• 2 years ago
Get ready for an exhilarating adventure in "Tamasha Season 2"!

This highly anticipated season promises an array of even more daring tasks that will leave you on the edge of your seat. With 14 captivating contestants, each bringing their unique skills and personalities, the competition is fierce.And guess what? Your favorite Badshah, Adnan Siddiqui, will be hosting the show, adding his charm and wit to every episode. Brace yourself to be transported to another world filled with excitement, drama, and heart-pounding challenges!

Host: Adnan Siddiqui
Tamasha S2 "Contestants"

Ali Sikander,
Danish Maqsood,
Neha Khan.
Rana Asif,
Faizan Sheikh,
Junaid Niazi,
Aruba Mirza,
Michelle Mumtaz,
Natasha Ali,
Omer Shahzad.
#tamashaseason2 #Tamasha #RealityShow #TheBiggestRealityShowOfPakistan
#FaizanSheikh #JunaidNiazi #ArubaMirza #omershahzad
#TheBiggestRealityShowofPakistan #Tamasha2GrandFinale


00:00:00 [AUDIO OUT]
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00:02:02 [HORN HONKING]
00:02:17 [BELL RINGING]
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00:02:25 What is this difficult task, Mr. Omar Shahzad?
00:02:29 You're absolutely right, Ms. Natasha Ali.
00:02:32 This is very challenging.
00:02:33 Everywhere.
00:02:34 [KNOCKING]
00:03:03 Yes.
00:03:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:39 [LAUGHTER]
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00:06:21 [LAUGHTER]
00:06:25 All those people who say on your face that you are not fake.
00:06:29 But you are such a snake.
00:06:33 You sent a curse on us. You are done. Game over.
00:06:36 So you are back with a curse.
00:06:37 We just woke up with a curse.
00:06:39 We are here to receive the curse.
00:06:41 - Erum... - We are...
00:06:42 - I've calculated everything, friends. - We were waiting for you for two days.
00:06:47 - We were waiting for you. - We were waiting for you.
00:06:49 Vacuum the lime while coming.
00:06:51 I can't move it.
00:06:54 *Humming*
00:06:56 Neha's...
00:06:59 When the cards scene happened in the beginning...
00:07:03 I understood that...
00:07:05 She's a sharp girl.
00:07:07 She knows how to deal everyone.
00:07:10 Her first impact was on me.
00:07:13 She is very sharp.
00:07:16 She will come here and create a scene.
00:07:20 Till the end.
00:07:22 She can flip at many places.
00:07:25 She can come in through the door.
00:07:28 She can laugh.
00:07:29 Her reaction will be different when she comes here.
00:07:32 I didn't understand that...
00:07:34 She is trustworthy.
00:07:36 I can trust her. I can make her my friend.
00:07:39 I experienced something with her.
00:07:42 I thought that she can change her mood in a second.
00:07:46 I don't think people like her are trustworthy in my life.
00:07:51 When I saw the scene with Neha...
00:07:54 I thought that she is not that bad.
00:07:59 We didn't wait for everyone.
00:08:00 - Neha just started. - Okay.
00:08:03 She is not that bad.
00:08:04 And Neha...
00:08:07 She is a bit...
00:08:11 In the beginning...
00:08:13 She is not open with everyone yet.
00:08:17 I thought that Fizan...
00:08:21 He is open with everyone.
00:08:25 I thought that he is open with everyone.
00:08:28 He listens to everyone.
00:08:29 He has everyone's weak points.
00:08:31 I think that he is not bad.
00:08:33 He is a good person.
00:08:35 But people are saying that he is...
00:08:40 ...a bad person.
00:08:42 He says something in fun.
00:08:44 We all say that.
00:08:46 And Natasha.
00:08:48 My first impression of Natasha was that she is very loud.
00:08:54 And very rude.
00:08:56 And I think she is not my type.
00:09:00 And I think I will never understand her.
00:09:04 So when I saw that in the beginning...
00:09:08 ...she was always with someone.
00:09:10 I thought that she is here to fight.
00:09:13 And she just needs a chance.
00:09:17 And she will fight when the time comes.
00:09:19 So...
00:09:21 ...when I was upset with her a few times...
00:09:23 ...and when my friends told me that...
00:09:26 ...when she is not like that...
00:09:28 ...because it is obvious.
00:09:29 When I said that, I said, "Oh, really?"
00:09:31 I think she was not feeling good.
00:09:33 I was laughing at her.
00:09:35 When I said, "You are the one who fights."
00:09:38 I think that is very bad.
00:09:41 And then I thought that...
00:09:45 ...in between...
00:09:47 Because I think that...
00:09:49 ...what happened at that time, happened.
00:09:51 And if she becomes normal...
00:09:53 ...and I become normal, I will talk normally.
00:09:57 But one thing that I...
00:09:59 ...that I didn't mention in my list, it was out.
00:10:01 So it was Natasha's impact that...
00:10:04 ...no.
00:10:06 And in between, when I talked to her normally...
00:10:10 ...my friends made me laugh a lot.
00:10:13 "Oh, really? Are you okay?"
00:10:15 I said, "No, I am not okay."
00:10:16 "If she talks normally, I will answer normally."
00:10:19 "Yes, if she yells at me, I will yell."
00:10:22 "Okay?"
00:10:23 And...
00:10:24 ...I don't consider her my friend.
00:10:28 And I don't think that...
00:10:31 ...we can be friends.
00:10:32 Like you went to jail, you said a lot.
00:10:35 And she was answering you and I was standing quietly.
00:10:39 Because when I...
00:10:41 ...got used to some things, I started answering.
00:10:44 "Okay, yes, you will give it to me. Oh, really?"
00:10:47 And then I...
00:10:48 ...you will make me go, "You go."
00:10:50 Like you say, "You go, you, this, you, this."
00:10:53 You are better than abuse, but continue please.
00:10:56 No, no, abuse...
00:10:57 ...you are saying that, okay?
00:10:59 And I didn't abuse you.
00:11:02 I was told that you came here and made a lot of noise.
00:11:05 That you were abused.
00:11:07 So if you think so, then think that...
00:11:09 ...there are a lot of people...
00:11:11 ...who have said a lot and...
00:11:14 ...have left.
00:11:17 If this is the case, then a lot of things have happened there.
00:11:21 So then it is stopped at that time.
00:11:24 Yes, because these things have been cleared before.
00:11:26 So it is better to talk about it now.
00:11:28 Yes, no, I am telling because you are saying.
00:11:30 The rest, my first impression and it is still the same.
00:11:34 That you need a hold.
00:11:36 The one who is present, you are fine with him.
00:11:41 And from the beginning I thought your target is only girls.
00:11:44 With boys, being a time...
00:11:46 Because obviously, boys have a different element.
00:11:50 The girls have a mutual tussle.
00:11:52 No, if boys misbehave, like Junaid said...
00:11:55 Junaid did, but Junaid...
00:11:56 There was a fight with him, who will misbehave?
00:11:58 I told my weakness on the first day.
00:12:02 The day I started scolding Zainab, after that I said...
00:12:05 ...who will misbehave?
00:12:06 - I can't tolerate it. - It's not about misbehaving.
00:12:08 - Whatever misbehaviour he did with me... - You...
00:12:10 - ...whether it was Junaid... - ...your assumption that this house...
00:12:12 - ...is mine. - ...whether it was Ali Sikandar...
00:12:14 ...the day he came in and said...
00:12:16 ...Nadasha, you are coming out and saying this to me again and again.
00:12:18 So we had a fight.
00:12:20 Because without thinking and asking, you shouted at me.
00:12:22 So I shouted at you too.
00:12:24 The one who misbehaved with me before...
00:12:26 - ...he heard it. - Look, misbehaviour...
00:12:27 ...you think that misbehaviour is started by the other person.
00:12:29 But somewhere or the other, it doesn't happen every time.
00:12:31 Okay, that's it. Compliments to everyone.
