• 2 years ago
An urban loner seeks a second chance at redemption when she's invited her estranged BFF's bachelorette party. | dG1fWFI5N0I2MWRkSVk
00:00 (people shouting)
00:02 - She got engaged.
00:08 This is Jenny.
00:13 - I always hoped that you would call me.
00:16 You were my best friend in the world once.
00:18 I can't believe I'm saying this.
00:20 Would you wanna come to my bachelorette party?
00:22 (upbeat music)
00:28 - I wanna use this weekend to apologize.
00:32 - How do you like everyone?
00:33 (bell ringing)
00:36 - What's up?
00:40 (mumbling)
00:42 - You're awesome.
00:43 - So this girl, Lane Thomas, was murdered in our backyard.
00:54 It was like pretty symbolic.
00:56 - Marcella?
00:57 - Mr. Dripper!
00:59 (screaming)
01:00 - What is this?
01:01 - Family tradition.
01:02 Looks grosser than it is.
01:04 - Dripping is so great.
01:12 I should make all my friends do this.
01:14 (screaming)
01:17 ♪ We walk, we walk ♪
01:21 ♪ Up to the grassy low we walk ♪
01:23 (screaming)
01:25 - Lane?
01:26 How's it going?
01:31 - I'll text you the details.
01:36 (clock ticking)
01:40 (panting)
01:42 (laughing)
01:44 (dog barks)