OMG! Lion Was Seriously Injured When Rhino Horn Pierced His Head During A Head-To-Head Confrontation

  • last year


00:00 A thrilling confrontation between a herd of lions and a rhino.
00:04 But the surprising thing is, in this battle, the lion became the victim of the fight.
00:11 Lion was seriously injured when the rhino horn pierced his head during a head-to-head confrontation.
00:21 A large rhino suddenly rushed to attack the nearby lions.
00:26 Rhinos have thick skin and they are extremely dangerous horns that scare the lions.
00:31 Realizing that he had mistakenly touched the opponent, the rhino quickly fled before the pursuit of the lions.
00:38 Rhinos are large animals. It's almost impossible to fall prey to predators.
00:44 Rhinos are relatively gentle animals, usually only attacking on self-defense.
00:52 Despite the lions surrounding and attacking from behind.
00:56 The rhinoceros calmly turned around and pointed its sharp horn toward the attacker.
01:04 After a long siege, the lions had to give up on this huge prey.
01:10 A rhinoceros was taking a mud bath when suddenly it got stuck due to the thick layer of mud.
01:21 Seeing the rhino in trouble, three lions appeared out of nowhere trying to attack the rhino.
01:27 However, the presence of predators did not frighten the rhinoceros. It used all of its strength to get out of the mud.
01:35 When the rhinoceros had just escaped the mud and reached the shore, the lions rushed to attack the rhino.
01:43 Immediately, the rhinoceros rushed to attack violently.
01:50 The rhino shows the lion that it is no easy opponent.
01:54 Although unable to hurt the lion, the strength of the rhinoceros made the lion discouraged.
02:01 The rhino mother and daughter are roaming in search of food.
02:07 They discovered two lions resting nearby and approached.
02:16 The appearance of a huge rhino caught the lions by surprise.
02:20 Suddenly, the rhinoceros rushes, causing the lion to run away in panic.
02:28 Luckily for the lion, the rhino has stopped and is not attacking anymore.
02:34 A fierce rhinoceros rushed to attack the lions fiercely.
02:42 Given its size, rhinoceros are not easy prey for lions to hunt.
02:46 Surrounded by lions even alone, the rhinoceros can still cope with the enemy.
02:55 With its thick, hard skin, the lions can't catch the rhinos.
03:01 The confrontation is still fierce. The lions have not given up on the hunt.
03:11 It is the dry season in Africa and finding food becomes even more difficult.
03:16 Two hungry lions have invaded the rhino's territory in search of food.
03:24 Seeing this, the rhino aggressively rushed to chase their strangers away.
03:29 An injured skinny lion trying to run away from the rhino's chase.
03:40 The two lions risk their lives to approach and jump up and grab the rhino from behind.
03:45 However, with the large body of the rhinoceros, the lion can't do anything.
03:49 Immediately, the lion must give up before this huge prey.
03:55 A rhinoceros has passed through the territory of the lions.
04:00 Seeing a lion, the rhino immediately rushes to threaten the opponent.
04:07 Rhinos have poor eyesight, but very keen sense of smell and hearing.
04:12 Despite their large size, they have amazing mobility.
04:19 After a while, the rhino was surrounded by lions. The rhino quickly ran away.
04:25 Rhinos also have amazing self-defense abilities that rotate 300 degrees.
04:34 Extremely flexibly.
04:36 So it's almost impossible for the lion to jump on the rhino's back like other prey.
04:42 When attacking the enemy, the rhinoceros uses its horns to make the opponent fall back.
04:47 The rhinoceros was eating when the warthog men approached.
04:52 The voracious warthog tries to compete for the rhino's meal.
05:02 Immediately, the warthog was sent flying into the sky and had a painful landing.
05:07 Aggressive hyenas join forces to attack the rhinos.
05:14 The rhinoceros was wandering on the road when suddenly it was attacked by a group of hyenas.
