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00:00 Another title fight up for you right now in bout number 7, WBA Asia East flyweight title
00:07 on the line in the 112 pound division.
00:13 So Toshihiko Ila from Japan the challenger in the blue corner and Sandeep Kumar the champion
00:19 in the red corner.
00:20 Sandeep, well both these two with identical pro records almost.
00:24 Sandeep with 12, 14 fights on his record, 12 wins, 1 loss and 1 draw.
00:32 Whereas Toshihiko 12 fights on his record, 10 victories and only 2 defeats.
00:39 Saw Toshihiko fight last month here and he was able to win, I can't remember if it was
00:43 by stoppage or on points but.
00:45 It's a fast puncher good right hand and left hook there from Toshihiko.
00:50 Sandeep shelling up early on.
00:54 Sandeep the taller fighter of the two and wants to use that range to his advantage to
00:58 keep Toshihiko at bay with that stiff jab of his.
01:04 Toshihiko does have a very wide and open guard, likes to almost catch punches and counter
01:12 straight away and he's a marauder loves to come forward and have a toe to toe battle
01:17 with his opponent in the ring.
01:21 Jab there from the champion left hook low hits the mark for Toshihiko and a right hand
01:26 as well from Toshihiko.
01:29 Toshihiko still moving forward connecting again with a left hook.
01:34 Sandeep in a bit of trouble early on in round number one, needs to maintain a higher guard
01:39 Toshihiko working the body now.
01:47 Sandeep pouring out the jab Toshihiko with his own jab to the chest of, jab here again
01:54 from Sandeep.
01:55 Toshihiko moving forward ducking under the left hook of Sandeep.
02:04 Left hook to the left uppercut to the body there from Sandeep hits the mark the best
02:08 punch that the Indian fighter has thrown so far in round number one.
02:14 Another right hand to the body there from Toshihiko and it looks like Sandeep really
02:19 slowing down from that Toshihiko just missing with the left hook to the body.
02:25 Sandeep wheeling around his opponent as much as possible trying to stay out of dodge right
02:31 hand connects there for Toshihiko he's got a huge entourage in his corner.
02:41 Toshihiko cutting off his opponent landing a jab almost landing a jab to the body as
02:45 well.
02:49 Sandeep on the back foot hands very low to Sandeep though he wants to be careful against
02:53 Toshihiko who can go from zero to a hundred very quick.
02:59 Left hook there from Toshihiko on the front foot.
03:06 To the body from Toshihiko again it's been all Toshihiko in this round.
03:11 There you go clubbing right hand from Sandeep on the back foot and a right hand there from
03:16 the Indian fighter but getting caught by a left hook from Toshihiko.
03:19 And that's going to be the end of round number one.
03:25 Body language says it all and the body language from Sandeep looks like he's really struggling
03:29 to solve the puzzle of Toshihiko who is just not taking his foot off the gas at all in
03:36 the beginning of round number one and kept on pushing forward.
03:47 It's always the little guys that put on a hard and fast pace at the beginning of the
03:52 fight.
03:53 Well in this kind of weight division they always push a hard pace and never really take
03:59 the foot off the gas and Toshihiko is a great example of that.
04:07 So Toshihiko really on the front foot close the distance well lands some devastating combinations
04:13 to the body and to the head of Sandeep.
04:16 Sandeep really the counter puncher of round number one just wanted to catch Toshihiko
04:21 as he came in and he did land a couple of punches to the body and to the head of Toshihiko
04:25 but they weren't as effective as Toshihiko's output.
04:32 Okay here we go round number two Toshihiko in the blue gloves wearing the black trunks
04:37 in the blue corner and Sandeep red trunks and red gloves in the red corner.
04:43 Jab to the body from Toshihiko trying to slow down Sandeep.
04:49 Sandeep landing a body shot on Toshihiko and a two punch combination to the head.
04:56 Right hand there from Sandeep again Toshihiko catching him with the right hook as he came
05:00 in and close the distance.
05:08 Toshihiko ducking and weaving Sandeep still on the outside just putting out his jab trying
05:16 to keep Toshihiko at bay but Toshihiko landing a good jab to the body.
05:22 Toshihiko missing with the right hand.
05:28 Soft one two from Sandeep but it was enough to keep Toshihiko at bay.
05:33 Toshihiko high guard pushing forward.
