00:00 and we are equipping to fulfill destiny. Amen and amen. Um, actually this morning, you know, I was preparing and thinking of, you know, but this morning, the Lord ministered to me what I was going to say, what I was going to emphasize tonight. And the emphasis tonight will be, without faith, it is impossible to please God.
00:30 Amen. Without faith, you know, I was planning to come with all the exegesis and breaking it down. What is this? What is that? We're just going to do. But today the Lord just imprinted it on my heart to talk about the fact that without faith, amen, it is impossible to please God. Amen. And so we're going to be talking about faith tonight. Amen.
00:57 And you know, we're here to be equipped to fulfill destiny. And one of the equipment you need is faith. If you are going to fulfill destiny, praise the Lord. Faith. You need faith. Without faith, you cannot fulfill destiny. Can somebody say amen? I wasn't really, of course, there's nothing you can say without talking about faith. But what I meant is I wasn't planning to do faith as a subject. But this morning, it came to my heart so powerfully without faith.
01:27 It is what? Impossible. Can someone say it is impossible? I'm sure you understand when they say something is impossible. It means no matter how hard you try, you can't. Amen. Impossible means you can't. Can somebody say amen? That is what it means. It doesn't say, you know, you may not. It says it is impossible. Praise the Lord.
01:56 Before we read Hebrews 11 where it is found, I want to say a few things. Of course, because the theme is equipping to fulfill destiny. I'm sure most of us know what destiny means, but I still want to go ahead and define it.
02:14 Destiny means God's plan and purpose for his children conceived long before we were born. Can somebody say amen? What is destiny? God's plan and purpose for his children conceived long before we were born. Can somebody say amen?
02:37 So can someone say destiny simply means God's plan and purpose for me, his child conceived long before I was born. Can someone say amen?
02:55 I'm sure we all know that the Bible says in the book of Jeremiah, God was speaking to Jeremiah where it is said to him, before you were born, I did what? God said, I knew you. Is that not true? God told him, even before you were conceived in your mother's womb. Hallelujah.
03:18 In that Jeremiah chapter one from verse four, then the word of the Lord came to me saying, before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I sanctified you. I ordained you a prophet to the nations.
03:35 Then said I, I Lord God, behold, I cannot speak for my youth, but the Lord said to me, do not say I'm a youth. Amen. For it shall go to all to whom I send you and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Amen.
03:54 Do not be afraid of their faces for I'm with you to deliver you, says the Lord. Then the Lord put his hand and touched my mouth and the Lord said to me, behold, I've put my words in your mouth.
04:05 See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to throw down, to build and to plant.
04:16 Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me saying, Jeremiah, what do you see? And all of that I see, I said, I see a branch of an almond tree. Then the Lord said to me, you have seen well, for I'm ready to perform my word.
04:29 Hallelujah. And God began to talk about the calamity that's going to come from the north and all of that. And then in verse 17, he said, therefore, prepare yourself and arise and speak to them all that I command you.
04:42 Do not be dismayed before their faces, lest I dismay you before them. For behold, I made you this day a fortified city and an iron pillar and bronze walls against the whole land, against the kings of Judah, against its princes, against its...
04:59 Somebody say one with God. One with God. His majority. His majority. This is what God is saying here. Praise the Lord. He said, don't look at their faces.
05:09 He said, they will fight against you, verse 19, but they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you, says the Lord to deliver you.
05:16 But what we're saying here is that destiny simply means God's plan and purpose for your life, for his children, conceived long before we were born.
05:25 And we also know that in Ephesians chapter 2, the Bible talks about the works that were prepared. Is that not true? Beforehand, that we're supposed to do. It's handiwork. Is that not true?
05:36 Ephesians chapter 2, if you read it from verse 8, I don't want to turn to many. Okay, let's read that very quickly. Just to give scriptural basis for what we're talking about. Amen.
05:47 So these works were prepared before you landed here. Can someone say amen?
05:53 The Bible says in that Ephesians chapter 2, from verse 8, it says, I like to even let us read it from verse 4. But God who is rich in mercy. I like that. Can someone say but God?
06:07 Who is rich in mercy? Hallelujah. It says because of his great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.
06:18 By grace, you have been saved and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That in the ages to come, he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
06:33 For by grace, you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God. Salvation is the gift of God. It's not of yourself. You didn't work for it. Can someone say amen?
06:47 The Bible says that so that the promise might be of faith, might be of grace. It was not delivered by law, but by grace. Can someone say amen? That is the promise God made to Abraham.
07:00 So the Bible says for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God. By the way, today is Pastor BC's birthday. Let's say happy birthday to Pastor BC.
07:11 Amen. We wish you many happy returns. We pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen him. He will grow in grace. He will grow in favor. He will see many, many years on earth.
