00:00 All right, let's get it.
00:00 Take your pens out, get your notes page ready on your phone.
00:03 I'm dealing with the Beatitudes of Christ.
00:06 It's part two.
00:07 He said what he said.
00:09 Call somebody.
00:10 Matthew five, verse two.
00:17 Matthew five, verse two.
00:19 And taught his climbing companions,
00:24 this is what he said.
00:29 And taught, remember last week?
00:30 His climbing companions, and this is what he said.
00:35 Come on, let's do it again.
00:37 Look at five people and tell them, he said what he said.
00:40 He said what he said.
00:42 He said what he said.
00:45 Take your seats.
00:47 Take your seats in the house of God.
00:50 We're in a teaching titled, He Said What He Said.
00:54 It's just a subject to make people click the button.
00:59 But really in essence, it is a teaching on the Beatitudes.
01:04 It is a story of the Sermon on the Mount.
01:07 This long sermon that Jesus taught.
01:12 It is this sesquipedalian.
01:15 Talk about a two dollar word.
01:16 Sesquipedalian.
01:18 Don't even Google it, it'll take too long.
01:20 Sesquipedalian.
01:21 It is to be long-winded.
01:24 Sesquipedalian.
01:25 It's not Greek, it's an English word.
01:26 I just love new words.
01:27 And sesquipedalian.
01:29 It is this sesquipedalian sermon
01:32 that Jesus teaches long-winded, long.
01:35 It is the longest sermon we have recorded.
01:38 It's in Matthew 5, 6, jumps over to 7.
01:40 He was just in this sesquipedalian mode.
01:44 This sesquipedalian Savior mode.
01:47 Where he teaches this long sermon that we call
01:49 the Sermon on the Mount,
01:51 really because he was doing a sermon on the Mount 10.
01:54 And the idea of this sermon is that within it
01:57 is clothed but beatitudes.
02:00 These nine attitudes, these nine thoughts
02:04 or ways of thinking that can change your life.
02:07 It may not be sexy to some people, but it's substantive.
02:10 Those of you that were here at nine,
02:12 our leaders would tell you the nine o'clock service
02:14 just ate this up.
02:15 Those watching online, so many people walked up to me
02:18 in between services and said,
02:20 "This is the word that I needed."
02:22 We started last week by giving you the first three.
02:25 We talked about the beatitudes.
02:27 Blessed are those, blessed.
02:29 Blessed, look at me, means happy or fortunate.
02:33 Blessed, if you wanna be fortunate, if you wanna be happy.
02:36 That's not to say that happy is all the time.
02:39 Those of you who know Greek know that the Greek root word,
02:42 the happiest, hap, of which we get hapuns,
02:45 which means whatever happens makes you happy.
02:47 Which means saints aren't just looking for happy,
02:50 we're looking for joy.
02:52 'Cause happy can kinda come and go, but joy is internal.
02:56 Okay, but overall, you'll have a better feeling
03:00 about yourself.
03:01 You'll feel good most of the time if you would adhere
03:05 to these virtues found in Matthew five.
03:08 Remember we started with the first one,
03:10 blessed are the poor in spirit.
03:11 Let's recap real quick.
03:12 You got a pencil, you got your notes page on your phone.
03:14 Blessed are the poor in spirit,
03:16 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
03:18 That's on the screens.
03:19 Blessed are the poor in spirit,
03:20 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
03:21 In other words, when you realize that without him
03:24 you can't do nothing.
03:26 Poor in spirit does not mean poor in resources.
03:28 It does not mean poor in property that you own.
03:31 Poor in cash money.
03:33 No, poor in spirit is a disposition that says
03:37 I wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for him.
03:40 Poor in spirit is not fronting like you poor in spirit.
03:43 It's really being internally grateful
03:46 and cognizant of this reality.
03:48 If God didn't do it for me, I wouldn't have it.
03:51 There's a poorness of spirit to me.
03:53 There's a realization that everything I have,
03:56 God helped me do it.
03:58 Everything I am, God made me that.
04:00 It is real, it is internal.
04:02 Blessed are the poor in spirit.
04:04 Watch this, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
04:07 I like the NLT, you like it too.
04:08 God blesses those who are poor
04:11 and realize they're in need for him.
04:13 I like the message especially.
04:15 You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope
04:17 with less of you, there is more of God and his rule.
04:20 You're blessed, you don't know, not all of you.
04:22 I don't want a church full of people
04:25 that are constantly at the end of their rope.
04:27 That means my teaching is not working.
04:29 But there are some people here today
04:31 at the end of their rope.
04:33 Oh yeah, you don't know who came in for the first time,
04:35 who came with a friend, a romantic individual
04:38 that they like romantically,
04:40 but they're at the end of their rope.
04:41 You don't know what's happening in their house.
04:42 You don't know what their mama said.
04:43 You don't know what's happening in their marriage.
04:45 You don't know what's happening with their money.
04:46 Watch this, in a very real sense,
04:48 at your lowest you're blessed
04:51 because that's when there's a total dependence on God.
04:54 That's what Paul said, when I'm weak,
04:57 that's when I'm strong.
04:58 It is actually when I come to the end of me
05:01 that I experience all of him.
05:03 So even at your lowest, shout.
05:08 Even when you are down, praise him in the house
05:12 because some type of way, as hard as this is,
05:17 God's gonna get some glory out of it.
05:21 Yeah, blessed are the poor in spirit.
05:22 Blessed are those who really are the poor in spirit.
05:26 And then not only blessed are the poor in spirit,
05:28 but blessed are those who mourn,
05:30 for they will be comforted.
05:33 And we talked about the obvious definition of mourning
05:36 is what, to grieve.
05:37 Mama died at the end of the 9 a.m. service.
05:39 Girl walked up to me and said,
05:40 "You preached to me, my daddy passed last week, pastor.
