
  • last year
Powiat wałbrzyski chce zmienić nazwę na sudecki
00:00 Ladies and Gentlemen, we have decided to submit a social consultation on the name of the town of Wałbrzych to the Sudetskie Town.
00:11 We want to gain the legitimacy to work with your brand, so that residents and tourists can clearly identify the units of the territorial authority responsible for the activities in a given area.
00:25 The Sudetskie Town is inspired by the name of the town of Jelenigórskie on the Karkonoski.
00:34 I think that a good neighbor will be the Sudetskie Town on the other side of the Kamienna Góra.
00:41 This will allow to avoid many conflicts among residents.
00:44 Residents do not fully understand the administrative division.
00:47 They come to the mayor of Wałbrzych, wanting to register their car, to take care of the case and they expect to be fired.
00:55 Unfortunately, we cannot do this, and it is difficult for residents to explain that the mayor who has a residence in Wałbrzych cannot take care of the case for a resident of Wałbrzych.
01:05 I think that this is a very big mistake if we bear the same name.
01:11 We are the Wałbrzych Town and the Grodzki Town is also the Wałbrzych Town.
01:16 The legislator forgot to write down the obligation to change the name of the territorial authority unit that was created.
01:25 I think that we will correct this mistake and the Wałbrzych Town will become the Sudetskie Town.
01:30 It will serve development and, above all, to clearly identify the territorial units and their activities in a given area.
01:40 (dramatic music)