07:23 He will spend his years in prosperity, his days in prosperity and his years in pleasantness. In Jesus' name. He will continue to go up and not down. In the mighty name of Jesus, he will fulfill destiny and God's will will be done in his life.
07:39 In Jesus' name. We pray for him and his family. In Jesus' name. Hallelujah.
07:46 It says for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God. Not of works that anyone should boast.
07:56 For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works. Which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. God prepared this work when beforehand that we should walk in them.
08:11 So we want to understand. These are scriptures and there are many scriptures but just to give us two.
08:19 So destiny simply means God's plan and purpose for his children conceived long before we were born. And just to say this very quickly about destiny.
08:28 I'm sure some of you have heard about destiny maybe in the traditional religion. Can somebody say amen? Or maybe your culture.
08:35 And one of the major differences about the thoughts you have in such is like you know whatever has been written about you either you like it or not will happen.
08:46 That's one of the wrong things about that sense. That destiny definition according to the world. I don't know why this one is standing here. He's not bringing anything.
08:59 I'm as hot as a dodo. But anyway. So the point is that it's not a case of either I like it or not. No matter what I do. I can do anything.
09:13 Are you following what I'm saying? That is the one that they believe in the traditional religion. Are you following me?
09:20 That is something that has been written on your head. It's something that has been written about you before you came into this world. No matter what you do, it's going to happen.
09:28 Can someone say fallacy? Can someone say fallacy? It is true that there are things that have been ordained for you to do.
09:38 I was listening to the prophetic word that was given over me. You know I fellowship with it and I still do.
09:47 When I had my 60th birthday celebration in the UK and we tried to play it also here. And one of the things the man of God was saying.
09:54 The apostle William was saying was that he said something. I'm going to mention that now not in this meeting but somewhere.
10:00 He said there's a uniqueness about you. That a lot of people might not understand. But you see what he was saying was this.
10:09 In that whatever. There are some things that are unique about you because of the calling.
10:16 And yes there are some things that are meant for every believer to emulate. Are you listening to what I'm saying?
10:23 There are some things that you do because of the calling. If God has called you for reasons to be a prophet to the nations.
10:32 He's going to equip you for that. And there will be that uniqueness about you.
10:38 But there are also things that all of us should have as believers. Can somebody say amen?
10:43 When we talk about character development. When we talk about having a prayer life.
10:48 Don't say well thank God that you know Reverend Mother can have a prayer life or Reverend can have a prayer life.
10:54 You know they are apostles. Every believer should have a prayer life. But the dimension of my own prayer life is different.
11:02 Is in accordance. Are you following what I'm saying? So there is a basic prayer life that every believer should have.
11:10 There are basic character traits that every believer should have. Things like transparency. Can someone say amen?
11:17 Honesty. Integrity. Loyalty. This have nothing to do with oh my special calling.
11:26 That has to do with your calling as a believer. Can somebody say amen?
11:30 But when it comes to certain things there's some uniqueness that will have to do with your calling.
11:40 Is somebody listening to me? Do you get the difference? Are you getting it? You are first of all a believer.
11:48 And there are things that should be common to all of us as believers. But there are things that are unique to you.
11:54 Because of your purpose. Are you following what I'm saying? Because of the purpose that God has for you.
12:01 There are some unique traits about you. And that is why we should allow one another to be.
12:09 Can somebody say amen? Because that's why it is called equipped. There are some equipment you carry.
12:20 That are unique to your calling.
12:24 But there are character traits that should be common to all Christians. I may put it like that.
12:33 It's good for us to understand that. And don't think that it's only pastors that should live a holy life.
12:38 Everybody should be holy. Why are you quiet?
12:44 Everybody should be what? You know somebody say ah when I'm not the pope.
12:51 You don't have to be the pope. Everybody should be what? Holy. The Bible says without holiness
13:00 no prophet shall see the Lord. No man. No man. And that means woman. It actually means no person.
13:11 So what we're saying is that there are things you do and you should do because you are a Christian.
13:18 It's like there are things to do because you are a human being.
13:23 Not all of us are doctors isn't it? But we are all human beings. So there are things we do
13:30 because we are human beings. Then there are things we do because of our calling.
13:34 Do we get it now? Good. So we have established the fire. What did we call?
13:43 What did we define destiny to be?
13:45 God's plan and purpose for his children conceived long before they were born.
13:57 And there's that uniqueness about each person. Tailored according to their purpose.
