Voter Registration: Violent confrontations erupt between NPP and NDC at Buipe | JoyNews Today

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00:00 Hello, good afternoon. Welcome to join us today. We're coming to you live from our studios in Kokomle, Nibiu on DTT
00:05 Because we're free to wear on DSTV channel 421 and GoTV channel 125
00:10 We are your home of independent fearless and credible journalism coming up this afternoon former chief justice
00:17 Sofaya Kufu backs calls for review of the Constitution
00:22 1992 citing the inability of the National Development Planning Commission to implement its development plans
00:29 also
00:31 limited voter registration and violent confrontation between
00:35 NPP and NDC at Central Gunja EC office over alleged
00:40 illegal immigrants at registration center
00:44 plus families and
00:47 family members
00:48 Call on interior and national security ministers to commence investigation on gruesome murder of three innocent young men
00:57 at Tuna and Nahari
00:59 We also live on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter @joinnewsontv
01:05 My personal handle is @denanaaisha. Please stay for details
01:26 Many thanks for choosing us and now to our first story. There have been violent
01:30 confrontations between officials of the ruling NPP and the NDC over some alleged
01:37 illegal immigrants at the Central Gunja Electoral Commission's offices at
01:42 Bwipi in the Savannah region. The presence of some alleged immigrants has led to a hold up of the registration
01:50 Leaving applicants waiting in long queues. The Yappe Kosogo consultancy secretary of the NPP
01:58 Mathus Ibrahim Sapo in an interview with joinnews accused the NDC of taking the said
02:04 immigrants into hiding during the combined immigration and
02:07 military
02:10 screening exercise to weed out the potential illegal immigrants from the region
02:19 By the Yappe Kosogo consultancy
02:21 Mahama Foseni refuted the accusation describing it was baseless
02:27 According to him the NPP should do the needful
02:30 By using the constitution stop using immigration offices to intimidate applicants
02:37 The NPP consultancy secretary however alleged that about 150 strange-looking faces whom he said
02:49 were Burkina base and
02:51 Togo nationals were first spotted in the consultancy three months ago at
02:56 Fufosu and Latour, both suburbs of the consultancy. Hence the party's protest to prevent
03:04 anybody taking an undue advantage of
03:07 the situation. Let's go to
03:10 Isaac Njahetha Man following this for us. Isaac, we're hearing of a hold up of
03:16 the
03:18 registration exercise in the central Gunja
03:21 EC office. Can you confirm this and what's causing this hold up?
03:26 Yes, Aisha, it's true. The hold up is true and it basically has to do with the alleged immigrants of
03:35 Burkina and Togo who are here and then this allegation is being leveled by the NPP consultancy secretary
03:42 and which is being protected by the NDC.
03:46 He says that these people were, the party was aware of them when they entered into the coalition
03:52 but they were not aware about when the immigration and the immigration officers went out to do the screening to
03:58 with participants out of the system. But once they are here, they would not allow them to register.
04:04 But anything otherwise, they said are not allowed them to go to the process by the CI
04:09 with which you can protect legally
04:12 to register your pleasure. But to say they are not Ghanaian and they cannot register is something that they will not agree.
04:19 So it ended up two of them exchanged blows and then in the midst of all that, so the police was brought in
04:26 briefly and then withdrew. I will speak, the immigration officers who came early in the morning are still here. While the
04:34 alleged
04:36 illegal immigrants are still here, many of them are women. The few men who are more than
04:42 between 30 and at least 40, they are also here and they are in the queue to try to register.
04:49 I just spoke with the NDC regional secretary, the person of
04:54 who said that these people are right there Ghanaians, just that they were giving birth to them at
05:01 somewhere in the northeast region. So if they came here to register, they should be allowed to register and the necessary protocols should be applied to them.
05:12 Isaac Nonya, we are also hearing that there is the presence of immigration officers at the center.
05:18 I mean, is this true? And if they are still there, what exactly are they doing at the center?
