00:00 Moving mountains, amen, what part is this?
00:02 Part five, amen, a base text.
00:04 Zechariah chapter four, 67.
00:07 "So he answered and said to me,
00:09 'This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel,
00:11 not by might nor by power,
00:13 but by my Spirit says the Lord of hosts, amen.'"
00:15 When you say Lord of hosts, it means Lord of the angels,
00:19 Lord of the heavenly armies, heaven's armies, you know?
00:23 It's the Lord of hosts,
00:24 he's talking about the hosts of angels.
00:26 He's talking about, you know,
00:27 the dimension of God that he's talking about,
00:30 the Lord of the heavens armies, so the Lord of hosts.
00:34 So it is deliberate because, you know,
00:36 they could have referred to God in another way,
00:39 but here because they're talking about this mountain, amen,
00:42 it says, "Not by might," that is not by human might,
00:46 not by human power,
00:48 but by my Spirit says the Lord of hosts, praise God.
00:52 Hallelujah.
00:54 So the Lord of the heavens armies, praise the Lord.
00:56 Even some translations, we put it like that.
00:59 Hallelujah.
01:00 Then verse seven says, "Who are you, O great mountain?
01:03 Before Zerubbabel, you shall be a plain.
01:06 Any mountain before you shall be a plain.
01:09 Say, 'Shall bring forth the capstone
01:11 with shouts of grace, grace to it.'"
01:13 Grace, can someone say grace?
01:15 Not works, grace, grace.
01:19 And Isaiah 40, verse four says,
01:22 "And every mountain and hill broke low."
01:25 Hallelujah.
01:26 Every mountain, not some, not a number, every.
01:31 They're gonna look at every mountain
01:33 and say, "You are gonna be brought low."
01:35 So if any one of them,
01:36 if there's still anyone standing like Goliath,
01:38 you're gonna say, "You know how David spoke?
01:41 He said, 'I'm gonna cut off your head.'"
01:43 You know, there was no eves and whatever about it.
01:46 It was clear, you know,
01:47 and that's how we should run towards a victory,
01:51 towards what we know Christ has already done for us.
01:54 Can somebody say amen?
01:55 Hallelujah.
01:56 Oh, your parents are here already.
02:00 Wow, let's put our hands together for Robert's parents.
02:03 Good to have you, sir.
02:04 Good to have you in the house.
02:05 Amen.
02:07 Wow.
02:08 Amen.
02:09 God bless you, sir.
02:10 God bless you.
02:10 I don't know why I confused them with the Venetian people.
02:13 They're not done done with that, no.
02:15 I think they said they were gonna come
02:16 before her birthday, isn't it?
02:18 You're welcome.
02:19 Hope your journey was good.
02:21 Praise God.
02:22 Hallelujah.
02:23 Let's read on.
02:25 So every mountain and hill will be level,
02:27 will be mid-level.
02:28 Hallelujah.
02:30 And then Mark 11, 20 to 26,
02:33 where Jesus was saying, "Have faith in God,"
02:35 and was saying, "For assuredly I say to you,
02:38 whoever says to this mountain,"
02:40 so you have to say, you have to speak, amen,
02:43 "be removed and be cast into the sea,
02:45 and does not doubt in his heart,
02:47 but believes that those things which he says will be done,
02:50 and he will," sorry, "he will have whatever he says."
02:54 "Therefore," that is based on this, "I say to you,
02:57 whatever things you ask when you pray,
03:00 believe that you receive them,
03:02 and you will," what? "Have them."
03:04 And then, you know, we started by saying
03:06 that the first mountains, set of mountains
03:08 that must move in our life are personal mountains.
03:10 Is that not true?
03:11 Internal mountains.
03:13 Like what we dealt with today in that time of prayer,
03:16 you know, was still addressing internal mountains.
03:18 Is that not true?
03:20 You know, Jesus started by saying, "Have faith in God."
03:22 That means, and he said, "If you say to this mountain,
03:25 and you do not doubt in your heart,
03:26 but you believe that those things which you say
03:28 shall come to pass, you shall have what you say."
03:30 So that mountain of doubt, the mountain of fear,
03:34 the mountain of unbelief must go, amen.
03:36 And then he went on to say that, you know,
03:39 whenever you stand praying, verse 25,
03:41 "If you have anything against anyone, forgive him."
03:44 Praise the Lord.
03:45 So another mountain that must go,
03:46 the mountain of offense, the mountain of grudges,
03:49 and all of that, and we did establish,
03:51 from the word of God, that, you know,
03:53 our offenses can hinder your prayer.
03:56 We also saw that unbelief,
03:57 because of the unbelief of people,
03:59 Bible actually said that you are offended in Jesus,
04:02 and because of their unbelief,
04:03 Jesus could not even do mighty works in his hometown,
04:06 even though, you know, he came there,
04:07 he's the son of God, anointed, and all of that.
04:10 Praise the Lord.
04:11 And then, the Sunday that followed, you know,
04:14 we brought forward something, and we're talking about,
04:17 you know, the Bible says, "Not by might, not by power,
04:19 "but by my spirit, by my spirit."
04:22 Amen, and we looked at that, and then,
04:24 the third Sunday, that was 16th of July,
04:27 we looked at possessing your possessions, amen.
04:31 In Obadiah, which is just one chapter,
04:33 verse 17 says, "But on Manzion,
04:35 "there shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness.
04:38 "The house of Jacob shall," what?
04:41 "Possess their possessions," amen.
04:43 So the possessions are theirs, amen.
04:46 They shall possess their inheritance.
04:48 So, we have to take possession of what belongs to us, amen.
04:52 It's one thing for something to be yours,
04:54 it's another thing for you to take possession of it.
04:57 It's another thing for you to be in possession of it,
04:59 praise the Lord.
05:00 Healing is ours, health is ours,
05:03 everything that Jesus died to make available unto us,
05:05 like we referred to today, the Bible says,
05:07 I want to encourage you, you know,
05:09 read through the book of Hebrews, amen.
05:12 Read it from the New King James,
05:13 read it in other translations,
05:15 'cause that book is a very powerful book.
05:17 It talks a lot about the new covenant.
05:19 You know, that's where the Bible says that,
05:21 a will does not come into force
05:23 unto the death of the testator.
05:25 So, until Christ died,
05:26 the New Testament did not come into force.
05:28 He died, and so that that New Testament
05:31 could come into force, amen.
05:34 You know, while he was on earth, let me explain to you.
05:37 His disciples, while he was on earth,
05:38 he delegated certain authority to them,
05:41 so to some extent, they could walk in certain things.
05:44 Are you following what I'm saying?
05:45 But he had to go away.
05:47 Like I said to them, when they were sad,
05:49 when they knew he was gonna go away,
05:51 he said, look, you guys, it is to your advantage
05:53 that I go away, 'cause if I do not go away,
05:56 the Holy Ghost will not come.
05:58 It is better for you that I go.
