To the
18:30 extent that look, appointments, you know that teaches disease. To get promotion,
18:35 you must have a political card. You must know somebody at the Ministry or the
18:40 Ghana Education Service before you can actually get promoted. You know that
18:46 there are members of various institutions that cannot get promoted
18:52 simply because they are suspected not to belong to a certain political party. How
18:57 do you, in the face of making everything partisan, expect that you get the right
19:03 caliber of human capital to leap this nation to the next level? So Abu Zakarra's
19:09 call is in the right direction. I keep insisting. I went to secondary school, I
19:13 went to university without knowing anybody, right? Without knowing anybody.
19:20 Today you cannot get that. People work to you, that they want to go into the
19:25 security agencies. Then you say what is your qualification? Because the publicized
19:30 public qualification is that you must have English and maths and some basic
19:34 qualification. When you look at the person's result, you say no you cannot
19:37 because you don't qualify. You want to be a nationalistic person, the person tell
19:43 you no. They say if I bring this amount of money, I will get enlisted. You don't
19:48 believe the person. The next time you walk around, you see the person in
19:52 uniform, then you ask how did you get it? I paid. If I pay to become a police
19:57 officer, if I pay to become an army officer, what do you think I would do?
20:02 No wonder we see the kinds of things we see. The Ghanaian Times very quickly,
20:05 let's reform UN Security Council to conform to current global trends.
20:11 President urges world leaders, Mr. President, let's reform Ghana.
20:20 Start from your home. You know what they say, right? Yeah, charity begins at home.
20:27 It doesn't begin at the UN. Reflect on development agenda of Dr.
20:33 Carmen Komada, that's the CPP. I'm done with my papers, you can go ahead with your
20:37 papers now. The Finder newspaper, cabinet tax MMD is to be at forefront of public
20:46 discourse. Then you have Mr. President speaking again. Europe, allies must repay
20:55 sacrifices Africans made at Second World War, President Akufo-Addo. I think that
21:01 many people have made this call. Gaddafi was at the forefront calling for
21:04 reparation. Let's just say it's not new. Yeah, so if you are saying Africa did
21:09 not make any sacrifice at this world wars. We were forced, we were seen as
21:15 commodities belonging to Europe. They just came and captured us and took us
21:19 there to go and fight the Apogee wars for them. So it was not a sacrifice, it
21:23 was that we were confiscated to go and do the bidding and we must be paid for
21:29 everything that went. We lost our lives in order to build Europe and America.
21:32 Reparation. Now, Africa... But I feel it has also created a certain dynamic where
21:39 some African leaders have become very lazy just you know asking from time to
21:43 time. Look, let's face it, 1957, we're 63 years thereabouts. If Ghana were a human
21:50 being, you know, you would be knocking on the door of retirement. You would be
21:54 retired. 55, 60. 55 for women, 60 thereabouts. So I still don't get it
22:02 they've done a lot of damage. But you see where I feel a problem, whether they do
22:06 the reparation or not, are they doing to our water bodies what we are doing with
22:11 Galam Zee? No. Are they doing to our country what our misleaders are doing to
22:15 our country right now? Did they come to sell Ghana Telecom? Did they come to sell
22:20 Ghana Airways? Did they come to sell the Black Star Line? Are they selling the
22:26 state-owned hotels to themselves as we are doing today? Are they giving waivers,
22:30 tax waivers, haphazardly left, right? So they are not doing this. We acknowledge
22:36 the enormity of the damage they caused. But if we also decided to take the right
22:43 steps to protect even what was left for us, I'm not sure that we'll be facing this
22:48 disaster. So Ken Oforiata says that Africa's inclusion in G20 will speed up
22:55 progress. I wonder what is that going to be? What do you mean by Africa?
23:01 When you say Africa, Africa means Nigeria, it means Djibouti, it means Eritrea, it
23:09 means Ghana. There is nothing called Africa. There is nothing called Africa.
23:14 You used to have the purpose, our organization of African unity. Not so. You
23:19 decided to denominate it to African Union, whatever that represents. They
23:25 don't represent any significant interest in world affairs. So your inclusion, you
23:30 will be fighting among yourself who is what. If the AU is included in G20,
23:36 does the AU represent any country? Certainly it will not lead to any
23:40 progress. Of course this is a misleading headline. Police arrest 49 suspects for
23:47 unlawful assembly. The police did not arrest 49. They arrested 56. But it was
23:54 not unlawful assembly. It was the police that acted unlawfully yesterday. Now the
24:01 Daily Guide. Daily Guide says that 49 illegal protesters grabbed. Again it is
24:08 56, not 49. Two, they were not illegal protesters. They conformed with the
24:16 public order act. The police acted wrongly and it is important to correct
24:20 the police for not understanding law by themselves. MPP welcomes Adjoa Safu's
24:26 apology. Well I don't know what that is. Topped up with yogurt. You know she distributed yogurt.