14:05 Everyone has their own individual strengths and weaknesses. Passions and hobbies. These unique
14:20 characteristics are what shape us into who we are as individuals. Each of us has a unique combination
14:27 of traits, skills and abilities that make us stand apart from everyone else. The opposite of the world
14:33 unique is common. Amen. You know what I began to find out in my life by God? That even the school
14:41 I went was by the orchestration of God. If somebody listened to me, I wanted to be somebody who
14:48 understands destiny. Like we said in the world in the traditional religion when I was doing
14:57 in my A-levels I did West African traditional religion. That's what you call a "kole" and
15:04 and in every whatever they have that what it means is that it is so fixed
15:11 that you have no choice. It is not true. You can blow your destiny
15:16 and you can fulfill it. That's why you are here. I don't think something fulfilled destiny.
15:26 There were cases of people in the Bible who didn't fulfill destiny. Years ago in the night
15:32 let me say this to you. I've said it before. I was not feeling well. I didn't even know what it was
15:38 but just now I wasn't feeling well and the Lord said something to me. If the enemy wants to stop
15:43 you from fulfilling destiny, there are three major things that he will use. He will use sickness and
15:51 disease. But when you are sick you cannot do the things you should you should do. Is that not true?
15:57 And the second thing he said is a premature death. Amen. Remember one of the God's generals was it
16:05 Jackal? He was obese. And what did he say? He said God gave me a message and he gave me a horse to
16:13 ride on to deliver the message. He said but I overflowed the horse and I can no longer deliver
16:19 the message. If somebody listens to me, you can truncate destiny. Your destinies can be frustrated.
16:29 So that thoughts, that demonic doctrine and thoughts that no matter what even if you go even
16:38 if you find you on the laps of Delilah you fulfill destiny. No matter what you do you fulfill destiny.
16:44 It's a life on the pit of hell. It is true that things, plans and purpose, things were spoken
16:52 concerning you before you showed up on earth. And your job is to discover it. Because ignorance can
17:00 stop you. If you never discovered your purpose you will not fulfill it. Can someone say amen?
17:05 And God said to me sin, sin. So what are the three things? Sickness and disease.
17:16 Premature death. That's what Isaiah said. Face the world. He said God why should I go down?
17:23 Cut down at the prime of my age. Hallelujah. The Psalmist said God what's the use of my death to
17:30 you? Can the dead praise you? And the Lord showed me that on that on that in that time of not feeling
17:38 well that don't let the enemies stop you. Because the devil has that thing if you cannot beat them
17:44 join them and when he joins them is to stop you. And the third thing God said to me sin.
17:50 When the enemy there are a lot of there are many people today that the enemy has messed up with sin.
17:57 And the same one who pushed you into sin will be the same one heaping condemnation on you.
18:03 But today the Bible says in Romans chapter 8 who is he who condemns? When it is Christ who died.
18:11 And yes he's listening and he's sitting at the right hand of the father making intercession for
18:16 you. That's why I said there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
18:21 The same one who pushed you into it will turn around to accuse you before the father. Because
18:26 it's called the accuser of the brethren. The same one will begin to accuse you in your conscience.
18:30 But you need to understand God's forgiveness. But that's not what we're talking about today.
18:36 Three things I said sickness and disease amen. I said the Lord said to me in the 90s what's the
18:41 second one? Premature death and the third one sin. Don't let sin mess you up. Of course the
18:48 other things under that you know what I mean. You know things that are tied to those three things.
18:53 So it is not true that no matter what you do you are going to fulfill destiny.
18:58 No. Yes things God's plan and purpose before you were born, before you showed up. But it is not that
19:07 automatically no matter what you do you are going to fulfill destiny. There are people who died
19:12 prematurely and were not able to fulfill destiny. Is somebody listening to what I'm saying? There
19:17 are people who sin messed up so badly and they were not able to fulfill destiny. I don't think
19:23 the way something ended was the way God wanted him to end. May that not be a portion in the name of
19:30 the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Is somebody listening to me today? So like I said God began
19:40 to show me because the Bible says the steps of a good man are what? Ordered by God. God began to
19:47 show me that even the school I went to he began to show me so many things about my life that there
19:53 was a divine hand that was guiding me. Praise the Lord. Guiding me, directing me because Bible says
20:01 that God takes special interest in every detail of his life. The steps of a good man are what?
20:09 Ordered by God. And that is why we mention prayer. That's why we mention things like the world.
20:17 Because I cannot just live my life anyhow. Like they said any aspect of any area of your life
20:26 that you do not seize, where does it go to? Talk to me. Any unceased time, unceased moment,
20:33 where does it gravitate to? To the areas of your weaknesses. Is that not true? If you got up in
20:40 the morning without deciding that these are the things I want to do today, how many of you know
20:45 that your weaknesses will take those things? That's when your friend will call you from somewhere
20:50 and they say what are you doing today? You say ah, what am I doing? Nothing. And it's true, nothing.
