Austria's Wild Heritage - One Country Six National Parks | show | 2023 | Official Clip

  • last year
From mighty peaks, formed by powerful natural forces, to one of the last largely intact floodplain landscapes in central | dHNfTVhNSVV4Y3hsdGc


00:00 (gentle music)
00:02 The elegant cats were almost eradicated in Austria
00:06 and Western Europe throughout recent centuries.
00:09 It is hoped that such reintroduction projects
00:12 will undo the damage of the past.
00:15 Sure enough, initial results are promising.
00:28 Every female lynx gives birth to cubs,
00:31 she then rears lovingly.
00:54 As they grow, the young lynxes sniff, taste,
00:59 and examine everything they can get their paws on.
01:02 Like domestic cats, lynxes show an incredible interest
01:07 in their surroundings from a young age.
01:24 And the first lynx cubs thrive.
01:27 By 2014, the Kalkalpen National Park
01:30 is home to eight lynxes, four adults, and four youngsters.
01:35 The area is large enough to provide a habitat
01:38 for six fully grown big cats.
01:41 (gentle music)
01:44 (animal roaring)
01:47 (whooshing)