24:31 Oh yeah, lots of yogurt. I thought that yogurt. You don't reside in that constituency. I would have said you should go for some of the yogurt.
24:37 Unfortunately I don't. You don't. But I have some relatives there. I don't know
24:42 whether they got some. But it was just at a small function so it was not meant for
24:45 everyone. Right. But I'm told that anytime you take the yogurt you are
24:50 convinced to retain her. Okay. So whatever is inside the yogurt. Right. We'll get to
24:54 know. I have no beef with Baumya Ken Ajapong. Then electoral considerations
25:03 won't compromise development goals. Finance Minister. Okay. Then here again
25:09 reform UN Security Council. President Akufo-Addo. Then at the back page
25:17 high sense extent Kotoko partnership. Ghana maintained position in FIFA ranking.
25:28 Bellingham was born to play for real. Then blame me for man you defeat.
25:35 Our very own Unana. For us who are Manchester United supporters. I was
25:43 supporting my you in the 90s. Well I don't know why. The days of glory. I don't
25:48 know why anybody will support Manchester United. Have you been to
25:53 Cape Coast Castle before? I have. Do you know how the slaves were marked? Do you
25:57 know who where they were traded for? Tell me. When you were marked M you were going
26:02 to Manchester. When you were marked L you were going to Liverpool. And so for that
26:07 reason you cannot be a Manchester. Oh anyway that's that's a conversation
26:13 that began. But the black princess went to Rwanda. Mm-hmm. Or they thrashed the Rwandans
26:18 seven goals to nothing. Seven goals to nothing. Yes. And not no stories about them. Oh I think
26:24 there was I've seen some stories somewhere. I've not seen. Seven goals. When was the last time?
26:31 I think it's because because yesterday yesterday it was in most of. No we should celebrate the exploits of the black queens. I don't remember the last time the black class beat any team.
26:43 Anyway that's what. This magnitude. No but I okay by this magnitude once you qualify.
26:49 Let me just quickly do this right before we wrap. Raymond Abiu says where is the
26:54 freedom of expression and assembly guaranteed in the 1992 Constitution? I
26:59 can't go on. Prince Nurdine Baoumia with a picture of Vice President Baoumia says
27:07 the Ghana Police Service has not yet issued a press release to condemn the
27:11 barbaric killing of nine traders and injuring others who were on their
27:14 routine business to Sinkasu Togo with an armed escort. Okay. There's Fuseni
27:21 Bakobie who says the soul of Ghana is weeping. Koblasen Anu Achu Ganyo says
27:27 another tidal wave in Angola and Keta. The people are homeless and Raymond Abiu
27:32 again after stealing billions of CDs. Okay I will not mention names. Ofosu
27:38 Dennis I think or Ofoes Dennis. Great to have you here. Okay so this is actually
27:44 promotional. Let me leave it at that. Today happens to be the birthday of one
27:49 of our big men here. This guy is solid. He does a wonderful job. He's one of our
27:54 correspondents here at the Multimedia Group specifically for Joy News. I'm
27:58 talking about Peter Senu. Peter Senu today is your birthday and we want to
28:03 celebrate you in style. You are a fantastic gentleman and we urge you to
28:08 keep up the good work. God bless you sir. Peter Senu. Happy birthday. You don't
28:12 celebrate somebody by word of mouth. Let's see the champagne and then the other accoutrements. Why are you being mischievous?
28:19 No no no. How can you just say we celebrate you by word of mouth? In this economy. A soldier does not put on an empty stomach. For here we'll try and do something.
28:30 My blunt thoughts this morning right after Prime Take is titled a muzzled democracy
28:36 and a puzzled population. How things are falling apart in Ghana. You want to stay
28:44 for that. But next we have Prime Take. Do you have any final words for
28:49 Ghanaians? Ten seconds. Don't do... Well I just think that this nation belongs to us.
28:53 Ghana is a great country. We can make it greater. Let us together work towards
28:58 making Ghana greater rather than diminishing the fortunes of our nation.
29:03 Put it there. Those are. Thanks for coming. Bernard Mona of course we all know him.
29:08 He's convener for Arise Ghana and of course yesterday he did the do by
29:13 setting free demonstrators. Going speaking to the IGP and all of that. Up next is
29:18 Prime Take with Muftau Nabila Abdullahi. Today he engages former Black Stars
29:23 captain Stephen Appiah. That up next on the AM Show.
29:28 [Music]