05:35 Bit of tricky here from Toshihiko as he looks like he's fainting the right hand and going
05:40 low to the body.
05:44 Uppercut there from Toshihiko.
05:48 Right hand just hit the top of the head of Toshihiko as he slipped by it.
05:52 Right hand to the body from Sandeep.
05:55 Better round here from the champion he's been able to land his shots well on the outside.
06:01 Good uppercut there from Sandeep Toshihiko shaking it off.
06:06 It's been more of a point fighter here Sandeep in round two been able to keep the fight on
06:12 the outside very well.
06:15 Toshihiko hasn't been able to cut him down and put him in the corner and deliver some
06:20 combinations that we know and love him for.
06:23 Good one two there from Toshihiko.
06:26 Hooks to the body and hooks the head from the Japanese fighter who is still pushing
06:30 forward on the front foot and if he can cut Sandeep off here there you go left hook just
06:36 misses the mark or hits the mark there for Toshihiko.
06:39 Sandeep taunting Toshihiko asking him to come forward.
06:46 Right hand misses the mark for Toshihiko.
06:48 Sandeep with the jab low guard there from the Indian fighter not sure if that's the
06:51 best tactic.
06:52 A hard hitting fighter like Toshihiko likes to stay on the inside.
07:02 Toshihiko following Sandeep a little bit too much needs to sort of step to his left lashily
07:07 to cut off the Indian fighter.
07:08 Bit of signs of frustration on the face of Toshihiko as Sandeep is not gonna fight him
07:15 in the center of the ring he wants to fight his fight on the outside and tire Toshihiko
07:19 out as much as he can.
07:20 Ten seconds to go left hook lands for Toshihiko landing with the right hand.
07:24 Sandeep looks like a little bit worried getting on his bike left hook lands again there for
07:29 Toshihiko.
07:30 And end of round number two as we go into round number three.
07:37 So a frustrating round for Toshihiko as he tried to close the distance but Sandeep doing
07:41 a great job keeping Toshihiko at bay and getting on his bike and doing a lot of lateral movement
07:48 landing with the jab, landing with the body shot, landing with the left hook.
07:52 Wasn't the best round for Toshihiko just at the end of the second round he was able to
07:56 land with some good punching combinations as he cut Sandeep off and hit the mark a fair
08:04 few times with his left hook to the head.
08:15 Okay here we go round number three coming up.
08:30 Toshihiko from Japan in the blue corner and Sandeep from India in the red corner.
08:41 So this is our seventh bout on the card our third title fight.
08:46 We're seeing the action round three jabs the body from Toshihiko to get the round started.
08:51 Sandeep trying to land his own on the outside.
08:54 Sandeep did a great job using the lateral movement and Toshihiko wasn't able to cut
08:58 him off just followed Sandeep a lot.
09:00 Sandeep wants to take that in mind and see if he can add some traps onto his lateral
09:05 movement and catch Toshihiko as he comes walks into his guard.
09:11 Left uppercut and right hand there from Sandeep best combination from the champion so far
09:16 in this bout.
09:17 Toshihiko left hook lands to the body but that looked like that wobbles Sandeep slightly.
09:23 Oh look like that was a low blow there and Toshihiko just slipping on the canvas.
09:36 Jab there from Toshihiko.
09:44 Jab again to the body from Toshihiko really hard jabs the body.
09:47 Sandeep looking at the referee I think he was complaining about was a low blow not too
09:51 sure a little I landed clean to me.
09:54 Sandeep with a low guard again that should he really needs to keep his hands up against
09:58 a strong puncher like Toshihiko.
10:03 Jab there from Sandeep uppercut as well on the turn right hand connects there for Sandeep
10:08 it's better from the champion able to control the fight well on the outside.
10:16 Toshihiko again missing with the right hand and the one-two left body hook connects though
10:23 for the challenger.
10:29 Toshihiko still marching forward looking to kill is he going to be able to though.
10:33 Swing and a miss and Toshihiko making Sandeep miss and making him pay with a left uppercut
10:39 that really woke Sandeep up or has it rattled him.
10:43 Toshihiko needs to close the distance now take advantage of that combination lands with
10:48 the right hook Toshihiko.
10:59 Right hook there connects for Toshihiko as well sorry it was an overhand.
11:07 Right overhand again from the champion Sandeep who's looking into the crowd not too sure
11:12 why he keeps on losing his focus here Sandeep.
