Labour: Truss speech is something from ‘The Thick of It’

  • last year
Labour’s Jonathan Ashworth says Liz Truss making a speech on how to save the economy is like a scene out of the BBC comedy ‘The Thick of It’. The shadow paymaster general says, “you couldn’t make it up, she’s also writing a book called 10 Years to Save the West, this is after she spent 44 days trashing the UK economy”. Report by Blairm. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at


00:00 You couldn't make it up.
00:01 She's also writing a book called 10 Years to Save the West.
00:05 This is after she spent 44 days, I think it was,
00:08 trashing the UK economy.
00:10 It's just unbelievable.
00:11 It's like something from the thick of it.
00:13 Look, in the end, what we need is a government
00:16 on the side of working families,
00:18 making our economy more prosperous.
00:19 But in the moment, we've got inaction man Rishi Sunak,
00:22 who's allowing mortgages to go up,
00:24 but tax up, I think, 24 times.
00:26 The highest tax burden since the war.
00:29 We've got schools with the roofs crumbling.
00:31 The NHS waiting list's at what, 7 million, over 7 million now?
00:35 And he can't stop the boats, even though he promised to.
00:38 I think in the end, after 13 years,
00:40 they've had their chance,
00:41 and we need to change the government.
