Lachlan Nantes vs Justen Rana (08-07-2023) Full Fight

  • last year



00:00 giving you instructions to train him.
00:01 I want a clean fight.
00:02 Listen to my instructions all the time, okay?
00:04 Good luck to both of you.
00:05 Okay, that's close.
00:06 - Two genuinely tough dudes,
00:14 and I don't know what it is about this one.
00:16 I reckon I'm looking forward to this
00:18 as much as I am any fight on the night.
00:20 The last of our non-title matchups,
00:23 Justin Rana in the black trunks.
00:26 One fight, one win.
00:28 Lachlan Nantes in the white.
00:32 Two fights, two wins.
00:34 - Stop, stop!
00:37 - Yeah, three fights between him, Andy,
00:38 and they've all finished in three KO wins.
00:42 - Right in the sole arena.
00:43 Stop, if I say stop, stop punching me.
00:45 - One for Justin, so there's plenty of power
00:46 coming out of those corners.
00:48 - Lachlan's completed just one full round.
00:50 - Yes.
00:51 - Yeah, just one full round in two fights.
00:55 I'll let you do the maths there.
00:56 - Yep.
00:57 - And two boys with a heap of talent,
01:00 a heap of power, a heap of courage too.
01:03 - Yeah, and Justin scored two quick knockdowns
01:06 in the opening round of his pro debut as well,
01:09 and they waved it away just before the third knockdown,
01:11 so he hasn't had many minutes in the ring either.
01:14 So both boys very inexperienced in the pro circuit,
01:19 that's for sure.
01:19 - Justin Rana in good hands with Simon Horton
01:22 at the Eastside Boxing Gym.
01:24 Not a terrific, geez, said it before,
01:28 but spoilt for choices here in South East Queensland.
01:32 Rana throwing the hands.
01:34 Changing levels.
01:43 He's the longer boxer, taller boxer as Lachlan Nandy,
01:47 so as a result, Rana's gotta get in
01:49 just a couple of inches closer.
01:51 He's gotta get into that risky area
01:54 where you're gonna get tagged if you're loose.
01:57 - I like his game plan so far, Rana.
02:05 He's sort of keeping his distance,
02:07 and then when he comes in and cuts that distance,
02:10 he comes in with punches, so he uses that as his offense.
02:14 He uses his offense as his defense, I should say.
02:16 (crowd chattering)
02:19 - Pushing across the ring is Lachlan Nandy.
02:25 He's looking to set up that right hand.
02:27 It's just there cocked.
02:28 It's just waiting.
02:30 - We're not taking any nonsense.
02:38 Third man in, judges.
02:43 Once again, Rodney Marsh, Paul Williams, Phil Gregory.
02:47 John Hogg overseeing tonight, as always,
02:50 one of the veterans, staples of Queensland boxing.
02:55 Incoming on the inside.
03:05 Nandy's final 10 seconds.
03:14 (crowd chattering)
03:16 Intriguing opening round.
03:27 - Good opening round.
03:28 It was just sort of, I don't know,
03:30 probably leaned towards Rana just because of work rate,
03:33 but you could see Nandy, as the round went on,
03:36 he's starting to warm up, and I think in this six rounds,
03:39 you'll see him just progress and progress
03:41 as each of the rounds go by.
03:43 (crowd chattering)
03:46 (crowd cheering)
04:13 - That's the face that every trainer
04:17 would love to see in a corner.
04:20 Not distracted by the crowd, by the music,
04:22 by the ring girls, by the noises, by his opponent,
04:27 just staring into the trainer's eyes
04:29 and trying to absorb every possible bit of information.
04:33 He had Simon Horton directing,
04:35 wrong corner, but Lachlan both just in all ears
04:41 in between rounds.
04:42 (crowd chattering)
04:45 - Again, getting in close.
04:53 I expected probably a looser output from both guys
05:00 leading into this, but they're both showing
05:02 a real composure, good on them, good on their teams.
05:05 - I think it just shows respect.
05:07 I mean, both boys obviously have power in their hands,
05:09 so they don't want to come in too loose
05:11 because they might get caught and it might be game over.
05:14 So I think both boys are just showing plenty of respect.
05:18 It will open up, like I said, as this fight goes on,
05:20 as Nantes has thrown a lot more punches already
05:23 in the opening of the second round
05:25 compared to the opening of the first round.
05:27 And there's a good shot there from Nantes.
05:29 He's starting to measure, measure with that lead hand
05:34 and then throw that right hand straight after it.
05:36 He's done a good job there.
05:38 (crowd chattering)
05:41 - Nantes, really well balanced athlete.
05:48 - Yeah, he is, yeah.
05:49 - What I like to say, what I also like with Nantes,
05:59 every time he throws a jab,
06:01 or most of the time he throws a jab, he throws two.