11:15 Overhand right again from the champion right uppercut to the body from the champion as
11:19 well slowing down Toshihiko momentarily just get it catching Toshihiko with the right hand
11:25 both these two missing with the right hand Sandeep with the left hook to the head.
11:30 Sandeep landing again with the overhand right and just missing with the left hook a good
11:35 defense so far from the champion getting out of trouble here using his lateral movement
11:40 hitting with the jab missing with the right hand more lateral movement from the champion
11:44 that's going to be the end of round number three.
11:51 Okay moving into round number four now well that was very back and forth between these
11:55 two oh it's not the quantity it's the quality of the shots that we're seeing from both these
12:04 fighters the outside work from Sandeep who's been able to catch Toshihiko on the outside
12:11 as he's trying to come on the inside to close the distance and Toshihiko closer the distance
12:16 throw these wailing left hooks and body shots has been able to hit the mark a few times
12:22 but the overhand rights from both fighters really got the crowd going in round number
12:27 three that's who we're still for here in round number four.
12:30 Okay here we go round number four of ten if it goes that far.
12:58 Sandeep the champion in the red corner and Toshihiko the challenger in the blue corner
13:03 good left hook there from Toshihiko Sandeep landing his own body shot in return.
13:10 Toshihiko pushing forward lots of determination on the face of the Japanese fighter wanting
13:14 to good left hook there from Toshihiko wanting to steal the champion's title left hook lands
13:24 there for Sandeep, Sandeep getting caught there from a good headshot from Toshihiko.
13:37 Sandeep pushing Toshihiko away with his jab Toshihiko closing the distance with his overhand
13:42 right jab from Sandeep overhand left turning into a left hook from Toshihiko.
13:53 Sandeep almost playing possum in this fight looking like he's hurt but he's not.
13:58 Using his lateral movement going to his right Toshihiko missing with the left hook Sandeep
14:03 just ducking under it.
14:09 Right hand there from Sandeep and his lateral movement to compensate it as well right hand
14:13 lands again from the Indian fighter.
14:24 Uppercut right hand uppercut missed right hand connects it over Toshihiko jab from the
14:30 champion.
14:34 Jab bit of a soft jab there to the body from Toshihiko.
14:40 Sandeep keeping Toshihiko at bay with a jab not four jabs landed there for the champion
14:46 left hook lands as well for Sandeep on the outside.
14:51 Is Sandeep going to be able to hold on to his title or is Toshihiko going to be crowned
14:55 the new champion?
14:57 Left hook's being exchanged for both fighters and it looks like a slip there from Toshihiko
15:01 not being ruled a knockdown but he wants to get up quickly here or the referee could have
15:08 ruled that as a knockdown but he didn't.
15:10 Left hook there from Toshihiko as he picks himself off the canvas.
15:18 Right shot hits the gloves of Toshihiko and Toshihiko being pushed down to the canvas
15:25 referee having a go at Sandeep there for pushing Toshihiko down as he was ducked.
15:39 Left hook there from Toshihiko Sandeep trying to get out of trouble with his own check left
15:43 hook and finding the space left hook there from Toshihiko right hand a left hook there
15:49 from the champion ducking out of Toshihiko's own counters and that's going to do it for
15:53 round number four.
15:54 We're going into round number five.
16:03 So a clash of stars a real chess match here you have the inside pressure fighter from
16:07 Toshihiko and the outside sniper fighter of Sandeep.
16:15 Sandeep kind of pushing away slightly on my unofficial scorecard here in the commentary
16:20 box feel like Sandeep is retaining his title at the moment doing a good job controlling
16:25 the pace of the fight on the back foot and on the outside just waiting for Toshihiko
16:29 to come in and countering him as he does.
16:33 Toshihiko just not able to hold on to Sandeep for too long and not able to land many combinations.
16:39 As soon as he gets close to Sandeep he just can't keep him in the corner or on the ropes
16:44 and Sandeep is using his footwork and check punches to get out of dodge.
16:50 Okay here we go going to round number five.
17:05 Jab from the champion to start round number five.
17:08 Toshihiko pushing forward landing his own jab.
17:14 Jab again from the champion keeping the fight well on the outside good right uppercut there
17:18 from the champion pouring Toshihiko away with his left hook.
17:25 Banks here from Toshihiko bobbing and weaving right hand connects for both fighters.
17:33 Another right hand lands there for Sandeep.
