00:00:00 (upbeat music)
00:00:02 - Let's go to the gospel of St. Mark chapter seven
00:00:12 verse 24 through 30.
00:00:14 To those of you that are just joining us,
00:00:17 our subject is counterintuitive disciplines.
00:00:21 Our subtopic, counterintuitive disciplines.
00:00:25 I know that's an unusual topic, counterintuitive discipline.
00:00:29 The discipline to go against what is instinctive
00:00:33 or intuitive to your natural habitat, background,
00:00:38 upbringing, that sometimes in order to experience
00:00:41 a move from God, you have to shut off
00:00:44 what your natural instinctive proclivities might be
00:00:48 in order to be eligible to receive from God
00:00:51 what he would like for you to have.
00:00:53 It is counterintuitive.
00:00:55 It means I have to shut off my mind, my head,
00:00:59 my background, my voice, and do something
00:01:01 that I've never done before so that I can get something
00:01:05 that I never had before.
00:01:06 And our subtitle is, if you can get down, you can get up.
00:01:11 Look at somebody say, I can get down.
00:01:16 Yeah, baby, I can get down.
00:01:20 Don't fool with me, I can get down.
00:01:22 Before you jump on me, think it over.
00:01:28 I can get down, I don't mean it that way,
00:01:30 I mean it the other way, I mean it the good way,
00:01:32 not the bad way, get out of here, Satan,
00:01:34 I mean it the good way.
00:01:35 I'm talking about humility.
00:01:38 Mark 7, 24 reads like this.
00:01:44 Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre.
00:01:49 He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it.
00:01:53 Yet he could not, could not, could not, could not,
00:01:58 could not keep his presence secret.
00:02:01 God have mercy.
00:02:04 In fact, as soon as she heard about him, a woman,
00:02:09 she, a woman, no name, she, a woman,
00:02:14 whose little daughter, a younger woman,
00:02:17 was possessed by an impure spirit,
00:02:22 King James says unclean spirit,
00:02:24 came and fell at his feet.
00:02:29 Yeah.
00:02:33 The woman, the woman, still don't give her name,
00:02:36 the woman was a Greek born in Syrian Phoenicia.
00:02:41 Okay.
00:02:43 She begged Jesus at his feet.
00:02:47 She begged Jesus at his feet
00:02:51 to drive the demon out of her daughter.
00:02:55 Two things we know.
00:02:56 We know that she is physiologically a base at his feet.
00:03:01 And if that were not low enough to be a base, she begged.
00:03:08 She begged Jesus at his feet.
00:03:12 "First, let the children eat all they want," Jesus said.
00:03:17 "For it is not right to take the children's bread
00:03:22 and toss it to the dogs."
00:03:27 Right at the end of him saying, referring to her as a dog,
00:03:34 she refers to him as Lord.
00:03:37 She replied, "Even the dogs under the table,
00:03:47 eat the children's crumbs."
00:03:52 Then he told her, "For such a reply."
00:04:00 If you hadn't have said that, you wouldn't have got it.
00:04:03 "But for such a reply."
00:04:05 Ooh, if you say the right thing.
00:04:08 (congregation cheering)
00:04:11 Ooh, gosh, I could tell you,
00:04:14 ooh, gosh, I could just stop right there.
00:04:17 Somebody out of, somebody say,
00:04:19 "Lord, let me say the right thing."
00:04:21 For such a reply, you may go.
00:04:27 The demon not is going to leave,
00:04:30 has left your daughter.
00:04:39 Come on, somebody.
00:04:41 She went home and found her child lying on the bed
00:04:45 and the demon was gone.
00:04:46 The child was there, but the demon was gone.
00:04:51 Oh, we're gonna have some fun this morning.
00:04:58 Let's pray.
00:05:00 Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on us
00:05:03 as we attempt to unveil the hidden treasures and mysteries
00:05:08 of the manifold wisdoms of God hidden within the text.
00:05:12 Allow us to be nimble of thought and agility of mind
00:05:16 that you would endow us with the graces
00:05:18 that makes it possible to make the abstract concrete,
00:05:23 to make the word made flesh,
00:05:26 to create images from texts that permeate our spirit,
00:05:31 not to impress us, but to empower us
00:05:35 that we might do exploits in your name.
00:05:38 In Jesus name, amen.
00:05:40 You may be seated.
00:05:41 Now, if you missed the first half of this message,
00:05:45 you should go on YouTube.
00:05:46 I'm not gonna go back and rehearse all of the information
00:05:50 and the content that I gave on the first half.
00:05:52 I'm gonna pick it up from the second half.
00:05:55 Are you ready to go with me?
00:05:56 It is important for you to realize
00:06:02 that this woman is pushed toward Jesus.
00:06:07 Not so much that she is attracted to him,
00:06:14 but because of the tragedies behind us,
00:06:19 it is what she is going from that drives her to Jesus,
00:06:24 not what she is going to.
00:06:26 It is not her natural scope to connect with Jesus.
00:06:31 That's why the Bible does not worry us
00:06:34 with the information and the minutia of her name.
00:06:38 It tells us much more about her background
00:06:41 so that we can contextualize
00:06:43 that this is not a natural meeting
00:06:46 between a Syro-Phoenician woman and a Jewish Messiah.
00:06:51 It's not natural.
00:06:53 It's not culturally conducive.
00:06:55 It's conflictive.
00:06:57 And yet the Christology of the text
00:07:00 is stronger than the culture of the text.
00:07:03 What is at war here is culture over Christ
00:07:08 or Christ over culture.
00:07:11 So a great deal of emphasis is placed on her background
00:07:15 and her pedigree and her reaction.
00:07:19 I'm learning that in life all we can control
00:07:24 and it takes all of our faith to do this is our reaction.
00:07:30 (congregation murmurs)
00:07:32 We cannot be certain what we will have to face.