00:12:34 - I think we should go in the other direction. - This is a venting session.
00:12:37 - We are listening. - If you are doing it, then go ahead.
00:12:40 - Let's listen to it. - It's about listening.
00:12:43 - Everyone has heard it. - Everyone has heard it.
00:12:44 - I have said it in my interview. - Yes.
00:12:46 No, I am also listening. I am just saying that...
00:12:48 ...you are much better than that.
00:12:50 - Come on. - Okay, let's go further.
00:12:52 - No, let him say what he feels. - Let the matter be completed.
00:12:56 - Then we will go. - Everyone will say.
00:12:57 Ali, I just know that...
00:13:00 ...if I hadn't come to the show...
00:13:02 - ...then my life would have been... - ...so much better.
00:13:05 - ...so much better. - Yes.
00:13:08 - The kid was very touchy. - Oh, God!
00:13:11 - Now he is finishing it. - It's enough.
00:13:14 - What? - No, do more.
00:13:16 - Finish the matter so that... - Take it out.
00:13:18 - What else do you want to say? - You haven't given a conclusion.
00:13:21 - Take it out. Spread it out. - Yes.
00:13:23 As far as Natasha is concerned, she still needs to hold on to everything.
00:13:29 She thinks that whatever she says should be accepted.
00:13:32 And if you don't listen to her...
00:13:34 ...then your drama will start again.
00:13:39 The minister is someone else.
00:13:42 Your ministry has left.
00:13:44 So, you should leave the ministry.
00:13:47 You have OCD. Keep it to your own limits.
00:13:51 So, this is the only way...
00:13:55 ...that if you don't say anything, things will be normal.
00:14:00 My first impression is still the same.
00:14:03 - And it will be the same in future. - I remembered Mr. Bhatt's segment.
00:14:07 - Okay. - I had the first impression and the last impression.
00:14:13 - I had one and I will have one. - We don't have that.
00:14:16 It took us 2.5 minutes to get back to our frequency.
00:14:19 - We have just exited the game. - Yes.
00:14:22 - Okay. So, you... - I will meet you in my next life.
00:14:27 - I stopped laughing. - She is laughing so much.
00:14:33 I stopped laughing.
00:14:36 I will go to meet everyone.
00:14:40 Okay? But...
00:14:42 It's good. People will know how much she cares for me.
00:14:46 And how pure my heart is.
00:14:49 She spoke to me nicely for a few days.
00:14:53 And I gave my perception about her yesterday.
00:14:56 - It was very positive. - Hmm.
00:14:59 It's good. People are seeing it.
00:15:01 When she has a bad heart, God forbid, she has a good heart.
00:15:06 And I don't think people will like this.
00:15:10 - I hope... - I clean my heart so much...
00:15:14 ...that I have forgotten her things and her abuse.
00:15:18 I hope she has...
00:15:19 - ...forgotten her things. - No, no. This is not right.
00:15:23 I have a big trust issue.
00:15:27 It's good. People have heard her perception about me.
00:15:31 People have heard my positive for her yesterday.
00:15:36 She is doing bad for herself. I am not getting anything.
00:15:39 She keeps on saying bad things about me.
00:15:42 She has never said this to me before.
00:15:46 She used to say this every other day.
00:15:50 - Hmm. - That she teaches me this.
00:15:52 She wants to keep this.
00:15:54 I have OCD. I have no doubt about it.
00:15:57 I say this because of OCD. I don't pinpoint anyone.
00:16:02 - Hmm. - I don't target anyone.
00:16:04 I mean, when I went to the court four times, I felt bad.
00:16:08 I was confused. I thought it's the minister's job.
00:16:11 He has to do it. I should go and tell him.
00:16:15 I say this because of OCD.
00:16:17 There is a gun in the house. There is a gun in the kitchen.
00:16:19 Please clear it. It's obvious. It's her duty.
00:16:23 She thinks she is telling me.
00:16:25 I am not telling her.
00:16:28 It's obvious that I am feeling bad about this gun.
00:16:30 - I was judging everyone again. - Yes.
00:16:32 I was like...
00:16:34 - I was a fun element with my friends. - Yes.
00:16:36 Which one was more acting and which one was natural?
00:16:39 I was having fun in my world.
00:16:42 I was like, "Let's do this. Let's hide this."
00:16:45 - "Let's do this. Let's go to the washroom." - Yes.
00:16:48 When I was alone, I had to go.
00:16:50 I had to talk to Mishal.
00:16:52 I made a box of my thoughts and told everyone.
00:16:57 I told them that this is Danish Maqsood.
00:17:00 This is Ali. This is Junaid.
00:17:02 Now I am all alone.
00:17:04 I have to see how they behave with me.
00:17:06 - And who I am. - Yes.
00:17:08 Can someone get me a bottle of water?
00:17:10 - Thank you. - Can I say something?
00:17:12 - Yes. - Sure.
00:17:13 It's on the slab.
00:17:15 And room temperature water.
00:17:17 I told everyone.
00:17:18 When you said that he is not that bad.
00:17:22 I told him about Mishal.
00:17:24 - He came and started talking to me. - Yes.
00:17:28 And when you feel something...
00:17:30 ...he felt that I felt bad about it.
00:17:33 I felt that...
00:17:34 ...I shouldn't have said sorry.
00:17:37 They made me say sorry to Natasha.
00:17:40 Mishal went and said sorry.
00:17:42 It's his wish.
00:17:44 I will be wrong. I swear I will hold your feet.
00:17:46 I am one of those people.
00:17:48 But if I am not wrong...
00:17:49 ...then I won't say sorry.
00:17:52 I am wrong. I swear I will hold their feet.
00:17:54 I will say, forgive me. I made a mistake.
00:17:56 I didn't do anything wrong.
00:17:57 I scolded Mishal.
00:17:58 I said, what are you singing? I have improved.
00:18:01 What have you done?
00:18:02 - That crazy girl was innocent. - No.
00:18:04 - She didn't know the game. - She is laughing.
00:18:06 - I am singing like this. - What is happening?
00:18:08 - She doesn't know how to sing. - Yes.
00:18:11 I told her clearly.
00:18:12 I said, whatever it is.
00:18:14 They told me to go.
00:18:16 I said, I won't say sorry to Natasha.
00:18:18 Saying sorry is not a big deal.
00:18:20 I will say sorry to everyone.
00:18:21 I will say sorry to everyone.
00:18:24 If I hurt someone...
00:18:26 ...or if I said something wrong.
00:18:28 Seriously, it's a new morning for me.
00:18:30 I am a different person.
00:18:31 I am loud. I am on the right track.
00:18:34 I am showing my skills in the kitchen.
00:18:36 I am taking my son to school till the end of the week.
00:18:41 You are saying bad things about me.
00:18:42 You want to keep a hold on me.
00:18:44 I am hurt. I am hurt.
00:18:52 - I am hurt. - I am hurt.
00:18:54 This is the next level of keeping enmity in the heart.
00:18:58 I think you can't keep more enmity in the heart.
00:19:02 - I am not like that. - I had cleared my heart for her.
00:19:07 - So much... - You said something yesterday.
00:19:09 She is asking me for things.
00:19:11 I am giving her.
00:19:12 I gave her the liner yesterday.
00:19:14 I told her to keep it with her.
00:19:15 I don't have much time.
00:19:15 It takes time to give it to you.
00:19:18 Anyway, I don't want to repeat this.
00:19:20 I have cleared my heart for you.
00:19:22 You have created new enmity in my heart.
00:19:25 You have left the old one.
00:19:26 Are you feeling better that you took it out?
00:19:30 Yes, definitely.
00:19:32 What do you mean by that?
00:19:34 I was thinking about it.
00:19:37 - I... - So, it's right that you took it out.
00:19:40 I have a different one with you.
00:19:43 I have someone for me.
00:19:45 And it's right.
00:19:46 We shouldn't judge.
00:19:49 A person doesn't keep it in the heart.