05:25 It's true that the immigration officers are here. Close to 10 of them are here well armed.
05:31 But we are told they had a ring of the presence of these
05:36 alleged immigrants here and they tried to come and
05:40 ascertain whether the allegations are true. So when they came, they actually saw them, some with Bokanabe's
05:45 dresses, some with a photo of one of them on it,
05:50 a lot of them with a T-shirt and we saw them with their marks,
05:56 allegations that the NDP is leveling, but based on what they have seen of these people and then the fact that they were in there, people
06:04 were taking some food and they took this as a sign of the coincidence.
06:08 But still, they are coming here, they didn't know what they were about.
06:12 So the NDP thinks that's fine. If this is the case, the allegations you are leveling, bring your identification, bring your proof
06:19 that these people are not Ghanaians. Anything short of that, you should allow them to go through the process and then you also go through the protocols to protect.
06:26 We can now listen to the Iapecosogu Constituency Secretary of the NPP who is making the allegations.
06:33 If they go through the process, probably if the immigration service has been prevented from doing their job, when the registration begins, we will challenge every single one of them.
06:53 We will challenge every single one of them to prevent their register from being bloated and to give somebody undue advantage before elections begin.
07:17 So we will challenge every single one of these immigrants that are seated here. Over 120 of them are in a queue.
07:33 We will challenge every single one of them. We will use the due process to challenge every single one of these people to prevent them from getting onto the register.
07:51 Listen to the Iapecosogu Constituency Secretary of the NDC responding to this.
07:59 We don't have NDC here. We don't have any man here. They are all eligible voters as far as the law is concerned.
08:09 But the CAI 126 has been amended, stated clearly that you can challenge somebody's eligibility as a voter if you prove beyond every doubt by feeling a challenge for it.
08:22 But by face, by identity, you can't say the person is not qualified to vote. And my position is that I want to stand on that CAI 126 to actually protect the people registered here.
08:38 All that happened was that when MPP people, the Secretary, the Chairman of the Iapecosogu Constituency came with Immigration Service Department, well armed, and they want to intimidate voters, they want to intimidate registers, those who are ready to register in the centre.
08:56 And I said, no way. They don't have any legal authority, jurisdiction to trespass every point and come to the registration centre. Because we have a review committee set by the District Election Commission.
09:11 They are the only people mandated to come and sit on an issue of eligibility or someone who is disqualified to vote.
09:21 Let's now turn our attention to the Ashanti region where some applicants in the limited voter registration exercise in Asokori, Mampong have had to pass the night at registration centres.
09:32 The result is the early arrival after days of failing to complete registration.
09:37 The applicants have had to compete with political party agents who use stones and other objects, seats and queuing for their prospective electorates.
09:47 Nana Ojeyema was at the Electoral Commission's office to observe the hassle of the applicants. He joins us live via phone with more.
09:55 Nana, what more can you tell us about this registration exercise in the Ashanti region?
10:00 So often there has been misunderstanding between these applicants and also party agents.
10:08 The issue is that sometimes the party agents try to use their influence to get the keys and some of the applicants who came on their own are not happy about the situation.
10:20 What is happening now is that some party officers use the lawn keys in these areas. They gather their own people and send people to the grounds at dawn.
10:34 Sometimes at earlier, they send representatives to the grounds and with stones and benches, they try to queue.
10:44 So that whoever comes will come and join the queue.
10:50 But unfortunately, some of the people who come on their own are not happy because they believe that if they have come to the areas where the registration points are at dawn,
11:00 they have to give them the priority to be in the queue.
11:04 So we cannot use stones and benches as a representation for people who are not there.
11:09 So there has been confrontation for a long time.
11:14 Chaos normally breaks out because of the situation that is happening.
11:18 And they are asking for registration centers for the limited voter exercise.
11:33 Now, Jim, with some updates from the Ashanti region on the limited voter registration.