00:07:37 We cannot control the stimuli, only the response.
00:07:42 The response is in my control.
00:07:45 I cannot control what you're going to do next,
00:07:49 but I can control how I respond to it.
00:07:54 Truth of the matter is, from the very most astonishing,
00:07:59 astute, spiritually endowed individual in here
00:08:04 to the person who is embryonic in their theology
00:08:07 and elementary in their thinking, all of us have issues.
00:08:12 Rich people have issues.
00:08:16 So if you think money is going to stop you
00:08:19 from having calamities, you're wrong.
00:08:22 Rich people have issues, poor people have issues.
00:08:26 Black people have issues.
00:08:30 White people have issues.
00:08:33 Brown people have issues.
00:08:34 Americans, South Americans, Canadians,
00:08:37 there is no country, tribe, or group that you can join
00:08:42 that exempts you from the shock and the trauma of life.
00:08:51 It happens in our homes, no matter how beautiful they are,
00:08:54 no matter how nice they are,
00:08:56 whether it is a garage apartment
00:08:58 or whether it is a mansion filled with palatial artifacts,
00:09:03 it does not exempt us from having issues in our homes.
00:09:08 And if you escape your home for a season,
00:09:12 it's just a season.
00:09:16 That's why you ought not to look down your nose
00:09:18 at other people's calamity.
00:09:20 (congregation applauding)
00:09:24 Because life will shut your mouth.
00:09:27 Just 'cause you're not having trouble with your children
00:09:33 or with your parents or with your spouse today
00:09:36 doesn't mean that you won't.
00:09:37 And then you're gonna have to eat all that stuff you said
00:09:41 about somebody else, life will shut your mouth.
00:09:44 If you're lucky enough in this season
00:09:46 not to be having trouble in your home,
00:09:49 then you're having it in your workspace.
00:09:51 And if you're lucky enough not to have it in your workspace,
00:09:55 'cause you know, let me tell you something,
00:09:57 these workspaces today,
00:09:59 you're talking about spiritual warfare,
00:10:03 you're talking about attacks of all sorts,
00:10:08 seen and unseen,
00:10:11 you're talking about living in a jungle.
00:10:13 If you wanna go to the jungle, go to work.
00:10:18 It's a jungle at work.
00:10:19 Even if it's your business, it's a jungle at work.
00:10:22 Entrepreneurs, you can own a company
00:10:24 and it's still a jungle at work.
00:10:26 It's a jungle at work to survive, to maintain,
00:10:30 to produce, to deliver.
00:10:32 If it's not with the customers, if it's not with the clients,
00:10:35 if it's not with the clientele, it's with the staff.
00:10:37 If it's not with the staff, it's with the departments.
00:10:40 If it's not with the departments, it's with the leaders.
00:10:42 It's always somebody who's a predator
00:10:47 seeking a victim, even in the workspace.
00:10:50 And if that were not enough,
00:10:53 if you survive the workplace and the house,
00:10:55 there is the war in your own head,
00:10:58 your own self, your own mind,
00:11:02 that sometimes you stay busy to stay out of your own head.
00:11:06 But sooner or later, when you lay down at night,
00:11:09 those voices, anybody lay down at night
00:11:12 with voices in your head?
00:11:14 And I'm not even talking about schizophrenia.
00:11:16 I'm not gonna give a diagnosis on it,
00:11:19 but you got all of these different voices in your head
00:11:22 making you doubt yourself, making you overthink yourself,
00:11:25 making you question yourself, making you angry about things,
00:11:29 making you intimidated by things,
00:11:31 making you fearful about things.
00:11:32 And for us to get out of the bed in the morning
00:11:35 takes courage because we have to fight our way
00:11:38 out of the bed in the morning.
00:11:40 Can I get an amen?
00:11:41 - Amen.
00:11:42 - And the worst part about the fight is
00:11:46 nobody gets to pick their opponent.
00:11:48 Nobody gets to choose.
00:11:52 I wanna wrestle with insecurity.
00:11:55 That's what I pick, I pick insecurity.
00:11:58 I pick intimidation.
00:12:00 I pick being a control person,
00:12:04 what we call an alpha male, alpha woman,
00:12:07 which by the way is not necessarily a sign of strength.
00:12:10 Can be a sign of weakness because you only feel safe
00:12:15 when you're in control and you don't have enough strength
00:12:18 to let go of the wheel.
00:12:20 And so you camouflage your insecurity
00:12:24 with this false sense of power that you need
00:12:27 to validate a secret insecurity
00:12:30 that is cannibalizing all your decisions
00:12:32 and choices in life.
00:12:34 No one gets to pick what they're fighting with.
00:12:37 If I could pick my opponent, I would pick something,
00:12:41 you know, I don't know what I would pick,
00:12:43 but I would pick something that was easy and nice
00:12:47 and simple and publicly acceptable.
00:12:51 But most of us wrestle with demons we can't talk about.
00:12:54 Most of us wrestle with demons that we can't trust
00:13:00 even with close associates.
00:13:03 Most of us wrestle with demons that we can't even trust
00:13:07 with our own family members.
00:13:10 We don't even talk to ourselves about some of the things
00:13:14 that drive us, provoke us, intimidate us,
00:13:16 worry us, upset us.
00:13:18 This woman had a demon in her house.
00:13:21 She had a demon in her house.
00:13:25 Now, it's bad to have one at work,
00:13:28 but you leave work.
00:13:31 When you got one in your house,
00:13:34 now I'm gonna date myself when I say this,
00:13:37 when you are sleeping with the enemy,
00:13:40 (audience laughing)
00:13:43 all the people under 40 look confused.
00:13:46 They don't know what I'm talking about.
00:13:47 Yeah, yeah, that's all right.
00:13:48 Ask your mama when you get home.
00:13:50 It's a movie.
00:13:51 Sleeping with the enemy.