00:19:50 He takes it out.
00:19:51 When I was upset with her, I told her to come to me.
00:19:54 I would have kept it in my heart.
00:19:56 I told her that I felt bad.
00:19:57 You were talking to me.
00:19:58 I was talking to you.
00:19:58 And you left.
00:19:59 If you think that I am your best friend...
00:20:03 ...then at least...
00:20:04 ...if you and she are standing here...
00:20:07 ...and I think that she is my best friend...
00:20:09 ...then my first purity is 0.5.
00:20:12 I respect you and I am calling you my friend.
00:20:13 But 0.5 is too much for her.
00:20:15 But if I don't do it for her, then it's not right.
00:20:18 I thought that Urba is not the one to keep it in the heart.
00:20:21 Like me.
00:20:22 I took it out of my heart.
00:20:23 So, Urba must have taken it out of her heart.
00:20:24 But it didn't happen.
00:20:26 Today, on the last day of the sixth week...
00:20:29 ...Urba made me realize again...
00:20:32 ...that she is not the one to keep it in the heart.
00:20:36 She has kept it in her heart.
00:20:38 I know she is right.
00:20:39 She is not my friend.
00:20:41 And I understood that she will never be my friend.
00:20:46 Because she has kept it in her heart.
00:20:48 For me.
00:20:49 Anyway, I was hurt.
00:20:52 And I know that I had stopped my tears...
00:20:55 ...like this there.
00:20:59 [sobs]
00:21:01 [sobs]
00:21:03 I don't cry so easily.
00:21:26 [sobs]
00:21:29 [sniffs]
00:21:30 [sighs]
00:21:33 [sniffs]
00:21:34 [sighs]
00:21:39 I was washing the dishes three weeks ago.
00:21:41 I said, "You're playing in the wrong team."
00:21:42 I didn't understand Fizan.
00:21:44 I thought he will play well.
00:21:47 I thought that they are weak.
00:21:50 I saw that there is a group here.
00:21:53 And there is a group here.
00:21:54 Then I purposefully chose...
00:21:56 ...my wife to match in this group.
00:21:58 I'm sorry.
00:21:59 I did so much for Nihal.
00:22:06 I was hurt more than her.
00:22:08 And after listening to her, I cried.
00:22:10 I'm taking care of you so much.
00:22:12 I'm feeling for you so much.
00:22:14 You didn't let any chance go by...
00:22:16 ...that how to be hostile with her.
00:22:18 Then, with Aruba, I liked that cake.
00:22:22 When you were holding it and we were eating it.
00:22:27 I thought there was nothing in her heart.
00:22:29 I had cleaned my heart.
00:22:30 I was talking to her everyday.
00:22:32 So, today I didn't get angry.
00:22:35 Today I was hurt.
00:22:36 I was hurt a lot.
00:22:38 I was very sad.
00:22:40 That you don't have the courage to clean your heart.
00:22:43 Yesterday, when I touched Natasha's hand...
00:22:47 ...I was shocked.
00:22:49 I told her...
00:22:51 I told her quietly. I didn't tell anyone.
00:22:53 Because she was standing there.
00:22:55 She was thinking that I was telling her.
00:23:00 That she was going to have a baby.
00:23:03 It's a good thing.
00:23:06 I was not able to do it with her.
00:23:08 Yes, what's there in it?
00:23:09 I don't know what's in her heart.
00:23:11 That Natasha has taken away the kitchen's duty from me.
00:23:14 I don't have such thoughts in my heart.
00:23:16 I was saying the same thing to Faizan.
00:23:20 I said that the activity has gone somewhere else.
00:23:22 Everyone took it as an activity.
00:23:23 It was a perception. I also gave a comment about it yesterday.
00:23:26 - Because... - I didn't take it out.
00:23:28 It was my first impression.
00:23:29 It was something that you haven't done.
00:23:32 So, you should do it in front of everyone.
00:23:34 So, it went somewhere else.
00:23:37 - It's okay. - But I...
00:23:39 People must have seen the positive comment I gave.
00:23:42 I saw that too.
00:23:43 But I didn't say it to Aruba.
00:23:45 I said, "Are you feeling right? You took it out."
00:23:48 "You didn't keep it."
00:23:49 She said, "I don't keep it in my heart. I took it out."
00:23:51 I said, "Okay, I said it."
00:23:53 - I took it out every week. - Yes.
00:23:54 If I hadn't taken it out, it would have been better for me.
00:23:58 But I got a shock once again.
00:24:00 "Sister, you clean your heart."
00:24:03 "The next person doesn't clean it. So, be straight."
00:24:07 It was necessary for me to be there.
00:24:08 I was sad that she felt that I wanted to hold.
00:24:15 - No. - Yes.
00:24:16 - I told someone to hold. - Yes.
00:24:18 - But she felt... - I gave her responsibility.
00:24:20 Now, it's her responsibility to clean.
00:24:22 I'll come to the point of cleaning and say, "This is...
00:24:25 ...it will get dirty."
00:24:26 I was telling Ali that you appreciated me.
00:24:29 - Because you did it, I must have been able to do it. - Yes.
00:24:33 So, instead of appreciating me...
00:24:36 ...she's saying that you want to hold.
00:24:38 - No. - I don't want to hold anything.
00:24:39 I told her on the first day.
00:24:41 I told everyone that I told her later.
00:24:43 I said, "It's okay. I gave her responsibility."
00:24:45 "I have to ask her at the end of the day."
00:24:46 "I don't want to ask anyone. I'll ask her."
00:24:48 And the second thing is, Vineet, I have OCD problem.
00:24:51 From the first day, when I'm forced to say, "I'm forced."
00:24:56 I don't know about it. I don't even remember...
00:24:58 ...if it's Junaid's turn, Urbaan's turn or Neha's turn.
00:25:02 But my problem is that I'm forced. I know it's my fault.
00:25:06 I have OCD. I have to say it wherever I see the dirt.
00:25:08 - "Junaid is dirty. Junaid is not cleaning the kitchen." - Self-harm.
00:25:11 "Junaid is blinded."
00:25:13 I'm not pointing that out to anyone.
00:25:15 - It's my problem from here. - I know.
00:25:17 - And that's why... - I never stopped you...
00:25:19 ...asking why you say it.
00:25:21 I never said, "Don't say it."
00:25:22 - You're telling the right thing. - So, she herself said OCD...
00:25:26 ...and made a mistake.
00:25:28 I might be complaining to you to get work done.
00:25:32 - If this wasn't the reason... - I know.
00:25:35 I'm not angry. I'm hurt.
00:25:37 No, you don't get hurt.
00:25:38 So many people have told me so many things.
00:25:41 I smile and say, "I know that. God knows how I am."
00:25:45 - True. - "What I have to do."
00:25:46 If people keep talking to me or say things to me...
00:25:50 ...and I keep caring for them...
00:25:52 ...I'll go crazy.
00:25:53 Everyone will get one egg from tomorrow. We've calculated that too.
00:25:58 - But why? - Because I'm putting 12 eggs in this...
00:25:59 ...for now and for dinner tonight.
00:26:02 So, everyone will get their own...
00:26:04 - What are you doing? - Haroopa has boiled the eggs.
00:26:07 - This is for the salad. Take it out. - There are so many.
00:26:10 Everyone will get one egg from tomorrow.
00:26:12 - So, let's put it all together. - "Hiding my heart."
00:26:16 - "Hiding my heart." - Yes.
00:26:19 - I'm taking one egg from this. - It's up to you.
00:26:22 There are 8 eggs in this.
00:26:25 - We'll have a budget tomorrow. - Yes, God willing.
00:26:28 - Did you bring the plates? - Haroopa?
00:26:31 But the flatbreads are good.
00:26:33 - The flatbreads are less. - It's done.
00:26:36 - What do we put in the plate? - Eggs.
00:26:39 - Eggs. - Eggs and parathas.
00:26:41 I'll hit you with this plate.