11:39 Away from that, a joint NADMO Navy rescue team has resumed a search for four fishermen said to be missing in the Adana estuary after their canoe capsized due to strong winds at sea.
11:51 It's been almost 24 hours since the two canoes carrying 19 fishers went down while at sea.
11:58 The NADMO is director of NADMO Ebenezer Teinate tells Jory News that there's been some rescue mission.
12:07 We can now speak with our correspondent Kwame Yanka who says that 15 of the fishes are out of danger.
12:15 And he joins me live with more.
12:18 Kwame, how far with the search?
12:21 Any progress?
12:26 >> Yes.
12:31 >> Okay.
12:34 So by close of day yesterday, 15 of the fishermen were in trouble.
12:39 But then the remaining four are yet to be found.
12:46 So today happens to be the second day for the search.
12:49 And we have a team made up of NADMO and then Navy.
12:56 And some fishes are joining in the search to make sure that their drivers are brought back to safety.
13:03 The number two remains 15.
13:06 The four are yet to be found.
13:08 That's what I can report at the moment.
13:11 >> Earlier you spoke with one of the captains who was part of the rescue mission.
13:15 What did he tell you?
13:18 >> He said when the incident happened, he realized that some of his colleagues, occupants of that -- of the boat could not swim.
13:36 So what he had to do was that he had to get some ropes around, tie them, tie two of them to his waist,
13:45 and then make sure that those within the team that could swim do the same to make sure that all 11 occupants of that boat could find safety.
14:01 Unfortunately for them, one of them, there were 11, only 10 could make it to safety, and the other one couldn't.
14:10 And he, together with three others in the other boat, with the description Barcelona, are yet to be found, making the number four.
14:20 So like I said, today happens to be the second day, and no news on the -- on the sex is available to us at the moment.
14:29 But then we still have our ears to the ground, and we are coordinating or collaborating with the sex team,
14:38 and we will surely update our viewers as the day progresses.
14:44 >> Correspondent Kwame Yanka bringing us updates on that will definitely bring you more us on when we get it.
14:51 Now, former Chief Justice Sofaya Kufu is backing calls for the review of the 1992 Constitution.
14:57 According to her, the Constitution in its current state does not give the National Development Planning Commission the authority to implement development programs.
15:06 The reason the commission only plays an advisory role to the government.
15:10 Speaking at a Constitutional Review Seminar organized by the Institute of Economic Affairs here in Accra,
15:17 Sofaya Kufu insisted the amendment of the Constitution 1992 will help institutions like the NDPC to foster development.
15:27 >> Some very substantial changes that we're going to have to propose, because they are necessary to be made in the Constitution,
15:36 concerning the role, the function, the working, the processes, and the output of the NDPC.
15:46 You don't set up an institution like the NDPC and then you cover it under a bushel, and its output does not necessarily reflect in the nation's present and future.
16:05 Planning, you normally plan not for today, you plan for the future, and you can plan even for 50 years,
16:13 and you review as you go on, but the whole process has to be properly structured so that there's a particular way of making changes rather than by way of manifestos.
16:28 >> Director General of the National Development Planning Commission Dr. Kojo Isiame Mentsa Abrampa corroborating the stance
16:36 that admitted Ghana's underdevelopment is partly attributed to the many conflicting statutes in the country.
16:45 >> That study looked at a lot of our policies, and you'd be surprised that many of them are conflicting.
16:54 Many of them are competing, and many of them are not complementary to each other.
17:00 And it's not only this year or the last five years, right from independence. That's what we've been doing.
17:06 Sometimes we come up with a new policy and even a new statute, and the older one is still there.
17:13 And so somebody will quote that to support a case, another person will quote a new one, and all that. And it's all around us.
17:22 Our decentralization process is the same. What we have in the Local Government Act, the 936, you go to the Individual Sector Act, they also have different things there.
17:34 So they don't meet. The local government says we are decentralizing. Education says no, in my Act it's not there.