17:38 Right hand connects as well for Toshihiko right hand back from Sandeep two in a row
17:43 now from the Indian fighter.
17:47 Good bellowing right hand again from Sandeep that's the third punch he's landed in a row
17:52 with the right hand.
17:54 Go to the body here Toshihiko and Sandeep dancing his way out of trouble.
18:07 Good one two there from Toshihiko but again Sandeep wheels his way out of trouble finding
18:14 a space on the other side of the ring.
18:17 Jab here from Sandeep Toshihiko missing with his right hand.
18:21 Jab to the body from Toshihiko left hook as well from Sandeep as he wheels around his
18:26 opponent yet again.
18:29 See that penchant for both fighters trying to feint each other trying to catch each other
18:37 off guard.
18:38 Right hand there to the body from Toshihiko that lands and that looked like that took
18:42 a little bit of the wind out of the sails of Sandeep.
18:46 Jab here from the Indian fighter.
18:49 Right hand connects as well Toshihiko with a good left hook there and again a left hook
18:56 from the Japanese fighter and right hand as well pouring on the pressure now Toshihiko
19:01 needs to pounce on the champion as much as he can and build on this momentum.
19:08 But Sandeep being a very slippery and cunning customer.
19:17 Very difficult fight for me for the judges to score in my opinion.
19:21 This has been very back and forth this has been a good round so far for Toshihiko but
19:26 he's not been able to keep Sandeep in one place.
19:32 The Indian fighter has done such a good work with his footwork to keep out of trouble.
19:38 Left hook here good right uppercut to the body from Toshihiko.
19:45 Round two from Toshihiko right hand again from Sandeep uppercut from Sandeep.
19:53 Ten seconds to go.
19:54 Left hook lands there for the champion.
19:58 Toshihiko with his own right hand swinging with his own left hook and that's going to
20:03 do it.
20:04 Going into that was it for round number five going into round number six.
20:17 So very back and forth between the two of them Toshihiko had Sandeep in trouble but
20:22 like we saw throughout this fight Toshihiko just able to use his footwork to wheel himself
20:29 out of trouble.
20:31 His lateral movement has really paid off big time for him in this fight he's been able
20:35 to stay in the fight because if he stayed in the pocket with Toshihiko probably would
20:39 have been a different outcome so far.
20:41 But the champions been doing a very good job of staying on the outside using his long range
20:50 weapons his jab his check left hook to stay out of trouble and at times been able to land
20:54 the right uppercuts to the body which has kept Toshihiko at bay.
20:59 See what we're in store for in round number six.
21:16 Here we go round six coming up Toshihiko the challenger in the blue corner wearing the
21:20 black trunks with the gold trim.
21:23 Sandeep the champion in the red corner wearing the red gloves with the red shorts as well.
21:29 Jab from Sandeep.
21:36 Sandeep taunting his opponent sticking his tongue out taunting him.
21:41 Left hook there from Toshihiko.
21:44 Check left hook from Sandeep the champion.
21:47 Right hand lands Toshihiko whacking a right hand in there right uppercut misses Toshihiko
21:53 lands with the left hook.
22:04 Right uppercut there for Sandeep as he keeps control of this fight so well on the back
22:08 foot.
22:09 Toshihiko really has struggled because the problem is Toshihiko has been following Sandeep
22:15 he hasn't been cutting him off.
22:16 If Toshihiko just moves a little bit to his left or to his right it will stop Sandeep
22:21 from being able to move lastly like he has been doing throughout the fight.
22:25 Toshihiko's just walking into every single shot that Sandeep has been planning for him
22:29 on the back foot.
22:31 Check left hook for Sandeep.
22:34 Jab as well from the champion.
22:37 Toshihiko marauding his way forward missing with a one-two eating a right hand from the
22:43 champion.
22:45 Jab from the champion as well.
22:48 Double jab there from Sandeep.
22:53 This is textbook outside fighting here from Sandeep just using the ring as your best friend
22:56 and dancing around his opponent moving to his left very very well throughout the fight.
23:01 Doesn't want to move to his right too much because he's always going to walk into one
23:05 of these left hooks that Toshihiko has been able to land consecutively throughout the
23:09 fight.
23:10 Left hook there lands for Toshihiko but Sandeep just shrugging it off and still been able
23:17 to maintain his composure.
23:19 Right uppercut looks like it just hit the gloves and so did the left hook from Sandeep.