05:23 Although the rhinoceros is large, the hyena is not afraid of the rhino.
05:31 With the hyena's nasty attack strategy that makes the rhino feel uncomfortable.
05:35 Two hungry hyenas risk their lives when they decide to attack baby rhinos.
05:41 Two hyenas put a lot of pressure on the mother rhino.
05:46 The mother rhino constantly has to turn around to scare away the enemy.
05:52 It only takes one careless moment to make the rhino's life in danger.
05:59 It only takes one careless moment to lose her only child.
06:02 The mother rhinoceros does not let her baby go far away. It's always on the lookout for predators.
06:09 When the rhinoceros appears near the watering hole, an elephant approached.
06:14 The aggressive elephant rushed to attack the rhino so fiercely that the rhino could not react.
06:24 Unexpected confrontation occurs between elephants and rhinos.
06:28 The mighty rhinoceros is actively attacking its enemy in a quick and decisive manner.
06:35 However, the rhinoceros encountered an opponent that was far beyond him.
06:40 Angry, the elephant rushed to attack causing the opponent to fall.
06:45 At this point, the rhinoceros hesitated and ran away immediately.
06:52 A mischievous rhinoceros comes to play with the giraffe.
06:55 Although the giraffe is uncomfortable and shows its attitude by warning of attack.
07:01 But the rhino ignored it and took the giraffe's back kick.
07:05 It received the kick in the middle of its face. The rhinoceros jumped in surprise and ran away.
07:11 Unexpected encounter between a hippo and a rhino.
07:18 The hippo doesn't seem very pleased with the appearance of this rhino.
07:22 It kept opening its big mouth to provoke the rhino.
07:26 Although the rhinoceros had left, the hippo still refused to give up and gave chase.
07:32 Finally, the rhinoceros used its horn to threaten and try to scare away, causing the hippo to run away.
07:45 The confrontation takes place between a hippo and a rhinoceros in a swamp.
07:49 Seeing the appearance of a stranger, an adult male hippo rushes forward with his mouth wide open to threaten.
07:58 With the nature of a gentle animal, the rhinoceros is still quite friendly to the attack of hippos.
08:13 Although not a carnivore, hippos are one of the most aggressive creatures in the world.
08:18 Not even an adult rhino dares to rival them.
08:23 The war happened because the rhino had invaded the buffalo's territory.
08:28 A buffalo weighing about 700 kilograms and a rhino weighing about 2.5 tons rushed into each other.
08:41 Because of the uneven weight class, the buffalo kept losing ground while butting each other.
08:46 But because of that, the buffalo gave up. It still bravely fought the rhinoceros.
08:53 The confrontation is still fierce between the two sides.
08:58 The herd of wild buffalo standing nearby slowly approach to observe.
09:08 After a few minutes of fighting, the rhino seemed to realize that the buffalo would not back down.
09:12 He saw other buffaloes also approaching.
09:17 Noticing the overwhelming numbers, the rhino faltered and ran away.
09:24 Seeing a herd of rhinos crossing the road, the group of tourists stopped to observe.
09:36 Suddenly, an adult rhinoceros attacks the tourist's car in a frenzy.
09:40 In a rage, the rhinoceros used its sharp horns to ram the car passing by.
09:47 Had it not stopped, the rhino went behind the bush and when the car passes, it aggressively rushes to attack.
09:56 It seems that it feels that it is encroaching on its territory and it needs to act so ferociously.
10:02 Discovering that the visitor's car was trespassing in its territory,
10:06 the big rhino did not hesitate to attack the car.
10:14 The sudden attack of the rhino caused the tourists on the bus to panic.
10:22 Hippo vs Hyena
10:26 Reckless and opportunistic, the rhino is still in the lead.
10:31 Reckless and opportunistic, that's when they all come to play.
10:34 They won't pass any opportunity to get food.
10:37 Never has the match for hippos, but they would discover a sick hippopotamus lying on the riverbank.
