• 2 years ago
Pierre, a famous explorer and writer, travels regularly through the world. Someday, climbing a hotel frontage while drun | dG1fblBMT1NOSUtFYzA
00:00 - Can I ask you a question? - Of course.
00:02 What do you miss the most in this shelter?
00:04 I think it's you, Miss.
00:06 Sorry.
00:08 - Hey, Jacques, a last drink! - Oh, that's smart.
00:20 Pierre! No! No!
00:22 Pierre!
00:23 Pierre!
00:25 I fell hard on the edge of the night.
00:29 I was crushed on the ground.
00:31 It had been enough of 8 meters to break my ribs,
00:35 my vertebrae,
00:36 my skull.
00:37 When I was in bed,
00:47 I was almost in a high-pitched voice.
00:49 If I get out of it,
00:52 I'll cross France on foot.
00:54 If I manage to cross,
00:57 I'll get my reparations.
00:59 I'll go from the southeast,
01:02 to the Manche,
01:03 to the sea.
01:04 Pierre, it's madness. You know it.
01:06 Yes, but if I don't leave, I know it's a joke.
01:08 You've got more than a thousand legs.
01:10 A thousand and three.
01:11 People who settle here want high-speed,
01:18 before even knowing if there's a school or a nursery.
01:20 - The neo-rurals. - That's it.
01:26 I could have lined up dozens of motifs to fight the countryside.
01:30 But the real reason for this escape through the fields,
01:33 I kept it tight, like a frozen paper,
01:37 at the bottom of my bag.
01:40 (gentle music)
01:43 (upbeat music)