05:44 "I asked her like I ask everyone,
05:46 "were you close to him?
05:47 "Because just because your daddy passed
05:49 "doesn't mean you're feeling a certain way.
05:51 "Was there a real relationship?"
05:52 She said, "Oh no, I was a daddy's girl."
05:53 I said, "Oh, you hurting then."
05:55 I said, "Matter of fact, there's no way around this hurt.
05:57 "Let's just go ahead and go through it.
05:59 "Here's what I want you to praise God for.
06:00 "Praise God for the hurt because that mean he mattered."
06:04 I told you some people are sad because they can't find sad.
06:10 Yeah, my mama died, my daddy died.
06:11 Aren't I supposed to feel more than this?
06:14 They weren't in your life.
06:14 You can't make yourself feel what did not happen.
06:17 I told her, "You're a mourning, blessed are you.
06:20 "Blessed are those people who lost jobs
06:23 "or lost family members or lost something
06:25 "that was important to you."
06:26 The Bible says, "Blessed are you.
06:28 "Blessed are those who mourn, you'll love it."
06:30 I didn't tell you this last week.
06:31 I didn't tell you this last week.
06:33 For they shall be comforted.
06:35 Woo, they shall be comforted.
06:38 Can I tell you another name for the Holy Spirit?
06:41 You read your Bible, a comforter.
06:43 So there's a pneumatological, a pneumatological nuance.
06:48 Remember, Christological, Christology, study of Christ.
06:51 Pneumatology, pneuma, spirit, study of the Holy Spirit.
06:55 There's a pneumatological nuance to this teaching
06:58 because when you are mourning,
07:01 that's when God will show up and comfort you.
07:04 How did you not go crazy?
07:07 'Cause He comforted you.
07:08 What does the Holy Spirit do?
07:10 More than make you speak in tongues,
07:11 more than make you run around the church.
07:13 Child, I caught the Holy Ghost Sunday.
07:15 He's not a football, you don't catch him on Sunday.
07:17 He lives in your heart.
07:19 That's a Browns game, not the Holy Ghost.
07:21 You don't catch the Holy Ghost, you catch a football.
07:24 The Holy Spirit lives in me and He the reason
07:29 I didn't go completely crazy
07:31 because at the lowest point of my life,
07:36 when I gave that boy my whole body,
07:38 I was too young, pastor.
07:40 I gave him my body, my mind, and my soul.
07:43 I gave him too much.
07:44 I should've went crazy, but I grew up in church.
07:48 And even though I was playing God,
07:50 God loved me enough at my lowest to come comfort me.
07:54 I wish I had somebody, watch this.
07:57 And then it hit me,
07:59 if Holy Spirit does not comfort you, and He will,
08:02 He also sends, here's a shout place,
08:04 some human comforters.
08:07 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comfortant.
08:10 They should be comfortant, they should be comfortant,
08:13 which means God will send the right family member.
08:16 He'll send the right friend.
08:18 And can I tell you the best thing to do
08:20 sometime when somebody hurting, shut up.
08:23 Yeah, I'm a seasoned pastor.
08:27 I hope so after two decades of doing the same thing.
08:29 I'm not a young pastor, I'm a seasoned pastor.
08:32 I have to train all of my young pastors I cover
08:34 and ministers when you get to the hospital
08:35 and their mama just died five minutes ago,
08:37 please don't walk in preaching.
08:39 Please don't walk in with your favorite scripture,
08:42 just shut up.
08:43 Just stand there with the family and cry with them.
08:45 You don't have a sermon that can fix this pain.
08:48 No, you don't have any words.
08:49 The Bible says when Job lost his seven sons
08:52 and his three daughters to death,
08:53 the Bible says his friends came over
08:55 and said, "Shook him with him."
08:56 Which means they just sat there for seven days and shut up.
08:59 Sometime I don't need you to do nothing,
09:00 but just be there for me.
09:02 There are no perfect words, there is no scripture,
09:04 just be my dog.
09:06 Just take me to get something to eat,
09:07 don't even talk in the car
09:08 'cause I gotta go through this, I gotta cry through this.
09:11 You just comfort me with your presence.
09:13 The Holy Spirit will comfort you.
09:15 I'm talking to somebody that may have lost something
09:18 this year, something this week, something this month.
09:21 God is gonna show up and comfort you at your lowest place.
09:25 You are not gonna go crazy.
09:26 He's gonna stand you back up, you will survive this.
09:30 (congregation applauding)
09:32 I'm just recapping and then finally from last week,
09:35 remember this, blessed are the meek or the humble.
09:40 I said it at the first service and I mean it.
09:42 I don't know how any Christian
09:45 can have the capacity for arrogance.
09:47 You think I'm making this up, I don't even struggle.
09:51 You would think with a decent church
09:53 and all that God has done,
09:54 you would think I have to fight back narcissism in my soul.
09:57 I got some struggles now, pray for me.
09:59 I don't even struggle with arrogance.
10:02 I got some struggles, pray for me.
10:04 I don't even struggle with narcissism.
10:06 I'm so aware that if God didn't give it to me,
10:11 I wouldn't have it.
10:12 I know so much dirt on me that I ain't got time
10:16 to be fronting like I'm all of that.
10:18 I'm just glad that he woke me up.
10:22 Can I get five people?
10:24 Uh-uh, I don't know who I'm preaching to
10:26 but I don't even struggle with stuck up.
10:30 Have you ever seen somebody who ain't got nothing
10:31 and still arrogant?
10:32 You're like, "No, you ain't even got nothing."
10:35 Walking around like you somebody
10:36 with your fake this and your fake that.
10:38 I wish I had somebody that know Jesus
10:40 is the only reason why you sitting here.
10:43 He gave me my wife, he gave me my children,
10:46 he gave me my church, he gave me my health and strength.
