Turbo-Granny | movie | 2017 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Mitsukuni Daisou, a popular comedian in Kansai, becomes a reporter. Suddenly, a mysterious unidentified creature is refl | dG1fQXNqOGthMlNWRms
00:00 I'm going to go to the bathroom.
00:02 What? What?
00:04 Here we go.
00:12 Hyogo Gururi, naked.
00:14 This is Daiso Mizukuni, the place where you can laugh.
00:16 Let's go.
00:18 OK.
00:20 Thank you.
00:22 I'm going to the bathroom.
00:24 Thank you.
00:26 Can you see me?
00:40 I'm at Rokko-san.
00:46 I used to come here for hiking when I was a kid.
00:50 I'm going to the bathroom.
00:52 What?
00:54 Did you see me?
00:56 Did you see me?
00:58 No.
01:00 What?
01:02 What's going on?
01:04 What's going on?
01:06 What's going on?
01:08 I'm going to the bathroom.
01:14 What's going on?
01:16 What's this?
01:22 Is this a hand-made?
01:24 Wait a minute.
01:26 I didn't know this was here.
01:30 It's a front-mounted car, so it's been overtaken.
01:34 What does this mean?
01:36 It's a turbo version.
01:38 I've heard that there's a grandmother who overtakes a car at high speed.
01:42 Is this true?
01:44 And it's a dirty car.
01:54 It's a turbo version.
01:58 It's a turbo version.
02:00 It's a turbo version.
02:10 It's a turbo version.
02:12 I set up a fixed camera to capture the appearance of the turbo version.
02:18 What was that?
02:31 It's fast!
02:33 It's a turbo!
02:34 It's a turbo version!
02:36 It's fast!
02:37 It's too fast!
02:39 It's too fast!
02:41 It's fast!
02:45 If it's a turbo-like fast Wi-Fi, it's the BroadWiMAX!
03:05 (mouse clicking)