00:13:52 When the demon is in your, when you are related,
00:13:57 this woman's dilemma is complicated because on one hand,
00:14:05 she is clearly against the demon,
00:14:09 but the demon has got her daughter
00:14:11 and she is clearly for her daughter.
00:14:16 What do you do when you have to fight against
00:14:18 what you are against in what you are for?
00:14:22 This is the oldest, most primitive approach
00:14:29 that the enemy has used all the way back
00:14:31 to the Garden of Eden is to take what you hate
00:14:35 and put it in what you love,
00:14:37 goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden
00:14:39 and he's still doing it today
00:14:42 and he's still doing it in your life
00:14:44 and whether you want to admit it or not,
00:14:46 if you got conflict in here,
00:14:48 you have conflict because of the direct correlation
00:14:52 between what you hate and what you love.
00:14:54 I am not conflicted by people I don't care about.
00:15:00 I don't care what you think.
00:15:05 (congregation laughing)
00:15:09 I get so tickled when they get on my social media
00:15:11 and say, "I'm gonna unfollow you."
00:15:13 (congregation laughing)
00:15:14 I think so.
00:15:15 Is that gonna give me cardiac arrest or something
00:15:25 if you unfollow me?
00:15:27 Will I go into foreclosure if you unfollow?
00:15:30 I'm going, I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
00:15:33 Brother Jakes, I'm going to unfollow, unfollow me.
00:15:35 Please unfollow me.
00:15:38 I'll tell you what, I'll make it easy, I'll block you.
00:15:42 (congregation laughing)
00:15:46 Let me help you through this process.
00:15:53 We can make this easy.
00:15:56 I will make the decision for you, back.
00:16:01 But this woman could not say goodbye to the demon
00:16:05 'cause he had her daughter.
00:16:07 You have not lived 'til a demon is after someone you love.
00:16:15 This is a car crash of cataclysmic proportions.
00:16:28 Biblical proportion trauma has happened
00:16:31 because I can't stop loving who I love
00:16:34 and I can't stop hating what I hate.
00:16:37 This spirit of desperation drives this woman
00:16:43 and makes her determined.
00:16:45 And it's funny now, I want you to watch me closely
00:16:49 'cause I'm laying groundwork here.
00:16:52 How she reacts to the trauma tells you a lot about her.
00:16:58 She could not afford to allow herself to get depressed.
00:17:03 Some of us, we all face the same thing
00:17:10 but we don't all react the same way.
00:17:13 Some of us shrink from it and go into a state of depression
00:17:19 as if this catatonic state of depression
00:17:23 would immunize you from the effects of the pain.
00:17:28 (audience murmurs)
00:17:30 She doesn't have time to be depressed
00:17:32 because the time she's wasting on depression
00:17:36 could cost her daughter her life.
00:17:39 So she makes, instead of making the decision
00:17:43 to react with depression,
00:17:46 she becomes desperate and determined.
00:17:49 I won't even talk about desperate
00:17:52 'cause I did that last time
00:17:54 and you need to get the desperate thing
00:17:55 because until you understand desperate,
00:17:59 you won't understand the way we worship.
00:18:01 (audience murmurs)
00:18:05 Cute people don't worship like desperate people.
00:18:11 (audience laughs)
00:18:13 Cute people are more worried about their mascara.
00:18:24 But when you get desperate, you will mess up your whole.
00:18:29 (audience cheers)
00:18:32 When you get desperate, you don't care about your edges,
00:18:36 you don't care about your curls.
00:18:38 Come on, when you get desperate,
00:18:40 you don't care that your tie is crooked,
00:18:42 you don't care if you don't have on a tie,
00:18:45 you don't care if you come out of your shoes.
00:18:47 Have you ever had a problem that made you desperate
00:18:51 and radical for Jesus?
00:18:53 I mean radical for Jesus, I mean uncouth for Jesus.
00:18:56 You don't care if you're on key or out of tune,
00:19:00 you don't care whether the bank can pick you up or not
00:19:03 because you are desperate.
00:19:04 There are some desperate people in this house right now.
00:19:07 There are some determined people in this house right now.
00:19:11 You don't get up in the morning at six o'clock
00:19:13 in the morning, jump in the shower at 6.45,
00:19:16 get out in traffic on a Sunday
00:19:19 if you're not a desperate person.
00:19:22 All the desperate, determined people
00:19:25 make some noise in this house.
00:19:27 (audience cheering)
00:19:30 She couldn't afford to allow the feeling of rejection
00:19:40 to deter her need of a miracle.
00:19:43 She couldn't afford to walk off from Jesus and say,
00:19:47 "How dare you call me a dog?"
00:19:51 She couldn't afford because if she walked off from Jesus,
00:19:55 she was walking off from her child.
00:19:58 This was her last resort.
00:20:02 Call me a dog, call me whatever you want to,
00:20:06 but please call me because I need a breakthrough.
00:20:10 I can't afford to be sensitive.
00:20:14 All of you sensitive people, you're not desperate
00:20:17 because when you really get desperate,
00:20:20 roll your eyes, roll, roll your eyes at me
00:20:25 and see if I care.
00:20:27 I got some real stuff to deal with.
00:20:29 I got a real devil to fight.
00:20:32 I don't care how you look at me.
00:20:34 You not speaking to me, don't mean.
00:20:37 (audience cheering)
00:20:45 She could not afford to allow the feeling of rejection
00:20:48 to deter her need of a miracle.
00:20:50 It's amazing how some people allow the attack
00:20:55 to destroy them while others use the attack
00:21:00 to determine them.
00:21:03 You either get bitter or you get better.
00:21:13 You either rise up or you shrink down.
00:21:17 This woman had a decision to make.
00:21:20 She couldn't pick her devil,
00:21:22 but she could choose her reaction.