00:26:45 - I have a good idea. - "Eggs, eggs."
00:26:47 - "Eggs, eggs." - I'll put this in.
00:26:49 - It's in two portions. - I'll put it in.
00:26:52 - The parathas are downstairs. - One is for Umar and the other is for me.
00:26:55 - Here. - Give it to Haroopa.
00:26:57 - Look at the egg. - It's being cooked.
00:27:00 - I'll put this in. - Don't put it all.
00:27:06 - Narish, take this. - I'll put this in.
00:27:08 - This is for Umar. - Keep it for yourself.
00:27:11 - I'll put this in. - I put it aside so that the kids don't know.
00:27:13 - I won't eat it all. - Take some from this.
00:27:16 This is my flatbread.
00:27:18 It's not a flatbread.
00:27:20 - It's being cooked. - It's being cooked.
00:27:22 - My flatbread. - Oh, God!
00:27:25 This idea is really good. I think you'll like it.
00:27:40 - So listen. - Flies. Float.
00:27:41 There's extra sugar.
00:27:43 - Your idea. - There's extra eggs.
00:27:44 - It's done. - And... No.
00:27:47 Six eggs can easily make French toast for everyone.
00:27:51 - Wow! - Quickly.
00:27:53 And there's extra milk.
00:27:55 - There's no use of milk. - No, there's a little milk.
00:27:57 - The girl has brought it. - It's good.
00:27:59 - Exactly. - It has milk in it.
00:28:01 - Not bad. Very good. - But my friend should have toast for French toast.
00:28:04 - There's extra eggs. - There's bread tomorrow.
00:28:06 - Yes. - There's bread tomorrow.
00:28:08 - The idea is... - It's really good.
00:28:09 - Let's do it. You can do it. - It's the last day.
00:28:12 - We'll get a break. - Yes, we'll get a break.
00:28:14 - It's the last day. - Let's keep two or three pans.
00:28:17 - Vote for... - And two or three pans...
00:28:19 Vote for Amen.
00:28:20 - I'm okay for the pan. - Keep two or three pans.
00:28:22 - Dip the eggs and fry them. - But I'll make it.
00:28:24 - It's cold. - Hardly six to seven eggs will be added.
00:28:27 - Which is good enough for everyone. - I'll make it.
00:28:29 No, ask everyone.
00:28:30 If no one eats, then keep making eggs on one pan.
00:28:33 - The rest... - It's 30 minutes.
00:28:35 If everyone wants to eat French toast, they'll make it.
00:28:38 - Not everyone can eat. - If not everyone, it'll be a waste.
00:28:40 - That's not the issue. - Okay.
00:28:42 Keep making it on one pan.
00:28:44 Keep making eggs on one pan.
00:28:45 If more people want to eat French toast, we can make it.
00:28:48 - Because... - You'll make it for me.
00:28:50 - I'm up for French toast. - Same here.
00:28:52 - Same here. - Same here.
00:28:53 One, two, three, four, five.
00:28:55 Now two will come.
00:28:56 Then three will be left.
00:28:57 Junaid won't eat because he's on a strict diet.
00:29:00 Then eat one toast.
00:29:01 - You have to eat eggs. - Eat one toast.
00:29:03 - Yes. - Eat it in French toast.
00:29:05 - Yes. - What's wrong with that?
00:29:06 - Eat eggs. - It'll ruin your plans.
00:29:08 Otherwise, it'll be fried.
00:29:09 Because I've thought of the eggs for salad.
00:29:14 - I want six to seven eggs. - I'm listening to you quietly.
00:29:18 - We have 21 eggs. - Salad.
00:29:19 - 22. - 22.
00:29:20 - Okay. - It's possible.
00:29:22 Neha is saying...
00:29:24 - Junaid is here. Neha is saying... - Listen, Mr. Vazir...
00:29:27 ...that instead of fried eggs, we should make French toast.
00:29:30 I don't have a problem with anything.
00:29:34 - I don't like food. - And then we have...
00:29:36 I want to make salad. What's wrong?
00:29:38 - I want to make salad. - I'm from Chitrakoot.
00:29:40 - We'll eat fried eggs. - We'll eat fried eggs.
00:29:42 - We'll eat fried eggs. - We'll eat fried eggs.
00:29:44 - 20 eggs. - I want 21...
00:29:46 - He's talking on the mic. - Yes, one is empty.
00:29:48 - Listen, 20 eggs. - I want to use them in salad.
00:29:50 - Junaid, what's going on? - Make six eggs.
00:29:53 - Breakfast. - We have to make it at night.
00:29:56 And tomorrow morning...
00:29:57 I've announced the breakfast eggs.
00:29:59 - Everyone will get one. - Yes, one egg.
00:30:01 - I want to make salad. - We're making French toast.
00:30:04 Make the rest of the salad.
00:30:05 - Put the rest of the French toast in a bowl. - Yes.
00:30:07 Everyone will get one egg. You make it.
00:30:09 - Yes. - Put it in the same bowl.
00:30:11 - One egg is enough. - Three, four, five...
00:30:13 - Two toasts are made in one egg. - Seven eggs.
00:30:15 - If you get seven eggs, it's easy. - Seven is more than four.
00:30:18 - Seven is more than four. - Exactly.
00:30:19 - Two toasts are made in one egg. - How many eggs will you put?
00:30:21 - Exactly. Two toasts are made in one egg. - I've left eight eggs for tomorrow morning.
00:30:25 - I want to use the rest of them today, in the night and tomorrow afternoon. - Yes.
00:30:30 - If you use 12 eggs in the afternoon, you'll have eight eggs. - Yes.
00:30:33 - Eight eggs. - Eight eggs.
00:30:34 - I think we'll have salad. - Eight eggs, you'll have seven eggs.
00:30:36 - I'll have two eggs for breakfast. - We'll make seven eggs.
00:30:39 I'm saying seven eggs.
00:30:40 - Six to seven eggs is enough. - One egg, two toasts...
00:30:42 - You're the only one who's... - One egg is enough.
00:30:45 - You'll have one egg. - Seven eggs.
00:30:46 I mean, I'll have my fried egg.
00:30:49 - I'm saying... - I'll have French toast.
00:30:53 - Yes. - I'll have my fried egg.
00:30:55 It's my responsibility. I'll feed you.
00:30:56 - Don't worry about it. - You're the egg man.
00:30:58 - There are many seven eggs. - Yes.
00:31:00 - Because it has milk. It'll be better. - You'll have to eat.
00:31:04 If Faizan has said something,
00:31:07 he has said it in a negative way.
00:31:11 Like we sit together, we talk to each other.
00:31:14 The group that was formed for two weeks,
00:31:16 we didn't want that to happen.
00:31:19 But the group was formed.
00:31:21 Five people are sitting separately.
00:31:23 So, Faizan, I don't think he took a part in it.
00:31:27 From the point of view of playing games,
00:31:31 he took a part in this drama.
00:31:33 Like everyone else did.
00:31:35 Urba also took a part in it.
00:31:37 I mean, he was also separate.
00:31:39 Now, after five weeks,
00:31:41 he has come forward and started sitting.
00:31:44 Otherwise, we didn't see Urba.
00:31:46 - Yes. - We didn't see Faizan either.
00:31:47 If he was there, he would be sitting alone.
00:31:50 Sometimes, he would be outside.
00:31:51 If he was in the group,
00:31:52 I would never see him talking.
00:31:55 Now, Faizan...
00:31:58 If he was like this from the first day, first week or second week...
00:32:01 - But I... - So, Faizan...
00:32:03 - He is a good man. - He is a better person.
00:32:04 - He is a sensible man. - But I saw him change his mood.
00:32:07 Why...
00:32:08 I didn't understand Faizan.
00:32:11 I thought he would play well and have fun with them.
00:32:14 I swear, I was encouraged by seeing Faizan and you.
00:32:18 - I was encouraged by seeing Ambar. - They are old friends.