10:43 They decide to go ahead and start biting it.
10:46 Seemingly tired, the hippopotamus didn't react to the hyena's bites.
10:56 After suffering for a while, the hippopotamus was a bit sore and tired.
11:00 It decided to go down to the middle of the river and lie down, but the hyena still chased it and continued to bite.
11:06 With its thick skin, the hippo doesn't care who is harassing it.
11:13 The hippopotamus continues to go deeper into the water with the advantage of height,
11:22 making the hyena resistant to its attack any more than it knows to go down.
11:27 It becomes difficult and dangerous.
11:30 The lion was resting by the lake when he was quickly disturbed by the other two lions.
11:36 As they knew each other's intentions, they chanted each other.
11:43 The battle was interrupted by the arrival of the elephants.
11:51 Realizing there was no danger from the elephants, they continued to fight.
11:55 The back was in the blind spot of all animals, so this weak point that the enemy wants to attack.
12:05 The lions are no exception.
12:07 The fight was broken by the intervention of the rhinoceros.
12:12 Tigers are opportunistic predators and can eat much smaller prey.
12:19 They have many hunting plans such as pretending to be dead,
12:22 to take advantage of the lightness of their prey and then suddenly attack.
12:26 Its cunning made a dog scared and couldn't move.
12:32 Soon after being bitten by the tiger, the dog stopped struggling.
12:40 The expert tiger let it go.
12:46 So the old tiger finished hunting today.
12:49 The tiger is solitary and a highly territorial predator.
12:55 It doesn't allow anyone to encroach on their territory, not even their own kind.
13:01 Maybe that's why these two lions had a decisive battle with each other.
13:06 This was an extremely rare sight in the natural world.
13:12 Two lions pounced on each other fiercely. There were injuries when they occurred.
13:17 But that doesn't stop their belligerence. The two tigers are still madly biting each other.
13:23 However, the battle didn't go too far.
13:27 They quickly regained their composure and ended the fight peacefully.
13:31 This clip captures the image of a herd of lions surrounding to attack a leopard.
13:38 Attacked by a lion, the leopard jumps at the enemy to defend itself.
13:42 Knowing alone will not be able to defeat this ferocious lion herd, the leopard obediently appears harmless.
13:53 But no lion spares it, rushes to bite the leopard, causing it to flail in its legs and defend itself.
14:06 The lion, continuous attacks make the leopard not panic and launch some defensive moves.
14:11 The leopard looks exhausted, it lies on its back seemingly harmless.
14:23 But how does it work for the lion's first predator?
14:31 Finally, after a while of teasing, the lion officially rushed to bite its prey, ending the hunt.
14:37 A leopard and hyena were circling around, seemingly dead form.
14:47 Both predatory, but they confronted each other to win the deer, but unexpectedly the deer was not dead.
14:57 Taking the opportunity, it jumped and ran as fast as possible to escape death.
15:01 Hippo saves a baby deer from hyenas.
15:05 And what happens next?
15:07 The clip captures the dogs mercilessly tearing apart a deer while a hippopotamus rushes from afar,
15:13 causing them to release their prey and run backwards.
15:16 Being a highly territorial species, the hippopotamus runs from afar to chase away the dogs.
15:23 After cleaning up the invaders to the territory, he was about to leave.
15:27 But when he saw the wild dogs continuing to eat the other deer, he turned back and grabbed the baby deer again.
15:33 Poor little deer, even though it was injured, it was still bitten, turned and thrown ashore.
15:40 Wild dogs take the opportunity to rush in and snatch their prey.
15:45 The hippopotamus is still alive, but it is not able to escape death.
15:51 It can snatch their prey.
15:53 Rhino vs Hippo
15:56 Taking advantage of the big mouth, the hippopotamus constantly cheats the rhino in front of him by opening his mouth wide.