10:48 Lean on something, he gave me everything.
10:50 Everything I got, God gave it to me.
10:53 Everything I am, God made me that.
10:55 If it had not been for the Lord
10:58 who was on our side, the summit said.
11:00 Blessed are the humble.
11:07 Yeah, stay low.
11:09 I meant to tell you last week,
11:11 there are three Hs that guide my life.
11:13 You can write them down, put them in your nose page,
11:16 remember them the rest of your life.
11:17 At all times, you see, pastor,
11:19 I try to stay humble, holy, and hungry.
11:23 All of the pastors across the country know the three Hs.
11:27 I've trained them.
11:28 At all times, holy, humble, and hungry.
11:32 Holy, I'm trying to be as clean as I can before God.
11:36 I don't want no other woman touching me.
11:38 I don't wanna put nothing in my body
11:40 that God doesn't want in my body.
11:42 With my imperfect self, you'll pass the fight to be holy.
11:46 Don't get it twisted, but I'm still hungry.
11:48 Some people think because you're holy, you can't be hungry.
11:51 Look at somebody and say, "I'm blessed,
11:52 "but I want some more."
11:53 Go ahead, tell somebody,
11:55 "Oh, I want some friends that want some more.
11:57 "I want some people around me that want another degree.
12:00 "I want some people that feel like
12:01 "there's some more money to go in your account.
12:03 "I like my house,
12:04 "but I'm just feeling a little squished right now."
12:06 Look at somebody and say,
12:07 "I don't even like my clothes anymore.
12:08 "I'm gonna burn all my clothes and buy me some more.
12:10 "I want some more.
12:11 "I'm sick of looking at these outfits.
12:12 "I'm starting, I wish I had some real people
12:15 "that's still hungry."
12:16 You can be hungry, come on.
12:17 Don't let the devil tell you that humility means I'm not.
12:21 No, the devil is a liar.
12:23 I'm humble and I'm hungry at the same time.
12:26 I believe 2023 can still be the best year of your life.
12:31 I wished I had some hungry people.
12:34 I can't have people.
12:35 I was sharing with somebody post-pandemic,
12:42 young adults, catch this.
12:44 The new thought is,
12:45 "How little can I do and get paid a lot?"
12:49 All of you that are supervisors know what I'm talking about.
12:55 The new way, this post-pandemic reality,
12:58 since people got to check for staying at home
13:00 and everybody's working from home,
13:01 how little can I do?
13:02 Work smart, not hard.
13:04 No, work smart and hard.
13:06 There is no boss in the world
13:10 that wouldn't rather have to push you back
13:14 than pull you forward.
13:16 Yeah, work hard enough that your boss says,
13:17 "You know what?
13:18 "Stop, just go rest.
13:21 "Don't make him or her pull you forward.
13:22 "No, stay hungry."
13:25 Isn't it amazing how people want what you got
13:27 but don't wanna do what you do?
13:28 I wished I had.
13:30 If you want what I got, then do what I do.
13:36 No, I wake up every morning and read the Bible
13:39 and then do my workout and then do my prayers
13:42 and then get on my business plan, open up my computer,
13:45 make 15 calls, look at somebody and say,
13:47 "I want Jesus and some money, I'm hungry."
13:50 (congregation applauding)
13:54 Say humble.
13:55 - Humble.
13:56 - Holy, hungry, humble.
13:59 Say it again, holy, humble, hungry.
14:02 Live your life by the three H's at all times.
14:07 All right, so now, oh, that was last week's sermon.
14:11 Can I start my new sermon now?
14:13 (congregation laughing)
14:14 Here it is, this is so good.
14:16 Here it is, here it is.
14:16 Here's the new one, here's the new teaching.
14:19 Here's the fresh teaching, here's today's beatitude.
14:21 Matthew 5, verse six, here it is.
14:23 Blessed, you know this, are those who hunger
14:26 and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
14:30 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
14:34 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
14:38 for they shall be filled.
14:39 That is so good.
14:40 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst.
14:43 And I thought it was something
14:44 because the Greek there is amazing.
14:46 The Greek word, penotes and depaso.
14:49 Penotes and depaso.
14:52 Pastor, I speak English, not Greek.
14:53 Why are you giving me Greek?
14:54 Only because it's important not to show off.
14:56 Penotes and depaso are in the Greek genitive case.
15:00 Come here, the Greek genitive case.
15:04 Let me break it down.
15:05 Penotes and depaso.
15:09 Blessed are those who, penotes and depaso,
15:13 who hunger and thirst after righteousness.
15:17 Can I define righteousness?
15:18 I'm going someplace, you'll love this.
15:19 Can I define righteousness?
15:20 We'll put it on the screen for those who wanna see it.
15:22 Applied to God, the perfection or holiness of his nature.
15:27 Exact, restitute, faithfulness.
15:30 Let me give it to you again.
15:31 Righteousness means applied to God.
15:33 Righteousness as in applied to God.
15:36 Not me and you, but as in applied to God.
15:38 It is, you'll love this, watch this now.
15:41 It is perfection or holiness of his nature.
15:46 Exact, rectitude, faithfulness.
15:49 To be righteous is to be perfectly holy.
15:53 Righteous, God, as righteousness relates to God,
15:57 it is holy perfection.
16:00 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst.
16:04 My Bible does not say blessed are the righteous.
16:08 (congregation murmurs)
16:12 My Bible says blessed are the people
16:15 who hungry for righteousness.
16:17 (congregation cheers)
16:18 Ooh, did I just tell you it is in the genitive case,
16:23 the Greek genitive?
16:26 Okay, let me see, I'm losing you.
16:28 The Greek genitive case.
16:30 In other words, normally when you see hunger and thirst
16:34 in Greek, it's in the genitive case.