00:32:21 We have chemistry. We know each other.
00:32:24 - We will have fun. - Yes.
00:32:26 But the scenario changed after coming here.
00:32:29 But Faizan...
00:32:33 He thought that they are weak.
00:32:36 They are good contestants. He should be with them.
00:32:40 - Yes. - I might be wrong.
00:32:42 - I have my own opinion. - Yes.
00:32:43 So, Ambar, Junaid and this party...
00:32:46 They were more involved in making friends.
00:32:48 They thought that this party is strong.
00:32:50 They will play well.
00:32:52 They will keep playing. So, he should be with them.
00:32:56 But God did this...
00:33:00 - God gives respect to everyone. - Of course.
00:33:02 Even if...
00:33:03 - He makes people win. - Of course.
00:33:05 Even if the big people...
00:33:07 If you expect someone to win...
00:33:10 - He can't win. - I told Neha three weeks ago.
00:33:14 - Yes. - I asked her that day.
00:33:15 I asked her if she remembers me. She said, "Yes."
00:33:18 I asked her what she remembers. She said the same thing.
00:33:20 I said, "Thank God, she remembers."
00:33:21 I asked her if she is okay. She said, "Yes."
00:33:23 I told her that I was washing the utensils three weeks ago.
00:33:25 I told her that she was playing in the wrong team.
00:33:29 - I know. - She said, "No, I know."
00:33:32 I said, "Okay. You know."
00:33:34 - She realized... - Look at this.
00:33:36 - I have done this to Ashraf. - She realized what happened to her.
00:33:39 People who tell me that I have this vibe from the beginning...
00:33:42 - I tell you, Faizan. You get vibes. - How many people...
00:33:46 - There were seven people in this game. - Yes.
00:33:48 There were seven people except me.
00:33:49 Everyone started with this.
00:33:51 I had this vibe from the beginning that I am neutral.
00:33:53 I was neutral because I was seeing...
00:33:55 - ...where my vibe matches. - Yes.
00:33:58 When I understood a few things...
00:34:00 ...and I realized that there is a group here...
00:34:03 ...and there is a group here.
00:34:04 Then I purposefully chose...
00:34:06 ...that my vibe matches more in this group.
00:34:09 You, Rane and Junaid were the three main reasons.
00:34:15 I had more interest in this group.
00:34:18 Like, Umar left this group and went there.
00:34:20 - Umar was with you guys. - Yes.
00:34:22 His vibe matched there. He went there.
00:34:24 Everyone did this.
00:34:26 There were five people on one side and seven people on the other.
00:34:28 - Three groups out of five. - Three groups.
00:34:30 There was no group among the boys.
00:34:32 I still wrote that there are two codes.
00:34:34 I also say that I get the same thing...
00:34:36 ...by going around and I don't understand...
00:34:38 ...that did I play neutral in the beginning and did I do wrong?
00:34:41 Or...
00:34:43 ...did I tell them later that my interest is in this group...
00:34:46 ...and did I do wrong? I don't know.
00:34:48 Despite everything...
00:34:50 ...what did you say?
00:34:52 - Face of the... - Group.
00:34:55 The group was Aruba.
00:34:56 They said that whoever came...
00:34:58 ...whether it was Faizan or Junaid...
00:35:00 - They said it was Aruba. - Yes.
00:35:02 Why did they say that? I don't understand.
00:35:03 Faizan.
00:35:04 Why did they say that?
00:35:07 I got stuck with that sentence.
00:35:09 - That Faizan is a mastermind. - I am intelligent.
00:35:11 I said, I am not a mastermind.
00:35:13 Natasha.
00:35:16 - Natasha. - Yes.
00:35:18 - Come fast. - Mom.
00:35:20 Mom.
00:35:21 - Hello, Natasha. - Hello.
00:35:24 Mom.
00:35:25 Hello.
00:35:29 How are you?
00:35:31 - I am fine. - How is my daughter?
00:35:34 I am fine, mom.
00:35:35 Okay.
00:35:38 - Don't cry. Mom is crying too. - Talk, Natasha.
00:35:43 - She is crying too. - Talk.
00:35:44 I am fine. I was just missing you.
00:35:52 Mom, I am fine. I was just missing you. Don't worry.
00:35:56 I was missing you. There is nothing to worry about.
00:36:00 I see you every time, dear.
00:36:04 - Yes. - You are doing it with a lot of courage.
00:36:06 You have shown a lot of courage.
00:36:09 I see it.
00:36:12 God bless you.
00:36:13 People are praising you a lot.
00:36:15 Everyone is praising you.
00:36:17 If you cry, I will cry too.
00:36:20 No, I am not crying. I was just missing you.
00:36:23 Yes.
00:36:26 It has never happened that I talk to you every day.
00:36:29 - Yes, it is like that. - I am in Islamabad too.
00:36:31 - It is like that. - I talk to Shahzaib every day.
00:36:35 I haven't talked to you in so many days.
00:36:37 I haven't even seen your face.
00:36:38 - That is why I am not talking to you. - Yes, it is like that.
00:36:41 - I see you every day. - Yes.
00:36:44 But it is like that. I never take a glass of water at home.
00:36:47 You are working so hard.
00:36:49 You are cooking food, making tea and feeding everyone.
00:36:53 - Yes. - Yes?
00:36:54 - Absolutely. - And at home...
00:36:56 Now that you are here, you have to do all the work.
00:36:59 You are playing with your true heart and true style.
00:37:03 You are taking care of everyone.
00:37:05 I am surprised that I see this training in you.
00:37:10 I am happy.
00:37:12 Thank God that you are doing well with everyone.
00:37:18 You are taking care of everyone. I am very happy.
00:37:21 And those who think you are wrong,
00:37:25 they might not think you are right.
00:37:27 You are right. You are a little loud.
00:37:29 - People have voted for you. - I was most worried about you.
00:37:35 Because I was thinking that you had told me not to go.
00:37:39 - That if it is a reality show... - Yes, I told you.
00:37:43 I am here and I am loud about a few things.
00:37:46 So, don't be upset about the fact that I told you not to go.
00:37:50 I told you not to go because people will see you and talk to you.
00:37:54 But you appreciated it. That means I won.
00:37:57 Even if I don't win, I won because my mother said so.
00:38:00 Everyone else is playing well.
00:38:03 - Yes. - It is a great blessing of Umar
00:38:06 that he never fought with you.
00:38:10 - Yes. - Everyone else has fought.
00:38:14 - Everyone else has fought. - Don't say anything yet.
00:38:18 Aunty, when will I get to eat food cooked by you?
00:38:21 - Come whenever you want. - Okay.
00:38:23 - It is your home. - God willing.
00:38:25 Everyone else... Ali, Danish...
00:38:28 Ali is playing well.
00:38:31 Danish is also very good. God willing, everyone is good.
00:38:34 Aunty, take care of yourself. Remember me in your prayers.
00:38:37 - Remember me in your prayers. - God willing.
00:38:40 - Pray for us all. - People are liking me.
00:38:43 - Oh! - Thank you, mother.
00:38:46 - Thank you, Umar. - Thank you, Umar.
00:38:48 Thank you so much. I can see my mother's face.
00:38:52 - God willing. - Beautiful.
00:38:56 Happy?
00:38:59 - Natasha. - Natasha.
00:39:03 - Natasha. - She eats.
00:39:05 - Rohina. - She is good.
00:39:07 - She is fine. - She was so happy.
00:39:10 - She is fine. - God willing.
00:39:11 - Give me a tissue. - She is beautiful.
00:39:13 - Look at the mirror. - She is the same.
00:39:15 - I was wondering where Natasha came from. - Give me a pair of glasses.
00:39:18 - One small Natasha and one big Natasha. - Copy-paste.
00:39:22 Give me a pair of glasses. I want to see myself.
00:39:25 - We have a small Natasha and a big Natasha. - A big Natasha.
00:39:28 - We have three. - I will become Natasha.