06:00 So, whatever you thought you were enjoying,
06:01 whatever you thought you had, by having me around,
06:04 it's nothing compared to what will happen,
06:06 because the Holy Ghost will not only be with you,
06:08 but will be in you.
06:10 Can somebody say amen?
06:12 So, we have to spend time meditating the word,
06:14 and thinking, why would Jesus say,
06:16 it's to your advantage that I go away?
06:18 Why would he say that it was more advantageous for them,
06:21 for him to go away?
06:23 That means there's something about the Holy Ghost
06:26 being with us, and in us.
06:29 Praise the Lord.
06:31 So, we must understand that,
06:32 and we should not read our Bible backwards.
06:35 Praise God.
06:37 So, a lot of things, you know,
06:38 by the way, you possess their possession,
06:40 and you know, we're looking at all of that,
06:42 you know, mountains, God said,
06:44 nothing will be able to stand before you.
06:46 And of course, we talk about significance of mountains,
06:48 they represent obstacles, hindrances, oppositions,
06:52 adversities, trials, challenges,
06:54 difficulties, impossibilities.
06:56 And we also say that mountains also signify
06:59 things that are long, longstanding challenges and problems.
07:03 And we give example with people, you know,
07:05 somebody born blind, somebody born lame,
07:08 somebody who had been in a situation for 38 years,
07:11 a woman with the issue of blood for 12 years,
07:14 and we looked at so many longstanding situations,
07:17 and you know, mountains represent longstanding issues,
07:21 and you know, thank God for every mountain, hallelujah.
07:24 That should be our attitude, that every mountain,
07:27 no matter how long you've been standing for,
07:28 you're gonna move.
07:29 You have to go in Jesus' mighty name.
07:32 So, you're gonna possess our possession.
07:34 So, we dealt with that, amen?
07:36 And we came back again the Sunday that followed,
07:39 and kept looking at possessing our possession.
07:43 That's on the 23rd, we kept looking at that,
07:46 and we looked at the, we talked specifically
07:48 about oppositions, and we looked at the giants in the land.
07:52 Is that not true?
07:53 The case where God said to them,
07:54 I've given you a land, go and spy.
07:57 When God told them to go and spy out the land,
07:59 he didn't say go and spy out the land
08:00 to see if you can take it.
08:01 It's like me saying, I've paid for a car for you,
08:06 go to car giants, amen?
08:09 How many people are receiving that?
08:11 Amen?
08:12 Just go to a Tesla, I've paid for it,
08:14 fully paid for, amen?
08:16 Praise God, I think Dawson is saying that to Rebecca, amen?
08:19 I don't know why I'm hearing those things, praise God.
08:23 Anyway, I have my reading glasses,
08:25 so I can't see you very well, but I can see your image.
08:27 Praise God, and I know you are saying that,
08:29 you know, I've paid.
08:30 And then I said, I've paid, I've whatever,
08:32 and then you go there and say, I don't like the car.
08:36 I didn't say go and see if you can take it.
08:38 God did not say go and spy the land
08:42 to know if you can take it.
08:43 He said, I'm the one giving it to you.
08:47 I remember years ago, you know, someone was visiting,
08:50 you know, and then, you know, the person happens to,
08:53 you know, she also wears my, you know, shoe size,
08:56 and all of that, so I brought out, you know,
08:58 quite a number of shoes, amen?
09:00 And then I said, you know, feel free,
09:03 just pick, you know, whatever you want, and all of that.
09:05 I said, don't be under any pressure to pick.
09:08 Whatever you don't want, just leave it.
09:09 You know how you can say, oh, if I don't take it now,
09:11 they would think, they wouldn't think anything.
09:13 I said, so how, I said, I have many people
09:15 I give things to.
09:16 One man's meat is another man's poison.
09:19 One man's trash is another man's treasure.
09:21 I said, so don't come under any pressure.
09:24 So there was a particular one who said,
09:25 hmm, actually, that red, I don't have red stuff.
09:28 You understand?
09:29 So you can go and look at what I said I bought for you,
09:31 and have reasons.
09:33 I can even say, oh, Tesla, how can I buy Tesla?
09:36 People will be looking at me.
09:38 They will say, oh, I stole.
09:40 Wait, I see money.
09:41 I'm very humble, amen?
09:43 You know what I mean?
09:44 Like, lots, when they say, lots, flee to the mountains,
09:46 they say, let me just go to this small town.
09:48 Can somebody say amen?
09:49 There are many reasons why you might not want
09:51 to possess your possession.
09:52 The Bible says God will bless you,
09:55 and it's God with persecutions.
09:57 And sometimes when you don't want the persecution,
09:59 you're like, God, let me just stay in this small place.
10:01 Can somebody say amen?
10:02 Sometimes fear can hinder you.
10:04 Is that not true?
10:06 God did not say, go and spy the land
10:08 to see if you can take it.
10:10 He said, go and see the land.
10:11 See the type of houses they're living in.
10:13 Can somebody say amen?
10:15 So you must understand that there's a difference
10:18 between go and see if you can take it,
10:20 and go and see if you like it.
10:22 This is what I'm giving you, amen?
10:24 He said, go and see where the people live in.
10:26 Survey the land.
10:27 Can somebody say amen?
10:29 I've just paid for a house for you.
10:31 Go and check, measure the windows
10:33 so you can know the curtains to buy.
10:35 Amen, I just said go and, you know,
10:38 you know what I mean?
10:39 I mean, we like that.
10:44 I think I like that, amen.
10:46 And you know, we need to remove smallness from our minds.
10:50 We need to know that in Christ, you deserve the best.
10:53 Don't settle for less.
10:56 It's one of the chapters in my book, amen?
10:59 You deserve the best, amen.
11:02 Oh, I can't take ice cream.
11:04 God's sinners are dying in China.
11:05 Let me tell you, look, look, look.
11:09 Even if you didn't take ice cream, they will still die.
11:12 That's why Jesus Christ said,
11:14 "The poor you have with you always."
11:16 It's not about being insensitive.
11:18 Can somebody say amen?
11:22 How many times have you felt so bad?
11:26 You know, you just have to understand.
11:29 You know, I was thinking about someone today.
11:32 Let me say something to you people.
11:34 You know, I told you about a bed one time years ago,
11:38 in the forests we lived in,
11:39 one guy came to market a bed,
11:40 all this adjustmatic bed, and he had a plaque.
11:44 If you don't enjoy life, your survivors will.
11:46 Now let me tell you that.
11:51 You know, when they're even discussing your funeral,
11:54 the things you never, the prunes, king prunes,
11:59 you never could afford,
12:01 that's what they would order and be talking.
12:03 Do you understand now?
12:05 How many people know what I'm talking about?
12:09 Because when you die, you are not taking a dime with you.
12:14 Nobody dies like this, you know, you can't have this.
12:17 Amen.
12:19 Let me tell you the truth now.
12:21 You know why I thought of saying,
12:22 thank you, Holy Ghost, for reminding me?