16:37 Okay, let me see, here it is, let me vernonize it,
16:38 modernize it, contemporize it.
16:40 You ever seen a movie and someone says, "You hungry?"
16:44 And the person says, "Uh, I could eat."
16:47 Let me try this again.
16:49 "Are you hungry?"
16:50 "Well, I could eat."
16:52 In other words, I'm not starving,
16:54 but I'll order appetizer or something.
16:56 That's the genitive case.
16:59 But no, hunger and thirst here is in the accusative case,
17:05 is in the Greek accusative,
17:07 which means I wanna eat everything on the buffet,
17:10 which means I'm starving.
17:14 You know why you can't relate?
17:15 I wish I was preaching this in a third world country.
17:18 They'd be running around the church.
17:19 It's hard to preach hunger to Americans
17:22 who throw away more food than we eat.
17:25 (congregation cheers)
17:26 Ooh, you just missed that.
17:28 But if I were in a third world country,
17:30 that's what you call cultural criticism, seminarians.
17:33 All right, redaction criticism, narrative criticism,
17:35 source criticism, what?
17:37 Cultural, I need to criticize the text
17:40 by using culture against the text.
17:42 The culture in that day,
17:44 there were many people in Jesus' day
17:46 that were hungry for real.
17:48 There might be a few people here who've really been hungry,
17:51 maybe purposeful hunger because of a purposeful fast,
17:54 but I'm talking about in a place where three, four days,
17:57 you couldn't find nothing to eat.
17:59 Imagine hearing this and you really hungry.
18:02 Jesus says, "Blessed are those who hunger
18:06 "and starve for righteousness."
18:09 Blessed are those, no, they don't just want a little
18:10 appetizer or I could eat.
18:12 It really means to have like a piece of fruit in the Greek,
18:15 a small cup of juice.
18:16 I'm not really hungry.
18:17 I'm not really thirsty.
18:19 I'll take it, genitive, not here.
18:21 No, it's in the accusative case,
18:23 which means when Jesus says this,
18:25 he's saying, "Blessed are people who's starving."
18:28 (congregation cheers)
18:29 Imagine somebody in the desert for four days
18:32 with no water.
18:33 God says, "You ought to love me so much
18:36 "that even though you not right,"
18:38 hit three people say, "But I want to be right."
18:40 Go ahead.
18:41 That's the wrong person.
18:43 You didn't hit nobody.
18:44 I wish I had some real people here that want to be right.
18:48 Wait a minute.
18:49 So I hear the praise team and the choir talking about,
18:51 "None but the righteous shall see God."
18:53 None but the righteous shall see God.
18:54 Gotta live holy, gotta live right.
18:56 None but the righteous shall see God.
18:58 Then I hear Paul, the talented tent maker from Tarsus,
19:01 tantalizing us with tough theology
19:03 when he says in Romans 3, verse 10,
19:06 "There is none righteous, no, not one."
19:09 Wait a minute, the choir gonna say,
19:10 the choir gonna say, "None but the righteous shall see God."
19:13 Then Paul is gonna tell me there's none righteous,
19:16 no, not one, but then Jesus, who's Paul's boss says,
19:20 "Only those who hunger and thirst."
19:23 (congregation cheers)
19:25 I feel like preaching at my own.
19:26 Can I teach?
19:27 It's fall.
19:28 Look at somebody say, "Back to school."
19:29 School's back in summer.
19:31 It's just about over.
19:32 Let's learn now.
19:33 I'm in a teaching series.
19:34 It's fall.
19:35 My style changes, my didactic precision changes.
19:39 Look at me.
19:40 It is critical that you catch this.
19:42 So the choir says, "None but the righteous shall see God."
19:44 And then Paul says, "There's none righteous, no, not one."
19:47 Paul says in Romans 3, 23, "All have sinned
19:49 "and come short of the glory of God."
19:51 But then Jesus says, "Only those who hunger and thirst."
19:55 So watch this.
19:56 When you are hungry for it,
19:59 God treats you like you are it.
20:02 (congregation cheers)
20:04 You gotta catch this.
20:05 Even with your greatest attempt,
20:08 you will never be completely righteous.
20:11 Paul's not lying.
20:12 Paul says, "There's none righteous, no, not one."
20:15 Your Bible says, "In all your righteousness,
20:18 "you are no more," Isaiah said, "than a filthy rag."
20:21 And a filthy rag is a woman's menstrual rag.
20:25 Ooh, this is tight, but it's right.
20:29 It's your cleanness, which you're all white on at church,
20:33 which your communion cup in your hand,
20:36 which you think you all of that.
20:37 You are really no cleaner than a woman's menstrual rag.
20:41 So pastor, if I'm dirty continuously,
20:43 then why should I shout?
20:45 Because Christ imputed His righteousness
20:48 and put it on you.
20:50 So when God sees you, He does not see you,
20:54 He sees His Son.
20:56 And when He sees His Son,
20:57 He treats you like He treats His Son.
21:00 Why?
21:01 Because Jesus became what I am without doing what I did.
21:05 Ooh, y'all just missed that.
21:07 He became a crackhead, but He never smoked crack.
21:10 He became an alcoholic, but He never drug nothing.
21:12 He became a strawberry, but He never slept with nobody.
21:15 He became a dope user, but He never smoked dope.
21:17 Why?
21:18 'Cause He took my stuff and put it on Him
21:21 and took His stuff and put it on me.
21:24 Bump somebody, say, "Trading places."
21:26 Go ahead.
21:27 Now when God sees me,
21:29 so when you are hungry,
21:32 when you are hungry,
21:35 when you are hungry,
21:36 that's when,
21:37 that's when you know you're not right,
21:41 but you wanna be so bad.
21:42 The Bible says, "Man looks on the outside appearance,
21:46 "but God looks at the heart."
21:49 You'll love this.
