• 2 years ago


00:00 Predators
00:02 Because of the brutal natural selection,
00:05 predators have developed infinite numbers of adaptations
00:09 in order to detect, catch and hunt prey in the wild savannah.
00:14 They must have sharp senses, speed, strong teeth and a really good digestive system.
00:21 Even though predators have numerous abilities,
00:25 they reach success in very few hunting trials.
00:29 You won't believe what your eyes see on this video.
00:35 Number 1. Warthog
00:38 Warthogs are small animals that dig holes which is called burrows.
00:44 They are really smart and sturdy.
00:47 They use this hole in order to hide themselves from predators.
00:52 It is known that warthogs are one of the most rebel animals on the African continent.
00:58 Usually they stay alive with their escaping skills but they are not afraid of fighting with predators too.
01:06 Especially if their babies are in danger, they can attack potential dangers without even thinking.
01:14 Although they are not aggressive animals,
01:17 warthogs can really injure predators with their sharp horns.
01:22 They can even hunt them.
01:24 They can hit with their horns for several times until predators leave them alone.
01:30 This is their only chance to survive.
01:33 Their average lifespan is around 18 years in the wild savannah.
01:38 Number 2. Buffalo
01:41 Also called black death, buffalos can be extremely deadly.
01:45 Also they are the favorite target of predators to hunt.
01:49 Lions are obsessed about buffalos
01:52 because they carry huge amount of meat in their bodies and can run up to only 57 km.
01:59 It is easier for predators to catch a buffalo in comparison to other preys.
02:05 But buffalos have really muscular and powerful body.
02:09 With their long and sharp horns they can throw predators to air and give huge damage.
02:16 If they attack at the right moment, they can even hunt lions.
02:21 Buffalos can also be in a pack and attack predators in groups,
02:26 especially while one of the group members is under a predator attack.
02:30 They usually cause predators to give up.
02:34 Number 3. Zebra
02:36 Even though it is really hard to hunt a fully grown zebra,
02:40 predators like zebras because of their big body sizes.
02:44 However, predators know that zebras can get very dangerous too.
02:50 Zebras can bite with their strong jaws,
02:53 but they usually use a first defense strategy, a strong kick.
02:59 They have stronger kicks than horses and they are able to hunt a lion with a single kick.
03:05 This swift kick to the head breaks the lion's jaw,
03:10 which causes cat to die in starvation.
03:14 There are many cases that zebras hunt lions.
03:19 That's why predators usually focus on baby zebras.
03:22 It is easier to hunt little and weaker zebras,
03:26 especially if the baby zebra is not in its pack.
03:31 Number 4. Giraffe
03:34 Giraffes are the gifts of nature's selection.
03:38 They are the longest mammals in the whole animal world.
03:46 It is really dangerous for predators to try to take down a huge giraffe.
03:52 Of course, it is more likely to run from a lion attack than fight him back,
03:57 but they have several defense mechanisms too.
04:00 A strong kick with their long legs can break several bones of a lion,
04:05 especially the bones in their back and head.
04:09 Lions can take down a zebra only if they work in a pack and take part in the strategy.
04:15 Predators know that they cannot reach a giraffe's throat because they are so tall.
04:21 They can reach up to 200 feet tall.
04:24 That's why predators like lions or hyenas are trying to put the giraffes down to the ground.
04:30 Like other preys, baby giraffe is vulnerable to attacks too.
04:34 If baby giraffe gets separated from its pack,
04:37 predators would take this as an opportunity and hunt the baby giraffe.
04:42 Baby giraffes can reach help if they stand together with their mom.
04:47 However, predators would look for ways to separate the baby from its mother.
04:53 A big peaceful animal in the jungle.
05:01 Usually, predators don't choose to hunt an elephant because they have huge body sizes.
05:08 It is so easy to take down a helpless baby elephant.
05:13 While lions are trying to hunt a vulnerable baby elephant,
05:17 its mom would feel harassed and get unstoppable.
05:21 Also, elephants are really smart.
05:25 They have three times as many nerves as humans.
05:29 The first mechanism of gazelles is running high speeds in order to escape from predators.
05:34 They can reach speeds up to 60 miles per hour.
05:38 But predators can reach higher speeds and catch them.
05:41 They can not only rely on their escaping skills.
05:45 When escaping doesn't work, they must be able to fly.
05:49 They can't fly with their wings.
05:52 They can't fly with their tail.
05:55 When escaping doesn't work, they must be able to fight back too.
06:00 Gazelles are known with their long and sharp horn that they use in nearly every fight.
06:06 They can give serious damage to predators and injure them.
06:10 Gazelles are also social animals.
06:13 They live in groups and care for potential dangers simultaneously.
06:18 They also inform others to have enough time to escape.
06:23 Number 7. Porcupine
06:25 Porcupine is a small herbivore animal.
06:28 They don't eat meat and they are not aggressive animals.
06:32 If there is not any danger, when they feel threatened, they do not hesitate to attack.
06:38 Sometimes, predators think porcupine is an easy target.
06:43 But when they meet with porcupine's sharp quills, their idea changes.
06:48 Biologically, it is so hard to take over porcupine's quills from the body.
06:55 It gives a big amount of pain to the predator.
06:59 Number 8. Rhino
07:01 Black rhinos are known with their really aggressive and dangerous attitude.
07:07 However, baby rhinos are so vulnerable to predator attacks.
07:11 Like all animals, baby rhinos are not equipped with enough defense mechanism to stay alive in the wild savanna.
07:19 Predators are always looking for ways to separate the baby from its pack and mother.
07:24 Number 9. Hippopotamus
07:27 Even though hippopotamus are vegetarian, they also have a really strong defense mechanism that they don't use for hunting.
07:35 They use it to protect themselves or their pack from predator attacks.
07:39 When they feel a danger, they open their mouth and show their huge teeth.
07:45 With their strong jaws, they are able to tear apart the body of a dangerous lion.
07:50 Hippopotamus live among their pack which includes 15 to 30 members who are ready to defend every member of the pack.
07:59 Also, they can reach up to 4 tons in size and their lifespan is around 50 years.
08:06 Number 10. Wildebeest
08:10 Wildebeest can reach up to 50 miles per hour running speed.
08:14 They are the first choice of predators to attack.
08:18 Wildebeest has one defense strategy and it is herding.
08:23 They tend to stay in their pack and stay away from predators.
08:27 However, when they are separated from their herd, there is a low chance for them to stay alive in the wild savanna.
08:35 This was Top Predators. Subscribe in order to see my videos regularly.
08:41 Do not hesitate to share your ideas in the comments below.
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