Haunted Sorrel Weed House Savannah

  • 9 months ago
BRAND NEW!!! Check out my DJI Osmo Pocket Test Footage:

We took the Sorrel Weed House tour during the day. I just can't stand scary stuff like haunted houses, ghost rides, etc. I hate getting surprise scared and I'm afraid I might punch someone in the face out of reflex.

Well, walking through the Sorrel Weed House during the day was already creepy enough!!!! Definetly HAUNTED!

Read all about it on our Savanna Travel Blog: http://savannah.for91days.com/the-sorrel-weed-house/

P.S. That flickering at the beginning of the video was not edited our modified. Strange!

Don't You Ever Click Here!!!!



Please watch: "Low Light / Slow Motion DJI Osmo Pocket Test Footage: Turia Fountain Valencia, Spain"