21:50 Blessed, blessed are those who hunger.
21:53 You don't think, I'm so glad that God is better than me.
21:56 I be judging people 'cause I'm trying to feel you
21:58 and read you and use my spidey senses
22:01 and my street sense and my discernment.
22:03 I'm trying to read you.
22:05 And by the way, stop getting mad when people hurt you
22:08 or when you hire the wrong person.
22:09 Here's a free shout.
22:10 Sometime God divinely deletes your discernment.
22:13 (congregation cheering)
22:16 You didn't take off running.
22:17 God will divinely delete your discernment.
22:20 Stop saying, "I should have prayed more
22:22 "before I gave Him my number.
22:23 "I can't believe I hired her.
22:24 "I did the background check.
22:26 "I thought I knew her.
22:27 "I waited, I let her volunteer, and she was still crazy."
22:29 Watch this, sometime God divinely deletes your discernment
22:33 because if He didn't divinely delete your discernment,
22:36 then you wouldn't have anybody around you
22:38 that ever hurt you.
22:39 And if nobody ever hurts you,
22:41 then how could you become the person that you are now?
22:44 So no matter how much you pray,
22:46 sometime God will divinely delete your discernment
22:49 'cause it's the stuff you've been through.
22:51 It's the people that walked away from you.
22:53 I wish I had somebody that taught you
22:55 how to be the woman or man that you are now,
22:58 but God does not have to discern because He's deity.
23:03 He has sovereignty.
23:05 Woo, He can look at a person and say, "She a trip,
23:08 "but she wanna be right."
23:10 Yeah, brother walked up to me after the first service
23:14 and said, "This pornography thing got me.
23:15 "This pornography thing got me," with tears in his eyes.
23:18 I said, "Look at me, you my dog.
23:20 "I wanna get to know you."
23:21 Why?
23:22 "Because you got a pure heart."
23:24 God says those who hunger and thirst.
23:29 So everybody here, I'm finished.
23:31 I can't spend the rest of my time on one beatitude.
23:33 I just tell you this.
23:35 Those of you who not right, but you starving to be right,
23:39 God sees you as right.
23:41 (congregation applauding)
23:42 Woo.
23:43 And the more you starve to be right,
23:48 there's some stuff you're gonna stop doing.
23:51 I promise you, the more you starve to be right,
23:54 stuff's gonna fall off you.
23:56 Come on, talk to me.
23:57 Receive this by faith.
23:59 Receive this by faith.
24:00 Is that good, everybody?
24:01 (congregation applauding)
24:03 All right.
24:04 All right, here's a second one.
24:05 You ready?
24:05 Here it is.
24:06 "Blessed are the merciful," verse seven.
24:09 "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy."
24:13 Wow, merciful, merciful.
24:16 Elimones in the Greek, elimones.
24:19 "To have a forgiving spirit and a compassionate heart."
24:22 I think I wanna read this.
24:23 I wanna read a lot more smart people than me
24:25 during this series, because those in seminary know
24:28 you wanna quote others who know more than you.
24:30 That just makes sense, all right?
24:31 You want some sources that prove
24:33 you don't think you know everything.
24:34 You can't even turn in a dissertation without sources.
24:36 I don't just want your opinion.
24:38 Some other people that approve,
24:39 and what have they said about this whole piece on mercy?
24:41 I like one commentator.
24:43 He said this, look at me.
24:44 "It is showing mercy and being benevolent.
24:47 "It is forgiving those who are wrong, yet it is much more.
24:50 "It is empathy, it is getting right inside the person
24:54 "and feeling right along with them.
24:56 "It is a deliberate effort, an act of the will
24:59 "to understand the person and to meet his need
25:02 "by forgiving and showing mercy.
25:04 "It is the opposite of being hard, unforgiving, unfilling.
25:09 "God forgives only those who forgive others," unquote.
25:13 Oh wow, wow, wow.
25:15 So in my last few minutes, here's what empathy is.
25:18 Empathy is different than sympathy.
25:21 Sympathy means I feel sorry for you.
25:22 Empathy means I attempt to feel what you feel.
25:26 Blessed are the merciful, you'll love this,
25:29 for they shall be shown mercy.
25:31 Mercy, mercy is different than justice.
25:34 Every week some young player tells me,
25:36 I got court tomorrow, pastor, pray for justice.
25:39 I said, "Did you do it?"
25:40 He said, "Yes."
25:41 I said, "You don't want justice."
25:43 (congregation laughing)
25:47 Justice for you would be the joint.
25:48 You want mercy.
25:52 Mercy means I did it, I'm wrong,
25:56 but Lord, give me another chance.
25:58 Don't you look at me like that.
26:00 I wish I had some people in the Word Nation
26:03 that don't want no justice, 'cause I've been trifling.
26:06 I've done some stuff that I should be dead,
26:09 but Mississippi Mass says a justice demanded
26:12 that I should die, but mercy said,
26:14 "Oh no, we've already paid the price."
26:17 Your grace and mercy, come on, old school,
26:21 brought me through.
26:24 I'm living this moment because I wanna thank you
26:29 and praise you to your grace.
26:33 Oh.
26:36 (congregation laughing)
26:40 That was a run, that was a run.
26:42 Praise him, that was a run.
26:44 Say mercy.
26:49 Mercy, many of you are not merciful enough.
26:53 Remember last week, remember last week,
26:54 still been praying for the family.
26:56 Remember Labor Day, remember Labor Day,
26:57 remember Labor Day, remember the Labor Day murder
27:00 that I shall sadly never forget.
27:01 We'll go down as a day of infamy in our city,
27:04 right in the middle of Labor Day,
27:05 some brother gets mad at his sister
27:07 because of an argument, shoots his sister.
27:09 His sister's pregnant, which means he also killed
27:11 his nephew or niece that was in her stomach.
