Appendage movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Hannah (Hadley Robinson), a young fashion designer, seems fine on the surface, but secretly struggles with debilitating self-doubt. Soon these buried feelings begin to make Hannah physically sick and sprout into a ferocious growth on her body: The Appendage. As Hannah's health declines, THE APPENDAGE begins to fuel her anxieties -- her perceived lack of talent at work, her deteriorating relationships with her boyfriend and best friend, and her parents' lack of love and understanding. At her breaking point, Hannah makes a shocking discovery -- there are others out there like her.
directed by Anna Zlokovic
starring Hadley Robinson, Kausar Mohammed, Emily Hampshire, Brandon Mychal Smith
release date October 2, 2023 (on Hulu)
directed by Anna Zlokovic
starring Hadley Robinson, Kausar Mohammed, Emily Hampshire, Brandon Mychal Smith
release date October 2, 2023 (on Hulu)
Short filmTranscript
00:02 At this month's end, I will select a few of you
00:06 to work on my spring collection.
00:08 Believe in your own vision.
00:11 Push through self-doubt.
00:14 I will not hesitate to let you go.
00:16 I just want it to be perfect.
00:20 I know you've been stressed lately,
00:23 but I'm worried about you, Anne.
00:27 I'm dealing with it.
00:29 You can tell me anything.
00:30 Don't.
00:31 Did something happen?
00:33 This is going to sound crazy.
00:34 But have you ever seen anything like this before?
00:40 No.
00:46 We have a new guest with us today.
00:48 You're here because we all have the same problem.
00:51 It's some form of illness.
00:52 Like a parasite.
00:56 Are you OK?
00:57 Don't touch me.
00:59 Welcome to the club.
01:01 Honestly, it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
01:06 It's wild, but everything she tells you, it's true.
01:13 I'll protect you.
01:15 It can't be real.
01:18 She's hiding something down there.
01:27 You can't get rid of me.
01:30 Mm, so delicious.