20:55 It's true what? But it's not just about that. Have you noticed that when you have not made up
21:03 your mind, like someone like, what's his name? Daniel. He purpose in his heart not to what?
21:09 Define himself where the kings meet. You must make certain decisions. You know, let me use this
21:18 example that will also help us. I was sharing with my daughter before I came. When I say my daughter,
21:24 I mean my first daughter. When I say my baby, I mean the, you know, so when I say my daughter,
21:29 you know what I mean? So, and I was, I had, I was going to, okay, this is not to be vain, okay?
21:36 I was going to do my nails, okay? And I decided to book an appointment. Usually I don't. That
21:45 would be the first time I would. But because I was going to do it the way I did, I was coming.
21:50 And you know what occurred to me? I was into my daughter because I learned from every little
21:54 thing. I said the booking of appointment worked in two ways. Because I had booked an appointment
22:02 for 11 o'clock, I had a focus. Is that not true? If I don't put that appointment, I'll tell myself,
22:09 even if I'm getting there by 12, I'm not doing badly. Then when 12 is reaching, you say,
22:15 ah, after all, my flight is 10 PM. You know what I mean now?
22:19 Just a simple thing. I learned something deep from it. So it works here and work there.
22:29 Because I just booked an appointment, it put me on my own tippy toes. I had something,
22:36 you know, Reverend talks a lot about goal setting. I had a goal I was working towards.
22:40 It's not a case of, okay, 11-ish. Then when 11 is coming, you say, if I get there at 11.30,
22:50 eh, bad. Then when 11.30, you now say, ah, you know what I mean? And it also worked on the other
22:59 end because they knew someone was coming. Because each time I got there, for instance, they take
23:07 walk-ins. You could just walk in and like I said, I'd never booked an appointment. But I found out
23:11 that those who booked an appointment, they superseded. If somebody who had booked an
23:17 appointment showed up, when you are showing up, they will push you aside. Are you following what
23:21 I'm saying? So I decided to book an appointment. They wrote down my name. I said 11 AM. Amen.
23:27 Of course, I made sure I put in something. I didn't say 6 AM. Some of you, from the time you
23:31 are putting in your plan, you have set yourself to fail. You are earning $5,000. You start saying,
23:37 I pledged, I pledged $500,000. If I knew what you are earning, I would call you and say, change it.
23:43 Don't come and waste our time in this place. Is that his faith? Which faith? I would say,
23:49 how much have you given before in your life? What was the highest you have given? $5,000. I said,
23:54 take, change, just change, change. Don't waste my time. Can someone say amen? Do you understand now?
23:59 So I didn't say 6 AM. I still set a goal that was reasonable. Okay? Achievable. But I said,
24:08 I should work towards it. And then I got there and made sure, because I had that 11,
24:13 I put myself under that. Do you understand what I'm saying? I did not even eat before I left the
24:17 house. God's time was going. And I got there. When I got there, there were people who were,
24:22 everywhere was, every table was full. Everybody was attending to one client or the other. And
24:27 there were people that were waiting to be attended to. And I just called the guy, said 11 o'clock
24:31 appointment. He looked at his book. Are you getting what I'm saying? And I made sure I got
24:35 that 11 dot. I look at the clock. Don't come and mess around with me here. Can someone say amen? I
24:43 looked at the clock. I made sure. Because you that comes to equity must come with clean hands.
24:46 Don't book 11 o'clock appointment, get there at 11.15 and say, you people, you are bad people.
24:51 No. I made sure I looked at the clock. 11. You see, when you are living your life like that,
24:59 you cut off all kinds of useless things. Are you following what I'm saying? There are some friends
25:06 who stopped moving with. There are some shows we don't attend. Can you follow what I'm saying?
25:11 And then because of that, as soon as a table was free, a chair was free, he just said, move there.
25:20 So by 11.05, I was sitting down. Even though there were people waiting. Are you following
25:25 what I'm saying? I learned from everything. But I'm here to say to you today, just to whet your
25:31 appetite. God says to tell you without faith, it is impossible to please him. You cannot fulfill
25:38 destiny without faith. You cannot. Are you following what I'm saying? I'm going to say
25:44 a few things to you. Let's go to Hebrews 11. Are you receiving anything? Today is groundbreaking.
25:54 I'm a part of attended the Guinea before. Anyone to build a house? Have you gone to groundbreaking
26:01 before? You've not gone. Okay. Let's take it from Hebrews 11. Hebrews 11 verse 1. Now faith is a
26:09 substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen. For by it, the elders obtained
26:15 was a good testimony. How are you going to obtain a good testimony? By faith. How are you going to
26:21 obtain a good report? By faith. The Bible says whose report will you be? The Bible says, you know,
26:28 to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? Who has believed our report? If you walk by faith,
26:35 you obtain a good report. By faith, you obtain a good medical report. You obtain a good report. Amen.