17:40 Health says no, in our Act it's not there. So how can you decentralize?
17:46 >> Families of the three young men who were alleged to have been apprehended and later gruesomely murdered by personnel of the Police Intelligence Directorate
17:55 have appealed to the Interior and National Security Ministers to commence investigations into the mystery surrounding the death of the young men.
18:04 The trio, Jim Akucho, 28, his sibling Hadi Salifu, 24, and Abdul Habib, 30, were apprehended at their homes during the wee hours of December 1, 2022,
18:17 by gun-wielding men at Tuna and Nahiri in the Savannah region.
18:22 Spokesperson for the families, Detective Chief Inspector Adam Yahaya Reti, says the perpetrators must be brought to face justice.
18:31 Joey News' Rafiq Salam traveled to Tuna, where two of the deceased were buried.
18:36 >> Tuna and Nahiri are mourning. The two communities are a few kilometers away from each other.
18:44 They're both located in the Southern Tuna Calvert District of the Savannah region.
18:50 The people are grieving over the loss of three young men who are between the ages of 24 and 30
18:58 and were allegedly gruesomely murdered by armed and wounded personnel from the Police Intelligence Directorate of the Ghana Police Service almost 10 months ago.
19:09 The grief echoes the whole Tuna community. The loss is profound, and one generation of a family is wiped out.
19:18 >> If somebody is arrested, to be a criminal, he has to follow the due process. Maybe go to a police station, go to court,
19:29 and the court will see to pass judgment. If he will be imprisoned, he will be imprisoned.
19:35 But to go and kill him, now that we are sitting, we don't know why they were killed.
19:39 When they went to deposit them at the police station, they recorded in the police book as unidentified suspects.
19:48 Unidentified means you don't know their identity, you don't know their names.
19:52 Somebody you claim has confessed to a crime, you don't know their name. Is it possible?
19:56 >> The incident occurred during the wee hours of the morning when the three of them, Jim Okotjo, 28, his sibling, Hadi Salifu, 24,
20:08 and Abudu Abibu, 30, were apprehended at their homes and later allegedly shot dead by plain-cloth PID personnel.
20:18 >> This is actually the house of Jim Okotjo, who was lying here on the day of the night with his pregnant wife.
20:27 And so when the personnel came around, they tried to open the door, and the door was not opening.
20:34 So they forced him to open it, went inside the house, just hand-picked him, brought him out.
20:41 >> The detective chief inspector, Adam Zahiratat, is a direct uncle to Jim Okotjo and Hadi Salifu, and he speaks for the family.
20:52 >> For about three, four days, we are not getting any information.
20:56 Due to the report of the Nklige FM, the youth were becoming agitated.
21:02 So, upon intelligence, the regional police commander came to Tona on the 9th of December
21:07 and met the chiefs and the people in the palace and assured them that Jimma, Hadi, and all the people arrested are in safe hands in Accra.
21:16 >> After several days of not having any information about their whereabouts,
21:21 he led some members of the family to the PID headquarters in Accra, but to no avail.
21:28 They then chose to pursue the matter at a law court, who the police taken out and later held a meeting to address their concern.
21:37 >> It was there and then, the UNO informed us that they never knew that we were in search of those three people.
21:47 And that is why they didn't respond until they got the suit, before they got to know that it is those people they arrested and killed in Swolodaf we are looking for.
21:55 Shockingly, he told us that that day in question, that the PID, when they were sent to Accra, went with seven dead bodies.
22:07 Seven dead bodies from Savannah region.
22:10 So, if you are ready, they've made arrangements at the police mortuary, we should go there and identify whether the three people we are looking for are among the seven dead bodies.
22:20 >> Their morbid curiosity was satisfied in the end, but on the altar of the faces, they struggled to identify.
22:30 >> When I went to explain them in April at the mortuary, I couldn't even identify them because all their faces were covered with blood.