12:24 I'm gonna say, "Oh, Holy Ghost,
12:25 forget about that now."
12:26 Let me tell you why.
12:28 (laughs)
12:30 Somebody, maybe you had eight kids, or how many kids,
12:35 you know the time will come when they will leave home,
12:38 and then you'll be so lonely,
12:41 'cause you never had a life.
12:43 'Cause those kids, you cannot keep them.
12:48 It would be selfish of you to keep them.
12:51 After all, you came here.
12:54 I left my mom, I came here.
12:55 Amen?
12:58 So you don't have a life, you don't have friends.
13:01 You don't have a life.
13:02 The only life you have are the kids.
13:04 I thought of this person,
13:05 'cause this person is now not feeling well.
13:08 I said, "What of this person?"
13:09 "Oh, she's dead."
13:10 "What of this child?"
13:10 "She's dead."
13:11 "That one."
13:12 'Cause they have to follow their,
13:13 and then some of them have started having their families.
13:16 So what are you gonna do?
13:17 All you that have no life,
13:20 you better hold on to your spouse very well,
13:24 if you have one, 'cause it's gonna be two of you.
13:27 And have friends.
13:29 Do you understand?
13:32 I was just thinking of this person.
13:37 What of this person?
13:38 "Oh, she's not here."
13:38 What of that person?
13:39 "She's not here."
13:40 Having had so many kids,
13:43 not one of them.
13:46 Not that they're bad kids, but you have to move on.
13:48 Your kids are not your peers.
13:53 They belong in another generation.
13:55 Do your best, love them, but that is not your life.
13:59 You know, Jacob could no longer live
14:06 from the time that Joseph,
14:11 when they told him Joseph was dead.
14:13 The Bible says, "For his soul was bound to that child."
14:17 Yeah, some of you don't have a life.
14:22 How could somebody have six kids, eight kids?
14:25 You can't blame the kids,
14:27 'cause they have their life to live.
14:31 Some of them can get up and say,
14:32 "I want to go to Malaysia."
14:33 What are you gonna do?
14:34 "Oh, Qatar is calling me."
14:38 What are you gonna do?
14:39 No, tell me what you're gonna do.
14:43 Nothing.
14:43 So have a life.
14:46 One, have a relationship with God.
14:48 That's a friend that can never leave you.
14:53 He's with you all the time.
14:54 And then have friends, have relationships.
14:59 Your kids are not your peers.
15:01 They belong in another generation.
15:03 Can somebody save me?
15:05 It's true.
15:12 Running around, no life.
15:15 Your Christian life is down, everything is down.
15:19 And you know what I found out?
15:20 Nobody said, "Oh, time is going."
15:22 Well, don't worry about me.
15:24 Worry about yourself.
15:25 You know what I told people?
15:29 There's no generation of kids
15:32 that much is given to than this generation.
15:35 And I've never seen a generation as selfish.
15:38 We're growing up.
15:40 Even when we're working, as a state council,
15:42 I would travel from my state,
15:44 go help my parents, wash their clothes, do stuff for them.
15:51 Then go back to my post.
15:53 And when I'm going, I will not go empty-handed.
15:56 From my money, my parents were not poor.
15:59 I remember I would buy chicken,
16:01 one chicken and a crate of egg.
16:03 Raising kids that are so selfish,
16:05 'cause you do everything for them.
16:08 Somebody told me, folding clothes for their kids.
16:11 I said, "Why are you folding clothes for them?
16:13 "These are grown-up kids in boarding school.
16:15 "They come back."
16:15 I said, "Why can't they fold their clothes?"
16:18 We do everything for them.
16:20 Pay school fees.
16:21 Kill yourself to send them to expensive schools.
16:25 Then the worst part, they now come and say,
16:28 "I want to be a comedian."
16:29 Do you need, let me do my glasses.
16:32 Why do I even have these glasses on?
16:34 Do you need to go to Harvard to be a comedian?
16:37 Oh, I'm a Harvard comedian.
16:39 You better tell them not to sign.
16:43 If you know you want to be a comedian, make it fast.
16:48 I can even start a school of comedy,
16:51 so they can come to my school,
16:52 Institute of whatever, to raise comedians.
16:54 And I say, "I'm in the entertainment industry."
17:00 There's nothing wrong with that,
17:01 but if that's what you want to do, can you tell us now?
17:03 So I can use my money to be going on holiday.
17:08 Can someone say amen?
17:10 Today I'm in Hawaii, can somebody say amen?
17:13 I don't know why I said when these kids are gone.
17:17 They won't like me if they hear this.
17:19 But this what I see, selfish kids.
17:22 Those days you would think of your parents
17:25 even before making any move, but now they don't care.
17:28 And you know what, you caused it.
17:32 Not them, you caused it.
17:37 There's a proverb where I came from,
17:39 that when a child is old enough,
17:40 you know those days, you know, they were farmers.
17:42 When a child is old enough to have a hoe,
17:44 give him his own hoe, baby hoe.
17:47 When a child is old enough,
17:48 get those little things like this,
17:49 let them be on it and be washing plates.
17:51 I have dishwasher, leave that dishwasher alone.
17:56 Let them stand on that thing.
17:58 Hazard, which hazard?
18:00 Why are you still alive if there's hazard?
18:03 Hazard, which hazard, who told you?
18:08 Health and safety.
18:10 Please forget those things.
18:15 Okay, I didn't say forget health,
18:16 what I mean is that all those,
18:18 raising selfish kids.
18:21 And it's not their fault, it is your fault.
18:25 Give them wrong impression.
18:27 I remember years ago, some kids,
18:30 they thought their father was earning so much,
18:31 and that wasn't what he was earning.
18:33 And we told him, correct the impression.
18:35 But they wouldn't, but they love that thing,
18:38 for their kids to think that after Prince Charles,
18:42 oh sorry, King Charles, they are the next.
18:45 How am I going into this?
18:46 Okay, yes, so how did I get here?
18:48 Whenever I get there, okay,
18:50 so possessing your possession, is that okay?
18:52 Remove the giants in the land.
18:54 It is true.
18:55 Things have changed.
18:58 You just go and leave.
18:59 You have eight kids, nobody.
19:02 Nobody.
19:04 Everybody's thinking, oh mom,
19:06 loving lots, lots of love.
19:09 Emojis.
19:11 Is that what we eat?
19:13 Some of them, we live down your road,
19:15 they don't even come by.
19:16 To say hello.
19:19 You cost it.
19:21 Praise God.
19:24 Thank you for your thunderous silence.
19:28 Hallelujah.
19:31 So, possessing your possession, amen.
19:34 So you are the giants who clear them.
19:37 Can somebody say amen?
19:40 Can somebody say amen?
19:41 Praise God.
19:44 If you want to eat lobster, go and eat the lobster.
19:47 Can someone say amen?
19:48 Anything you want to eat, go and eat it.
19:53 Because if you don't, what did I say?
19:56 That plaque, if you don't enjoy life,
19:59 your survivors, they will.