00:21:24 And sooner or later, you get tired
00:21:27 of the enemy pushing you around.
00:21:29 Sooner or later, you get tired of people saying
00:21:32 whatever they want to say
00:21:33 and you can't say nothing back.
00:21:35 Sooner or later, you get tired of missing your blessing
00:21:39 while you talk yourself out of the best life you ever had
00:21:43 in your life, allowing your fear to drive your future.
00:21:48 Sooner or later, you say I'd rather fight my fear
00:21:52 than lose my future.
00:21:54 Sooner or later, you make up in your mind,
00:21:57 come on, come on up in here.
00:21:59 (audience cheering)
00:22:11 What is it that makes some people shrink away,
00:22:15 hide in obscurity, melt into the canvas of ordinary
00:22:21 rather than to confront the possibility
00:22:25 of what they could be, what they should be?
00:22:28 Everybody in here has to make this choice all the time.
00:22:33 Do I hide or do I fight?
00:22:40 Do I run or do I stand?
00:22:44 Do I give up or do I give it everything I got?
00:22:50 This is a daily decision.
00:22:57 And yet, what amazes me, though we all are exposed
00:23:02 to the same stimuli, we don't always have the same response.
00:23:08 I mean even believers, I mean even Christians,
00:23:13 this isn't just spiritual.
00:23:15 There are a lot of things that come to play
00:23:20 in how you respond.
00:23:22 Your background, your family, your history,
00:23:28 all contribute to how you respond
00:23:33 when there's a devil in your house.
00:23:38 What was modeled in front of you.
00:23:40 How your mama responded, how your daddy responded,
00:23:46 how your grandma responded teaches us how to respond.
00:23:50 The best thing you can teach your children
00:23:52 is not calculus.
00:23:54 It's how to react to trouble.
00:24:01 Even if the trouble is coming from in your own head.
00:24:06 How do you react?
00:24:07 (audience cheering)
00:24:10 That's what I wanna see in you.
00:24:14 How you react.
00:24:16 That's what tells me what you're made of.
00:24:19 Not your Gucci bag.
00:24:22 Not your Saint Laurent purse.
00:24:26 Not your red bottom shoes.
00:24:28 That doesn't tell me anything about how you react.
00:24:32 That doesn't tell me anything about how you react.
00:24:37 That, stay with me, stay with me.
00:24:39 That doesn't tell me anything about how you react.
00:24:44 Your Porsche, your Bentley, doesn't tell me jack
00:24:49 about what I got when I got you.
00:24:52 In fact, it may only be the disguise.
00:24:58 Your biceps, your triceps, your muscles,
00:25:06 your functions, all of that stuff,
00:25:08 that's good, that's wonderful.
00:25:09 I ain't hatin' on you, I got 'em,
00:25:11 they fail, but they're here.
00:25:12 (audience laughing)
00:25:15 They're in retirement, but they're here, glory to God.
00:25:22 That's not the point.
00:25:24 But often we hide with superficial power
00:25:28 to hide internal, deep insecurity.
00:25:35 Go and buy you some new hips.
00:25:39 (audience laughing)
00:25:42 Never thought I'd live to the day that, you know,
00:25:45 I shouldn't go further, should I?
00:25:50 No.
00:25:50 We had department stores, but they didn't sell.
00:25:55 I see these folk one day, they come in here,
00:26:01 their pants all sunk in in the back like pancakes,
00:26:04 and then two weeks later, they come in
00:26:07 and look like two bears fighting in the wood, I think.
00:26:10 Ain't that much work, ain't that many squats
00:26:13 in the world, baby.
00:26:15 (stammering)
00:26:18 Come on, I detect no lies.
00:26:29 (audience laughing)
00:26:32 I ain't hatin' on you.
00:26:39 If you bought you some lips or something.
00:26:44 (audience cheering)
00:26:49 I'm not hatin' on you.
00:26:51 I'm just telling you that new lips,
00:26:54 changing the color of your eyes,
00:26:56 changing the girth of your hips,
00:26:58 or whatever you decide to change
00:27:02 will not necessarily make you stronger
00:27:07 in how you react to a problem.
00:27:15 You can't implant strength.
00:27:18 (audience cheering)
00:27:22 Come on with me.
00:27:23 I'm ready for you this morning.
00:27:27 Bring it right down front, I got something for you.
00:27:30 (audience cheering)
00:27:33 What is it that we all face the same stuff,
00:27:38 but we react completely differently?
00:27:40 I can only conclude that the same sun
00:27:51 that hardens the clay
00:27:56 melts the wax.
00:27:59 The same sun, depending on the material of what it hits,
00:28:07 either melts you or hardens you.
00:28:15 Look at somebody and say, show me what you're working with.
00:28:19 You can't stop the sun from hitting you,
00:28:23 but show me what you're working with.
00:28:25 Show me what you're working with.
00:28:27 Is there any fight up under that dress?
00:28:29 Is there any fight up under them pants?
00:28:32 Is there any determination?
00:28:35 They're coming hell or high water.
00:28:37 Devil, you can't have my house.
00:28:39 Devil, you can't have my child.
00:28:41 Devil, you can't have my son.
00:28:43 Devil, you can't have my marriage.
00:28:45 Devil, you can't have my money.
00:28:48 No, no, you can't have it.
00:28:50 (audience cheering)
00:28:53 (audience cheering)
00:28:56 Slap somebody and tell them he got the wrong one this time.
00:29:03 (audience laughing)
00:29:06 Make some noise if I'm talking to you.
00:29:21 Make some noise if I'm coming down your street.
00:29:24 Make some noise if God is talking to you
00:29:27 about how to deal with the trouble you're facing right now.
00:29:31 Make some noise if you're getting tools
00:29:34 to fight the devil that's after your house,
00:29:37 after your mind, after your resources, after your stuff.
