Samuel Étienne  son nouveau projet professionnel bien loin de la télévision

  • last year
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Samuel Étienne : son nouveau projet professionnel bien loin de la télévision

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00:26 professional project. In February 2016, France 3 viewers met Samuel Etienne for the first time, seeing him take over the reins of the cult show "Question for a Champion". A first presentation made him succeed the icon of the program who was Julian LePay, who animated the show for almost 28 years.
00:54 Quickly, fans of the famous game of France Television adopted the animator, which has become extremely popular with the public.
01:05 A popularity that Samuel Etienne has obtained both thanks to the show, his morning on France Info, but also his presence on Twitch.
01:17 On the platform, the animator organizes "Lives" in which he decrypts the news, sometimes even with prestigious guests, like the former President of the Republic, François Hollande.
01:29 Online shows to which he gives more and more time, not hesitating to embark on new challenges.
01:39 Challenges that could be the origin of a new professional project for Samuel Etienne.
01:47 Becoming a gamer in full time on his Twitch channel, Samuel Etienne launched on June 9 a new show called "SamPlay", in which the journalist receives streaming personalities to make him discover different video games.
02:03 This Sunday, September 17, the animator of France 3 received the streamer Kenny who made Samuel Etienne discover the game Rocket League.
02:13 An intense experience for the journalist who seems to have taken a liking to it, and even wrote on X "New professional project, become a gamer in full time".
02:26 A publication on the tone of humor that shows despite all the enthusiasm of Samuel Etienne for the world of video games and especially his joy of sharing his experiences to all his fans, who have become numerous.
02:40 The first video game I discovered was the "Skyrim" series, which I played on my own.
02:48 I was a little bit surprised, because I had never played a video game before, and I had never played a game before.
03:00 I was a little bit surprised, because I had never played a video game before, and I had never played a video game before.
03:10 I was a little bit surprised, because I had never played a video game before, and I had never played a video game before.
03:22 I was a little bit surprised, because I had never played a video game before, and I had never played a video game before.