20:01 And the terrible thing is that because they did not learn
20:03 the hard work you learned,
20:05 they will soon squander the money,
20:07 like the prodigal son.
20:08 The self inheritance squandered everything.
20:10 Why would you value what you didn't work for?
20:13 I know kids, they know their money.
20:17 One of my sweethearts that has told me,
20:19 you know, you know, their kids,
20:20 everybody will give them money, they will keep it.
20:22 Nobody give them money, one auntie, they will keep it.
20:24 So one day they went somewhere in the shop,
20:26 so they went to buy some things,
20:27 and their mom said, "Use your money."
20:29 You know, like the rich young gula,
20:31 their countenance, fair.
20:33 How selfish kids can be.
20:38 That each of, as if they had not somebody died.
20:42 Their mother said, "Well, if you can't use your money,
20:46 "that's the end, and you don't get it."
20:48 That is it, start using your money.
20:51 Amen.
20:54 You want to eat chocolates?
20:55 You know, when they bite, you eat from it yourself.
20:59 Praise God.
21:01 Are you blessed?
21:03 Are you blessed?
21:05 So, possessing your possession.
21:08 In Jesus' name, amen.
21:11 We round up today by looking at the participation
21:14 of the Holy Spirit.
21:15 Hallelujah.
21:18 Because if the Bible says, "It's not by might,
21:20 "not by power, but by my Spirit," says the Lord,
21:23 then you need the participation of the Holy Ghost
21:25 in your life.
21:27 Praise God.
21:28 'Cause it's not by sheer muscle, not by human strength.
21:31 "By strength shall no man prevail," the Bible says.
21:34 You have to be totally dependent on the Holy Ghost.
21:38 That's why Jesus Christ called him the helper.
21:40 The helper.
21:42 The helper, amen.
21:44 In 2 Corinthians 13, verse 14,
21:47 Paul was praying for the Corinthian church.
21:50 He said, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
21:52 "and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit
21:56 "be with you all."
21:57 Can someone say amen?
22:00 The Amplified says, "And the presence and fellowship,
22:04 "the communion and sharing together,
22:07 "and participation in the Holy Spirit be with you all."
22:11 Amen, so be it.
22:13 You know, the New Testament is called
22:14 the ministry of the Spirit.
22:16 The New Testament is called what
22:20 is referred to as the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
22:24 That is found in 2 Corinthians 3, 6-9.
22:30 "Who also made us sufficient,"
22:32 somebody actually said that,
22:33 instead of saying the acts of the apostles,
22:34 they should say the acts of the Holy Spirit.
22:37 Or you could say the Holy Ghost.
22:38 Can somebody say amen?
22:41 "Who also made us sufficient
22:46 "as ministers of the new covenant,
22:48 "not of the letter, but of the Spirit.
22:53 "For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."
23:01 Not of the letter, that is comparing the old with the new.
23:06 The old had to do with the letter,
23:08 but the new has to do with the Spirit, the Holy Spirit.
23:13 We're serving Him by a new and living way.
23:16 Can somebody say amen?
23:19 By the will of the Holy Spirit,
23:20 as many as are led by the Spirit of God,
23:22 they are the sons of God.
23:23 Let's read on, verse seven.
23:26 "But if the ministry of death,
23:29 "written," this is talking about the Old Testament,
23:31 that's not true,
23:32 "written and engraved on stones was glorious."
23:35 Somebody said to my husband,
23:38 "Well, you say that the New Testament
23:39 "and the Old Testament,
23:40 "how come the Old Testament saints had more testimonies?"
23:44 You talk about the Daniels.
23:45 You talk about people who lived under this Old Testament.
23:48 So what's happening to us if we have a better covenant?
23:52 He said, "But if the ministry of death
23:54 "written and engraved on stones was glorious,
23:59 "full of glory, so that the children of Israel
24:01 "could not look steadily at the face of Moses,"
24:03 this is talking about when Moses came from the mountain,
24:05 having received the Testament, the Ten Commandments,
24:09 "they couldn't look at the face of Moses
24:11 "because of the glory of his countenance,
24:14 "which glory was passing away."
24:16 Verse eight, "How will the ministry of the Spirit
24:20 "not be more glorious?"
24:24 The ministry of the Holy Ghost is more glorious.
24:28 "For if the ministry of condemnation had glory,"
24:31 the Bible talks about one glory,
24:35 "there is the terrestrial glory and the celestial glory."
24:39 Hallelujah.
24:40 The glory of the sun, the glory of the moon.
24:43 One glory surpasses another glory.
24:46 "For if the ministry of condemnation had glory,"
24:50 because it had, "the ministry of righteousness exceeds
24:55 "much more in glory."
24:58 The Amplified says, "Why should not the dispensation
25:01 "of the Spirit," we are in the dispensation
25:03 of the Holy Ghost.
25:04 "Why should not the dispensation of the Spirit,
25:10 "this spiritual ministry, whose task is to cause men
25:13 "to obtain and be governed by the Holy Spirit,
25:17 "as many as are led by the Holy Spirit."
25:20 This is the dispensation of the Holy Spirit.
25:23 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, amen.
25:25 The place where they prayed was shaking,
25:28 and they were all filled with boldness, hallelujah.
25:30 You see, the Holy Ghost at work,
25:34 He said, "Be attended with much greater."
25:38 He said, "Why should not the dispensation of the Spirit
25:43 "be attended with much greater and more splendid glory?"
25:48 We're gonna see more of the glory of God
25:52 in demonstration, amen.
25:56 The Message Bible says, "How much more dazzling
26:02 "than the government of living Spirit."
26:05 Praise God.
26:07 How much more glorious.
26:11 Take note that the Old Testament, on the other hand,
26:14 is referred to as the ministry of death.
26:16 Have you noticed from that scripture,
26:18 the ministry of death?
26:19 Also referred to as the ministry of what?
26:21 Condemnation.
26:22 We saw that sin shall die, is that not true?
26:25 As I said, there's therefore now no condemnation
26:27 to those who are in Christ Jesus, praise God,
26:30 who shall condemn us.
26:32 Romans 8, when it is Christ who died and was raised up
26:36 and is seated at the right hand of the Father,
26:39 making intercession for us.
26:41 The Old Testament was this ministry of condemnation,
26:44 and it's also referred to as the letter.
26:47 Can someone say amen?
26:49 So when we talk about the ministry of the Holy Spirit,
26:52 what are the things we want to quickly see
26:53 about the ministry of the Holy Spirit?
26:55 Number one, he is a life-giving spirit.
26:58 Life-giving.
27:00 We saw that already, 2 Corinthians 3, verse six,
27:04 it says, "For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."
27:08 The Spirit gives life, life-giving spirit.
27:10 John 6, 63, Jesus said, "It is the Spirit who gives life.
27:14 "The flesh profits nothing.
27:16 "The words that I speak to you are spirit,
27:19 "and they are life."
27:20 The Spirit of God will give life
27:21 to the words you are speaking.