00:29:43 (audience cheering)
00:29:46 Touch a neighbor and tell them I'm determined.
00:29:58 You're cute, but I'm determined.
00:30:01 You're fancy, but I'm determined.
00:30:04 You're educated, but I'm determined.
00:30:06 You're trained, but I'm determined.
00:30:09 You're gorgeous, but I'm determined.
00:30:12 And if you back me in a corner,
00:30:14 if I have to crawl to Jesus,
00:30:17 if I have to slide to Jesus,
00:30:20 if I have to get on my knees.
00:30:22 Y'all sit down 'cause I feel like
00:30:34 something's about to happen in here this morning.
00:30:36 Something's about to happen in here this morning.
00:30:39 Something's about to happen in here this morning.
00:30:41 Something's about to happen in here this morning.
00:30:44 Something's about to happen in here this morning.
00:30:46 Something's about to happen in here this morning.
00:30:49 Somebody who was melting up under the sun
00:30:52 didn't recognize that you got a choice.
00:30:54 You either melt or you get hard.
00:30:57 You either melt or you man up.
00:31:00 You either melt or you stand up.
00:31:02 You only got two choices.
00:31:05 (audience cheering)
00:31:08 Let me go further.
00:31:15 What I love about this woman
00:31:17 is that she didn't have time to get in her feelings.
00:31:24 (audience cheering)
00:31:27 (audience cheering)
00:31:30 He called her a dog and she stepped right over it
00:31:42 and kept right on talking.
00:31:45 Yeah, but what you gonna do about my daughter?
00:31:47 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:31:48 Whoa, whoa, bah, bah.
00:31:49 (imitating dog barking)
00:31:53 (imitating dog barking)
00:31:56 Yeah.
00:31:57 (audience cheering)
00:32:00 Somebody oughta bark up in here.
00:32:04 (audience booing)
00:32:07 When you hear me barking,
00:32:13 that means I'm gonna get what I'm after.
00:32:15 When you hear me start barking,
00:32:18 you can't run me away 'cause you don't like me.
00:32:21 When you see me barking, you messing with the wrong man.
00:32:25 (audience cheering)
00:32:28 Let me give you just a little bit more
00:32:33 and then I'm gonna close up.
00:32:34 I'm gonna wrap this up
00:32:35 'cause this gonna turn into part three if I don't hear it.
00:32:39 (audience booing)
00:32:43 (audience cheering)
00:32:46 (imitating dog barking)
00:32:58 (audience cheering)
00:33:08 (audience cheering)
00:33:11 (imitating dog barking)
00:33:18 (audience cheering)
00:33:21 (audience cheering)
00:33:37 (audience cheering)
00:33:40 Sit down, you gonna make me go crazy up in here.
00:33:45 I didn't wear my collar this morning.
00:33:49 I'm about to break my chain up in here, Fred.
00:33:52 (imitating dog barking)
00:33:55 Hallelujah!
00:34:06 Let me get my composure.
00:34:08 We got company here, I gotta be intelligent.
00:34:10 (audience cheering)
00:34:13 So I was reading a book by Chris Voss
00:34:23 called "Never Split the Difference."
00:34:26 The book is called "Never Split the Difference."
00:34:29 It's by Chris Voss, who is a master negotiator
00:34:35 that is designed to negotiate in terroristic situations
00:34:40 where they bring him in, trained by the FBI,
00:34:46 to negotiate the release of captives.
00:34:49 And what occurred to me as I was reading
00:34:56 "Never Split the Difference"
00:34:58 is that what I am witnessing in the text
00:35:03 is the woman is a negotiator,
00:35:06 the demon is a terrorist,
00:35:11 and she's trying to negotiate a release.
00:35:18 Somebody say release!
00:35:20 Release!
00:35:21 Release!
00:35:23 Release!
00:35:25 So Chris Voss coined a phrase called "tactical empathy."
00:35:30 Tactical empathy implies that you have developed
00:35:35 the art of listening and acknowledging
00:35:38 the other person's feelings and needs,
00:35:42 and using this understanding of their humanity
00:35:46 and perspective, you build a rapport
00:35:49 with the person you're negotiating with and trust.
00:35:54 Tactical empathy.
00:35:59 Empathy.
00:36:01 Allows you to connect with the other party
00:36:03 and effectively navigate through conflicts
00:36:07 or negotiate for positive outcomes,
00:36:11 increasing the likelihood of a successful resolution.
00:36:16 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
00:36:22 So in the book, he talks about
00:36:24 how he negotiates with terrorists,
00:36:26 and he talks about how they brought him to Yale,
00:36:29 where the professionally trained negotiators
00:36:33 put their methodology against his,
00:36:35 and his always won because he used tactical empathy.
00:36:40 The book goes on to talk about everything is negotiation.
00:36:49 Marriage is negotiation.
00:36:53 Business is negotiation.
00:36:56 Winning souls is negotiation.
00:36:58 I'm negotiating with the terrorists to let them go.
00:37:01 I'm always, when Moses goes down to Pharaoh,
00:37:04 he's negotiating with Pharaoh.
00:37:06 God said, "Let my people go."
00:37:08 That's negotiation with a terrorist.
00:37:13 When God, the voice of the Lord,
00:37:15 walked through the cool of the garden
00:37:16 and covered the skins of Adam,
00:37:19 well, with the innocent animal,
00:37:21 he was negotiating with Satan.
00:37:25 The book of Redemption is about the book of negotiation.
00:37:28 Are you following me?
00:37:31 Hear what I'm saying to you.
00:37:34 This is negotiation at its finest.
00:37:37 This woman, all the time that I saw her,
00:37:42 before I saw her as a woman, I saw her as a mother,
00:37:46 I didn't see her as a negotiator.
00:37:52 This is one of the few times, if not the only time,
00:37:56 in Scripture that I can recall
00:37:59 where somebody negotiated with Jesus
00:38:02 and changed.
