The ‘Rishbot’: PM Rishi Sunak’s cringiest moments

  • last year
As chancellor and then prime minister, Rishi Sunak has had his fair share of funny and awkward moments on television and with the public. We take a look at some of the cringiest ones as he approaches a year in the top job. Report by Jonesia. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at


00:00 Cheer up, Rishi!
00:07 And hearing so many of you say to me, "Wow, you're even shorter in real life!"
00:25 So, Nos y Tha, Welsh Conservatives. Right.
00:32 That's that, that's the cut room that we get. Would you like more coffee for the girl?
00:38 Well, that is exactly what I'm trying to do.
00:41 I'm in the business.
00:43 Do you work in a business? Do you want some fruit?
00:46 No, I'm homeless. Actually, I'm a homeless person.
00:49 Can I scan that for me?
00:51 I think we'll do it with a bag.
00:54 I think we'll do it with a bag.
00:56 Right, who's next? Anyone else? All good?
01:13 What message does he think it sends when rather than take on the bullies,
01:19 he lines up alongside them and thanks them for their loyalty?
01:23 Yes!
01:25 Mr Speaker, the message that I clearly want to send is that integrity in public life matters.
01:36 No, that was from you. Right, anyone else have some questions before we get over to the media?
01:48 I'm going to do something less sophisticated.
01:52 Just to sort of...
01:54 Right, right, right, right.
01:56 I'm not on my feet.
01:58 I was going to be really provocative.
02:04 I'm sorry I didn't bring my sandpaper with me.
02:09 See, there's a crease.
02:11 Did your grandparents apparently feel like them?
02:14 Yes.
02:15 Yeah?
02:17 So which one's your favourite knot? Who's got a favourite knot?
02:22 I'm passionately committed to protecting the NHS and I'm proud that we've invested record sums into the NHS.
02:30 And they've looked after you really nicely?
02:32 Yeah, they always do. It's a pity you don't pay them more.
02:35 Well, we are trying. We are trying.
02:37 No, you're not trying. You need to try harder.
02:39 Do you have any questions on things that are not related to maths?
02:42 I'm also fine for those.
02:45 All fine? Right, OK.
02:48 The person who delivered a thumping Conservative majority, my friend, our leader, the country's Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.
02:56 I think it's right that we allow her to conclude that job.
02:59 And you support the Prime Minister unequivocally?
03:02 [Music plays]