00:39:31 I will wear glasses. I look like my mother.
00:39:34 I didn't say that I have a daughter.
00:39:38 - God willing. - God willing.
00:39:39 I have brought a budget task.
00:39:41 - There are eight people left. - Yes.
00:39:42 It will be a team of two.
00:39:43 You will get 200 points for crossing difficult paths.
00:39:47 Slow, slow, slow. Danish, slow.
00:39:49 - Slow. - Oh!
00:39:51 I don't know what is the hurry.
00:39:53 Hello, friends. I hope you are fine.
00:40:06 You are watching Tamasha Season 2.
00:40:09 Presented by Bright Powered by Kashmir Banazpati and Cooking Oil.
00:40:12 I will give them a task today.
00:40:15 It is for ration.
00:40:17 Let's go inside.
00:40:19 - Hello. - Hello.
00:40:21 - How are you? - We are fine.
00:40:24 - Natasha, did you talk to your mother? - Yes.
00:40:27 - How was it? - It was great.
00:40:30 - Sit down. - I spoke to her at the end.
00:40:33 It was great. Thank you so much for letting me talk.
00:40:38 I am very happy to see her.
00:40:41 What did she want to say?
00:40:43 She wanted to say...
00:40:45 I think she said that she took the names of two or three people
00:40:49 and left them to speak ill of you.
00:40:52 These three people only spoke ill of you.
00:40:54 She said something else. I told her to wait.
00:40:57 - So, Ali, Danish and... - And Umar.
00:41:01 - They didn't speak ill of you. - I don't know.
00:41:06 Your mother is saying that.
00:41:08 - Tell her to look at the app. - I stopped her.
00:41:15 You will know.
00:41:17 - You can't imagine how many bad things happened. - Great.
00:41:26 - And it has happened today. - Really?
00:41:29 - Yes. - Great.
00:41:31 Let's leave that.
00:41:34 What is left to eat?
00:41:36 We have flour, rice, sugar, lentils, milk,
00:41:42 - lentils, vegetables... - Vegetables.
00:41:45 - So, we don't need to budget. - No, we don't.
00:41:48 We are not making lentils and vegetables on purpose.
00:41:50 - We don't have time. - We have less time.
00:41:52 So, we have cooked eggs both times.
00:41:54 - And we hope to do the same for the third time. - Very good.
00:41:58 I have brought a budget task.
00:42:01 We have to make a team before the task.
00:42:03 - There are 8 people left. - Yes, sir.
00:42:05 It will be a 2-2 team.
00:42:07 The name of the game is "Difficult Paths".
00:42:10 If you cross the difficult path every time,
00:42:13 you will get 200 points.
00:42:16 And if you play every time,
00:42:19 one team will get 5 minutes.
00:42:21 Let's do this.
00:42:23 Before we take you there and make you understand,
00:42:26 - make a team. - Yes, sir.
00:42:28 - I will choose Natasha. - Natasha.
00:42:31 Okay, Aruba.
00:42:33 - Junaid. - Junaid.
00:42:37 - Umar. - Danish.
00:42:40 Danish. Very good. Ali and Neha's team.
00:42:43 Come. Follow me.
00:42:49 (SILENCE)
00:42:52 Let's make a team.
00:42:59 Let's make you and Neha stand for an example.
00:43:04 Let's see how it goes. Neha, go that way.
00:43:08 Allah-o-Affiz. Come here.
00:43:15 Pick up the ball.
00:43:18 Take it from the difficult path.
00:43:21 Slowly.
00:43:26 - Slowly. - It's a light move.
00:43:28 Let's say you have brought it here.
00:43:30 Now you...
00:43:32 Pass it to them.
00:43:35 - You missed it. - Okay.
00:43:43 So basically, the more you do this,
00:43:46 it will keep coming here.
00:43:49 - 200 points for one ball. - Yes, sir.
00:43:53 Now in five minutes, you can do four.
00:43:56 Do all of them.
00:43:58 - It's your turn. - I will do five.
00:44:00 If you do a thousand, it will be a big deal.
00:44:02 - If you do 3200, it will be great. - Yes, sir.
00:44:04 I don't think you can do a thousand.
00:44:06 Three, two, one, go.
00:44:13 - Slowly. - Slowly.
00:44:15 Slowly.
00:44:17 Slowly.
00:44:19 Slowly.
00:44:21 Slowly.
00:44:23 Slowly.
00:44:25 Slowly.
00:44:27 Slowly.
00:44:29 Slowly.
00:44:31 Slowly.
00:44:33 Slowly.
00:44:35 Slowly.
00:44:37 Slowly.
00:44:39 Slowly.
00:44:41 I have given you more than five minutes.
00:44:44 - You can put it down. - Slow.
00:44:46 - Dhani, slow. - Goal.
00:44:48 Goal.
00:44:50 I am hungry because of the tension.
00:45:00 - But the ration... - 12 seconds. What's the use?
00:45:04 What's the point of making sweet and sour?
00:45:07 - You can't use milk. - Almond and pistachio.
00:45:10 - Who is at 13? - Aruba.
00:45:12 Take the balls.
00:45:14 - Easy. Relax. - Go.
00:45:19 Don't rush.
00:45:21 - The timer is on. - The timer is on.
00:45:23 Junaid, keep a light movement.
00:45:26 - Start. - Aruba, start.
00:45:28 - Aruba, keep it ahead. - Very slow.
00:45:30 - Aruba, very slow. - Aruba, keep it slow.
00:45:33 - Aruba, slow. - Junaid should be here.
00:45:35 That's it.
00:45:39 - Keep it very light. - Go back.
00:45:42 - It's coming fast. - It's rolling fast.
00:45:46 The ball is heavy.
00:45:48 - Aruba, balance it. - I am getting a week's work.
00:45:51 Bring it slow.
00:45:53 Bring it back. Bring it up.
00:45:56 - Junaid, come here. - Shift it.
00:45:58 - Come fast. - He has to be steady.
00:46:02 No.
00:46:04 Well done, Junaid.
00:46:12 Well done. Well done, Aruba.
00:46:30 Aruba, bring it down.
00:46:32 - Pick it up. - Slow.
00:46:34 - Slow. - It was very good.
00:46:37 Aruba, collect it from the bottom.
00:46:39 We have milk, tea, sugar and flour.
00:46:43 We can't eat it with water or kava.
00:46:47 It's easy. Keep it there.
00:46:51 - Very good. - We shouldn't go first.
00:46:54 - Very good. - Easy.
00:46:56 - Easy. - Easy.
00:46:59 - I don't know why you are in a hurry. - It's okay. It will be done.
00:47:03 Come on.
00:47:13 - Go. - Do you want to ride a scooter from this side or that?
00:47:17 - From this side. - Let's go for it.
00:47:19 Let me check it first. If I am not satisfied, you can come.
00:47:22 - I am not satisfied. - Stop it. Keep it stable.
00:47:25 - You have more balls. - Keep it stable.
00:47:28 - It was spinning fast. - It's easy.
00:47:31 - It's a test. - This is the only movement.
00:47:34 - Junaid, can you switch off the AC? - Stop it first.
00:47:39 - Let them play this difficult game. - Okay.
00:47:43 - We will take 3200 points. - No, we can't take 3200.
00:47:46 It's a difficult game. We didn't take a single ball.
00:47:49 - We are on your shoulders. - Sister-in-law.
00:47:52 Uncle, I will show you.
00:47:54 Look at my hand.
00:47:56 It's shaking.
00:47:58 - Ali, let's go. - Difficult ways of Pake.
00:48:03 - Let's try it. - I was planning it.
00:48:08 - Oh, God. - You can do it, Mr. Ali Sikander.
00:48:16 - Danish, tell them that you will do your duty. - Yes, I will do it.
00:48:19 But let him do his duty.
00:48:21 - It's a matter of ration. - Come on, Ali.
00:48:25 When we were talking about French toast and coffee,
00:48:29 I was thinking about earning points first.