00:38:08 Now, you know you bad when you can negotiate with Jesus.
00:38:21 And he's not thinking about her.
00:38:24 He's hiding in the house
00:38:26 'cause he doesn't wanna even do anything in this region.
00:38:29 She finds him hidden in the house
00:38:35 and negotiates the release of her daughter
00:38:41 from the captivity of a demon
00:38:43 by the power of tactical empathy.
00:38:51 So if you're gonna use tactical empathy,
00:38:53 you cannot afford to get mad when he calls you a dog.
00:38:58 In fact, in the King James Version, she said, "Truth, Lord.
00:39:04 "I am a dog."
00:39:10 Now, can I go deeper?
00:39:18 'Cause I feel like going a little deeper.
00:39:19 I wanna go a little deeper.
00:39:21 'Cause this is gonna change somebody's life.
00:39:23 It's gonna determine whether you get a position.
00:39:25 It's gonna determine whether you get your daughter back.
00:39:28 It's gonna determine what happens in your marriage.
00:39:30 It's gonna determine your prayer life.
00:39:32 It's gonna determine how you talk to God.
00:39:34 It's gonna change everything
00:39:36 because you're so busy defending your perspective.
00:39:40 You never use tactical empathy
00:39:44 to the detriment of every relationship in your life
00:39:49 'cause you can never see it from the other person's side.
00:39:53 And as long as they feel unheard, they feel disrespected.
00:39:59 And as long as they feel disrespected,
00:40:03 you're going to win the battle and lose the war.
00:40:07 You're trying to prove I'm just as tough as you are.
00:40:11 What good is it to out-tough them
00:40:16 if you lose the victim?
00:40:19 Can I go deeper?
00:40:23 In the Bible, Jesus references the Syrophoenician woman
00:40:26 as a dog.
00:40:27 It can be found in Mark 7:24,
00:40:30 for those of you that are taking notes,
00:40:32 7:24 through 30, as well as the Gospel of Saint Matthew
00:40:37 in chapter 15, verse 21 through 28.
00:40:42 That incident occurs when the woman, a Gentile,
00:40:47 approaches Jesus begging for help
00:40:51 to heal her demon-possessed daughter.
00:40:54 Jesus responds negatively, not affirmatively.
00:41:00 He refers to her as a dog,
00:41:04 and it can be seen as an expression
00:41:07 of the cultural attitudes prevalent
00:41:12 in Jesus' time toward her people.
00:41:16 You also see it with the woman at the well,
00:41:27 when she talks about, "You know my people
00:41:31 "have no dealings with your people."
00:41:33 So, culturalism and Christology has been at war
00:41:38 even to today.
00:41:41 (congregation murmurs)
00:41:43 This is not new.
00:41:44 Not to mention misogynistic overtones,
00:41:51 meaning, to break it down, she's a woman.
00:41:55 She's a woman.
00:41:58 She's a woman.
00:42:00 Y'all don't get it, because y'all grew up at a time
00:42:04 that now being a woman is a plus,
00:42:07 but the text takes place at a time
00:42:10 that they don't even give us her name.
00:42:12 They tell us she's a woman.
00:42:17 She's a woman, and a Gentile woman is that.
00:42:23 Dogs in Jesus' day were considered unclean by Jewish law.
00:42:28 They were like rats, and were associated with Gentiles,
00:42:33 and to call a Gentile a dog was as derogatory.
00:42:37 Come on, I'm gonna bring it home.
00:42:46 I'm gonna bring it home, 'cause I want you to feel
00:42:49 what she had to climb over to get a breakthrough.
00:42:54 She couldn't flip out and say, "Who you calling a dog?"
00:43:02 'Cause her daughter was held captive.
00:43:05 Sometimes your anger is your enemy,
00:43:12 because you cannot negotiate a settlement
00:43:18 while you're being personally insulted.
00:43:23 You gotta decide what's most important to you.
00:43:27 I gotta go on.
00:43:29 Furthermore, Jesus' primary mission
00:43:32 during His earthly ministry was focused on Jewish people,
00:43:36 and He emphasized it in the text by saying,
00:43:39 "I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.
00:43:44 "I'm not even sent to you."
00:43:47 So she keep negotiating.
00:43:50 The woman perseveres, shows great faith
00:43:57 by responding to Jesus, not trading insults.
00:44:02 But she got down, and she responds to Him with humility.
00:44:10 She said, "Yeah, Lord, I got that about the dog stuff."
00:44:18 And she turns the negative into a plus.
00:44:25 She takes what He said to her
00:44:28 and uses it in an illustration to get what she's after.
00:44:33 She shows him the advantage.
00:44:38 Come on here with me.
00:44:44 She said, "Yeah, what sounds like a disadvantage
00:44:49 "in your mouth is an advantage in my mouth,"
00:44:52 she said, "because there are some benefits
00:44:54 "to being a dog."
00:45:00 So since I'm a dog, I got nothing to lose.
00:45:04 Since I'm a dog, I don't have to worry about impressing you.
00:45:08 Since I'm a dog, you understand that I can respond to you
00:45:12 in an unexpected way while you go ahead with your children.
00:45:20 She said, "Even the dogs eat the crumbs
00:45:24 "that fall from the master's table."
00:45:28 Are you with me?
00:45:30 And Jesus is blown away.
00:45:34 I wonder what God wants you to negotiate
00:45:39 that's got you here this morning, that got you online,
00:45:44 that's got you listening at me right now.
00:45:46 What have you accepted that you could alter
00:45:50 if you negotiated from a different perspective?
00:45:53 Jesus is shocked at the faith
00:45:59 in the woman who is a Gentile,
00:46:02 and he praises her, ultimately granting her request
00:46:09 and healing her daughter.
00:46:11 And ain't that all that matters?
00:46:14 I said, ain't that all that matters?