27:13 Then her husband, like any good husband,
27:15 looks at him, comes at him, he shoots him too.
27:17 So now there are at least three people dead,
27:19 including the baby and a son that's gonna do life
27:23 in prison for sure.
27:24 That mama is in the middle of justice and mercy.
27:28 Yeah, on the one hand, you want justice for what happened.
27:32 On the other hand, who wants to see their baby
27:34 go to the electric chair or the gas chamber or do life?
27:37 So mercy is, I know my baby did it,
27:41 but please have some mercy.
27:43 Many of you, God is saying, you're not merciful enough.
27:48 You're not merciful enough.
27:50 You've been hurt so much, there's a hardness on you.
27:53 And when somebody play you, you're done with them
27:56 'cause you've been through too much.
27:58 It's like you got one chance because, you know,
28:01 I've been through a lot and every time I let people in,
28:03 they take advantage.
28:04 So now I just treat people how they wanna be treated.
28:06 So once I see you something, I'm done with you, I'm done.
28:10 There's no mercy.
28:11 It's hard to be married to you because you want mercy,
28:13 but you don't like to give it.
28:15 Yeah, isn't it something, isn't it something
28:21 that whenever somebody play us, we want justice.
28:26 But when we play somebody, we want mercy.
28:30 The Bible says, "Blessed are the merciful."
28:34 Say merciful.
28:35 Merciful, it is to empathize.
28:38 It is to be caring.
28:40 It is to put yourself in one's place.
28:42 I was telling the early service
28:44 that many of you hate your parents
28:47 until one day you stop and realize
28:49 who your grandparents were.
28:50 And say, "My daddy ain't have one man in the world
28:58 to show him how to be a daddy.
29:01 And him and my mama was in the bed with each other
29:05 at 16, 17, 18."
29:06 What kind of maturity is that?
29:08 And where were their parents
29:09 that letting them lay up like that?
29:12 And everybody was drinking
29:13 and everybody was doing what they do.
29:14 And all my aunties was pregnant
29:15 and all my uncles had babies, mamas.
29:17 And so where did my daddy come from?
29:21 I'm not excusing his lack of trying.
29:24 I am telling you, it will get you out of hatred.
29:26 You may not be cool with him,
29:28 but it'll move you out of hatred.
29:30 And say, "When I think about my mama,
29:32 well, my grandmother was silly and cussing and loud.
29:35 And my mama pretty much raising herself,
29:38 trying to figure stuff out.
29:39 I don't hate my mama.
29:41 I really feel more sorry for her.
29:43 I'm gonna extend her some mercy."
29:47 Ephesians 4, 32, "And forgiving one another."
29:51 As God has all couples, it's my favorite scripture.
29:53 When y'all walk up to me and forgiving one another.
29:56 Now, loyalty has its limits.
29:58 You're not gonna keep on playing with no other man
30:00 and have me.
30:01 Your loyalty has its limits.
30:03 If I'm not enough, I'm never gonna be enough.
30:05 You go on with him.
30:06 But if there's a one-time mistake,
30:08 if you say something stupid,
30:09 if I see your daddy's devils come out of you
30:12 and your mama's mess coming out of you
30:13 and forgiving one another,
30:15 her and I can't hardly argue 20 minutes no more
30:17 before one of us bust out laughing.
30:19 Because we've been reading this Bible so long,
30:21 we both such a trip.
30:22 We both got so much wrong with us.
30:24 We've learned to just say, "Wait a minute.
30:25 I give you sympathy and empathy and mercy."
30:28 Mercy with your children.
30:31 Mercy.
30:32 It's so hard, teenagers, outsiders back there.
30:35 I know every generation says it,
30:38 but there's never been a harder time
30:40 to be a teenager than right now.
30:41 I'm a grown man and I can't handle my phone sometimes.
30:46 I'm a grown man with the Holy Ghost
30:49 and I had to delete every app out my phone
30:51 for the last two weeks to give myself a kind of pure fast.
30:55 'Cause even when I'm looking for good stuff,
30:57 bad stuff popping up.
30:59 All right?
31:00 And I'm human.
31:00 I'm not gay.
31:01 Beautiful women are beautiful women
31:03 with a little bit of nothing popping up in my feed.
31:05 Y'all ready for your first shout?
31:06 If my phone know my algorithm, you know the devil do.
31:10 (audience cheering)
31:13 If my phone know what I like,
31:16 who told my phone?
31:17 I guess my phone saw my wife.
31:19 And all kind of stuff.
31:22 I'm like, if a phone understands algorithms,
31:26 you think Satan don't?
31:28 So you gotta guard your heart and guard your spirit
31:31 and guard your mind 'cause the devil know what you like.
31:34 If your phone can make a video without your permission
31:37 and show you your life from last month,
31:41 you don't think there's a real devil?
31:43 Why y'all all standing up?
31:49 Oh, I gotta stop.
31:57 I got three minutes.
31:58 And so, don't get mad at my kids.
32:02 We decided to have babies at 99.
32:04 So whenever you got a daughter in middle school
32:09 and two grandkids on the way, you just trifle.
32:11 Yeah, that mean your plan, it was completely off.
32:15 Praise God.
32:16 I got a grandchild coming next month
32:18 and a daughter in middle school, pray for me.
32:21 And one of my children did something that I didn't like
32:23 and I had just read, you'll love this.
32:25 I just read, did a whole podcast.
32:27 Watch last week's Bible cast, all right?
32:29 Make allowance for each other's faults.
32:32 Colossians 3:13, make allowance.
32:35 Expect somebody to do something stupid.
32:38 Expect somebody to do something stupid.
32:40 Make allowance for other people's faults.
32:42 Leave room for some humanity in my Christianity.
32:47 Make allowance.