22:41 So, I have to ask one of the mortuary men to, I was suspecting, I was finding it difficult to identify him because the whole face was off.
22:50 >> The bodies of the three young men were finally released to their families for burial.
22:56 >> And so, their family, at the moment, they are grieving, and then also you can see that the situation here is not all that the best. It's of a somber mood, a lot of tears in their eyes.
23:09 And seated straight in front of a fire door is the mother of two of the personalities that we are talking about.
23:18 >> The only children I have on earth and they have been killed, I would like to appeal to the government to punish all those that are part of this battle we are at so that it won't repeat itself again.
23:32 >> The families of Jimba Kocho and Hadi Salifu have already labeled 1st of December, 2022 as Black Tuesday and they want nothing but justice for these people who were allegedly shot dead.
23:47 >> Those who came for the operation, all those who challenged the operation, I'm appealing to the Minister of Interior, I'm appealing to the Minister of National Security, I'm appealing to the Commissioner for Human Rights to come in, get these people investigated and put them, and bring them to book, to serve as a deterrent.
24:13 >> The trio left behind three wives and nine children.
24:18 >> Reporting for JNews, Rafik Salam, Tuna.
24:24 >> With more than 2 million cases of noncommunicable diseases since 2020, asthma ranks third, trailing only hypertension and diabetes mellitus in Ghana.
24:36 Even more concerning is 36,780 new asthma cases emerging from January to June 2023. For these sensitive individuals, western air quality due to vehicle emissions compounds their struggle.
24:51 In our first report on air pollution's impact, we follow Ruben, an asthmatic patient for 17 years, illustrating the grave consequences of the country's deteriorating air quality. Michael Ashale has more.
25:14 >> In the city of Accra, the familiar sight of cars trapped in a great log is an everyday occurrence. However, an unsettling reality accompanies this urban tableau.
25:26 The presence of thick plumes of toxic fumes emanates from many of these vehicles. These harmful emissions infiltrate the lungs of millions, regardless of age, with lethal consequences that unfold over time.
25:46 >> The smell of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and particulates sometimes too small for the eye to see. For many residents, particularly those with heightened sensitivity, this smog is gradually transforming from annoyance into a genuine menace and silently causing harm, with thousands paying the price for every breath detail.
26:09 >> Ruben Alexander Otu knows this all too well. >> It's not easy. It's a difficult moment, especially something that you can't breathe as you do so often. It's challenging breathing, especially at night when you're asleep.
26:29 >> Ruben, like many Ghanaians, had to board commercial public transport to their destination. From Bawe to Kulibu, Ruben boards two separate vehicles.
26:40 >> You encounter different kinds of cars with their smoke from the exhaust pipes very bad, and they are not the best.
26:52 >> The journey is far from comfortable, and with the emission of poisonous gas from the carbon-fuelled engines, not even his nose mask can save him.
27:02 >> I protect myself from the dust in the system, the dust in the weather conditions around here. It would help me to at least have a clean breath of air, so that's why I normally put on my nose mask. And especially when I use the trow trow and stalf ewe, people might come in with all sorts of perfumes, which might not be that best for me.
27:28 >> I was in a private vehicle with a colleague, and there was a trow trow nearby in which they were really, really polluting the air with smoke. So I pleaded with my colleague to roll his glasses and undress him so that it wouldn't be having so much effect on me. Yes, so I do experience that a lot.
27:51 >> Asthma is a global concern, with the World Health Organization reporting 262 million cases and 455,000 deaths in 2019. In Ghana, the impact of asthma on noncommunicable diseases is striking.
28:07 Since 2020, there have been 2,772,157 cases of noncommunicable diseases across the country, with asthma responsible for 239,036 cases, ranking third after hypertension and diabetes.
28:26 In 2021, 84,700 new asthma cases were reported, followed by 79,355 in 2022. Even more alarming, from January to June 2023 alone, 36,780 new asthma cases have emerged.