23:25 Toshihiko with the good body work right hook hits the mark for the challenger.
23:32 So glad I'm not a judge today I'm glad that I'm just commentating here ringside.
23:40 Swing and a miss from Sandeep.
23:42 Jab from the champion lands.
23:43 Toshihiko slipping the jab but not able to counter with it.
23:47 One two lands for Toshihiko.
23:55 Left hook misses for Toshihiko.
24:00 Really just needs to push Sandeep away literally push him onto the ropes if he can and then
24:06 just pour on the pressure with a three or four punch combination.
24:08 Obviously easiest have been done Toshihiko missing with the left hook.
24:13 There you go end of round number six.
24:25 So we saw their textbook outside work from Sandeep using the left jab and the left hook
24:31 to keep Toshihiko at bay and Toshihiko just trying to walk his man down and deliver punishing
24:37 shots for the body and for the head.
24:39 Having a bit of success it was back and forth in round number six for me like I said wouldn't
24:43 want to be a judge we're going to round number seven very shortly folks.
24:46 So we're going to round number seven.
25:15 Okay here we go going into round number seven championship rounds coming up now so essentially
25:23 including this round four rounds to go if we go the distance.
25:26 It's been very back and forth fight both these two are complete opposite stylistically.
25:33 Oh punch on the break there from the champion from Sandeep but not sure if he heard the
25:38 referees instructions bit of a dirty shot there from the champion he should know better.
25:46 Toshihiko landing with three uppercuts in the clinch in a row and Toshihiko complaining
25:52 of a illegal punch there from the champion.
25:55 Referee with his with a firm eye on the champion to make sure there's no trickery being played
26:02 in this championship bout.
26:10 Swinging the miss here from Toshihiko pushing forward still jab from the challenger right
26:15 hand hitting the mark swinging the miss from Sandeep but it looks like he just hit Toshihiko
26:21 with the left hand jab from Sandeep double jab on this on the outside connects him with
26:26 three jabs in a row.
26:29 Toshihiko wrapping up his man in the clinch but referee breaking him up and pushing putting
26:34 him back into the center of the ring.
26:36 Toshihiko hands down.
26:43 One two there from the champion right hand connects very well for Toshihiko and a bit
26:52 of worry on the face of Sandeep the champion right uppercut misses the mark there for Sandeep
26:59 Toshihiko almost landing his own flurry cleanly just about.
27:04 Both these two a little bit out of the clinch to engage overhand right connects there for
27:11 Toshihiko.
27:14 Jab there from Sandeep looks like Sandeep has a slight cut on his left eyebrow that's
27:24 what it looks like anyway.
27:27 It's bruised quite badly not 100% sure.
27:38 Right hook there on the turn from Sandeep just trying to keep Toshihiko at bay and play
27:45 the points game.
27:50 Jab from Sandeep two in a row one another jab from the champion really playing the points
27:55 game on the outside not sure if he's risking it a little bit too much.
27:59 Huge windmilling overhand right there from Toshihiko misses the mark.
28:06 Check left hook lands to the champion overhand right from the champion a left hook as well
28:10 right hook those straight back from Toshihiko and another one.
28:15 10 seconds to go here in round number seven.
28:24 Jab there from the champion right hand lands and a jab as well.
28:27 Oh a punch on the at the end of the bell there.
28:30 Dirty work here from the champion in the red corner.
28:36 So again a frustrating round you could say for Toshihiko just not being able to have
28:40 his way execute his own game plan against the champion Sandeep from India.
28:46 Sandeep really playing the points game with this championship bout staying on the outside
28:50 and Toshihiko really trying to do the opposite trying to have a fight on the inside and not
28:54 being able to too much as the inside fighter.
28:57 We're going to go into round number eight shortly.
28:59 [00:03:50] [Silence]
29:17 [00:04:00]
29:40 Okay here we go round number eight.
29:47 Good right hand connects there for the challenge of Toshihiko in the blue corner red corner
29:51 we have the champion Sandeep from India.
29:55 Again like I've been saying like a broken record throughout this fight it's been a clash
29:58 of styles inside fighter which is Toshihiko who wants to really stand toe to toe with
30:04 his opponent and have a fight in the phone booth.
30:06 Left hook connects there for Toshihiko.
30:12 Sandeep landing his own flurry to the head into the body early on check left hook from
30:16 the champion.