16:05 Rhinos don't want to mess with their children, so they left, but the hippo wouldn't give up.
16:10 It also constantly provocative with the rhinos of the herd.
16:17 Rhinos are both large animals, possessing dangerous offensive weapons.
16:21 The rhinoceros finally couldn't take it anymore and counterattacked, causing the hippo to run around.
16:30 Alligator dives into another area when suddenly a lonely zebra appears somewhere and grabs it on the neck.
16:38 The sudden attack and prey painfully overturned and drowned the aggressive crocodile.
16:44 Another crocodile appears out of nowhere to enjoy the meal with his friend.
16:48 However, the two hippos arrive just in time to join the party.
16:54 But the three very hungry crocodiles also do not easily share their meals.
17:01 They constantly give warnings to scare away the hippo.
17:05 Here is an image of two hippos eating grass and drinking water right next to the river.
17:14 At first, a hippo also opened its wide mouth to tease the rhino, but the rhinoceros was indifferent, uninterested, just backing away.
17:23 Facing the indifference of the rhino, the hippo sulks and sits down, pointing its butt to the opponent.
17:40 The scene makes visitors extremely surprised.
17:43 The beginning of today's video is the internal battle of the lions.
17:51 No one knows the reason why two male lions rush to bite the other lion.
17:59 The lion still tried to fight back, but because of its weak strength, it got injured.
18:09 The warning roar of the lion sounded, the signal to stop the battle.
18:13 At this point, the dark lion is exhausted, it needs time to recover to encounter the second round.
18:21 It's resting but also extremely alert.
18:26 The other two lions have lost their patience, they can't wait any longer.
18:36 They gradually press close to the enemy, began to play tricks on the opponent.
18:40 However, in order to protect life, this lion is not easily subdued, its resilience helped it to overcome the battle.
18:48 Being attacked by a herd of buffaloes, the lions are scared.
18:52 But when a few experienced lions appear, they charge back at the buffaloes.
19:04 They even jump on the buffaloes back to attack.
19:06 Squeezed by the herd, the exhausted buffalo collapses.
19:13 And when defeating the prey, the fight for food between the herd is inevitable.
19:19 Two lions in the herd fight for the food.
19:23 Ignore the intervention of the two leading lions.
19:28 That's why the buffalo escaped before it was time to eat the meat.
19:33 In another situation, the battle was at a climax.
19:36 A lion had been put in danger by being bitten from the front and back.
19:41 It was besieged between two fierce male lions and any resistance was extinguished.
19:49 Even the cries of pain did not mention the two lions biting their prey.
19:59 With a ratio of 2 to 1, it's only a matter of time before knocking down an adult lion.
20:04 Unexpectedly, after a period of strong resistance, the lion was gone.
20:10 Detecting the appearance of a stranger, the lion quickly deployed the squad.
20:15 A lion may sneak before the enemy, but a herd of lions must be different.
20:20 One by one, they rush and bite the hippo.
20:25 The lion chased after it and waited for it to drink water without paying attention and stealing it.
20:30 Weakened by the large number of famous predators such as lions,
20:33 the old hippo was defeated before the opponent painfully went away.
20:38 Crocodiles and hippos are always notorious animals in the puddles of the Black Continent.
20:49 But the crocodile is still a bit shy and it doesn't want to encounter the hippos
20:54 because it knows there will be little chance of winning.
20:57 While in the water, a hippopotamus is chased by a crocodile and pushed it ashore.
21:02 But the crocodile is also very stubborn.
21:21 Suddenly, the hippo jumps out and drowns the crocodile.
21:24 Lions are one of the highly social and herd animals.
21:35 But sometimes because of fighting for food, they still have conflicts.
21:46 Like the two lions in this video, how to resolve conflicts with one vs one battles.
21:51 But suppose species are unparalleled strength, they do not hesitate to show their sharp claws.
21:57 The battle was extremely intense, the attacks became stronger and stronger.