28:50 >> I use my inhaler almost every day. I have two different kinds of inhalers that I use. I use the Ventolin. The Ventolin, when my situation is becoming a bit severe, that's when I use. But my SteroTide, I take it every day. Every day I use it, just to clear my chest.
29:06 >> People with asthma have to resort to their medication every day, and these medications don't come cheap.
29:13 >> It's quite expensive to be getting those drugs almost every time. Until I joined the university, I used to buy them myself, and you have no option than to buy them because you need them daily. It affects your budget.
29:28 >> For Reuben, nobody cares, not even the policy makers. This time, he wants something to be done about the degrading quality of air.
29:37 >> Regulations are not being put in place to ensure that people like myself are well protected. So you have to ensure that you give yourself the full protection as much as you can to be on the safer side, yeah.
29:53 >> The challenge of air pollution is exacerbated by the scarcity of monitoring infrastructure in many areas. Even with a limited number of monitoring stations scattered across the country, the data paints a disturbing picture of deteriorating air quality.
30:09 >> For those particularly sensitive to these changes, the air has become an unwelcome adversary rather than a source of life. For JOIN News, Michael Achale.
30:19 >> And over here, my name is Aisha Ibrahim. Let's take a break. When we return, we'll bring you the very latest coming from the world of business.
30:33 >> Hi, good afternoon. Welcome to the business segment on JOIN News. Today with me, Pius Kodjoe-Baka. Now, the state's interest and governance authority has indicated that it will explore diverse ways of restructuring the operations of state-owned enterprises to contribute to economic growth.
30:50 According to its executive director general, Edward Watting, it is poised to engage various private sector players to consolidate the effort of these SOEs. He was speaking at a forum organized by the Ghana Investment Promotion Center.
31:06 >> It has been caused for most state-owned enterprises to be privatized to ensure efficiency in their operations due to some losses in recent times. Meanwhile, SIGABOSS says the authority is bent on to reposition these state-owned enterprises in a way which enhances national development.
31:28 >> We believe that if we can let our public entities work, then it can create an enabling environment for our private sector to thrive and grow faster and sometimes with less investments. That's what we're seeking to do.
31:45 >> I think the president, in his wisdom, realized that the old SEC, State Enterprises Commission, even though it had all the good, had the intent, was not working. And that's why in 2019, June 2019, he passed the SEGA Act.
32:02 >> The SEGA Act basically holds all the state interests. That's what we have. Any entity that has state interests, we are responsible for oversighting it. And our job in terms of oversighting is to make sure that these entities do work.
32:19 >> And unfortunately, over the years, there hasn't been much compliance. And that's what we are working hard to do now, to make sure that there's accountability. And we believe that if there is proper accountability, these entities will grow.
32:35 >> He, however, called for a more robust public-private partnership to drive economic growth.
32:40 >> In the past, through no fault of theirs, a lot of these entities have been managed with what we also call the kiosk mentality. People go into these entities and they manage them as their own little operations.
32:54 So you have a million CD entities that until the SEGA Act was passed, most of them had never done or presented proper audited accounts or management accounts. And in fact, sometimes it's mind-boggling when you go into these entities.
33:13 >> According to privatization supporters, this shift from public to private management is so profound that it will produce a panoply of significant improvement, boosting efficiency, and quality remaining government activities, reducing taxes, and shrinking the size of government.
33:33 >> James is in with that report. Now, business organizations have been urged to invest in nurturing the professional growth of their employees to accelerate their career progression.
33:42 >> According to an adjunct lecturer in public sector management at GIMPA, Wing Commander Retired Sam Alutey, it is imperative to empower individuals to reach their fullest potential by equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in their careers.
33:57 >> He spoke to Joy Business on the sidelines of the launch of Elevated Professional Consult in Accra.
34:03 >> In a bid to address the critical need for enhanced soft skills and professional traits in the corporate world, Elevated Professional Consult has been launched to help professionals navigate those professional hurdles.
