Melaka school library to start selling espressos

  • last year
Students of SMK St Francis (SFI) in Melaka can soon enjoy a double shot of espresso while visiting the school's library.

SFI's parent-teacher association (PTA) chairman Datuk Ronald Gan said his team has revolutionised the concept of a library by offering the students a modern cafe setting.


00:00 (applause)
00:03 We shall change our library to be like Starbucks atmosphere
00:08 so that the library will be the place of choice for our students
00:13 even after school hours, even on weekend.
00:18 This is the first part. We have already made over the first part.
00:22 We do branding onto the colour choice of our place
00:27 in unison with our school colour choice, that is the green and white.
00:31 We play with the type of seating and tables.
00:38 We have got high table, we have got normal table,
00:41 we have got hard chairs, high stool and even sofas.
00:46 We even include chandelier on our fan.
00:49 We have decided to change our walkway to be a cafe
00:55 which we have decided to name as Ambros Cafe.
00:59 A-M-B-R-O-S-E, Ambros Cafe.
01:03 So now is to bring the second part,
01:05 how can we bring the smell of coffee into this place.
01:10 Our librarian will subsequently learn to be a barista.
01:14 We have already got help from our current registered barista,
01:18 ex-Franciscan, who runs Yee Chan Cafe now.
01:23 So he will be help our librarian and teach them how to make coffee.
01:28 Students inside, as a library you cannot talk.
01:32 If you need to do discussion, you can go to Ambros Cafe,
01:36 which is still within the control of the whole library system.
01:42 We will give them reasonable price so that they can spend it here
01:47 and their purchasing power will increase by spending here.
01:51 When I was studying, my school was my second home.
01:54 So I want that to happen with the current batch of students.
01:58 [no dialogue]