22:03 There was a lion giving up, the prize belongs to the winner.
22:10 One giraffe is too much for food to today.
22:16 The scene transitions to tourists who were filming the moment of the lion pinching the wild buffalo.
22:21 However, the buffalo did not give up and tried to escape the lion's oppression and succeeded in crushing the lion.
22:30 The lion was no less clutching the buffalo's horns but in the end the two ended in peace.
22:42 Injured buffalo ran up in the herd when the lion ran up and pulled it down.
22:47 Other lions also came but the buffalo came back to save it, causing the lions to have no chance to hunt.
22:57 The leader of the lions is stubborn, waiting for the opportunity to eat the buffalo meat.
23:11 However, being discovered by the buffalo and the whole herd of buffaloes threatened them, causing them to give up.
23:17 The clip captures the image of a leopard looking at a deer peacefully eating grass on the wall.
23:27 Leopard gently, step by step approached the deer.
23:34 The deer was not able to resist the leopard's attack.
23:38 Seems to have discovered the danger, the baby deer hastily moved to find another place to feed.
23:48 It seems that the leopard has found a place for the deer herd.
23:55 It gently shakes its tail to approach the prey so it cannot be detected.
23:59 Immediately after that, the prey was discovered and ran to another place.
24:09 However, a few deer still didn't notice that there was a danger, still calmly eating grass with the young monkeys.
24:17 Seizing the opportunity, the leopard ran quickly, causing the deer to panic and run around.
24:27 Unfortunately, one deer was grabbed by it and dragged it into a pit before it helplessly hurt the rest of the herd.
24:34 The deer was dragged down the cliff by the leopards, lying still, not daring to wiggle.
24:43 Suddenly, a hyena walked up at the surprise of the deer.
24:48 Over there, leopards prepare to eat their prey.
24:55 Then it was discovered that the stranger was coming and it was a hyena.
24:59 The hyena rushes down to grab its prey, causing the leopard to run away in panic.
25:09 Thanks to the sharp horn, the deer quickly rammed the hyena's throat, causing it to fly away and escape quickly.
25:20 What happens when a deer falls into the lion's line of sight?
25:25 The somersault in the air helped the lion bite the deer's weak points and it wasn't long before the prey was knocked down.
25:35 The moment a wild boar was drinking water, a crocodile approached.
25:48 The aggressive crocodile rushed to the shore to bite its prey but thanks to the quick reaction, the wild boar escaped.
25:55 The deer was drinking water by the lake when a lion came out of nowhere to catch it.
26:04 But reacting quickly, the fawn ran away.
26:07 Wild deer is one of the favorite foods of the tigers.
26:12 It began to approach the herd of deer stealthily and makes use of the trees and bushes to hide.
26:18 They move carefully and gently without making any noise, pressing their bodies to the ground so their prey is difficult to detect.
26:27 The tiger has successfully approached the target. It's waiting for the opportunity to attack.
26:34 The previous cautious steps were replaced by hurried steps.
26:38 That caught the attention of the deer.
26:42 Even so, this is the time to attack on the battle.
26:45 With a speed of 65 km/h, the tiger grabbed the baby deer.
26:52 The weak fighting deer was quickly subdued by the experienced tiger and became today's meal.
27:01 At the end of the video, you will admire the most anticipated classic battle, lion vs tigers.
27:10 Lions and tigers are two species that symbolize great power.
27:14 If a war happens, which species will win? Let's watch it together.
27:18 These two scary animals rush into a frenzied attack with each other.
27:24 They use the most ultimate skills such as sharp claws, flexible bodies and strong teeth.
27:30 For the equally talented opponent, both the lion and tiger are extremely fast.
27:38 The lion and tiger are extremely focused to return blows.
27:40 Even a minute of neglect, they will lose.
27:43 The fight was extremely fierce. The tiger bit the weak part of the lion.
27:48 Does this make the tiger win?
