Aardvark'd: 12 Weeks with Geeks | movie | 2005 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Four interns are brought into Manhattan and given 12 weeks to design, develop, debug and ship a program that will change | dG1fVm41Y2dKTF9XWFE
00:00 The big risk a lot of people have with interns is you don't know when they finish.
00:06 The first time God created the world, it became a total mess.
00:10 So God scrapped the whole thing and started again and the big thing we learn is that after
00:14 six days God shipped.
00:17 When we first start recruiting for interns every season, we always get a huge number
00:21 of resumes that just don't look like they have any potential at all.
00:23 A huge number of resumes that you want to keep in the possible pile and then very rarely
00:28 a resume comes across that just sort of glows.
00:31 Like you try to put the resume down on the desk and it floats in the air because it's
00:34 so good.
00:35 There are 800 applicants so I mean these guys are probably amazing programmers.
00:41 I had this idea in the back of my head of you know these guys have been like the best
00:45 of the best.
00:46 So the basic idea of what ArtRack does, it's a help your mom with your computer kind of
00:50 product.
00:51 They're doing an entire software product.
00:52 They've got their whole little side of the office over there and it seems like they're
00:55 entirely self-sufficient.
00:56 Out of the blue the whole program just broke.
00:59 We finally traced it down to one tiny little bug.
01:02 No developer likes to have a bug show up in their code.
01:05 That's just part of the way of life.
01:08 There's this custom among programmers of being nice, right?
01:11 Just like there's this custom among Wall Street people of seeming like a dick.
01:15 There's something in a company this size, it's a level of camaraderie, it's almost like
01:19 a very extended family.
01:20 I would really enjoy working here.
01:23 There's things that you don't even think about when you're starting a business that somebody's
01:34 going to have to handle.
01:35 But when it's just the two of you, you do.
01:38 It's gotten to the point where I can pretty much keep myself busy all day long merely
01:43 telling people what to do.
01:45 Yeah, I do actually miss the ability to sit and write code quietly.
01:50 Nerds just don't care about being popular.
01:52 You could build something that's actually useful.
01:54 You could go put it up on your website and people could really use it.
01:57 So if you can build something real, why spend your life doing stuff that's fake?
02:01 [MUSIC]