34:16 >> Speaking to Joy Business at the launch of the consult, adjunct lecturer in public sector management at GIMPA, Wing Commander Retired Sam Alutey advised employers to pay critical attention to empowering their employees with the necessary corporate etiquette and values.
34:33 >> Not just business etiquette, but in personal development, you need to have certain social graces, certain etiquette. It gives you a sense of belonging. Because if you have to interact with businessmen and people from other cultures, you know, they expect a certain minimum standard, what is acceptable behavior.
34:54 >> So I think what Elevated Professional Consult is doing is a step in the right direction. I think that most corporates must take advantage of it, the executive grooming. You know, most times you have people who are technically good, they really know their stuff.
35:10 >> But when it comes to interpersonal skills, you know, conflict resolution, negotiation, they seem to be lacking, especially in the social graces. And sometimes a certain behavior can be a put off. It can cut you off from others. So I think that what we are doing today.
35:30 >> It's very important that your decorum, your mannerism, your body courage is very on point for you to be able to move on in your career development.
35:52 >> So what I would say to the youth, people seeking to move up in their career ladder is pay attention to the little things.
36:06 >> And we do know the biggest event happening live today is the Join Youth Ecobank Habitat Fair happening live at Tema, where we will bring you all that you need to know in the built industry. If you are interested in getting to know what's happening in the housing and built industry, there you have to be at Tema.
36:27 >> We will bring you more in our subsequent bulletins, especially on the marketplace. I am Pius Kujubaka. Sports is next.
36:40 >> Let's go to sports now. Joining us today with me, Mufti Abdullahi. We take a look at the Ghana Premier League, which starts today. 2023-2024, Ghana Premier League campaign.
36:56 >> We have the full pictures from March day one. As the new season commences today, like I mentioned, we will host the Aqua House of Oak at the Aliou Mahama Sports Stadium.
37:08 >> Saturday, it is the turn of the Olympics. We are welcoming new promoters who are playing their first game in about 16 years.
37:30 >> We are also welcoming the Heart of Lions. The last time they played in the Ghana Premier League was about eight years ago.
37:40 >> They lost to and got relegated from the top flight. Upon their return, their first game in the top flight is against the Dreams FC.
37:50 >> The game is going to happen on Wednesday. They are playing against Cologne FC in a CAF confederation cup tie.
38:03 >> They will also play against the Lions on Wednesday. They will also be playing a CAF Champions League game against Horoja at the Cape Coast Sports Stadium on Sunday.
38:15 >> We hear from the assistant coach of Dreams FC, Wolferd Dormund, who has been speaking about the game against Cologne.
38:23 >> He says it is important that they get the right result and that the medical team has ensured that every single player is available for a tie later today.
38:35 >> The medical team has worked very hard to make sure we have a full house and we have our last training session on the pitch.
38:46 >> The team is looking very ready, very, very positive. It is a very, very big goal.
38:54 >> It is a very important match so far as the history of this club is concerned and so far as Ghana football and club football is concerned.
39:03 >> Our main objective is to make sure we make the money zone. We have managed to score past Millwood.
39:14 >> It was a very difficult game, over two legs, but we still managed and knocked them out.
39:21 >> So we are looking forward to this team, FC Cologne. It is a young team just like Dreams FC.
39:32 >> A young team just like Dreams FC and they were hoping to progress to a group stage of the Confederations Cup.
39:38 >> They will need to win that tie over two legs.
39:41 >> The chief executive officer of Dreams FC, Aminishadu, says that we are yet to be told where the second leg will be taking place.
39:50 >> But the first leg, we do know, is happening later today at the Accra Sports Stadium.
39:54 >> Dreams FC vs Cologne Stars, so you will need to find your way to the Accra Sports Stadium to show your way behind the still-believing family.
40:02 >> They say they can fly high the flag of the country in the continental competition.
40:06 >> This is our wrap-up sports here on Joy News today with me, Uftawa Nabila Abla.