27:50 Win or lose now seems to be too early to judge.
27:55 The lord of the jungle did not let himself fall into a weak position.
27:59 It turned to a counterattack with heavier and more dangerous blows.
28:05 The tiger is gradually exhausted. Taking advantage of the opportunity that the tiger is reducing its ability to fight, the lion is constantly attacking.
28:14 No need to guess anymore, the lion won.
28:18 In the wild, tigers mainly hunt large and medium-sized, highly challenging animals such as crocodiles.
28:26 In this video, the tiger has the upper hand and will quickly take down the big crocodile.
28:32 Here's a scene where a hippo sees a small deer falling into the water and trying to bring it ashore.
28:38 From there, it comes for a pack of wild dogs and it comes to wait for the hippo and the prey to bring it ashore to rob.
28:45 A pack of wild dogs is getting more and more crowded. They come to drag their prey to shore and brutally bite it.
28:52 Two sides struggled fiercely, no one is willing to give up.
28:59 Suddenly, the hippopotamus threw a deer, causing the hyenas to stop in surprise.
29:04 Then they ran around with their mouth open to reveal sharp fangs that scared the hyenas, making them run away and successfully save the deer.
29:14 Fierce battle of the hippos
29:18 Unlike their gentle appearance, hippos are the most feared animals in Africa because of their ferocious nature, especially when in battle between two adults for dominance.
29:28 When in the water, they are extremely hateful, anyone who intends to invade their territory, even from the same species.
29:35 Noticing a hippo entering the territory of a group of other hippos, an adult hippo ashore approaches the trespasser and promises a bloody fight to ensure.
29:45 Two huge hippos use their large teeth and large size to attack each other.
29:50 Realizing the opponent is too strong, a hippo chooses to end it in peace and retreat to his territory.
29:58 Tiger is the most eaten species in the cat family, the wild boar is the ideal meal.
30:03 With terrifying speed, the tiger quickly pounced on the muscular wild boar.
30:09 The battle is very intense, can you see the capture of the boar? This is a mystery.
30:16 Next is a picture of a herd of lions clinging to an adult buffalo.
30:24 Even the lion clings to the buffalo's back to find a way to defeat the prey.
30:29 Suddenly, another large buffalo appeared, ramming its horns at the lion, causing them to be pushed away.
30:36 Not only one buffalo, a whole herd of adult buffaloes comes.
30:41 The buffaloes rush to scare the lions into panic, leaving a bewildered lion.
30:46 Lion vs Hippo
30:52 Migration of millions of wildebeest herds in the beginning.
30:55 The hungry lion is looking for lustful eyes at its prey from afar.
31:01 But when the lion charged, the hippo didn't even notice the presence of the enemy.
31:06 The fierce lion jumps on the prey and bites its head and neck.
31:10 After struggling for a while, the lion was biting the prey and the hippo was in great pain.
31:16 Unyielding, it struggled to break free from the cold-blooded enemy's fangs.
31:22 The lion is attacking more and more strongly, wanting to end the life of its prey quickly.
31:27 It devours the hippo.
31:29 Poor hippo gave in and became the breakfast of the hungry lion.
31:35 Next, the clip was recorded on an image of an old hippo with many injuries,
31:40 that must have gone through countless fierce battles while walking on a dirt road.
31:45 Suddenly, it chased the lion, causing the lion to run towards the herd.
31:50 Next, the clip is recorded by the image of a herd of hyenas,
31:54 surrounding a lion and trying to find a way to handle it.
31:58 Then from afar, two other lions rushed to save it, causing the hyenas to panic.
32:08 Suddenly, a lion rushed to the chase, causing the spirits to run away in fear,
32:13 no longer intending to hunt the lion.
32:16 We hope that you have really enjoyed and found interesting and useful values from the gecko.
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32:34 world in the future.
32:35 Thank you for accompanying us.
32:37 (upbeat music)