00:48:32 Then I will think about cleaning the ration.
00:48:36 Come on, Ali. There is still time.
00:48:39 - Not like this. - Come on.
00:48:43 - I bow to the emperor. - Emperor.
00:48:47 - This is the last chance. - Give me food.
00:48:51 - We are helpless. - Come on.
00:48:55 - Give me food. - I am hungry.
00:48:59 - I am hungry. - Give me food.
00:49:02 - Give me food. - Give me food.
00:49:05 - I am hungry. - Long live the emperor.
00:49:11 - Long live the emperor. - We were talking about coffee.
00:49:15 - Forgive us. - Emperor.
00:49:18 You do whatever you want in the matter of hunger.
00:49:24 - You do whatever you want. - Forgive us.
00:49:29 - The camera is there. - Forgive us.
00:49:34 - Forgive us. - The camera is there.
00:49:38 - Forgive us. - Long live the emperor.
00:49:42 - Long live the emperor. - Long live the emperor.
00:49:46 - We have had enough. - Long live the emperor.
00:49:51 - We have had enough. - Long live the emperor.
00:49:55 - Give us food. - We have had enough.
00:49:59 - Long live the emperor. - We have had enough.
00:50:03 - We have had enough. - We have had enough.
00:50:08 - If you give us 20 more minutes, we will have nothing.
00:50:17 Now make a new team.
00:50:20 - I am giving you one more chance. - Yes, sir.
00:50:24 - Me and Arun. - Me and you.
00:50:26 - You play. - You and me.
00:50:29 - He is doing well. - We will play four.
00:50:32 - Me and Arun. - Wait.
00:50:34 - Wait. - No, Dhanesh.
00:50:36 - If everyone wants to play. - This is the only earning.
00:50:40 - Those who want to keep the balance, play. - We will take a risk.
00:50:43 - We will play. - We will take a chance.
00:50:46 One, go.
00:50:48 Umar, slow. Dheni is also slow.
00:50:51 - Slow. - I will play.
00:50:55 Slow. Faster.
00:51:03 - Very good, Junaid. - Very good.
00:51:06 - Junaid, be careful. - Very good.
00:51:15 It will be done.
00:51:17 - Yes. - Come on.
00:51:30 What is he receiving?
00:51:40 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:51:43 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:51:46 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:51:49 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:51:52 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:51:55 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:51:58 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:01 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:04 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:07 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:10 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:13 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:16 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:19 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:22 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:25 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:28 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:31 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:34 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:37 - What is he receiving? - It's a ball.
00:52:40 - Very good, Junaid. - He's receiving everything.
00:52:42 Easy. Keep it easy. It's just two minutes.
00:52:45 - He'll get two balls. - Bring it slowly.
00:52:49 Listen to me. Let's send him again.
00:52:52 - Only if we get him again. - All the teams will get him.
00:52:56 - Who told you? - Don't make excuses.
00:52:59 - We'll give you a chance. - Easy.
00:53:02 All the teams will play.
00:53:05 God willing.
00:53:09 We just practiced.
00:53:11 - He knows we practiced. - He's a good player.
00:53:16 He's very humble.
00:53:19 - Very good, Junaid. - One more, boys.
00:53:22 Very good.
00:53:25 - Keep quiet. Omar, concentrate. - I am so sorry.
00:53:29 Balance.
00:53:37 Very good.
00:53:39 Yes!
00:53:57 - We don't have time. - Keep standing.
00:54:01 - You got 1000 points. - What?
00:54:06 - He hit me. - Genuine player.
00:54:08 I saw the balance between Omar and Junaid.
00:54:10 I said, let's play Omar and Junaid.
00:54:13 - What are you doing? - Don't move.
00:54:16 - Move back. - I am just taking a picture.
00:54:19 It didn't fall.
00:54:27 - It's saved. - Brilliant.
00:54:31 You played very well.
00:54:35 We'll come back.
00:54:37 - Well played. - Who's next?
00:54:40 - Come on. - It's time.
00:54:44 - Who's next? - Me.
00:54:47 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:54:50 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:54:53 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:54:56 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:54:59 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:02 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:05 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:08 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:11 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:14 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:17 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:20 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:23 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:26 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:29 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:32 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:35 - I'll go. - No, you go.
00:55:38 - I know I slapped him. - Yes.
00:55:42 - Come on. - He's not coming out of the game.
00:55:46 - He missed one. - No problem.
00:55:49 - He missed one. - Amazing.
00:55:52 Never mind.
00:55:55 - Everyone is out. - 12 points.
00:55:58 - You saw that this could have been a game. - Yes, sir.
00:56:02 There's a will, there's a way.
00:56:05 Everyone, play with your brains.
00:56:08 1400 points.
00:56:11 - Enjoy. - Thank you.
00:56:14 Thank you, Umar Iqbal. Ali and Peja.
00:56:32 - You scared me. - Thank God.
00:56:36 We were lying down.
00:56:39 - I'm in jail. - As soon as the music stopped,
00:56:42 I thought I could do this. I just lied down.
00:56:45 - Bye. - He said he's a criminal.
00:56:51 I've locked myself up. I've been in jail for 48 hours.
00:56:55 - No bail. - For 48 hours?
00:57:00 - Ali. - Promo.
00:57:03 - You know, you don't get a meal for 48 hours. - Don't give me two meals.
00:57:07 Don't give me two days.
00:57:10 - Hey, bro. - Yes.
00:57:12 - Hey, bro. - He's a pensioner. He's pretending.
00:57:16 I don't want to go to jail, you snake.
00:57:20 Don't make me do it.
00:57:26 - I don't want to go to jail. - I don't want to go to jail.
00:57:30 You snake.
00:57:33 I'm going to be in jail for the rest of my life.
00:57:38 Thank you.
00:57:41 I want to vote for Zapp app.
00:57:45 And I want to stay here.
00:57:47 I'm ready to stay here for a week after the finale.
00:57:50 Until the votes are in.
00:57:53 - Please. - I'm going to be in jail for the rest of my life.
00:57:57 - He's asking. - It's my duty.
00:58:00 I'll trap you in a web of lies and pull you out of your death.
00:58:07 - If you become a rat now. - Hey, I'm ready.
00:58:11 Hey, bro.
00:58:20 I want to see you in my revenge.
00:58:27 - I swear on your doll. - Hey, bro.
00:58:31 Don't do this. Your record will be ruined.
00:58:36 We didn't see it last time.
00:58:40 We won't be able to tolerate it now.
00:58:43 We were neutral in that case.
00:58:48 Now we're confused.
00:58:52 We're so confused.
00:58:58 - Enough. - Enough, jailor.
00:59:03 Hey, minister.
00:59:09 Recognize him.
00:59:12 Ali will be in jail now.
00:59:14 Ali.
00:59:16 - Oh, my God. - Lock the door.
00:59:19 I can't think.
00:59:21 - What are you doing? - I was about to run.
00:59:24 - You understood. - He understood.
00:59:27 - Oh, God. - I didn't come in.
00:59:30 I'll be trapped in the web.
00:59:32 - Lock the door. - Give me food.
00:59:35 Listen to me, Gujrat.
00:59:39 - Go away. - Don't worry.
00:59:41 I'll get food for you.
00:59:44 - I'll get food for you. - I can't believe it.
00:59:47 - Jailor, lock the door. - I can't believe it.
00:59:49 - I'll get food for you. - Lock the door.
00:59:51 Hey, NG Naisa, Badar.
00:59:54 Bring me out of my wardrobe.
00:59:57 Someone, get me out of here.
01:00:01 Get me out of here.
01:00:04 Get me out of here.
01:00:06 I'll put you in jail.
01:00:10 - Put him in jail. - On my duty.
01:00:14 I'll trap you in the web and pull your nose.
01:00:19 - Now you're a fool. - I'm a fool.
01:00:22 I'll release my stress along with it.
