Kunst 05 Zürich: Freight + Volume (2005) (r2)

  • last year
Freight + Volume is a gallery based in Chelsea, New York, with a focus mainly on text related work. Featured artists at Kunst 05 Zürich are Michael Scoggins with autobiographical sketches, Peter Gallo, Ion Birch, Peter Hutchinson and Andrew and Elizabeth Neel. Gallery owner / director Nick Lawrence is showing us his booth at the Kunst 05 Zürich art fair. November 17, 2005.
00:00 Freight and Volume's concept is a gallery primarily about text and text-related work.
00:10 Michael Scoggins is our featured artist. He's from Georgia.
00:15 These are very autobiographical sketches from his childhood, experimentation with comic books.
00:24 Fantasy figures he invented, actually, his own universe, ranging from those to more contemporary notes and letters that he does on lined paper and so forth.
00:38 They have a sort of simultaneous quality of being childlike and very sophisticated. It's a very nice blend and very spontaneous.
00:48 For Michael Scoggins, we're showing him in March, his solo show in Chelsea.
00:55 Our current show is Peter Gallow. It's up right now.
01:02 This is from his show Goodbye, Picasso. He's using found materials, throwaway debris, lots of different scavenging kinds of items in this show, collage-based.
01:21 Again, text-based work is our primary focus.
01:27 We also do a lot of narrative work. Ayaan Birch is one of our newer artists.
01:34 These are psychosexual explorations, again, just childhood issues, childhood themes of sexuality and working out things in a therapeutic way.
01:52 They're all narratives, direct from his imagination and from his childhood fantasy.
01:58 Peter Hutchinson is the godfather of narrative art.
02:03 We've been showing him for quite some time also at my gallery in Provincetown, DNA.
02:10 He's shown extensively from Venice Biennales to John Gibson for a long time, Ali Salman.
02:19 These are very fresh works. To me, they seem very childlike and spontaneous. I've included them in this selection of artists.
02:26 He's getting back to some of his painting, which he hasn't done since he was in his 20s.
02:31 Collaged work, working with, again, his assembled photographs is his trademark.
02:39 He's a conceptual artist with a very dynamic visual flair.
02:44 We have one piece back here, which is almost nice that it's hidden back here because it says, "Can someone please help me?"
02:54 I think this is an appropriate piece for the closet, right?
02:57 And another piece of Peter's accompanying it.
03:02 Tomorrow, when you come back, we'll have a DVD set up, Andrew and Elizabeth Neal.
