• 2 years ago
Make a date with the Gigolos. An extremely rare and uncensored look into the personal and professional lives of five hot | dHNfOTBwWXpHUUpwWGM


00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 - These hit your ass good.
00:06 These are good for like, women.
00:09 (beep) you.
00:10 - There you go, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:14 Up and out like wings.
00:16 - Isn't that guy supposed to come by this gym today?
00:19 - Some new blood?
00:20 - Yeah.
00:21 - Our agent, Garen, called us
00:22 and wants us to add another guy to our crew.
00:24 It's someone who he thinks can make the jump to our level.
00:27 But there's no just joining our crew.
00:29 He's gotta get our approval.
00:31 All we know about him is that he's black.
00:32 His name's Vin.
00:34 - We should tell him he has to pluck his (beep) hairs
00:36 if he wants to be initiated.
00:37 - Oh, he'll get a little hazy.
00:39 - Yeah.
00:40 I'm just trying to figure out
00:40 what a black Vinny looks like.
00:42 - Black Vinny?
00:43 - Right. - Black Vinny?
00:44 - Is he like, black Italian?
00:45 - Probably doesn't even know what the hell he's doing.
00:47 Some rookie kid.
00:49 - If he's really black, he's on ghetto time,
00:50 so he'll be 20 minutes late.
00:51 (laughing)
00:53 - You racist bastard.
00:57 - It takes a lot to be a professional gigolo
00:59 in the first place.
01:00 It takes even more to become the best of the best, the elite.
01:04 - Vin, Vinny, Vince?
01:05 - Vin.
01:06 Do I have what it takes to be able to hang with these guys
01:09 and make a name the same way that they have?
01:11 I don't know, we'll have to see.
01:14 - Thought you were black.
01:15 - I know.
01:16 - Well, I'm mixed, man.
01:17 I'm mixed, yeah.
01:18 - Actually, he's more black-ish.
01:21 You know, we get some different ethnic requests,
01:25 and obviously we can't fill those.
01:26 Jimmy can a little bit.
01:27 He's like a 30th Cuban.
01:29 So we'll send him off once in a while
01:31 as Mexican or something like that.
01:33 - Well, let me buy you guys a drink, you know what I mean?
01:35 - Not tonight.
01:36 - Yeah, we got something going on tonight, man.
01:37 - An old bet.
01:38 - An old bet?
01:39 What's the bet, if I can be so bold as to ask?
01:43 - Well, we got a new client,
01:47 and she actually asked to meet all of us.
01:49 So she's paying to do this.
01:52 She wants to meet with all of us
01:53 and see who she likes the best.
01:54 - Well, maybe she should meet me too.
01:56 She requests us for it.
01:57 We're not popping your cherry tonight.