01:00:26 Someone, put a head on my duty.
01:00:29 - Ali. - What have you done?
01:00:34 Who will I tell this to?
01:00:36 - Ali. - I'll take your case.
01:00:40 I'll take your case.
01:00:43 I'll listen to everything.
01:00:45 - I'll put him in jail. - No, Ali.
01:00:48 - Sir, please. - Who will I fry eggs for?
01:00:51 - Ali, you can't do this. - I'll eat my eggs.
01:00:56 - I'll protect you all night. - Yes, all night.
01:01:00 My wife is watching 24 hours.
01:01:05 I'm walking in my own protection.
01:01:10 I'll make the whole jail dance.
01:01:17 I'll make all the soldiers dance.
01:01:25 - Ali, you're really in jail. - I'll meet you, Andhari.
01:01:33 You won't meet me.
01:01:38 It's a zap.
01:01:41 It'll ease my pain.
01:01:44 I gave her a throne.
01:01:51 I'll go in.
01:01:54 Sir, my jail time is running out.
01:01:58 Ali, we'll get breakfast for us.
01:02:02 - I'll wait here. - I'm happy with the eggs.
01:02:06 I'm happy with the bread.
01:02:09 I'm happy with the bread.
01:02:13 Give me a glass of buttermilk.
01:02:16 I'm in jail.
01:02:19 Give me a grandfather.
01:02:22 Give me a charity.
01:02:26 I'm hungry.
01:02:30 - Give me a big plate of bread. - Okay.
01:02:34 I'll be released in 3-4 minutes.
01:02:39 Without any trouble.
01:02:43 I'll be released.
01:02:48 I didn't disappoint your ministry.
01:02:54 - I'll go in if someone says so. - Ali, we'll have gluten-free bread.
01:02:59 - We'll come out soon. - Your timing was great.
01:03:03 I felt like running.
01:03:07 - I'm released. - We'll meet after the break.
01:03:19 I'll steal the bill.
01:03:23 - We'll miss you at dinner. - No, bro.
01:03:26 - Hurry up. - No.
01:03:29 - We have to cut the tomatoes. - No.
01:03:32 - I don't want to. - We have to cut the tomatoes.
01:03:35 - Ali, take me to the bathroom. - Come on.
01:03:39 - Hurry up. - Rubab, you're a good man.
01:03:43 - Come on. - Give me something.
01:03:47 - It's time. - I felt good.
01:03:50 I won't let you go.
01:03:53 - We'll miss you at dinner. - We're coming.
01:03:57 - Close the gate. - Okay, bye.
01:04:01 - Turn off the lights. - Hello.
01:04:04 - Okay, bye. - Bye.
01:04:08 - Turn off the lights. - Close the door.
01:04:11 - Ali, we'll miss you. - I love you too.
01:04:14 - Close the door. - Close it.
01:04:18 - Close it. - Close it.
01:04:21 - Minister. - What are you doing?
01:04:24 - Close it. - He's asking you to close it.
01:04:28 - Don't do it. The lights are on. - Turn off the lights.
01:04:33 Lights.
01:04:37 I love German dance.
01:04:42 - Give me a bottle of water. - They're dancing in front of us.
01:04:45 - Turn off the lights. - Okay, bye.
01:04:47 - Download the app and vote for me. - One more.
01:04:51 - I'll spend a month in jail. - Turn off the lights.
01:04:55 Please forgive me, sir.
01:04:59 I just wanted to see if the jail is clean.
01:05:04 But they'll eat from inside. I don't want to eat.
01:05:09 I'm not that bad.
01:05:16 You shameless minister.
01:05:19 You biased minister.
01:05:21 You copycat.
01:05:25 My love has gone away.
01:05:29 I can't see anything from here.
01:05:33 - Hello. - You biased minister.
01:05:37 - Hello. - Give me some water.
01:05:39 - Sir, I don't want water. - Who said that?
01:05:41 - My mother said that. - When did it happen?
01:05:43 - She announced it. - You're lying.
01:05:45 - Sir, you're not allowed to eat. - Why?
01:05:48 You get a lot of things in a 24-hour jail.
01:05:51 - I don't get anything. - You're thirsty.
01:05:56 - You get water first. - I didn't put anyone in jail.
01:06:00 - I went to check if Faiju is doing his job. - The rules have changed.
01:06:04 No water, no food, no washroom, no sunshine.
01:06:08 If I say yes, you'll be in trouble.
01:06:13 - Sir, you... - Oh God, may their eggs rot.
01:06:18 Oh God, may their rotis get hard.
01:06:22 - May their yoghurt be sour. - The lights are about to go off.
01:06:26 - The mosquitoes will come. - I'll get you some water.
01:06:30 - What? - Get me some water.
01:06:33 - I'm thirsty. - Water is not allowed.
01:06:36 - Sorry. - I can show you water from a distance.
01:06:40 - They've banned water. - When did they ban it?
01:06:43 - It was announced. - Why didn't it come out?
01:06:45 - You were in jail. - No, man.
01:06:50 - I can't do anything. - Don't be a fool.
01:06:52 - Did it get announced? - I'm very thirsty.
01:06:57 You've made me thirsty. I'm telling you not to do it.
01:07:01 I just... It's a guest appearance.
01:07:04 - Water, food, washroom, sunshine... - Go away.
01:07:09 Don't say such things.
01:07:12 - Can we give him water? - Can I come?
01:07:17 - No? - He's saying no.
01:07:20 No, right? I'll put a talk bag on you.
01:07:23 You're a celebrity.
01:07:27 I'm very grateful to them.
01:07:30 They gave me a golden opportunity in my career.
01:07:35 Today, wherever you see ARY Digital...
01:07:39 ...or Tamasha Ghar...
01:07:42 ...I'm known by my name.
01:07:46 You can punish me as you wish.
01:07:52 But I can't repay you for what you've done for me.
01:07:57 So, I love you. Thank you so much for trusting me.
01:08:02 Take one paratha, one roti and one roti of Aruba.
01:08:07 Aruba, start. I'll give you paratha.
01:08:10 - Danish, you'll eat only one paratha. - Junaid, get Arya out of jail.
01:08:14 - Sir, I'll do it. - This is mine.
01:08:16 - This is Aruba's. - This is yours.
01:08:18 - Take it out. - This is Junaid's.
01:08:20 Sir, thank you. I thought no one should go to jail in my department.
01:08:25 I'm not such a cruel man.
01:08:28 - What's it to you? - What?
01:08:30 - I'm not such a cruel man. - I said I didn't want anyone to go to jail.
01:08:34 - I wanted no one to go to jail. - You're a minister.
01:08:37 I was just being honest.
01:08:42 - Send a doctor. He wants to be honest. - What did you say?
01:08:45 - He wants to be private. - I'm a good doctor.
01:08:48 Thank you, sir. I love you. I'm your soldier, sir.
01:08:52 - Always available. - I'm your sympathizer.
01:08:55 - Love you, sir. - Your sympathizer welcomes you at home.
01:08:59 - I'll give you roti. - Hey!
01:09:03 - Give me roti. - Here you go.
01:09:06 - Here's your roti. - 21 minutes left.
01:09:10 - Roti. - Roti.
01:09:13 - Give me this. - I'm not a criminal.
01:09:15 - You were enjoying roti. - I'm not a criminal.
01:09:17 - You could have saved me from jail. - Is the foil on?
01:09:21 - I've taken out your salad. - I've kept the plate.
01:09:24 - Where did you take it out? - I've kept it.
01:09:26 - I gave it to you. - I thought you were emotional.
01:09:30 - I've compensated you for lunch. - Thank you, Natasha.
01:09:33 Mention not. I thought you were being unfair.
01:09:37 - We were planning to eat at night. - I don't mind.
01:09:42 You're watching Tamasha, season 2.
01:09:45 Presented by Bride, powered by Kashmir Banaspati and Cooking Oil, Dollens and Wheat.
01:09:55 (triumphant music)