00:46:16 I'm gonna go a little bit deeper and I'm gonna close.
00:46:19 I'm doing good, I'm doing good, I got time.
00:46:21 Oh my God.
00:46:25 That's like saying, "Sink 'em to a dog, boy,
00:46:28 "don't you do that?"
00:46:30 This encounter highlights Jesus' inclusiveness
00:46:37 and willingness to extend his blessings
00:46:39 beyond Jewish boundaries,
00:46:42 showing that salvation and grace are not limited
00:46:45 to a specific ethnic group or religious group.
00:46:50 Don't let anybody convince you
00:46:53 that they own your salvation.
00:46:56 Don't let anybody convince you
00:47:01 because they don't agree with you that you're not saved.
00:47:04 Don't let anybody tweet back to you
00:47:09 and tell you you're going to hell,
00:47:12 'cause they don't own it.
00:47:13 And they don't own you.
00:47:16 And all they own is an opinion.
00:47:19 And rather than to argue with them
00:47:21 about something they don't own in the first place,
00:47:24 what I'm getting at is that this woman teaches us
00:47:33 something about humility, faith,
00:47:36 and the power of persistent prayer.
00:47:40 She negotiates a change
00:47:42 because she allowed what happened to her
00:47:46 to knock her to her knees.
00:47:49 It knocked her to her knees.
00:47:52 Can I go back just for a minute?
00:47:55 And then I'm gonna go forward
00:47:56 and then I'm gonna get out and eat some chicken.
00:47:58 In that order, I'm gonna go back,
00:48:02 I'm gonna go forward, I'm gonna go home.
00:48:05 Go back, go forward, go home.
00:48:10 When the Bible emphasizes so much her ethnicity,
00:48:14 it is letting you know that this is a cultural war.
00:48:17 She is a Syro-Phoenician woman,
00:48:24 what is now Syria and Phoenicia.
00:48:28 Syria was the name given to a particular part
00:48:34 and sect of the Roman Empire.
00:48:36 It was a Roman province, actually,
00:48:39 that included the present day Syria,
00:48:41 Lebanon, and Turkey, and Israel,
00:48:45 later merging with Judea to become Syria-Palestina.
00:48:50 Watch this.
00:48:55 Phoenicians were an ancient Semitic people
00:49:02 related to the biblical Canaanites
00:49:08 who inhabited cities, states throughout the Mediterranean.
00:49:13 One of the population centers was Tyre,
00:49:17 which was a population center because it is a coastal city.
00:49:22 And because it is a coastal city,
00:49:25 even in this present day Lebanon,
00:49:28 about 12 miles north of the borders of Israel.
00:49:32 What I'm trying to show you
00:49:35 is that their cultures had history.
00:49:39 So she's related to the Canaanites.
00:49:44 They're on the border, a coastal region,
00:49:48 where all the imports come in.
00:49:50 Doesn't it make sense that all the imports
00:49:54 would come in to the Phoenicians?
00:49:57 Come on, even high school students remember
00:49:59 that the Phoenicians were known for building ships.
00:50:03 (congregation murmuring)
00:50:06 So in order for Israel to get products,
00:50:10 they had to deal with the Phoenicians.
00:50:13 But they didn't like the Phoenicians
00:50:17 because they'd been fighting with the Phoenicians
00:50:21 all the way back to Jezebel,
00:50:23 who was a Phoenician.
00:50:29 And you will remember that Jezebel worshiped
00:50:34 a god called Baal,
00:50:36 who was the male version of the female goddess Ashtaroth.
00:50:41 So they were Semitic ancestrally,
00:50:47 but spiritually they couldn't be any more different.
00:50:50 So while Israel was worshiping Jehovah,
00:50:54 they were worshiping Baal.
00:50:57 So when Jezebel marries Ahab,
00:51:00 she brings the 450 prophets, come on,
00:51:06 from Baal over into Israel,
00:51:10 which caused Elijah to call fire down from heaven.
00:51:15 And he took a sword and killed all the prophets of Baal.
00:51:22 This woman had history.
00:51:25 (congregation murmuring)
00:51:29 And all of that is playing into the negotiation.
00:51:32 All of that is why Jesus is hiding in the house,
00:51:36 'cause he doesn't really want to give a miracle
00:51:41 to some people who have never considered him
00:51:46 or his father or his ancestry or his people,
00:51:51 and they have done nothing but cause trouble.
00:51:55 And Jesus, since he's going through the region,
00:51:58 is hiding in the house, but his glory could not be hidden.
00:52:02 (congregation cheering)
00:52:06 So I'm gonna move along.
00:52:12 This woman has three strikes against her.
00:52:16 Number one, she's a woman.
00:52:18 Number two, she's a Gentile.
00:52:23 Number three, she's a foreigner,
00:52:26 rendering her triply marginalized.
00:52:31 I want you to see what all she had to climb over
00:52:35 to get to Jesus.
00:52:38 He's another God.
00:52:42 He's another culture.
00:52:44 We have history, and he's a man.
00:52:49 (congregation murmuring)
00:52:53 And when she encounters Jesus,
00:52:56 rather than debating Jesus,
00:52:59 rather than being insulted by Jesus,
00:53:03 she doesn't just come in the room.
00:53:05 She falls at his feet.
00:53:09 (congregation cheering)
00:53:13 Your pride is stopping you from getting this miracle.
00:53:17 Your pride is stopping you from getting this miracle.
00:53:20 Look at somebody and say, "If you can get down,
00:53:23 "you can get up."
00:53:26 If you can stop getting the last word in,
00:53:30 if you can stop arguing back with everybody,
00:53:33 if you can make up in your mind
00:53:35 that what you're after is more important than how you feel,
00:53:38 if you can make up in your mind
00:53:40 that you don't care what you look like,
00:53:42 you don't care what people say about you,
00:53:45 you don't care what they think about you,
00:53:47 all you want is a breakthrough from God,
00:53:49 God will give you a breakthrough right now.