32:48 Okay, don't wait for the bottom to drop out,
32:50 but just know at some point, somebody you love close to you,
32:53 your children, your wife, your husband,
32:54 are going to do something.
32:55 So posture yourself and say, God, fill me up with mercy.
32:59 So that when you cannot have teenage children,
33:02 I meant what I said, pray for them.
33:03 We didn't have that.
33:04 We had to go to the drug store behind the counter,
33:07 get a Playboy magazine on the low when nobody was looking.
33:10 Granddaddy of them had to go to a juke joint in the woods.
33:13 Now a 12 year old boy has saw more naked women,
33:16 watch this, in 15 minutes
33:18 than his granddaddy saw his whole life.
33:21 Than the greatest Roman emperor ever saw.
33:23 A 12 year old boy can see more naked women in 15 minutes
33:27 than the greatest Roman emperor
33:29 that ever existed in his lifetime.
33:31 That's how much access they have.
33:33 And it's no more, this is free, parents.
33:35 I'm gonna kill you if I see you on that phone.
33:37 I'm taking that phone.
33:39 All they gonna do is look at their friend's phone.
33:41 Or come to children's church and teen's church,
33:43 let me see your phone.
33:44 So now you can't go, but I'm gonna kill you.
33:47 Parenting has to change.
33:48 Now it has to be, look Ralph, look Ray, look Dominique.
33:51 Let me just tell y'all, man.
33:52 Y'all see how much I'm in love with y'all mama.
33:53 See I be chasing her, she all on my lap.
33:55 Be careful man, 'cause if you see too much,
33:58 ain't no one woman gonna be enough.
34:00 (audience applauding)
34:01 Yup, and you will have like the finest woman in Cleveland,
34:06 but because you didn't saw so much, no one is enough.
34:10 So all I can tell you man, it's on you play.
34:12 I can't chase you.
34:13 If you get that stuff in your spirit,
34:15 you're probably gonna be cheating on my daughter-in-law,
34:16 whoever she is.
34:18 'Cause there's so much in your spirit
34:19 that you can't get it out
34:20 unless you rinse it by the blood.
34:22 And so that's how I'm trying to parent now
34:25 with more conversations as opposed, mercy on them.
34:29 Mercy, mercy, mercy.
34:32 One of my children did something and then I'm finished.
34:34 One of my children did something
34:36 and the Holy Spirit told me,
34:38 blow his mind and don't do what he think you gonna do.
34:41 And so I said, I know you expected me to major punishment
34:45 or give me the phone.
34:46 The Lord told me to tell you something.
34:48 You ready?
34:48 Grace.
34:50 - Grace.
34:51 - He said, I said, I said, I'm just gonna trust
34:54 that you know how much you broke God's heart and mind,
34:56 but there's no punishment for this one.
34:58 Just, just, just don't do it no more.
35:02 I said, now let's be clear.
35:02 I'm losing, I'm using Colossians now,
35:04 but next is gonna be the book of Exodus
35:06 and he smiteth thee, he smiteth.
35:08 (congregation cheering)
35:09 Yeah, I said, now next time we go with the book of Exodus
35:13 and God smiteth thee.
35:15 Yeah, now next time we gonna go with smiteth thee,
35:17 but today we gonna go with Jesus and Colossians,
35:19 but next time we gonna do smiteth thee, the book of Exodus.
35:23 Why y'all laughing?
35:25 I'm gone.
35:26 Somebody say mercy.
35:27 - Mercy.
35:28 - Extend mercy.
35:29 Lastly, and I'll pick it up next week.
35:31 Oh my goodness, I gotta go.
35:33 Blessed, blessed are the pure in heart,
35:35 for they shall see God.
35:37 Blessed are the pure in heart.
35:38 Blessed are the pure in heart.
35:39 Before I leave mercy, watch this.
35:41 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
35:44 Y'all missed your shot, watch this.
35:46 Let me give you my selfish reason for showing mercy.
35:48 Hit two people and say, 'cause you gonna need some.
35:50 Go ahead.
35:52 Oh, that's the wrong person.
35:53 Be careful when you are unforgiving,
35:55 'cause you gonna want God to forgive you,
35:57 and you gonna want people to forgive you.
35:59 So if you extend mercy on your nasty day,
36:02 somebody give you back some.
36:04 When you not judgmental,
36:06 when you fall into your stuff as a single,
36:08 instead of people hating on you,
36:09 they may get around you and say,
36:11 "She was always nice to me when I was going through my stuff
36:14 "and now I wanna be nice to her
36:15 "'cause she ain't put her mouth on me,
36:17 "she ain't judge me.
36:18 "She show mercy."
36:20 And when you need it, it'll come back to you.
36:23 God will give it to you and people will extend you mercy,
36:27 'cause you were merciful and not hard and rigid
36:30 and distrusting and mean.
36:33 Finally, I bid you goodbye.
36:36 Blessed are the pure in heart,
36:38 for they shall see God,
36:39 (speaking in foreign language)
36:40 said the Greek.
36:41 I'm just gonna leave that alone.
36:42 I'm gonna pick that one up more next week.
36:44 I feel like I can just feel time.
36:45 I feel time.
36:46 It's a good time to get off the freeway.
36:48 Have you ever been on the freeway
36:49 and it says, "Next exit, 30 miles.
36:51 "Next exit after that, 250 miles?"
36:54 So I tell preachers, don't miss your exit.
36:56 It'd be a long way before the next one comes, praise God.
36:59 Yeah, next exit, next exit, 250 miles.
37:02 You better get off right here.
37:03 So let me go and get off this freeway and tell y'all this.
37:06 Blessed are the pure in heart,
37:07 for they shall see God.
37:08 I know some people with clean lives, but a dirty heart.
37:11 Pure in heart.
37:14 I know some people with dirty lives, but got a pure heart.
37:16 Yeah, she a trip, but she got a pure heart.