06:03 - Yep. - And two jabs
06:05 make sure that your opponent's going backwards.
06:08 - Yeah, your opponent can slip one jab
06:10 or move away from one jab,
06:11 but they can't move away from two,
06:13 so they're forced to go backwards.
06:14 So I like how he does that.
06:15 He throws two and then the right hand comes after
06:18 when their opponent's going backwards.
06:20 (crowd chattering)
06:22 - Three or four there from Lachlan Nantes.
06:25 He's using it to establish,
06:28 but he's also still trying to, I think anyway,
06:31 still trying to just find his range.
06:32 - Yep, and I think the finding of the range
06:36 happens with the body shots,
06:38 they straight body shots.
06:39 You've seen so many from both boys in the first round
06:42 and the start of the second round,
06:43 and that's all just to find their feet,
06:45 find their balance in their feet,
06:46 find their distance with their feet,
06:48 so their shots to the head can follow afterwards.
06:51 (crowd chattering)
06:54 - In close, but not for long.
06:59 Again, a good level of ring IQ for both guys.
07:04 - Yeah, and that shouldn't be the case.
07:07 We're talking about two absolute rookies here.
07:10 - 100%, yeah, I mean, obviously both boys
07:12 had some amateur background with fighting
07:15 and stuff like that.
07:16 So they've been around,
07:18 and they come from fighting families as well.
07:20 So I'm sure they've had plenty of stashes in the backyard,
07:22 but I mean, yeah, fighting well beyond their experience,
07:26 like the last fight.
07:27 - How'd you go in the backyard against Alfie?
07:32 - I was too quick for him.
07:33 - Is that right?
07:34 - Yeah, of course.
07:35 I used to be the old hit and run.
07:37 Because, yeah, too quick for him, mate.
07:40 - Nice.
07:41 - As you can see, some replays of that second round,
07:49 a little bit more active than the first round.
07:51 Both boys starting to open up with their power hands,
07:54 which is great for the audience.
07:57 Nantes a lot more active compared to
08:00 that first round, especially.
08:04 - Swarming into a really good fight.
08:06 Very, very, very evenly matched once again.
08:09 You can see both boys respecting the power of each other,
08:12 not coming in with nothing,
08:15 unless they've got a good guard behind it,
08:19 because they know if they get hit, they'll be punished.
08:23 - We continue.
08:33 Round number three.
08:34 Three of six.
08:37 Fast approaching the halfway mark.
08:41 Nantes in the white.
08:44 Rana in the black.
08:45 Both guys undefeated.
08:48 That's really nice from Lachlan Nantes.
08:56 - Yeah, he's starting to show his dominance now
08:58 in this fight.
08:59 You can see he's setting down his punches a little bit more.
09:02 - One to hit.
09:03 - There's still warning there for the heads.
09:06 You don't want these two balls banging, clanging heads.
09:12 - Good shots there.
09:19 Two jabs once again that are right to the body from Nantes.
09:22 Both boys hooking at the same time, both connecting.
09:30 - Just over-stretching that time there, Nantes.
09:35 Rana.
09:37 Nice sharp left-hand strike there from Rana.
09:40 Up against the ropes.
09:45 Again, both guys doing particularly well.
09:49 Big line in the lights.
09:54 - Yeah, they are, yeah.
09:55 And you know what?
09:56 They're finally putting their training camp to test here,
09:59 because they're getting some rounds out as well.
10:01 - And we mentioned Justin Rana.
10:10 One fight was the first round TKO.
10:12 Lachlan Nantes has had two fights.
10:15 The first round KO and the second round TKO.
10:19 So both guys have already doubled the amount of time
10:24 they've spent in the professional ring
10:25 in this one fight alone.
10:28 - Stay back, stay back.
10:29 - That was a good 30-second period there from Nantes
10:32 as he found a home for his right hand.
10:34 Rana's still clear in the head, though.
10:37 Still throwing with plenty of venom himself.
10:39 But Nantes, you can just see,
10:41 getting a little bit more comfortable every round.
10:43 Like I said in the opening round,
10:45 the further this goes, I think Nantes just got that,
10:48 just got that look about him.
10:49 He's just so calm in there.
10:51 Nothing phases him.
10:52 Oh, right hand.
10:57 - Yeah, it was a beauty too.
10:59 And it was from a distance.
11:00 He was able to really extend through it.
11:03 And again for Lachlan Nantes,
11:05 keeping him straight as Lachlan Nantes.
11:09 - I like this fight, Andy.
11:14 Really well matched.
11:16 Very competitive.
11:17 - Last 10 seconds of round number three.
11:22 We're halfway home between Lachlan Nantes
11:25 and Justin Rana.
11:27 (bell rings)
11:28 - Go!