00:53:52 Who am I talking to in the house?
00:53:54 (congregation cheering)
00:53:58 Touch three people and tell 'em I want it.
00:54:03 I want it real bad.
00:54:05 I want it bad enough to get down.
00:54:09 I want it bad enough to step over being shy.
00:54:13 I'll step over being shy.
00:54:16 I'll step over being insecure.
00:54:18 I'll step over being the only one in the room.
00:54:21 Whatever I gotta do to get a breakthrough,
00:54:24 I want a breakthrough from the Lord.
00:54:26 Is there anybody in here, up there, over there, over there,
00:54:31 or online who wants a breakthrough from the Lord?
00:54:40 Look at your neighbor and say, this is a get down Sunday.
00:54:43 If you get down, you can get up.
00:54:50 If you get down, you can get up again.
00:54:56 You can get your fight back again.
00:54:58 You can get your courage back again.
00:55:01 You can get your identity back again.
00:55:04 Touch a neighbor and say, excuse me, I gotta get down.
00:55:08 I know I'm surrounded by all these nicey, nice,
00:55:11 cute church people, but I'm a get down woman.
00:55:15 I'm a get down kind of guy.
00:55:17 I don't care what nobody thinks about me.
00:55:20 I'll come out of my coat.
00:55:22 I'll come out of my image.
00:55:24 I gotta get a breakthrough from the Lord.
00:55:27 Somebody give me 30 seconds of crazy praise.
00:55:30 (congregation cheering)
00:55:33 Crazy praise.
00:55:37 (congregation cheering)
00:55:40 Crazy praise.
00:55:41 No, I said crazy praise.
00:55:44 Praise Him like you can get down.
00:55:47 Praise Him like you want something from the Lord.
00:55:51 Praise Him like you mean business.
00:55:54 Praise Him like you got a devil to fight.
00:55:57 Praise Him like you got a score to settle.
00:56:00 Praise Him like you want to rebuke cancer.
00:56:03 Praise Him like you want healing in your body.
00:56:05 You got 10 seconds left to find the feet of Jesus.
00:56:10 I got to get to His feet.
00:56:15 You go ahead and get His business card.
00:56:17 I got to get to His feet.
00:56:20 I need a touch from the Lord.
00:56:22 Somebody open your mouth and shout unto God.
00:56:26 (congregation cheering)
00:56:34 I can't hear you.
00:56:35 I'm not talking to the church folk.
00:56:38 I'm just talking to the dogs.
00:56:41 The church folk can go home.
00:56:43 This is a doggy message.
00:56:46 I want to talk to people who are sick of the devil.
00:56:49 Open your mouth and shout unto God.
00:56:52 (congregation cheering)
00:56:55 (dramatic music)
00:56:58 See, let me show you something.
00:57:12 This woman levels an indictment
00:57:16 against the children of God,
00:57:19 against the children of Israel.
00:57:21 She said, "Go ahead and give them the loss,
00:57:25 "'cause your children are entitled anyway.
00:57:27 "They've had you so long
00:57:31 "that they don't appreciate what they got.
00:57:33 "And my problem with most church folk
00:57:36 "is that you're so used to the anointing.
00:57:39 "You're so knowledgeable about the anointing.
00:57:42 "You've got so many opinions that you've lost your hunger.
00:57:47 "And that's why I like to preach to the dogs.
00:57:50 "Are there any dogs in the house?"
00:57:53 Hallelujah, make some noise.
00:57:56 (congregation cheering)
00:58:00 This woman says, "Your children have always had you.
00:58:03 "And I'm not asking for their bread.
00:58:07 "I don't even need their bread.
00:58:11 "I can live off of what your children waste."
00:58:15 And the truth of the matter is,
00:58:17 the church is so used to the anointing
00:58:20 that you can be in the presence of God
00:58:23 and cross your legs and be cute,
00:58:26 like you don't need nothing from the Lord.
00:58:29 But there are a few thousand desperate people
00:58:33 in this house that know how to get down
00:58:38 and get a touch from the Lord.
00:58:41 Where are my desperate people?
00:58:44 You didn't come to show off your shoes.
00:58:47 You didn't come to be important.
00:58:49 You don't care where you sit.
00:58:51 You just need a touch from God.
00:58:54 I want you to take over this place right now.
00:58:58 (congregation cheering)
00:59:01 (dramatic music)
00:59:06 Touch your neighbor and say, "Excuse me.
00:59:19 "Let me by."
00:59:21 You go ahead and stand there.
00:59:24 I'm a dog.
00:59:25 I got a devil to fight.
00:59:28 I got a cancer to rebuke.
00:59:30 I got a depression to overcome.
00:59:32 I need a touch from the Lord,
00:59:35 and I'm willing to get at his feet
00:59:37 to get what I need from the Lord.
00:59:40 I'm gonna give you 30 seconds
00:59:43 to stop acting like everything's cool with you
00:59:46 and come out wherever you are
00:59:49 and say, "For God I live,
00:59:52 "and for God I'll die."
00:59:54 (shouting)
01:00:02 I'm coming to get it.
01:00:09 I'm coming to get it.
01:00:11 I'm not going home without it.
01:00:13 I won't leave till I get it.
01:00:16 I won't run till I get it.
01:00:18 I'm coming to get it.
01:00:19 I don't care what I got on.
01:00:22 I don't care whether I'm matching or not.
01:00:24 I just need a touch from God.
01:00:27 Open your mouth and holler.
01:00:29 (congregation cheering)
01:00:32 (dramatic music)
01:00:35 (dramatic music)
01:00:37 (dramatic music)
01:00:40 (dramatic music)
01:00:43 (dramatic music)
01:00:46 [BLANK_AUDIO]