Fabryka śniegu w Dusznikach - Zdroju w centralnym ośrodku sportu w Dusznikach Zdroju
00:00 As we have heard, the snow factory is a large thermos connected with a freezer and an ice cream maker.
00:07 Of course, we can say in a great simplification about this device, which enables the production of snow even at additional temperatures.
00:15 I am not talking about temperatures of 5, +5, +7 degrees, but much higher.
00:21 The showers are located quite high. How much snow do you need and is it enough to buy a snow factory?
00:27 According to the delegates of the IBU, we need about 28,000 m3 of snow for a full professional preparation.
00:37 Without the appropriate atmospheric conditions, equipped only with a freezer, we can produce it in a very long time.
00:45 However, the snow produced in the factories is mass-produced, is much more durable and will allow us to prepare it for a season that will not last 3 months or 2.5 months,
00:56 but much longer.
00:58 How does this snow production look like and how much can it be produced?
01:03 Please do not ask me about technical details, there are experts on this.
01:07 However, we have ambitious plans to start long before the season, of course, after mounting and testing this equipment.
01:15 We have a suitable schedule for this.
01:18 We hope that the snow prepared will allow us to participate as a farmer or organizer of international events, if not European.
01:31 We heard that this equipment will be from the highest shelf that can be found in European facilities.
01:38 Does it create a world of showers?
01:40 We hope so. This is synchronized with many different factors and conditions that we have to meet and for which we are taking part.
01:50 We still have the basic modernization of the routes on the Jamroz Polana, which is also the reconstruction of the entrance to the stables.
01:58 We have plans to have the most important investments in 2024-2025.
02:07 Will the factory start operating now? Will this snow be produced this season?
02:11 The season is approaching in big steps.
02:15 We have a scheduled testing conditions for this factory for 6 months.
02:20 Therefore, we are actually starting this year, and we will have a fully tested system in 2024.
02:31 This is the first such factory in Sosów centers. What about in Poland?
02:36 There are already such factories in Poland. In Lower Silesia, there are three.
02:45 Of course, there is also a Carpaccio factory, but the first one was probably in the center of Poland.
02:49 The first snow factory was in Carpaccio.
02:55 This is a necessity. When we were with the presentation in the Ministry of Sport, after analyzing the temperature charts in 5 basic mountain ranges arranged by IMGW,
03:09 this report showed in the 1970s the blue range. Now we are very much after the orange range.
03:16 Without a factory, it would be difficult to maintain the level of competition here and prepare for international competitions.
03:25 This SOS was created to continue what was started earlier, i.e. organize events of the world cup level.
03:33 I am very happy that this project is finally being implemented, because the procedures have been going on for many years.
03:39 It was not at all obvious that the Central Export Center would be created here.
03:43 It was not possible to achieve this. From last year, as I mentioned, to the end of this year,
03:49 75 million zlotys will be involved from budget money, which will allow to develop the infrastructure and make it more and more attractive,
04:02 both for professional athletes and amateurs.
04:05 This is a large freezer, where we use drums that rotate. The temperature of these drums is -30 degrees.
04:15 Water is injected on them. On the other hand, a collector works, which simply compresses the ice.
04:22 The content falls down, is ground and thrown outside.
04:27 The content is the most interesting, because the temperature of the ice that falls outside is -8,
04:35 and it is a 100% dry product. At the beginning, it does not resemble normal snow, it is ordinary ice, let's say crushed.
04:44 However, when it is prismed, it over-frozen a little, it will draw moisture from the environment,
04:51 it can increase its volume by even 5%, and it starts to resemble compact snow, which is required.
05:01 We are also the largest company in the industry. We are a product partner, when it comes to snow, for FIS and IBU.
05:12 They often use our information on snow. What snow is suitable.
05:21 Hundreds of different tests and studies have been carried out.
05:25 It is clear that this snow has also been given by athletes.
05:30 At the last Olympics, we were accused of negotiating with the HED company,
05:36 because the skiers riding on the HEDs achieved the best results on our snow.
05:42 It is a matter of preparing the equipment. We do not have any agreements.
05:49 We try to make this snow as fast as possible for athletes, because these are the requirements,
05:54 and the most long-lasting, uniform conditions.
05:58 It is complicated, but simple. Is ordinary water enough, or is there something else you need besides this?
06:05 No, in our technology, you do not need to add anything. It is just water and electricity.
06:11 What is the temperature range?
06:15 In Lower Silesia, an event was organized by our client in Karpacz,
06:20 where he produced snow at +25 degrees in the summer.
06:25 He snowed on his small snow tubing track, about 60 meters, and it lasted him over a week.
06:34 I am very happy that we will have a snow warranty.
06:37 This will ensure the continuity of training.
06:39 The problem of professional athletes is that we come back to Poland during the Christmas break,
06:44 and we do not have the opportunity to train, so we have to go abroad for Christmas Eve.
06:51 Here, this continuity will be.
06:53 In the context of continuity, we are talking not only about professional athletes,
06:57 but also about amateurs who will have snow earlier and will stay here longer.
07:02 We are also talking about sports clubs that are here.
07:05 I think this is a huge opportunity for the development of running and biathlon in Poland.
07:10 You have not only participated in Poland, but also abroad in various competitions.
07:16 Will the possibility of having snow dunes allow them to become the heart of winter sports in Poland?
07:25 Do other centers in Poland also have such opportunities?
07:28 It is difficult for me to assess the possibilities of other centers.
07:31 I must say that the snowing system we will have here is just as good,
07:36 and even surpasses many biathlon centers where the World Cup, World Championship, and European Championship are held.
07:44 I assume that we will have the same good quality snow as abroad, or even better.
07:50 Will it allow for such running of competitions at the highest level?
07:54 I think so.
07:55 As far as I know, the city of Cossów is cheering for this place.
08:00 This is a process that will not happen in a year or two.
08:03 We will have to wait, but I am also happy that the preparatory work is still going on,
08:08 which is not yet visible, and a lot is actually happening here.
08:11 I am looking forward to it, I am cheering, and I hope that we will be able to organize
08:15 a big event in Poland, in Lower Silesia and here in Dusznik.