30:18 Sandeep with the left hand.
30:26 Right hand almost connecting there for Toshihiko.
30:30 Toshihiko still pushing forward.
30:35 Hammer to the body from the champion.
30:37 Jab to the head as well.
30:42 Feint here from Toshihiko right hand.
30:48 Left hook again from Toshihiko.
30:55 Toshihiko showing no signs of slowing down on the front foot.
31:00 Left hook connects there for the champion just about double jab from the champion.
31:11 Left hook there again lands for the challenger pushing forward still check left hook from
31:15 the champion.
31:16 Really is a super back and forth round at the moment.
31:21 One two from Toshihiko doesn't look like five punches hit the mark at least one of them
31:25 did.
31:26 Good right hand there from Sandeep for the first time flinching up Toshihiko and Toshihiko
31:32 complaining there that he was thrown down to the canvas by Sandeep.
31:38 Did look like it like a schoolyard headlock.
31:47 Dirty work from the champion.
31:50 Right uppercut left hook but Toshihiko landing his own left hook twice in a row.
31:58 Jab from the champion Toshihiko landing with the right hand.
32:06 Huge swing and right uppercut there from Sandeep hits the mark.
32:10 Left hook there for Toshihiko and also landing punches in the body in the clinch.
32:14 Sandeep complaining there that Toshihiko hitting on the break.
32:18 Not sure if he was.
32:23 Hard shots there from Sandeep just pushing Toshihiko to the canvas.
32:31 Yeah there is a slight not a bit of a craze if anything good right hand clubbing right
32:36 hand there from Toshihiko.
32:38 And end of round number eight.
32:44 Well again very back and forth round between both fighters both being able to execute their
32:47 own game plans.
32:48 Toshihiko on the inside Sandeep on the outside.
32:56 Still all to play for I can't score it I'm split between these two.
33:00 Let's see what we're going to get installed for us in round number nine.
33:11 So we're going to be playing a bit of a different game.
33:38 Okay seconds out we're going into round number nine.
33:51 The challenger in the blue corner Toshihiko from Japan and the champion in the red corner
33:57 from India Sandeep.
34:00 Okay so Sandeep sticking to his game plan keeping Toshihiko at bay on the outside with
34:08 his jab.
34:09 Toshihiko still trying to close the distance pushing forward.
34:13 Good left hook landed there from the challenger.
34:18 Jab to the body as well from the challenger as well.
34:24 Sandeep trying to move lastly to his right but moving to his left out of the way trying
34:28 to find the space using the ring as his best friend.
34:31 Swinging looping up right uppercut there from Sandeep.
34:40 Trash talk here from Sandeep in round number nine.
34:47 Good overhand right there and left hook from Sandeep.
34:49 Good left hook there from Toshihiko that slightly rattled Sandeep.
34:56 Toshihiko with the uppercuts to the body as well after that flurry.
34:59 Backing up the champion into his own corner Toshihiko.
35:04 One two four punches five punches in a row from the champion in his last punch caught
35:09 slightly off balance.
35:12 Right hand there from Toshihiko he really has been trying to make a fight of it.
35:21 Sandeep trying to just save himself and just sort of use the ring as his best friend to
35:27 keep Toshihiko at bay.
35:36 Right hand misses for Sandeep left hook connects.
35:40 Toshihiko yet again on the front foot.
35:42 Sandeep losing his balance trying to taunt.
35:44 Bit of trash talk again from Sandeep.
35:46 Not sure if he can afford to trash talk at the moment.
35:49 I think he needs to pay more attention to stopping Toshihiko from coming forward.
35:54 Right uppercut lands to the champion.
35:55 Left hook right hand from Toshihiko.
36:00 Sandeep on his bike now trying to wheel around to his left missing a hook from Toshihiko.
36:05 Toshihiko not landing with his own body shot.
36:10 Jab from Sandeep.
36:13 Three punch farry from the champion.
36:16 Right uppercut landed by Toshihiko.
36:21 Toshihiko still walking forward walking tall as well.
36:25 Trying to land a left hook landing one.
36:30 Sandeep trying to duck and avoid his opponent.
36:33 One two there uppercut there in the clinch from Toshihiko and Sandeep pushing back Toshihiko.
36:40 Toshihiko's clenching at his collarbone.
36:43 Oh not sure if he's going to continue.
36:50 Ten seconds to go now.