40:10 >> You can head on to and read some more sports stories. We appreciate your time.
40:21 >> You're welcome to Showbiz here on the Met Day and let's start off with the pageant show that has been giving a lot of beautiful faces in our media space.
40:30 >> I'm talking about Miss Malaika. So Miss Malaika is on, the auditioning has been done, the finalists have been gotten and they are now going through a grooming process.
40:39 >> So before the pageant, it still starts. The girls go through a grooming process and by far, they have gone through the fashion grooming, they've gone through a communication grooming.
40:49 >> They are going through a communication grooming so that they will be able to talk well when the finale itself starts and they've gone through some choreography too.
40:58 >> So we are going to be seeing very beautiful dance moves from them. We are going to be seeing good fluent, I mean, flow from them when the judges are posing them the questions.
41:09 >> And don't forget that it is on Joy Prime and it airs every Friday, no, it airs on Sundays 8 to 9 p.m. There is a repeat on Monday 3 to 4 p.m. and also a repeat on Friday 11 to 12, Met Day.
41:26 >> Make sure you're not missing out because you can follow the girls and pick out your favorite before the voting event starts.
41:33 >> Well, let's move from the pageant show to music and Kofi Mole who has released a new record titled Come Close says he loves it when he sees girls dancing and twerking to his song.
41:51 >> He told this to Andy Dostey on Daybreak Hit in the studios of Hit 103.9 FM.
41:57 >> Videos of girls twerking on social media to the song.
42:03 >> They won't come closer.
42:07 >> But how do you feel when you see those videos? Does it really connect to the song?
42:12 >> Yeah, it does. It connects with the song, the beat, the bounce, everything. They give me joy, you know. I see God in creation, they do that stuff. It's beautiful stuff.
42:29 >> Wow. Are you the one calling for the videos or they're just doing them and putting them out?
42:34 >> Yeah, they're just doing them organically. I actually went live when the song dropped. And then on live one girl came to twerk. I think it started from that side.
42:48 >> So since then they're twerking?
42:50 >> Since then, 24/7. And I'm loving it. They should keep it coming. Keep it coming. I'm loving it.
42:56 >> This is what I want to say. Aside from you as a person watching and seeing what is going on, how do you feel Ghanaians are receiving it?
43:05 >> Them too, they love it. Especially my male followers. Right now they ask me, "When are you going live again?" Because they watched the live before. I went the other time.
43:17 >> I'm going to use it. Right now, the one I post can be used. I'm going to say it's therapeutic.
43:29 >> Well, it's very therapeutic when they see it. So that was Kofi Mole there telling it to Doreen Avio.
43:37 And Althea Pachua has also been talking to Doreen Avio on Daybreak Hits, which happens to be the morning show on Hits FMN. She told Avio that she was actually dismissed from UCC at level 100. And she told her why.
43:50 >> I went to UCC for a year.
43:54 >> Just a year?
43:55 >> Just a year. Almost a year. That's a story for another day.
44:02 >> A what?
44:03 >> Yes, yes. I couldn't continue.
44:06 >> You left yourself?
44:08 >> No, no, no. I couldn't continue to level 200.
44:12 >> Why not?
44:15 >> I failed paper. Really. That's the honest truth. I feel like at that time I was really young. I really wasn't paying attention to my studies. I regret that now, but that's what happened.
44:28 But however, that brought me back to Accra. I went to NAFTA, and that's where it all started for me. I feel like anything that happens is for a good reason.
44:40 >> I was almost saying.
44:43 >> Yes, yes. Simple.
44:53 >> So that was her reason for being dismissed from UCC. And that wraps it all up for Showbiz here on The Midday. The name is Ibrahim Edbako. Aisha?
45:02 >> My name is Aisha Ibrahim. Thanks so much for watching. Log on to There's more of the news and updates of all the developing stories. Do enjoy the rest of our programs.
45:12 [Music]