26:42 It says, by faith, we understand that the walls were framed by the word of God. So that the
26:50 things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. That is what you see today
26:56 were not made by things which are seen. Can someone say, well, they were not made of things which were seen.
27:02 Verse 4. By faith, Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice and came. Through which he
27:12 obtained witness that he was righteous. God testifying his of his gifts and through it,
27:17 he being dead still speaks. By faith, Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death and was
27:24 not found. Because God had taken him. For before he was taken, he had this testimony that he was
27:31 pleased God. But, let's read it together. Without faith, it is what? Impossible to please him. For
27:42 he who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is what? A rewarder of those who diligently
27:52 seek him. Verse 7. By faith, Noah being divinely warned of things not yet seen. Can you see?
28:01 Faith is what? The evidence of what is not seen. You cannot fulfill destiny without faith.
28:10 Verse 8. Noah being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the
28:21 saving of his household. Have you noticed people who are always wanting to see something before
28:28 they believe, they can't fulfill destiny. Why could they not enter the promised land? Because of
28:36 unbelief. Unbelief will lead to what? Disobedience. That's why Hebrews chapter 3 and chapter 4,
28:43 in those two chapters, disobedience and unbelief were used interchangeably.
28:49 If you are somebody who is of unbelief, you'll be a disobedient person. But when God says,
28:57 do this, you will say, ah. You always have a reason not to obey. Can somebody say amen?
29:03 The giants are there. These are the things happening there. That's why God will have
29:09 mistakes to you today, perfectically, that you cannot fulfill destiny without faith.
29:14 You need faith to fulfill destiny. Let's read on very quickly. He said, Noah being divinely warned
29:20 of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household,
29:28 by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteous sense which is according to faith.
29:34 I will say by which he condemned the world. What does that mean? What it means is that
29:38 by your life of faith, when you are living by faith, your the results, your actions will condemn
29:48 the world. Are you following what I'm saying? Let me bring it home. Do you know that the same test
29:55 you faced, the same situations and conditions you were under, that you are given as the excuse not
30:02 to obey God. Somebody who faced something worse and obeyed God, that is what Noah, what happened
30:09 to Noah. By his faith, he condemned the world. Do you get it now? God will say, you know what?
30:15 You are saying you couldn't do this because of this. You couldn't do that because of that and
30:21 God will show you somebody. Are you hearing me? Who did not even have half of what you had?
30:31 So by faith, he condemned the world because God told him to do what he had not yet seen,
30:38 what had never happened. There had never been water. There had never been rain, sorry.
30:43 And God said, there's going to be a rain, not just a rain, a flood. So build an ark
30:48 and he obeyed. And he told people and they were making fun of him, but he obeyed.
30:56 Listen to this. He prepared an ark for the saving of his household by which he condemned the world
31:01 and became heir of the righteous sins which is according to faith. God is going to show you
31:07 people who in spite of, do you remember the guy that hid his talent? Do you remember him?
31:14 I always say to people, thank God you were not the only servant the man had.
31:21 Hallelujah. The same servants, the same master, sorry, the same person. How come you said you
31:30 could not do anything? So those two condemned him by their actions. By faith Noah condemned the world.
31:38 Are you following what I'm saying? Living by faith.
31:44 Faith is the evidence of what is unseen. The Bible says that Moses, he saw him who is invisible.
31:52 He endured because he saw him who is invisible. The Bible talks about some people, we're not going
32:00 to be able to read the whole chapter tonight. One of my favorites, those people who the Bible says,
32:05 if the people can help us, those people who the Bible says, they didn't know where they were going.
32:12 Bible says that there's such a country. Let's read Papa Abraham. By faith Abraham obeyed when
32:19 he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance and he went out
32:25 not knowing where he was going. Let's read on. By faith they dwelt in the land of promise as in a
32:33 foreign country. Dwelling in terms with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs of with him of the same promise.
32:40 He didn't know where he was going. God said to him in Genesis 12, after his father had died,
32:46 God had first said to him and now God comes back and says to him, God doesn't change his plan.
32:52 Can we go to Genesis 12 very quickly? He said God had said. Genesis 12 very quickly,
33:00 but I don't want to be, yes. Now the Lord, I'm going to put about heart. What is heart?
33:06 Past participle, not past tense. Heart. Amen. The Lord heart said. That means
33:20 before this time God had told him and God came back. God doesn't change his mind.
33:28 He said get out of your country from your father and for your for your family from your father's
33:33 house to a land that I will show you. That's what the writer of Hebrew was talking about.