27:23 You know, I was referring to something
27:27 in the course of this teaching,
27:29 that we come to a point where we speak words,
27:31 and those words, when we speak them, things happen,
27:34 because they are filled full of the Holy Spirit.
27:38 When we speak Spirit-energized words,
27:41 that's why Jesus Christ said,
27:42 "You sit to this mountain, be thou removed,"
27:45 and it's gonna happen.
27:46 You know, in the Old Testament, you see Joshua,
27:49 after the whatever, he came and he said,
27:51 "Anyone that lays the foundation of this wall of Jericho,
27:54 "this will happen.
27:56 "Anyone who hangs the gate, this will happen."
27:59 And Joshua, and that happened how many years after?
28:02 Joshua came and he said, "Son, stay where you are,
28:04 "don't sit.
28:05 "Moon, don't come out, and God, listen to him."
28:08 We're gonna begin to speak words,
28:10 because the Spirit of God gives life.
28:12 Like I said earlier on in the course of the teaching,
28:14 when you speak to the mountain,
28:16 who moves it?
28:17 The Holy Ghost.
28:18 But you speak, hallelujah.
28:21 When Ezekiel prophesied, the Holy Ghost went into action.
28:25 In the beginning, the earth was without form and void,
28:29 and the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the deep,
28:33 and God said, "Can somebody say amen?"
28:37 When you speak, the Spirit of God goes into action.
28:40 He gives life to the words that you speak.
28:44 The Spirit gives life.
28:46 Can somebody say the Spirit gives life?
28:48 That's why Hebrews 4.12 says,
28:51 "For the word of God is living and powerful,
28:54 "and sharper than any two-edged sword,
28:59 "piercing even to the division of soul and spirit,
29:02 "and of joints and marrow,
29:04 "and is a discerner of the thoughts
29:07 "and intents of the heart."
29:09 The NIV says, "For the word of God is alive and active."
29:13 It's sharper.
29:14 You see, it's sharper than any two-edged sword.
29:16 It penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit.
29:20 He judges the thoughts and attitudes and all of that.
29:23 The New Living Transition says,
29:25 you know, it cuts between soul and spirit,
29:29 between joints and marrow.
29:30 I like the Amplified Bible.
29:31 It says, "For the word that God speaks
29:33 "is alive and full of power,
29:35 "making it active, operative."
29:39 Who gives life to the word?
29:40 The Holy Ghost.
29:43 "Making it active, operative, energizing, and effective.
29:46 "It is sharper than any two-edged sword,
29:48 "penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life,
29:52 "soul, and the immortal spirit, and of joints and marrow,
29:56 "praise the Lord, of the deepest parts of our nature,
29:59 "exposing and sifting and analyzing
30:01 "and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart."
30:05 The Message Bible says, "God means what he says.
30:08 "What he says goes."
30:10 His powerful word is sharp as a surgeon's scalpel.
30:13 Amen.
30:16 The word of God is sharper than the surgeon's scalpel.
30:22 Praise the Lord.
30:23 God can perform a surgery on you.
30:26 Amen.
30:28 God, the power of God, can cause lumps to disappear
30:32 and you will not see a mark.
30:35 That word.
30:39 That's why Jesus Christ said in Mark 4, 26 to 28,
30:44 and he said, "The kingdom of God is as if a man
30:45 "should scatter seed on the ground,
30:47 "and should sleep by night and rise by day,
30:49 "and the seed should sprout and grow.
30:51 "He himself does not know how."
30:53 When that word goes into action,
30:56 it penetrates, it cuts through.
30:57 Can somebody say amen?
30:59 The bone, the marrow, can somebody say amen?
31:02 It just goes into that situation.
31:05 You're sleeping, you're waking, the word of God is working.
31:08 Can somebody say amen?
31:10 The spirit gives life.
31:13 Life-giving spirit.
31:14 Romans 8, 10 to 11, and if Christ is in you,
31:18 the body's dead because of sin.
31:20 Not sins, because of sin.
31:21 What's he talking about?
31:23 Because the body is dead because of the sin nature.
31:26 The body's dead because of the sin,
31:27 the original sin that Adam committed.
31:30 You know, God said the day you die,
31:31 the day you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
31:35 that day you're gonna die.
31:37 So that death started, and then the body is affected.
31:42 Is that not true?
31:43 He said because of sin, the body's dead.
31:47 But what does he say?
31:48 If Christ is in you, your body, because of sin, is dead.
31:53 Is that not true?
31:54 This is why we age.
31:55 Can somebody say amen?
31:57 This is why the wrinkles appear.
31:59 This is why you have the gray hair.
32:01 Can somebody say amen?
32:03 You understand?
32:05 The body, you know that's why they ask you how old are you?
32:08 From the day you were born, can somebody say amen?
32:12 Something began to happen to your body, because of sin.
32:17 So even though Christ is in you,
32:19 your body is dead because of sin.
32:22 Listen, but the spirit is alive because of righteousness.
32:26 So now I'm born again, amen?
32:29 My body is dead because of sin,
32:34 but my spirit is alive.
32:36 Is that not true?
32:39 But listen, verse 11.
32:40 But if the spirit of him who raised Christ from the dead
32:45 dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead,
32:50 will also give life to what?
32:55 Your mortal bodies.
32:59 Through his spirit who dwells in you,
33:02 he will give life to your mortal bodies.
33:05 You know what I remembered when I read this?
33:08 Psalm 103.
33:09 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.
33:14 Who forgives all your iniquities,
33:15 who heals all your diseases,
33:17 who redeems your life from destruction,
33:19 who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies,
33:23 who satisfies your mouth with good things
33:25 so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.
33:27 Can somebody say who redeems your life?
33:29 That is it.
33:31 The spirit of God gives life to your mortal body.
33:36 You know, it didn't say who redeemed your life.
33:38 It said redeems.
33:39 You have the Holy Ghost in you.
33:42 The spirit of God is giving life, amen,
33:45 to your mortal body.
33:47 Your youth is being renewed.
33:48 Can somebody say amen?
33:49 As your days, so is your strength.
33:51 Can somebody say amen?
33:52 You can rely on the Holy Spirit
33:54 because the Holy Ghost gives life to your brain cells.
33:57 He gives life to your mortal body.
33:59 He gives life because he's a life-giving spirit.
34:02 He gives life to the words that you speak.
34:07 The New Living Translation says he redeems me from death.
34:10 Hallelujah.
34:12 The second thing about the ministry of the Holy Spirit,
34:15 revelation knowledge.
34:17 What's the first thing I said?
34:19 He gives life.
34:20 Revelation knowledge.
34:21 The Bible says in that 1 Corinthians 2, 9 to 13,
34:25 for what man, let's start from, I'm sorry,
34:28 but as it is written, I have not seen, nor heard,
34:32 nor have entered into the heart of man
34:33 the things which God has prepared for those who love him.
34:36 Let's read together.