36:53 Toshihiko pointing at his left collarbone and saying that he pushed him down and that
37:00 he's injured.
37:01 Not too sure what is going on here.
37:05 Whether this is an injury timeout.
37:13 Toshihiko complaining quite a bit.
37:27 Okay end of round nine.
37:39 So moving into the tenth and final round now.
37:41 So it's been a very dramatic and eventful fight.
37:46 Both with the strategies and course of events during the fight.
37:51 A lot of dirty boxing, a lot of taunting, a lot of mischief going on between both fighters.
37:58 Toshihiko complaining that Sandeep injured him near towards the end of round number nine.
38:07 For me maybe Toshihiko's just nicking this and running away with it.
38:14 Very strange turn of events.
38:18 Let's see if one of these two can finish strong in round number ten.
38:47 Okay tenth and final round.
38:49 We've got Toshihiko the challenger from Japan in the blue corner and Sandeep the champion
38:53 from India in the red corner.
38:58 One two from the champion trying to finish strong.
39:01 Both these two exchanging lever.
39:02 Left hooks being fired back and forth.
39:05 Big rally.
39:06 This has got to be the best round so far from both fighters.
39:08 Crowd is on their feet.
39:11 Having a fight in the fighting booth here.
39:12 Swinging for the fences.
39:13 Both of them back and forth with the hooks.
39:21 Toshihiko looks like he's trying to coil up a right hand and he does.
39:29 Sandeep punching on the break.
39:30 It's like Sandeep trying to finish strong to make sure he retains his title.
39:37 Left hook to the body from Toshihiko.
39:39 It'll be interesting to find out which way the judges have scored this bout.
39:44 Right uppercut from Sandeep hits the elbows of Toshihiko.
39:47 Left hook though hits the chin of Sandeep.
39:56 Right hook to the body from Toshihiko still coming forward with relentless determination.
40:05 Jab from Sandeep.
40:06 Toshihiko slipping it.
40:07 Toshihiko slipping it again.
40:09 Landing with the left hook.
40:16 Sandeep trying to keep Toshihiko at bay on the outside with the jab.
40:19 Toshihiko missing with his own right hook.
40:25 Both trying to engage.
40:26 Right hook, right hand lands for Toshihiko and a punch to the body too.
40:34 Sandeep really drastically slowing his tempo down.
40:37 He had a fast start at the beginning of the round.
40:39 He's probably saving it for the end of the round to finish start strong and finish strong.
40:45 Really some of the judges might like the output of Toshihiko in between.
40:49 Chigo landing the right hand as Sandeep tried to land a left check left hook.
40:59 Left hook connects again for Toshihiko.
41:01 The Japanese fire close in the distance.
41:03 And punches in the clinch to the body of Sandeep.
41:09 Jab from Sandeep.
41:11 Right hand from Sandeep for Toshihiko firing back with a more powerful right hand.
41:15 One two from Toshihiko.
41:19 Sandeep with the right hand again.
41:20 Left hook from Sandeep.
41:28 Left hook from Toshihiko.
41:36 Right hand and southpaw from Sandeep.
41:39 Toshihiko with a body work just missing with the left hook as he went upstairs.
41:45 Sandeep still on the back foot.
41:46 Looks like he's breathing heavy and exhausted.
41:48 He must be fighting ten rounds of boxing.
41:51 Oh another punch on the break.
41:56 Toshihiko going down almost.
42:01 Round ten fight is going to go to the judges scorecards.
42:04 So we'll find out from our host Teddy Morgabe who is going to win, either become the new
42:12 champion or is going to retain their title.
42:16 Find out very soon.
42:19 So tale of the fight so far.
42:21 Well the dirty boxing and the outside work from Sandeep Kumar from India and the inside
42:32 work brawling style from Toshihiko Ira from Japan.
42:38 So we'll go to our host Mr. Teddy Morgabe for the official division decision.
42:44 After ten strenuous rounds we go to the judges scorecards for a decision.
43:02 And here we have the judges scorecard.
43:28 Judge number one, 92 to 98.
43:32 Judge number two, 91, 99.
43:36 Judge number three, 91, 99.
43:40 And your winner, blue corner, Toshihiko Ira.
43:51 Toshihiko is the new World Boxing Association Asia East flyweight champion.
44:19 There he is.
44:33 World Boxing Association Asia East flyweight brand new champion.
44:41 Toshihiko Ira.
