• 2 years ago
A new short film, 'I'm Being Exploited' has been released by Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) and produced in conjunction with Northamptonshire Police

Credit: Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership & Northamptonshire Police
00:00 Where have you been?
00:01 Nowhere.
00:02 What are you doing with that?
00:03 I've done your dinner.
00:04 Where did you get the money for it?
00:09 With child exploitation, often those being exploited don't realise it's happening.
00:14 It can start with something as simple as unexplained cash.
00:19 School alright?
00:20 Yeah, fine.
00:21 Or expensive gifts.
00:22 Is that a new phone?
00:23 A new case.
00:27 Soon they can be coerced into committing crimes, selling drugs or even hiding weapons.
00:35 That's nice.
00:38 Is it new?
00:43 Leave it.
00:46 Gangs use sophisticated methods of coercion to manipulate and control children in ways
00:52 that require professional help to combat.
00:56 They encourage victims to drink and do drugs in return for sexual acts or images.
01:04 Where have you been?
01:10 We want to help children escape exploitation.
01:18 If you think you see the signs that a child is being criminally or sexually exploited,
01:31 then report it online at northants.police.uk.
01:36 Or call Northamptonshire Police on 101 or in an emergency, dial 999.
01:43 For more information, visit northants.police.uk/childexploitation
01:50 Northamptonshire Police.
01:51 Northamptonshire Police.
01:51 [MUSIC]