34:37 But God has revealed them to us through his spirit,
34:42 through his spirit.
34:43 For the spirit searches all things,
34:45 yes, the deep things of God.
34:47 You know, Jesus Christ said the Holy Ghost
34:48 will take the things that are of him and reveal it to you.
34:51 Praise the Lord.
34:52 He will reveal things to you.
34:54 For what man knows the things of a man
34:56 except the spirit of the man which is in him.
34:58 Even so, no one knows the things of God
35:00 except the spirit of God.
35:01 If you want to know the secrets of God, the things of God,
35:04 then the Holy Ghost will reveal them to you.
35:06 Partner with him.
35:08 Praise God.
35:10 He's not only show you things, he will reveal things to you.
35:14 That these things should not catch you unawares.
35:16 Can somebody say amen?
35:17 You should not be doing catch up.
35:20 You should know ahead.
35:22 Can somebody say amen?
35:27 Before anything happens, you know,
35:29 like Job said, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle,
35:32 he said, no one knows the things of God
35:35 except the spirit of God.
35:36 You know, you can say,
35:37 well, the spirit revealed the things of God to me.
35:39 Tell me about the things of God.
35:40 Amen.
35:42 Now we have received not the spirit, verse 12,
35:44 not the spirit of the world,
35:45 but the spirit which is from God.
35:46 Why?
35:46 That we might know the things that have been revealed
35:49 freely given to us by God.
35:51 You know, we talked about Obadiah that says
35:53 the house of Jacob shall possess their possession.
35:56 The things that have been freely given to you.
35:58 You've got to know them.
35:59 You need revelation knowledge.
36:01 The health is yours.
36:02 Healing is yours.
36:03 Can someone say amen?
36:04 Revelation knowledge of who you are,
36:06 who God is, who Christ is in you.
36:09 Amen.
36:10 And then see again very quickly,
36:11 2 Corinthians 3, 14 to 18.
36:14 But their minds were blinded,
36:15 for until this day the same veil remains,
36:18 unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament,
36:20 because the veil is taken away in Christ.
36:22 But even to this day when Moses is read,
36:24 a veil lies on their hearts.
36:26 Talking about the Old Testament people, the Jews.
36:29 Nevertheless, when one turns to the Lord,
36:31 the veil is taken away.
36:33 Not the Lord is the spirit.
36:35 And where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
36:38 But we all with unveiled face beholding us in the mirror,
36:40 the glory of the Lord have been transformed
36:41 into the same image from glory to glory.
36:44 So who takes away that veil?
36:46 The Holy Ghost.
36:48 He said when one turns to the Lord,
36:49 the veil is taken away and the Lord is that spirit.
36:52 Can somebody say amen?
36:54 Can somebody say amen?
36:56 Hallelujah.
36:57 So I'm just going to give you the,
37:00 John 8, 31 to 32 says,
37:02 then Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him,
37:06 if you abide in my word, you are my disciples.
37:09 Indeed.
37:10 Verse 32, I shall know the truth
37:12 and the truth shall make you free.
37:15 Praise the Lord.
37:16 Because that is why that place I read to us.
37:18 I like the way the Amplified Bible puts it.
37:20 That's 2 Corinthians chapter three.
37:22 The Amplified says in verse 16,
37:24 but whenever a person turns in repentance to the Lord,
37:27 the veil is stripped off and taken away.
37:30 Now the Lord is the spirit.
37:32 And where the spirit of the Lord is, there's liberty.
37:35 There is what?
37:36 Liberty.
37:37 Emancipation from bondage.
37:39 Freedom.
37:41 As I just said, you will know the truth
37:43 and the truth will set you free.
37:45 You have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear.
37:48 So the spirit of God removes that veil.
37:51 And then there is emancipation.
37:53 There's liberty, the glorious liberty
37:55 of the children of God.
37:56 Can someone say amen?
37:58 Now I'm no longer a slave.
38:00 Hallelujah.
38:02 Then the next thing I want to quickly talk about,
38:04 life transformation.
38:06 What's the first thing?
38:08 Life giving.
38:09 What's the second one?
38:10 Revelation.
38:11 The third one, life transformation.
38:15 Take note that this is a product
38:17 or as a result of revelation knowledge.
38:21 'Cause the Bible says that,
38:22 you know that place we read in 2 Corinthians,
38:24 it says where the spirit of the Lord is,
38:26 there's liberty when one turns to the Lord and all of that.
38:28 And then if you go on to read,
38:30 you know saying that,
38:32 that's verse 18 says,
38:36 but we all with unveiled face, is that not true?
38:39 Beholding as in a mirror.
38:40 So unveiled face means revelation.
38:43 The veil is removed.
38:44 So with that unveiled face,
38:46 you know the Bible says in 1 John,
38:48 that we shall be like him as he is
38:49 because we see him as he is.
38:51 So transformation takes place when there's revelation.
38:54 When there's a revelation of who you are,
38:57 then there's transformation.
38:59 Is that not true?
39:00 But we all with unveiled face,
39:02 beholding as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord,
39:04 have been transformed into the same image
39:06 from glory to glory, just as by the spirit of the Lord.
39:09 Who is in charge of the transformation?
39:12 Talk to me.
39:14 Is the spirit of God, he is the one.
39:16 The Bible says just as by the spirit of God,
39:19 that transformation from one level of grace to another,
39:22 been transformed into the image with ever increasing glory,
39:27 which comes from the Lord who is the spirit.
39:30 Amen.
39:31 The New Living Translation says,
39:32 so all of us who have had that veil removed
39:35 can see and reflect the glory of the Lord.
39:38 And the Lord who is the spirit,
39:39 makes us more and more like him
39:42 as we are changed into his glorious image.
39:45 So who is the agent of change?
39:47 The Holy Ghost.
39:50 So you behold, you expose yourself.
39:53 You know the way we grow.
39:54 You eat the right stuff, is that not true?
39:57 But you are not the one who is doing the digestion,
40:00 the assimilation, you know what I mean?
40:02 You're just taking the right stuff.
40:05 So when you expose yourself to the word of God,
40:07 you behold as in the mirror of the word of God,
40:08 who is doing the transformation.
40:11 It is the Holy Ghost, amen.
40:13 By the spirit of God, we are being changed.
40:15 We are being changed as we behold as in a mirror,
40:18 the image of God, we are being changed.
40:21 Can somebody say amen to that?
40:23 Let me just quickly, with 2 Corinthians 3, 1-3,
40:26 still talking about transformation, amen.
40:29 Do we begin to commend ourselves
40:31 or do we need as some others,
40:33 a pieces of commendation to you
40:35 or letters of commendation from you?
40:37 Paul was writing to the Corinthian church.
40:39 He said, "You are our epistle, written in our hearts."
40:44 Another translation says, "Written in your heart," amen.
40:47 But we'll see that that is the right translation very soon.
40:51 "You are epistle written in our hearts,
40:54 "known and read by all men.