37:19 God can see your heart.
37:20 Blessed are the pure in heart.
37:21 Watch this, for they shall see God.
37:24 And not just when he comes back, you'll sense his presence.
37:29 You'll see him.
37:30 You'll feel him 'cause your heart is pure.
37:33 I was with this preacher one time years ago.
37:36 My girl would tell you, I'm finished right here.
37:38 We was in the car.
37:38 We were in the car.
37:40 We were in the car and I came home and told Lady Bernie.
37:43 I said, "I'm not ever hooking up with him no more.
37:46 "He got a dirty heart."
37:47 I don't care how big his church is, his heart dirty.
37:50 The things he was saying to me,
37:52 yeah, I'm not a street guy.
37:55 I left the streets.
37:57 Yeah, I know some people with dirty hearts.
37:59 They don't care nothing about you.
38:01 Christian people, I don't care.
38:02 That scares me.
38:04 My pastor, Bishop Joey, told me something.
38:07 Everybody wanna be complimented by their daddy.
38:10 Enough of you don't compliment your sons.
38:11 Compliment your son.
38:12 My daddy told me, Bishop Joey said,
38:15 "Son, the best thing about you is your heart."
38:18 He said, "Your mind don't work sometimes."
38:20 He said, "But the way you look after me and Mother Kathy,
38:25 "talk about your wife, your children, your church."
38:27 He said, "The reason why God blesses you
38:29 "in the world church is because of your heart."
38:32 And I don't know if I agree with him.
38:34 I know some dirty things about my heart.
38:36 I wanna be better, but it still made me feel good
38:38 to hear him say that.
38:39 Some of you ask God to give you a pure heart.
38:42 Like, Lord, I'm not perfect, but I wanna be right.
38:44 I wanna pure heart.
38:46 I don't wanna be in sin and don't even care.
38:50 Be careful when sin don't even bother you.
38:52 Be careful when you've been living together so long,
38:54 you think y'all come and Lord married.
38:57 Only thing y'all got in common,
38:58 you're gonna both go to hell in a minute.
38:59 Praise God, amen.
39:00 - Amen.
39:01 - I'm just playing.
39:02 You may not go to hell, but you may.
39:04 Because when God gets a hold of you
39:06 and gets a hold of your heart,
39:08 you can't have no brother all on top of you
39:10 that's not your husband too long.
39:13 Yeah, I'm human, but you're not my husband.
39:15 You're not my wife.
39:17 I can't keep looking at this stuff on my phone.
39:19 I can't be treating people that way.
39:21 I can't be drinking till I'm drunk
39:22 'cause my heart wants to be better.
39:25 All of us are a trip, but these Beatitudes say,
39:28 blessed are the pure in hearts.
39:31 And I'm finished for they shall see God.
39:35 Come on, clap your hands if you received this word today.
39:38 (congregation applauding)
39:40 Don't walk, don't walk, don't walk, don't walk.
39:43 Everyone's standing, everyone's standing,
39:45 everyone's standing, everyone's standing,
39:48 everyone's standing.
39:50 Oh, Jesus.
39:51 I speak over your life today.
39:55 If I was preaching to you and you don't go to our church,
39:59 please, just lend me a few minutes.
40:02 If you don't go to our church,
40:03 would you raise your hand where I can see it, please?
40:05 If you're not a member of the word church, raise it.
40:08 No one's looking at me, raise your hand.
40:09 Keep it up for a minute.
40:10 Would you keep it up for Pastor Vernon, please?
40:12 God is looking at me, that's all.
40:15 Keep your hand up, don't put your hand down.
40:16 If you've never been baptized underwater,
40:18 would you raise your hand, would you?
40:20 I'm talking about underwater by a preacher,
40:22 underwater, not sprinkled underwater.
40:24 Got one more category.
40:25 If you've loved God a long time, you're a Christian,
40:28 but right now you just don't go to nobody's church,
40:30 raise your hand or, you know.
40:32 I want you to do me a favor.
40:33 The devil's gonna try to stop you,
40:34 but we're gonna pray so hard.
40:36 Come on, altar team, run fast.
40:37 Here's what I want you to do.
40:38 If you raise your hand, would you just bum rush this off
40:41 to come stand in front of me right quick,
40:42 just as the praise team sing, just come fast as you can.
40:44 Just come, come on.
40:46 Oh, here they come, here they come, here they come.
40:48 Come on, hurry up, hurry up.
40:50 (upbeat music)
40:52 Oh, they're coming, they're coming, they're coming.
40:58 Come on, come on.
40:59 No fucking, no lying.
41:01 Call that number on your screen.
41:03 Come on upstairs, y'all know what you're doing.
41:06 Come on, let's do it, let's do it.
41:07 Come on, come around, come here, come here, come here.
41:10 Come around, come around.
41:11 Come close, come close.
41:13 Upstairs, come on, y'all know what you're doing.
41:15 Come on, come on.
41:16 Will there be somebody else?
41:17 Oh, come on, come close, come close, come close, come here.
41:22 Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
41:24 come on, come on, come on, come on.
41:26 If you're watching online, text that number on your screen.
41:30 Oh, look at this, America.
41:33 This is God, this is God.
41:36 Do you need Jesus all across the world?
41:39 Look at this, look at this.
41:42 Will there be somebody else?
41:44 Everybody sing, you made a way, you made.
41:52 Everybody.
41:54 Will there be somebody else?
42:00 Jesus loves you.
42:02 ♪ You made a way ♪
42:05 What are you waiting on?
42:10 What are you waiting on?
42:11 ♪ You made a way ♪
42:16 ♪ I just want to thank you, Lord ♪
42:30 Many have come, and yet there's so much room at the cross.
42:34 If you're unsaved or unchurched,
42:36 what a mighty good day to get right with Jesus.