• 2 years ago
Archery expert Grizzly Jim looks at Jennifer Lawrence's skill as Katniss Everdeen in "The Hunger Games" (2012).

Jim is a British archer who provides workshops, seminars, and one-on-one instruction in traditional archery. He previously worked on the archery YouTube channel Merlin Archery and now works on the channel Archery Adventures.
00:00 My name is Jim Kent, I'm also known as Grizzly Jim, and I'm a traditional archer.
00:04 I've been shooting bow and arrow for 35 years.
00:08 She's using sound to make a deer move into a more accessible shot, which is fine, but
00:21 I would imagine a deer would have just bolted at that stage.
00:24 From my experience, they're pretty skittish things.
00:27 What are you going to do with that when you kill it?
00:30 I like it, personally, when you're at full draw, you come.
00:33 You come to anchor and you're there.
00:35 If you're doing all this, the shot's gone. You need to have focus.
00:38 She actually has beautiful form in this film, and she was coached by an Olympic archer called
00:46 Katuna Lorick, an American Olympic archer. Again, a fantastic archer.
00:51 So her form is an Olympic form, which is fantastic for target archery.
00:59 Now, she's in a hunting scenario. That type of archery isn't necessarily going to work fantastically well.
01:06 In this sort of scenario, there's so many variables. You're uphill, you're downhill.
01:11 You're waiting at full draw for something to come in to shot.
01:20 She's doing a bit of wing shooting there. She's shooting a bird.
01:22 Shooting a moving target is also difficult.
01:25 You wouldn't be able to use an Olympic style of shooting to shoot a moving target.
01:31 Now, they look like huge plastic feathers, and she's shooting off the shelf.
01:40 That's not necessarily going to work out too well.
01:44 The sort of bow she's got there is not a million miles away from this type of bow.
01:48 That's called a shelf, so the arrow sits on there.
01:51 And as the arrow passes over, the reason why traditional archers use feathers is because they compress,
01:57 and they don't really cause too much of an issue.
02:00 Where if you're shooting plastic feathers like those, they're not going to compress like a feather would,
02:05 and that's going to cause some fouling on the shelf.
02:12 Shooting a broadhead, which is a hunting arrow, a two-bladed broadhead,
02:18 and it's stuck into the target quite realistically.
02:20 That's kind of how a broadhead would stick into a hard target.
02:23 Even a light poundage bow would probably do that.
02:26 It's not hardwired into the pig's mouth or anything. It would just rest in there.
02:29 So I don't think it would take a huge amount.
02:32 I mean, I've tried to shoot apples before, and what tends to happen is the arrow just goes straight through the apple.
02:40 So you knock it off whatever you're shooting, but I've yet to pin one to a wall.
02:45 The type of archery I do is called instinctive archery.
02:48 I don't use a sight, and I let my mind and my brain and my muscle memory work subconsciously to let me know where to shoot.
02:58 That's what she's doing there, I would imagine.
03:01 Although she's got a very Olympic style where she's looking at something and she's just bang, and she nailed it.
03:09 I've always got a soft spot for the Hunger Games. Do you know what? I'm going to give it a seven.
03:13 [ Silence ]
