गौहर खान एंटरटेनमेंट इंडस्ट्री का बेहद फेमस नाम हैं. इसके साथ ही गौहर खान को अपनी बेबाक राय रखने के लिए भी जाना जाता है. हाल ही में गौहर जब दुबई से मुंबई लौटीं तो इस दौरान उनका एक्सपीरियंस काफी खराब रहा. एक्ट्रेस ने सोशल मीडिया पर इसे लेकर गुस्सा जाहिर किया है
Gauhar Khan is a very famous name in the entertainment industry. Along with this, Gauhar Khan is also known for her outspoken opinions. Recently, when Gauhar returned to Mumbai from Dubai, her experience during this period was very bad. The actress has expressed anger reaction about this on social media
#GauharKhan #DubaiFlight
Gauhar Khan is a very famous name in the entertainment industry. Along with this, Gauhar Khan is also known for her outspoken opinions. Recently, when Gauhar returned to Mumbai from Dubai, her experience during this period was very bad. The actress has expressed anger reaction about this on social media
#GauharKhan #DubaiFlight