40:56 "Clearly, you are an epistle of Christ,
41:00 "ministered by us, written not with ink,
41:02 "but by the spirit of the living God,
41:04 "not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of flesh,
41:07 "that is of the heart."
41:10 Amen.
41:11 The Amplified Bible says, "No, you yourselves are our letter."
41:14 We don't need any letter of recommendation.
41:15 No, you yourselves are our letter of recommendation,
41:18 our credentials, written in your hearts.
41:22 What Paul was saying here, let me tell you quickly,
41:24 was that, you know in the Old Testament,
41:26 the letters were written on tablets of stone.
41:30 So he's saying that now,
41:32 this epistle is written where?
41:34 On the hearts of people.
41:37 And you are that letter, you are credential,
41:40 wherever you go, amen.
41:42 Let's read it, let's finish reading the Amplified.
41:44 It says, "Written in your hearts,
41:47 "to be known, perceived, recognized,
41:49 "and read by everybody.
41:52 "You show and make obvious that you are a letter from Christ
41:55 "delivered by us, not written with ink,
41:58 "but with the spirit of the living God,
42:01 "not on tablets of stone,
42:02 "but on tablets of human hearts."
42:04 Praise the Lord.
42:05 The Message Bible says, "You yourselves are all,
42:08 "you yourselves are all the endorsements we need.
42:11 "Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read
42:15 "by just looking at you.
42:16 "Christ himself wrote it, not with ink,
42:20 "but with God's living spirit.
42:23 "Not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives,
42:27 "and we publish it."
42:29 You know, the words of God that you hear every time
42:32 the Holy Ghost is writing on your heart.
42:35 Can someone say amen?
42:36 And as the transformation is taking place,
42:38 you become the letter, the epistle for people to see,
42:43 for people to read that Christ lives in you.
42:45 Can somebody say amen?
42:47 Because of the transformation that is taking place.
42:50 Then the Holy Ghost again helps us in our prayer lives,
42:53 in prayers.
42:54 Romans 8, 26 to 28 says,
42:57 "The spirit of God also helps our weaknesses,
42:59 "for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought to,
43:01 "but the spirit himself makes intercession for us
43:04 "with groanings which cannot be uttered.
43:05 "Now he who searches the hearts
43:07 "knows what the mind of the spirit is,
43:09 "because he makes intercession for the saints
43:10 "according to the will of God."
43:12 And we know that all things work together for good
43:15 to those who love God, to those who are called
43:17 according to his purpose.
43:19 So the Holy Ghost helps us in our prayer life.
43:22 So number one, life-giving.
43:24 What's the second thing?
43:25 Revelation knowledge.
43:27 The third one, life transformation.
43:30 And then in our prayer life.
43:33 Praise the Lord.
43:34 And all things work together for our good.
43:36 In 1 Corinthians 14, verses 14 to 15,
43:40 if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays,
43:43 but my understanding is unfruitful.
43:45 What is the conclusion then?
43:47 I'll pray with the spirit,
43:48 and I'll also pray with understanding.
43:49 I'll sing with the spirit,
43:50 and I'll also sing with understanding.
43:53 So what happens when you are praying in tongues?
43:56 What happens?
43:57 He said, "My spirit is praying."
44:00 My spirit is what?
44:02 Praying.
44:03 And then the Amplified Bible says,
44:05 "For if I pray in an unknown tongue,
44:07 "my spirit, by the Holy Spirit within me, prays."
44:11 So what happens is, is when I'm praying in tongues,
44:13 my spirit is praying.
44:14 But who is giving me the utterance?
44:17 The Holy Spirit who lives within me.
44:18 Who is giving me the utterance?
44:20 The Holy Ghost who lives within me.
44:22 And when I'm doing that, I'm speaking mysteries to God.
44:25 1 Corinthians 14, two.
44:26 I'm uttering mysteries to God.
44:28 And it's very important for us to understand this,
44:31 because the Bible talks about things
44:33 your eyes have not seen.
44:34 Things that your ears have not heard.
44:36 But things that God has revealed to us by his spirit.
44:40 And the Bible tells me that when I'm praying in tongues,
44:42 what is happening?
44:43 My spirit man is praying.
44:45 But my spirit by the Holy Ghost is praying.
44:48 Because like on the day of Pentecost,
44:50 they prayed in tongues as the spirit gave them utterance.
44:53 So who is giving me the utterance?
44:54 The Holy Spirit.
44:55 He's the one giving me the words, hallelujah,
44:58 giving me utterance.
44:59 So as I'm praying in the spirit,
45:00 the spirit of God in me is giving my spirit utterance.
45:04 So when I'm praying, the Bible says when I pray in tongues,
45:07 my spirit is praying.
45:08 The spirit of God helps our infirmities.
45:12 God, we don't know what to pray for us we utter.
45:15 This is why we pray in tongues.
45:16 For instance, if I wanted to pray about a job,
45:18 I wanted to pray about a situation,
45:20 maybe I have a sickness in my body,
45:22 have a pain in my body, and I want to pray about it,
45:25 I know what the will of God says.
45:27 The will of God is.
45:28 The will of God says that by the stripes of Jesus,
45:30 I'm healed, it's not the will of God
45:31 for me to carry sickness in my body.
45:33 And then I begin to pray,
45:34 and then the spirit of God helps me, hallelujah.
45:37 With greetings that cannot be uttered in articulate speech,
45:39 I pray and I then begin to pray in tongues.
45:42 And when I'm praying in tongues, guess who is praying?
45:44 My spirit is praying.
45:45 But my spirit is praying by the help of the Holy Spirit.
45:51 He's giving me utterance.
45:52 The Bible says the spirit of God makes intercession for us,
45:56 according to the will of God.
45:57 If you want to pray according to the will of God
45:59 without missing it, you know what?
46:02 Learn to pray more in tongues.
46:04 But when you pray in tongues, your spirit is praying.
46:07 There's that accuracy of the spirit.
46:09 Can somebody say amen?
46:11 The Holy Ghost is making intercession for you.
46:13 How does the Holy Ghost make intercession for you?
46:16 Because he lives on your inside.
46:18 And when you begin to not pray in a tongue,
46:20 Bible says your spirit man is praying.
46:23 And your spirit man is praying
46:25 by the help of the Holy Spirit.
46:28 So we need that supply of the Holy Ghost in our lives.
46:31 We need the participation of the Holy Ghost in our lives.
46:34 If we are gonna see mountains move
46:35 and we are gonna see ourselves walk
46:37 in the New Testament reality,
46:39 we cannot do it without the Holy Ghost.
46:41 And it is on that point we are rounding up today.
46:44 You need that endless supply of the Holy Spirit in you.
46:47 And how are you gonna get that endless supply?
46:50 Galatians 3, 5 says,
46:51 therefore he who supplies the spirit to you
46:54 and works miracles among you,
46:56 does he do it by the works of the law
46:59 or by the hearing of faith?
47:01 If you wanna have the endless supply
47:02 of the Holy Ghost in your life,
47:04 you have to know that it is by the hearing of faith.