11:29 - The round is the boys going back to the corner
11:31 for Ultra Tune, Pro-Ed, Chival,
11:34 and our lawyers, Oxworks and Action Metal Recyclers.
11:38 - Round three was another goody.
11:48 Plenty of punches thrown,
11:49 but Nantes starting to press the accelerator now.
11:52 He's starting to take more dominance in this fight.
11:55 As you can see, he's starting to back his opponent
11:58 more than ever now.
11:59 And Rana, very game still, very game,
12:04 but starting to cop his fair share of shots.
12:07 And I think Nantes, ever so comfortable.
12:12 You can just see nothing phases him.
12:14 He's stone-faced.
12:17 (whistle blows)
12:20 - Commendable performance by both guys
12:29 in both corners so far.
12:30 They're still gonna throw down from that.
12:34 They have been, make no mistake about that.
12:36 Outlook and performance from both guys, Nantes.
12:42 As Nathan said, halfway through that third round,
12:45 he just straightened things up and pushed them forward
12:48 and looked the dominant fighter.
12:50 He's continuing that round number four.
12:54 - A little bit of success this round, Rana,
13:03 with that right hand.
13:04 In the first 30 seconds of the opening of this round,
13:08 he hit him with the right hand.
13:09 So just tried to throw it again there,
13:11 but missed in the second time round.
13:13 But still plenty of power coming out of his fist as well.
13:17 - Both guys stand right on that mark
13:26 where they're happy to risk taking a punch to deliver one.
13:33 Nice straight shots from Lachlan Nantes.
13:36 - Yeah, good right hand.
13:38 - Set it up with a little short left.
13:40 It was a beauty.
13:42 - Right over the commentary position here.
13:44 Big shout out to Zoo Creative, Madison Spall,
13:48 and Avia Holmes.
13:49 And Bill Chaser, nice from Nantes.
13:51 Ripping into the body, then changing levels again.
13:57 - Yeah, good body work and then finish to the head.
13:59 Oh, and a big right hand again.
14:02 He's starting to find a home.
14:05 Oh, right hand, right hook.
14:08 Good shots here from Nantes.
14:11 - Little uppercut in the middle of it from Lachlan Nantes.
14:14 Justin Rana has done really well to turn him around,
14:18 thrown back against the ropes.
14:20 Right hand from Nantes, doubles it up.
14:25 These are heavy shots too.
14:29 Justin Rana taking them as best he can on the gloves
14:33 and on the forearms,
14:34 but some are sneaking through like that one.
14:39 - Yeah, Rana.
14:40 - ...the ability to be able to turn to the Nantes
14:43 off the back foot.
14:44 - He heard him there.
14:45 He heard him there, Andy.
14:46 That uppercut, there it is.
14:48 - And we're over.
14:49 - Yeah, that uppercut on the ropes
14:51 is the one that caused all the damage.
14:54 I saw his eyes roll to the back of his head.
14:57 He took a few steps backwards and that's all she wrote.
15:01 A good finish from Nantes.
15:09 - How good's this kid going?
15:10 Three fights, three wins, three knockouts,
15:13 and that was by far his best performance.
15:15 He got out of the first round.
15:16 That's a start.
15:18 Anyway, Andy, but a really good fighter in front of him
15:20 as well and just made light work of him.
15:22 - Fourth round, TKO.
15:27 And as you said, it was the uppercut.
15:31 It was the second uppercut in that little exchange,
15:35 but that second uppercut, it rocked the head back
15:40 of Justin Rana.
15:43 - Let's see if we can see it here.
15:44 It was a cracking shot.
15:45 There's the first one, and then he just had his back
15:49 to the ropes and he caught him with that uppercut,
15:51 and then it was game over from there.
15:54 Both boys in tight, here it comes, bang.
15:58 That one there, and that's it.
15:59 He took three steps backwards,
16:02 and that was game over right there.
16:05 Cracking shot.
16:06 - A good win from Lachlan Andy,
16:18 who now moves to three and oh.
16:23 No shame in that for Justin Rana.
16:34 - This kid can fight.
16:36 I've said this, previous two fights as well,
16:40 just so calm, I love it, I love it.
16:43 So early in his career and so confident already.
16:45 - Let's go up to James to make it official.
16:54 - All right, ladies and gentlemen,
16:58 we'll get set to make this one official.
16:59 We'll get our two fighters to center ring.
17:03 Great contest here on this card,
17:05 presented to you by the Ace Boxing Group.
17:07 So Justin Rana and Lachlan Nandy.
17:09 Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together
17:10 for both fighters, they certainly deserve
17:12 your applause, great contest.
17:13 At two minutes 23, round number four,
17:19 the referee calls a halt to the contest.
17:20 Your winner by TKO and still undefeated
17:23 from the blue corner, Lachlan Nandy.
17:26 (crowd cheering)
17:28 Great win, Lachlan Nandy.