33:37 A land that he did not know. He didn't know where he was going. Verse two. He said I will make you
33:44 a great nation. I will bless you. Can somebody say fulfilling destiny? And you're, I'll make
33:51 your name great and you shall be a blessing. Let's read on. I will bless those who bless you and I
33:55 will curse him who curses you and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
33:59 So Abraham did what? He sat down. After hearing all those powerful words, you know what the Lord
34:08 minister said to me today? If you want to stop wandering in the wilderness, God because of
34:14 disobedience, because of unbelief, what did they do? They wandered in the wilderness. It's time to
34:20 stop going around and around and around. It's time to move forward. It's time to today you are in faith,
34:28 tomorrow you are in doubt. Today hey God has done it. Tomorrow I don't know where God is.
34:34 If you want to stop moving in wilderness, do you know what? Start believing God. So he departed.
34:39 So he what? How old was he? How old was he? 75. I remember when the Lord told us to leave.
34:50 And to go to the United Kingdom to relocate. Somebody said to my husband, I can't God at this
34:56 age be calling you. When my husband told me I said Abraham was 75. When he left, can somebody say amen?
35:07 He left to go to a place he didn't know. He didn't even know where he was going but by faith.
35:14 If you are going to fulfill destiny, you are going to be a person of faith.
35:18 This is what the Lord wants me to say to you and faith is the evidence of what is unseen.
35:23 Faith is stepping out in obedience. Can someone say God says it, that settles it.
35:31 God says it, that settles it. His word is firmly fixed in heaven by faith. By faith we stepped out.
35:43 We went to the United Kingdom by faith. I had an experience when we're going to move from our
35:50 previous house to where we are now. We had the same situation. Everything in the natural was
35:57 looking like what's going on and we had a date to leave that place. Are you following what I'm saying?
36:04 But where we're going was not clear and the Lord reminded me about Abraham. Go back to Hebrews
36:10 please. That Abraham, let's read this again. Let's go to Hebrews. He did not know where
36:19 he was going. There's a difference between not knowing where you're going and not knowing where
36:26 you're going. Sometimes you don't know where you're going. You know where you're going geographically
36:32 but you don't even know the details. How many people that God will not give you the details?
36:39 If you are going to fulfill destiny, you must be a man of faith, a woman of faith.
36:43 You must trust God. You must believe God. The Bible says he obeyed when God called him to go
36:52 to a place which he would be settled in the inheritance and he went out not knowing where he was going. Let's read on.
36:57 By faith he dwelt in the land. Let's jump to those people who the Bible says if they were mindful of
37:03 where they were coming from, they would have returned. No, no, no. What verse is that?
37:09 But God was not ashamed to be called their God.
37:13 What verse is that? I don't want to be turning to it because of time.
37:17 Okay, let's read it from verse 13. These all died in faith. That's not to say died in faith.
37:32 That's the best way to die. To die in faith. To die believing. Can someone say amen? Somebody said
37:41 I'd rather die on my feet than on my knees begging the devil. These all died in faith.
37:47 None of them received the promises. You know the promises they are talking about. Not physical
37:51 promises. Here is the dimension that is different. But having seen them from afar off, we are assured
37:57 of them. Embrace them and confess that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those
38:04 who say such things, declare plainly that they seek a homeland. And truly if they had called to
38:09 mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to what? Return.
38:14 If you keep thinking about the cucumber, keep thinking about the garlic, you keep thinking,
38:21 you know the children of Israel. If you keep thinking about where you came from,
38:26 one day opportunity will come for you to return. Because you're going to make that opportunity one
38:32 day. You are going to create that opportunity one day. But when you burn the bridges behind,
38:37 can somebody say amen? When you burn the bridges behind, you have heard God. God has spoken to you.
38:43 You know what the will of God is. You know the destiny that God has for you. You know the plans
38:48 that God has for you. He said I know the plans I have for you. Plans for good and not for evil.
38:52 To give you a future and an expected end. Can somebody say amen? He said for those who say
38:58 such things, verse 14, declare plainly that they seek a homeland. And truly if they had called to
39:04 mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. If
39:11 they had called to mind, a lot of people keep referring like the children of Israel, the cucumber,
39:16 the garlic. You know you keep remembering oh how you saw when I was an unbeliever. In fact as an
39:23 unbeliever, things were not tight like this for me. As an unbeliever, I was better off. As an
39:29 unbeliever, you will soon go back. It's not a curse. He said they would have had opportunity.
39:37 Is somebody listening to me? When my husband and I got married 35 years ago, this is our 35th year.
39:45 Amen. I didn't go back to my parents house to be collecting. You know what I mean. I faced what I
39:54 was doing. The same thing we got to the United Kingdom. Can somebody say amen? We didn't have a
40:00 car. I never sat down one day to say ah hey, you have baby Benz in Nigeria. And me I have my,
40:10 you know I have baby Benz. You have me.