47:07 And how does faith come?
47:09 Talk to me.
47:10 How does faith come?
47:11 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
47:15 There's that partnership
47:16 between the Holy Ghost and the word.
47:18 If you wanna have an endless flow
47:20 of the Holy Ghost in your life,
47:23 be a person of the word.
47:25 Spend time in the word.
47:27 It's that he who, let's say it again,
47:30 he who supplies the spirit to you
47:31 and works miracles among you,
47:33 does he do it by the works of the law?
47:35 No, but by the hearing of faith.
47:39 Can someone say the hearing of faith?
47:42 By the hearing of faith.
47:43 The second thing,
47:44 how do you get the supply of the spirit?
47:47 By prayer.
47:48 If you wanna have the supply of spirit in your life,
47:51 be a person of prayer.
47:53 Can somebody say amen?
47:55 In Philippians 119,
47:57 for I know that this will turn out for my deliverance
48:00 through your prayer and the supply
48:03 of the spirit of Jesus Christ.
48:06 One of the ways to have an endless supply
48:08 of the Holy Spirit in your life
48:09 is by you being a person of prayer.
48:12 Can somebody say amen?
48:13 When you see people,
48:14 Bible says the effectual father and prayer
48:16 of a righteous man avails much.
48:18 It makes tremendous power available.
48:21 If you wanna be somebody
48:23 who you keep having an endless supply of the Holy Spirit,
48:26 don't forget where we came from,
48:27 where we started from.
48:28 It's not by minds.
48:30 It's not by power,
48:32 but by my spirit says the Lord.
48:34 What's the first way?
48:35 The hearing of faith.
48:37 And faith comes by hearing the word.
48:39 Keep listening to the word.
48:41 Keep exposing yourself to the word of God,
48:43 not to religion, not to tradition.
48:46 Keep listening to the word.
48:47 Keep feeding your faith.
48:49 Then number two, be a person of prayer.
48:52 Can somebody say amen?
48:53 The way to really tap into the help of the Holy Spirit
48:56 to have that endless supply of the Holy Spirit
48:58 is by you being a prayer,
49:00 a person of prayer,
49:03 a person of prayer.
49:04 You know, Jesus was always praying.
49:05 Is that not true?
49:06 He would wake up before it was dawn.
49:08 He would wake up.
49:09 He would pray through the night.
49:10 Whenever he went and went,
49:11 he wanted to choose his disciples.
49:13 He prayed through the night and all of that.
49:15 You must be a person of prayer.
49:17 And the last thing,
49:18 if you want an endless supply of the Holy Spirit,
49:21 what should you do?
49:22 Pray in tongues.
49:23 Pray in the spirit.
49:25 When I said person of prayer,
49:27 I was not talking about,
49:27 I was talking about being a person of prayer generally.
49:30 Can somebody say amen?
49:32 When was it said Peter was held to be killed by Herod,
49:36 what did the church do?
49:37 The Bible says constant prayers.
49:41 Constant prayers.
49:42 You see, the supply of the spirit,
49:43 don't forget that place in that,
49:46 where we started from in Zechariah,
49:48 the two olive trees.
49:49 Is that not true?
49:51 Supplying what?
49:53 Olive oil.
49:53 If you want to keep on having an endless supply
49:59 of the Holy Spirit into your spirit man,
50:02 be a person of prayer.
50:03 Can somebody say amen?
50:06 Bible said they prayed constantly.
50:08 And what happened?
50:09 When they prayed constantly,
50:10 there was a supply of the spirit
50:12 that released angels.
50:15 Hallelujah.
50:18 It's like when you have fuel in your tank.
50:21 You know if you have just one liter of fuel,
50:24 it can carry you this far.
50:25 But if you have a full tank,
50:28 when you are a person of prayer,
50:31 there's a constant supply of spirit into your inner man.
50:35 Your inner man will be strong.
50:38 Can someone say amen?
50:39 You move mountains, not by your physical strength,
50:41 but by the strength of the Holy Ghost.
50:43 And then the last one, pray in tongues.
50:46 Because the Bible says if I pray in tongues,
50:48 my spirit is praying by the help of the Holy Ghost.
50:51 And then Jude 1 20 says,
50:54 but you beloved, building yourselves
50:56 on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.
50:59 The New Living Transition says,
51:00 pray in the power of the Holy Spirit.
51:03 So what does that tell me?
51:04 If I want an endless supply,
51:06 a constant supply of the Holy Spirit,
51:09 what should I do?
51:10 I should pray in tongues.
51:13 Pray in tongues.
51:14 You're gonna be building up yourself
51:15 on your most holy faith.
51:17 You're gonna be building up your spiritual muscle
51:21 by praying in tongues.
51:22 So the three things I said,
51:23 can you bring it back to me?
51:25 For the endless supply of the Holy Spirit,
51:27 what was the first one?
51:29 What was the first one?
51:31 The hearing of faith.
51:33 He who supplies the spirit to you
51:35 is not by the law, but by the what?
51:38 The hearing of faith.
51:39 Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
51:43 When you keep hearing the word of God,
51:45 there's an endless supply of the spirit of God
51:48 into your spirit man.
51:49 Have you noticed people who always hear the word of God,
51:51 listening to the word of God,
51:52 feeding on the word of God,
51:53 they cannot be weak Christians.
51:55 'Cause there's an endless supply of the Holy Spirit.
51:58 What was the second one?
52:00 Be a person of prayer.
52:01 Be prayerful.
52:03 Amen.
52:04 Pray always.
52:05 The Bible says a lot about praying always.
52:07 And the third one, pray in the spirit.
52:09 Have you received anything?
52:11 Have you received anything?
52:13 I tell you,
52:14 not by might,
52:17 not by power.
52:19 You want your marriage changed?
52:22 Not by might, not by power.
52:23 Breakthroughs in your life?
52:26 Not by might, not by power.
52:27 But by my spirit, says the Lord.
52:30 Let's worship the Lord with our substance.
52:32 Father, we worship you.
52:35 This mountain shall be removed,
52:38 not by might, not by power.
52:40 The Holy Ghost is the spirit of wisdom, amen.
52:44 You need the wisdom of God.
52:45 The Bible says if anyone lacks wisdom,
52:48 what should they do?
52:49 Pray, ask.
52:51 Can you see?
52:52 Endless supply.
52:53 Through what?
52:54 Prayer.
52:55 Hallelujah.
52:57 When you're a person of prayer,
52:59 there'll be the endless supply of the spirit of God
53:01 into your life.
53:02 If anyone lacks wisdom, they should ask.
53:06 So when I pray,
53:09 the spirit of God, who is the spirit of wisdom,
53:11 will supply wisdom to me.
53:12 Hallelujah.
53:16 Be a person of prayer.
53:17 They prayed for Peter.
53:20 Not by might, not by power.
53:23 The Bible says that the doors of the prison
53:26 opened to them on their own accord.
53:29 Not bad.