40:18 Walking children to school. And in Nigeria, I was not going. In fact people were driving the
40:22 children to school for me. See me oh see my lord. I would have returned. Are you following what I'm
40:30 saying? We would have returned. But can someone say for whatever? This is why you need faith to
40:37 fulfill destiny.
40:41 He said they would have what?
40:45 The opportunity will come. You will create it. If you see anybody who keeps talking about their
40:54 past, watch them. They're going to return. Now let's read on. But now, they desire what? A better.
41:07 Can someone say I desire something better? That is a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed
41:14 to be called their God. For he has prepared a city for them. There are things that God has prepared
41:20 for you. Things that I have not seen. Stand up on your feet tonight. No eye has seen. No ear has
41:27 heard. It has not entered into the mind of any man. What God has prepared for you. I tell you,
41:35 those things, God reveals to them, reveals them to you by his spirit. He said God is not ashamed
41:43 to be called their God. For he has prepared a city for them. What's in verse 17?
41:49 Okay let's go back to verse 16. God is not ashamed to be called their God.
41:56 God has prepared something better for you. Can someone say I'm looking for something better?
42:03 I'm looking for something greater. I'm looking for something better than where I am now.
42:10 Something bigger. Something better. Do you know that God always has something better?
42:18 When Saul failed, what did God tell Samuel? I have been saying, Samuel, why are you mourning over Saul?
42:31 Fill your heart with oil. Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Can someone
42:39 say amen? Fill your heart with oil. I've prepared for myself in the house of Jesse, someone better.
42:47 But it takes faith. For no one who has tasted old wine, wants a new one. Because it says the old is
42:57 better. I know someone that had a terrible marriage and later she told us that God told her at a point
43:04 before she got married to that guy, that if you leave this guy, I will give you someone better.
43:09 All this is a burden in the hand. I think it's in my book, A Burden in the Hand.
43:13 I'm sure you know it's not a scriptural adage. A burden in the hand is what?
43:22 Is what? Two in the bush. Some would say that, ah, the devil you know is better than...
43:30 Somebody let's say that's crazy. I'm sure those things came straight from hell. Direct.
43:37 Ah, the devil you know. So you hold on to one woman that you have no business with.
43:45 Or one man you have no business with because you're afraid. I tell you it takes faith to fulfill destiny.
43:52 They were looking for a better country. A better country. She said God told her if you let go of
44:02 this guy, I will give you someone better. But we'll look into those things another time. But fear,
44:10 insecurity, poor self-esteem. Is that not true? All those things will make you to say
44:19 a burden in the hand. Which burden?
44:21 Can someone say I'm looking for a better country? And sometimes when you are looking for a better country,
44:30 you see what I tell people? God doesn't have to choose among what you presented to him.
44:40 Because Jesus presented seven sons. All these sons of God. Is it Peter or Paul or
44:46 what's the name of that P name again? Whatever.
44:52 Philemon. But that Philemon looks like someone who thinks he's an F-O.
44:57 God is it James or John or Jonathan
45:07 or Jonah or Joshua? God will say none of them.
45:12 Paradise is for people. God said none of them. The prophet said, Jason, God cannot lie.
45:24 Even the prophet was swayed when he saw Elijah. He said surely. I tell people it is human to make
45:33 mistakes. Even Samuel made a mistake. But thank God his ears were close to the mouth of God.
45:38 We are not infallible. But God is infallible. But what you need is to keep your ears.
45:50 What if Moses don't have a relationship with God? When the daughters of Zarephath came to meet him?
45:58 Because the law, the inheritance law at that time said any man who dies without a son,
46:04 his inheritance must pass to his brothers, not to his daughters. And the five, is it five? Five
46:11 daughters of Zarephath, they came. Some of you will say, ah, how can we go? You know they already said.
46:17 Look, they went. But I thank God for Moses. He's my only hero in that story. Apart from those
46:26 daughters. He said, let me go and ask God. He didn't say what is written. You see, that's how religious people talk.
46:34 Religion, law without relationship.
46:39 They're always about, you see. Now I've given an example before in this church. I said if I was
46:48 tired and I was going to sleep. And I said, I used that example, I said to Vivian, Vivian,
46:53 no matter who comes to check on me, don't wake me up. Did I not say that? Did I not say it?
47:01 Then somebody came with an emergency situation. Bleeding or an emergency death and laceration.
47:09 And Vivian now says, I think it's Kenneth that said that. Mommy said, you shouldn't wake up.
47:19 Guess what I will say when I wake up and they tell me. I'll say, why didn't you wake me up?
47:25 And what will she say? But you said, I've just given you religion 101.
47:32 It doesn't do relationship. You should use your brain. The letter kills. Yes, I said.
47:44 But did I mean somebody was dying? The letter kills?
47:50 What? That's what happened to that guy that went to hide his talents. When you see lethargic people.
47:56 Are you following what I'm saying?
48:00 If you like lying to them people, you cannot intimidate God. God will say none of them.
48:10 So someone said, Jesse, please. And I say, oh, there's one.
48:15 Now, when God said I have somebody better, did he look better?
48:20 Faith. You cannot fulfill destiny without faith. You walk by faith and not by signs.
48:37 That's also when he saw Ilya. Ilya looks stately, kingly, says surely the Lord's anointed.
48:42 If you're going to fulfill destiny, what the Lord said to say to you tonight is without faith,
48:49 you cannot please God. You cannot fulfill destiny. One thing you must be equipped with,
48:54 among other things in fulfilling destiny is faith. When you see people who have fulfilled destiny or
49:01 who are on the path to fulfilling destiny, they are living by faith. Amen. When we left here
49:08 with no money, not because we're poor, we didn't take any pound, with three children, we left here,
49:15 it was a step of faith because God said, are you following what I'm saying? And if he says,
49:21 he's going to do it. You're not going to fulfill destiny if you are living, walking by sight.
49:30 But you are an eye-bound Christian. You are a cerebral Christian. You are a carnal Christian.
49:39 You are fleshly, living in the natural and the natural man cannot receive the things of the
49:46 spirit. Have you received anything tonight? Anything God is going to tell you to do, you
49:51 will need faith. I want you to begin to bless the name of the Lord. They're going to worship God
49:56 tonight. I want to ask that the Lord will help you. You are going to fulfill destiny. You're
50:02 going to fulfill purpose. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Faith in your hearts.
50:11 You are looking for a better country. A country who's builder, who's maker is God. You are looking
50:19 for something better. Look at the widow of Zarephath. When God said to Elijah, I prepared a
50:29 widow there to sustain you. Did she look like someone who could sustain anybody? She had just
50:36 a handful of flour just to make bread for herself and her son to die. It took faith on the two sides.
50:44 Faith on the side of Elijah and faith on the side of the woman. Are you following what I'm saying?
50:50 And he said to her, beg for me first. For thus says the Lord, the bin of flour will not be empty
50:57 and the jar of oil shall not run dry until the day God sends rain on the earth. Let's worship
51:03 the Lord with our substance tonight. Father, we worship you. I want you to begin to receive that
51:09 spirit of faith afresh. We believe and so we speak. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
51:15 Without faith, it is impossible to please God. We are looking for a better country.
51:20 That is not talking about a physical country. I want you to look at it in your own situation.
51:26 There's something better that I'm looking for in God. A heavenly country. Something that God has
51:32 prepared ahead for me. That's what I'm looking for and I'm going to walk by faith. I'm going to live
51:39 by faith. I'm going to walk by. They were mindful of where they were coming from. That's another
51:47 subject on his own. God said to Abraham, leave your family. Leave your father's house. Leave and
51:53 come to a place I'm going to show you. And today we celebrate Abraham because he's the father of
51:58 faith. Amen. Through him, the whole, the whole, the families are blessed through him because he
52:06 obeyed God. You cannot fulfill destiny without faith. Father, we worship you. Lift up your
52:12 offerings. Father, we give you praise. We magnify your name. We worship you, Father. Father, we
52:17 thank you for the life of faith. Thank you for the life of faith. Thank you, Lord. Holy Spirit,
52:23 help us. Help us to live by faith. Help us to understand what it means to live by faith.
52:30 Help us to walk by faith and not by sight. Thank you for the things that you have prepared for us.
52:37 The things that you have in store for us. The works you have prepared for us beforehand that
52:41 we should do. Father, help us, oh God. Lord, by faith, we step out into those things. And we
52:48 thank you, oh God, because we know as we take that step of faith, Lord, we know that you are waiting
52:54 for us. And you are there with us. And you will never leave us, nor forsake us. Thank you for
52:58 granting me your trust. Thank you, Lord, even for your people, for you help each and every one of us.
53:05 Thank you once again for the first night of this conference. We give you praise. Father, we thank
53:10 you for our offerings tonight. Lord, we ask you, God, that Lord, you bless the offerings in our
53:15 hands as we give. We give because we love you. We give because we honor you. We give us in obedience
53:21 because you said we should give. And as we give tonight, we thank you because heavens are opened
53:27 above us. Thank you for the device already rebuilt for our sakes. Thank you for you multiply the
53:32 city and you increase the fruits of our righteousness.